Read Immortals Children Of The Gods Page 1


  Children Of The Gods

  By M’tain A. Dubois

  To my brother’s Vinny Buscema, Scotty Buscema and Art Flores. Thank you all for the encouragement and love you showed, this book is for you guys, I love you all.


  Copyright 2013 By M’tain A. Dubois

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons either living or deceased is purely coincidental. Names, places, characters and incidents are products of the authors’ imagination or are used fictitiously. The author holds the rights to this work. It is illegal to reproduce this novel without written expressed consent from the author himself.

  Chapter 1

  In the dark quiet of the forest night around him, the shallow breath escaping his lips seems loud and noticeably out of place in the silence of the surrounding woods where he’s hiding on the edge of the town. Focusing in front of him he watched his breath steam slightly from the chill in the air but he can’t decide if it’s from the cold of the night or the light rain falling gently all around him.

  Through the rain the area looks almost tranquil, serene even, but he knows better than to believe the lie his eyes see. The many buildings scattered in front of him are quiet at three in the morning (for the most part) but that doesn’t mean they’re empty in the least. They should be empty the businesses usually are at night, for his sake he hopes and prays that they are.

  Vacant or not though, there’s no way around doing this tonight. He needs the cash one way or another, tomorrow Ragnar will demand the so called protection money from him and the others, and right now Kol doesn’t have it, he’s seen what happens to the kids that don’t pay. In fact he’s felt it and he has no desire to join that group again, most of them end up in the hospital, but every once in a while a few of the unlucky ones end up in the grave.

  “There’s nothing like being pushed around by a bully.” He thinks. “I’m a demigod son of Loki and what does that mean? Absolutely squat, because unfortunately my powers haven’t fully developed yet and even if they did no one likes Loki or his children demigod or otherwise. I’m a good fighter and there aren’t many people that can beat me, but Ragnar is one of them, advantage of being a son of Thor I suppose. Tell you the truth though even without our demigod abilities at full strength I’m pretty much useless against him.”

  He looks down at his five foot eight body before slowly brushing back his black hair with his hand and allowing his yellow brown eyes to scan the area once again. He’s pretty built although it could be better. Ragnar on the other hand is six foot one at fifteen years old with blond hair and blue eyes and he is built like the gods himself.

  Thinking back he remembers that he missed the payment last time and got his body beat so badly that he couldn’t walk for an entire week, not this time, if he’s right he’ll have enough money to pay his dues and leave this place to find his own way in the world at last.

  Kol’s dream is to become a hero, and although his father isn’t the most popular among the people or the gods he is determined to be different.

  “So what if I’m judged the moment anyone finds out who I am even more than other demigods. I won’t be like him, I will honor all of the gods and I will be a champion among the people.” He thinks.

  Focusing on his dream of the future for a moment he begins formulating a plan, he needs to get across the Norse lands and to Greece, he has heard that the demigods there are treated like kings.

  “Even if that isn’t true anywhere has got to be better than here. Fifteen years old I should already be living as a soldier or blacksmith or anything but a bum scrounging for money just to pay it to someone else.” He thinks. “Speaking of which it’s about that time, this is as clear as the area is likely to get.”

  The building is on metal stilts raising the structure ten feet off of the ground giving it an eerie look in the forming mist of the night, it’s the best known bar in town as well as the roughest, only the bravest and most cut throat of Vikings drink and fight at Draug’s.

  Two nights ago during a fight one of the brawlers coin pouch fell behind two barrels of ale while Kol looked on during one of his missions to find food for himself and since the man ended up dead Kol doubted he’d be missing it. Hopefully no one else had found it, assuming his luck holds he’ll be in and out before anyone even knows he was there.

  The young demigod known as Kol looks around the area one last time anxiously; although he complains about the city of Skaalholt where he was left to be raised he still couldn’t help but love the beauty of the landscape all around the city. As for the city itself, it is strong and safe built to handle any attack. The city is the height of building and perfection that he knows of, buildings tower over fifty feet in the air. Strong and beautiful wood walls frame each house covered in intricate designs telling the story of each family that resides within. All roads lead to the castle that has metal framing (the first of its kind here) woven into the walls and doors making it a strong hold of unequaled proportion. Also, the height and size of the building towers looking like it could reach all the way to Asgard. The beautiful designs tell the story of the royal family and its divine right to rule given to them by Odin himself and although he has heard of buildings putting even this marvel to shame, such amazing things are built in others lands that his heart aches to see them.

  The massive forest surrounding the kingdom is as quiet as the city itself giving him pause for a moment as to what may be wrong, everything should not be this silent it never is, something is coming he can feel it. He’s out of time, whether or not he has to go now.

  Steeling his nerves, he runs quickly towards the small fence line surrounding the bar and in a one fluid motion he flips over the five foot wood with ease landing in the courtyard of the bar.

  Without missing a beat he keeps running full force until he reaches the building sliding under the structure into the shadowy darkness. Making his way slowly to the edge of the building at the far end he constantly looks up staring through the cracks of the floor checking for any signs of life. Luckily everything looks completely clear with only a few candles burning for light causing shadows to dance across the bar.

  The secret trap door that the bar owner had placed there was well hidden and Kol was ready to use it once again. “Here we go, father watch over me…for once.” He grumbles.

  A slight wind blows through the forest flowing straight into the town stopping underneath the bar in a small whirlwind for a moment giving Kol hope that his father actually listened to him and might be watching over him for once.

  With a deep breath he concentrates for a moment focusing all of his power and skill together, then in one quick motion it explodes as he jumps from the floor all the way to the trap door pushing it open as he sails through silently into the bar.

  Swiftly and without a sound he closes the trap door, he looks around the room scanning for any signs of life. Finally satisfied after a few minutes he is about to run over to the barrel where the man lost his coin purse but before he can make his move, something catches his attention out of the corner of his eye causing him to pause.

  In less than a second Kol disappears again melding into the shadows becoming invisible immediately, again he scans the bar reaching out with all of his senses looking for what it was that caught his attention. He frowns unable to find the source until a sound from the far corner shatters the deafening silence.

  With laser like focus he stares at the area straining to see into the darkness at the same moment he pulls a small knife from his pocket. Soundlessly Kol watches a large man standing at least six foot six as he lumbers out of the shadows toward the nearest bar stool. He’s not bad looking even though he is marred do
zens of scars on his arms and face, typical of many Norsemen. His blond hair is falling into his face leaving only one of his icy blue eyes visible.

  As he reaches the bar he uses his massive hands to brush the hair from his face reveling his other eye which is milky white from damage sporting a long scar down his cheek. With a bothered grunt he reaches over the bar grabbing a bottle of whiskey nearest to him.

  “Looks like I’m out of luck, thanks for the help dad.” He thinks turning back toward the trap door slowly.

  A breath before he reaches the trap door the main double doors to the bar flies open with a man standing calmly with his sword drawn.

  “Bjorn, I thought you would have the sense to have left the town by now.” Said the man with a laugh.

  Without turning around Bjorn pours himself another shot before responding. “And why would I leave Hervor?”

  “Because your interference resulted in the death of Mara.” He says flatly stepping a little closer.

  “Which is why I’m drinking my problems away, and so you know, this is a private party that you weren’t invited to, now go away.” Says Bjorn slamming down his shot glass and turning to face the other man.

  “It’s a public place Bjorn, there’s no law against me being here now is there?” Questions the man drawing closer with a treacherous smile.

  “Are you so determined to meet the gods that you would dare stay here against my wishes?” Asks Bjorn standing up and heading towards the man without drawing a weapon.

  “I will not meet Hel today Bjorn, but when you get there, tell her who it is that sent you to her realm for me, there will be no Valhalla for you.” He says raising his sword for an attack.

  Before he can reach him the dim light of the room catches the blade of the dagger as it flies through the air flashing for a moment as it moves towards Hervor with blinding speed.

  Vainly he tries to dodge but it’s futile as the blade finds a new home piercing Hervor’s throat. Gaging on his blood he stumbles forward in a vain attempt to reach Bjorn with one final swing of his sword.

  Bjorn tilts his head to the side more amused at the attempt then worried by it, with a smile he stays perfectly still as the sword cuts through the air slicing his face slightly leaving a red lash before Hervor falls to the floor dead.

  “What will you do now little one?” Questions Bjorn heading back towards the bar.

  Unsure what to say Kol remains perfectly still and silent unable to do anything except watch.

  “I’ve known you were here the whole time there’s no point in hiding still boy, but, that being said, don’t take that personally you are quite good at remaining silent.”

  Hesitantly Kol walks out of the shadows towards Bjorn. “I think the question sir is what will you do now?”

  “Simple, I’m going to finish this bottle, in regards to you though? Well that depends, what were your intentions in coming here?” Questions Bjorn slamming another shot.

  “A man died here the other night, during the battle his coin purse dropped behind a barrel of ale, I came here to get it because I figured he wouldn’t be missing it and for someone like me money is difficult to come by.” Says Kol honestly.

  “You’re right, he won’t miss it. By all means take it; I have no use for it.” Sighs Bjorn returning to his drink.

  Uncertainly Kol walks over the barrel trying to move it, after several tries two strong hands reach over him pulling the barrel away from the wall startling Kol.

  “By the gods be quick young man. You don’t want to be here in the next few minutes, several men are on their way to make sure that I have met my end.”

  Quickly Kol grabs the coin purse and heads back to the trap door in a panic. “Thank you sir for your kindness, good luck.”

  “The gods have not blessed me with luck in many, many year’s young man but thank you for the sentiment.” He says sitting back at the bar.

  With a frown at the thought of this kind man in danger Kol jumps back through the trap door landing on the ground quietly. As he scans the area Kol sees several men heading up the stairs to the door of the bar, unable to sate his curiosity of the situation he quietly watches and listens to find out what will happen next.

  The sound of the door being kicked in meets his ears followed by the sounds of muffled voices talking back and forth, and then a second later the sounds of weapons clashing splits the night intermixed with the screams of would be warriors dying violently. Suddenly, as quickly as it began the confrontation ends, the sound of silence is deafening until suddenly Bjorn drops through the trap door landing right next to Kol with his sword drawn and the tip point just under his throat.

  “I thought I told you to leave.” He growls pushing the point into his throat a little drawing blood.

  “I’m sorry; I had to know what would happen.”

  “What is your name? I’d like to know what name to say when I have the hands of death claim you.”

  “My name is Kol and I don’t fear you or death.” Says Kol quickly drawing a dagger and knocking away the sword.

  With a smile Bjorn attacks Kol with blinding speed disarming him and placing the sword again at his throat.

  “You have talent boy, with the right training you could be great. Who are your parents?” He questions sheathing his sword.

  “My father is Loki, god of mischief. But I know not who my mother is; she died when I was born.” He says rubbing the blood from his neck.

  “A demigod huh? No wonder you have some courage to you, I am surprised that you didn’t use any of your powers on me though, may I assume that you haven’t mastered them yet?” Questions Bjorn heading out from the darkness of the building towards the forest with Kol following in tow.

  “Not yet.” He sighs “Can I ask who you are and why those men were after you?”

  “You can ask that doesn’t mean I’ll answer you, after all you shouldn’t concern yourself with the world of men, at least not yet boy.” He says turning towards Kol to look him in the eye.

  “I had hoped that maybe you would train me.” Says Kol angrily.

  With a hearty laugh Bjorn turns his back to him again heading into the forest. “I don’t train anyone or travel with anyone either, go home boy, my advice is to forget that you’re a demigod and forget about the life of a hero, it’s more trouble than it’s worth. Grow up get a normal job and life, marry and have babies.”

  “I won’t give up my dream. I will be the greatest hero that the gods have ever seen. I will make my grandfather proud.” He yells into the forest as Bjorn disappears.

  Bjorn turns for a moment hidden in the shadows watching Kol for a moment to see what he will do.

  Staring into the darkness of the forest Kol kicks some dirt up in the direction Bjorn went. “You’ll see, everyone will see.”

  “Indeed we will see boy.” Says Bjorn staring after Kol as he walks away.