Read Imprint (Lycan Wars Book 1) Page 10


  “But that still doesn’t explain why this other clan wants her,” Jace argued. “We already know they probably want her powers, but what future could they possibly want to predict? The next full moon? They can use a calendar for that. If they don’t have the numbers to conquer us, then what do they want?”

  Kira sat silently on the couch, her eyes never leaving Kip’s face. It was beginning to annoy Jace, but he told himself that her father was still missing. Whatever Kip had to say, she would be eager to hear. “That isn’t all, is it?” she asked softly. “What aren’t you telling us?”

  Jace put his hands on his hips and waited for his friend’s response. At least she was a keen observer and wasn’t just staring at Kip because he was considered one of the handsomest and most eligible bachelors in the pack.

  Kip’s eyes landed on him. “There’s talk of a coup.”

  Jace coughed. “A what?”

  “A coup. People want your uncle out and they want you to take over.”

  Jace blinked and took a step back. Take over? He had to be hearing his friend wrong. “Kip, do you have any idea what you’re saying right now? Are you sure?”

  Kip dragged both hands down the front of his face. He sighed heavily. “I couldn’t believe what I heard either. I promised I’d relay the message to you, but I didn’t speak on your behalf.”

  Kip waited for him to respond, but Jace’s mind couldn’t wrap itself around even the concept of a coup. His uncle was a shrewd man. A powerfully shrewd one. No one in their right mind would ever challenge him for alpha position. These guys can’t be in their right minds, he thought in shock. A coup? That’s how my father died, if Malcolm is right.

  “Max, the bartender, was a bit too eager to tell me this information, in my opinion. I think he and his friends are tired of waiting for a regime change.”

  Jace took a seat on the stiff leather sofa next to Kira. “What does this mean?” she asked.

  Jace shook his head and stared at the floor. “I don’t know. Even threatening the leader would mean ostracism. But to actually attempt it?” Jace raised his eyes to look at Kip, unbelief still ruling his mind. “That would mean certain death. Why would they challenge my uncle? Has he mistreated them in some way?”

  Kip frowned. “Because of how Roman got his power.”

  “But I abdicated.”

  “You wouldn’t have had any reason to if Roman hadn’t killed your father,” Kip reminded him in a grave tone.

  Well, it wasn’t as simple as that. Kipper was obviously forgetting what kind of lycan Byron was.

  “They know you’re different from your uncle…and even your father.”

  Jace sat in silence for a moment and considered the pressure. He couldn’t believe it; his uncle couldn’t have killed his own brother. Malcolm — and the others — they had to be mistaken. “I don’t know,” he said softly. “Roman used to…he used to play with me when I was young. Sometimes he’d intervene when my father got too rough.”

  “I know buddy,” Kip said in a gentle tone.

  Kira slid closer to him and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. He wanted to respond to her gesture but was too overwhelmed by the possibility before him: ruling the Bana clan. “I’m the only lycan who has any grounds to challenge my uncle.”

  “You two are talking like this is some sort of throne Roman is ruling from,” Kira interjected. “I don’t quite understand.”

  Kipper sighed and ran a hand through his straight brown hair. He took a seat in the armchair across them and stretched his legs. “After I explain all of this, I’m going to bed. I need to be awake tonight because we’re not just dealing with a few lycans here.”

  “What do you mean? There’s more?” Jace asked.

  Kipper held up a hand. “One thing at a time. First, Max and a few others believe your uncle unjustly became ruler of the clan.”


  “Max said your father was set up by Roman to die in that building thirty years ago.”

  Jace swallowed the lump in his throat. He gripped the cushion of the seat to keep from shaking as Malcolm’s theory turned to fact. His uncle had killed his father. His insides rocked.

  “Roman was working with Kata, in exchange for what, who knows?” Kipper continued. “That’s probably where you come in.” He angled his head at Kira. “Roman promised these guys something a long time ago. He delivered your father, they killed him, and after Roman assumed power perhaps Kata believed there would be some sort of alliance, only that last part never happened.”

  “Wait a minute,” Kira interrupted. “If I’m understanding the line of succession,” she started with a bit of sarcasm, “then Jace was supposed to rule. Did Roman know you wouldn’t take the lead?” She gave him a questioning look.

  Jace shook his head. “No. It wasn’t until after my father died that I decided to leave the clan. I couldn’t before then. My father had me watched and…and I admit I was afraid to defy him.”

  “Well, a few of the clan members have gathered their courage to defy your uncle, if you’re willing to lead the charge, of course.” Kip said.

  Jace leaned back against the couch and stared at the ceiling. Ruling a clan of lycans…that was way beyond his ability to comprehend. He was a simple private investigator who enjoyed living his life alone — with the exception of rooming with Kipper.

  And now Kira…

  Jace rolled his head to the side to look at the beautiful young woman who sat easily beside him, no hint of fear or trepidation in the depths of her darkly chocolate eyes. Overnight his purpose in life had changed from leading a solitary lifestyle to protecting and caring for her. Add a clan of a few hundred lycans to that mix and something was bound to get lost. And since Kira was undoubtedly the most important thing to him at the moment — and for the rest of his life — the clan would likely suffer neglect.

  Kira turned her attention to Kipper. “You said this has something to do with me?”

  Kipper shrugged. “Max knew you were a seer the second you walked into the building. He claims you smell like one.”

  “And?” she pressed.

  “And Jace will likely have no choice than to start a coup,” Kip said matter-of-factly. “His uncle will undoubtedly force his hand by making a claim on you, Kira, and if you don’t mate with Jace…”

  Kira gasped. She turned wide, fearful, and disbelieving eyes on Jace.

  Jace grew cold and embarrassed all at once. He hadn’t even considered claiming her as a life mate…yet. “It’s your choice.” His hoarse voice cracked.

  “True,” Kip agreed. “But Roman knows Kira’s a seer. He’s probably sprinkling rose petals on his own bed right now in anticipation of the event. No pressure, Kira, but unless you want Jace as a nephew, you had better lay claim to him first. Or to me…I certainly wouldn’t mind.” Kip winked.

  Jace growled.

  Kira launched from the couch and took a seat on the edge of the bed at the opposite side of the room. Her heartbeat was rapid and Jace could smell her sweating from his position on the couch. “You can choose anyone from the clan.”

  Kipper laughed hysterically. Jace sent him a stern look. “Oh, you’re serious?”

  He was. He didn’t want Kira to feel pressured to mate with the lycan who’d imprinted on her. My life may be wrapped up in hers, but it’s not the same for her.

  “Oh, and here’s just something to chew on,” Kipper said. “One of the scouts got wind of a lycan hunter in the area.”

  “Lycan hunter?” Kira asked.

  “Vampires,” Jace said gravely.

  “Wow.” Kira stood and began to pace the floor. “This is a lot to take in. Lycans, seers, vampires…” She glanced at Jace. “Mating with you,” she whispered.

  Jace blushed. “Did your scout say what the hunter was doing?” Jace asked, anxious to think of something other than Kira lying in the soft white sheets of the bed with him.

  “Probably hunting,” Kipper said sarcastically. He yawned
and stretched his arms out. “I need to sleep.” Kipper stood. “With vampires in the area, the clan will be on high alert. We’ve only spotted one, but hunters don’t usually travel alone.”

  “Which means there’s more than one in the area,” Jace said with a groan.

  “It’s risky for members of another pack to trespass into another’s territory with vampires around, though, so Kata must want you badly, Kira. Night.” Kipper left the room.

  Kira’s concerned expression followed him before she turned fearful eyes on Jace. “What do you think this means?”

  Jace sat quietly contemplating his response. Vampires were a rarity in their area due to the sheer size of the Bana clan, but they weren’t unheard of. They occupied various locations to include major metropolises and wherever they moved, the tiny lycan packs were eradicated. Turning humans into vampires was a much easier process than making lycans. Humans rarely survived the highly poisonous bite from a full-blooded lycan — unless bitten under a full moon, which would hasten the merging of the lycan virus with human DNA. The most powerful among lycans were born, not made. If the vamps were to start a war with lycans, they would always have the upper hand when it came to numbers. “If it was a hunter or even a scout, it could mean they’re targeting us. We haven’t had much interaction with them over the years because our clan is fairly large compared to the nearby vampire covens. We’ve had no competition.”

  “You’re at the top of the food chain, so to speak.”

  Jace nodded. He stood and walked to the window to stare out at the heart of the city. Lycan vision was far superior to the human 20/20 limitation, and he scanned the rooftops of buildings. There were still a few hours of daylight left. Vampires were creatures of the night as the sun’s rays meant their deaths, but Jace still searched. The clan would face an enemy on two fronts: Kata’s pack and possibly vampires.

  Jace glanced over his shoulder. Kira was beside him. Her fingers gently caressed the bandage. “Does it hurt?” she whispered.

  Jace took her hand in his and squeezed. “It’s probably no longer there.”

  She blinked, confused. Jace smiled and peeled the bandage away from his face. “We like to humor Luka, who is in fact a surgeon. Lycans heal quickly and don’t really need medical attention, unless the wound is very serious. But Luka gets a lot of practice sewing and mending, working on his bedside manner, so we let him.”

  “But, he’s a lycan, right?”

  “Yup. Quite a few of the lycans have jobs outside of the clan. It’s part of our intelligence network, and a few of them actually benefit the clan. For example, there are real estate agents that let us know about property the clan would want. A couple of the guys are tech geeks who create start-up companies that generate capital.”

  Kira’s mouth dropped when she removed the bandage. Her hand cupped the side of his face. “You’re right,” she breathed, impressed. “It’s gone.”

  “So no, it doesn’t hurt.”

  Her gaze flickered over his face and met his. Her cheeks tinted to a deep rose color. Her eyes showed uncertainty. “Is what Kipper said true? About your uncle?”

  Jace nodded. When Kipper had suggested Kira choose him, it had set Jace’s blood on fire. But the thought of Kira with Roman iced him over. He felt no bloodlust; only terror.

  “What is it?”

  “If you choose my uncle—”

  “I’m not choosing him,” she said firmly. The look of determination on her face relaxed Jace, but only for a moment.

  “If you choose him…” He couldn’t finish. He hadn’t thought that far ahead.

  Both of her hands rested lightly on his cheeks. “Why do you see me with him?”

  “Because if he really killed my father, then it’s possible he’ll make it so that you’ll have no other choice but to be with him.”

  She swallowed and dropped both her hands and her gaze. “I know I won’t be with him.”

  “You know?”

  Her eyes met his. “I know I’ll be with you.”

  Jace only heard one heartbeat: hers. It was thumping hard and steady. The longer she stared at him, the more he sweetly suffocated in her scent. “I…I don’t understand.”

  Her lips quivered into a small smile. “I had a vision…when you kissed me.”

  A vision!

  He gripped her arms tightly. “What? Why didn’t you tell me? What did you see?”

  “One question at a time.” She laughed nervously. “I…I was afraid of what it was…of what it meant.”

  “What did you see?” he asked again, eager to know the source of her belief in her choice.

  “I saw you and me,” she said softly. Her eyes filled with tears. “And…and I was in pain.”

  He didn’t want to hear anymore. He didn’t want to know any more. Until Kira smiled.

  “I was giving birth…to our child.”

  His legs turned to jelly and he fell away. Kira reached out for him, but he caught himself on the window ledge to keep from appearing as if he was fainting.

  “Are you okay?”

  Jace regained his footing and took her arms in his hands again. “Are you certain? Are you sure you saw what you saw?”

  Kira nodded. She glanced down at her empty ring finger. “I was wearing a ring. It was very unique looking, like vintage. I know it was my wedding ring.”

  Vintage. On a chain around his neck was a very old ring that had belonged to his mother. It was the only piece of jewelry she had been wearing when she died. It was all he had left of her other than the lycan genes she’d passed on to him. Jace fingered the chain, but didn’t remove it from its hiding place behind his black t-shirt.

  “So, ah…” Kira shrugged. “I know that I’m not going to choose Roman. I can believe that because I saw it. And I’m a seer.” Her lips twisted into a playful yet bashful grin.

  It was her smile that finally convinced his heart that this was possible, that there would be a future after all of this. Despite his uncle, the lycan pack, and even vampires, Kira would welcome him in her bed and would eventually bear his child. With a groan, he swept her into his arms and kissed her passionately.

  If she had made any attempt — the slightest resistance — he would’ve released her. Instead, he backed her into the nearest wall and pinned her against it tightly. His lips forced hers wide open so his tongue would have unfettered access. Her entire body trembled. He smelled her need for him and it lit a fire deep in his belly. Rapidly he was succumbing to the animalistic need to mate with her. Her fingernails dug into the skin of his neck, her grip tightening the harder he pressed into her. Her moans and whimpers fueled the passionate rage building within himself. When he released her mouth to suckle the flesh of her neck, she cried out.

  Her cry snapped him out of his lust and he shoved away from the wall. Her eyes stared ahead blankly, her swollen mouth open as she panted. “Kira?”

  She blinked. “I’m really going to have to learn how to do this without you.”


  “I had another vision.”

  Chapter Six

  A Promise