Read In Deep Kimchi Page 16

Chapter Sixteen

  "What do you mean you want to extend this trip by another two weeks?" Shaundra asked Harper as they gathered in the conference room at the Dome Hotel. "What the hell for?"

  "Money and promotion. "

  "But KiNii opens its doors tomorrow. I thought that's what the party after it is supposed to be for. "

  The other three authors agreed.

  "What's left for us to do here?" Jackson asked. "I've got other priorities and deadlines to meet. "

  "I have to agree with him," Dorothy replied. "The faster we're out of here, the safer Shaundra is going to be. "

  Shaundra nodded her head quickly. There was nothing like a couple of death threats on her networking pages to make her want to leave Tokyo on the first thing flying out of there. She hoped her life meant more to him than money.

  "They're just kids," Harper replied. "You don't seriously believe that they will try to harm you?"

  Well, maybe not. She nodded. "Yes, I do, and when was the last time someone called you a bitch? That's the new nickname they've given me.

  Those fan girls are probably burning straw replicas of me right now that Flowing Magazine's latest issue has hit newsstands. I had to close my Facebook and MySpace accounts, and you know how I love to network with my fans. Those little girls are getting quite vicious. "

  "I'll hire a bodyguard for you. "

  "Thanks, but you're missing the point. I am ready to go home. I've had enough drama for this lifetime. "

  "Ah, come on," Harper pleaded, smiling enticingly at her. "You're going to love Osaka. "

  Shaundra did a double-take. "Osaka?" "Yes, didn't I tell you? We're moving on to Osaka in two days. I want to do a story on Aomori for one of my entertainment magazines. "

  Shaundra sat down at the table. The least she could do was hear what he had to say. "Why can't you do a story on them right here in Tokyo?"

  "Let me rephrase this. I want you to do a story on them. "

  "What? Why? I am not a journalist. "

  "You used to be, and they seem to like you. Who better to get a story out of the pretty boys than someone they admire?"

  "Not lately," she muttered.

  "What do you mean by that?" Harper asked.

  "They've been avoiding me like the plague, even Ichiro. "

  "What have you done?" Dorothy asked. "That young man idolizes you. "

  "Nothing. Hey, I thought you were on my side. "

  "I am, dear, but these old ears have heard a lot of stuff. "

  "Does John talk in his sleep?"

  "Yes, he does. Those two pretty boys got into a fight over you on the last night of their concert. "

  "They did not have a fight. They were about to, but Satoshi and Takumijo stopped them. It just got very loud in the lounge. "

  Dorothy shook her head. "No, afterwards. Yori and Ichiro came to blows in Ichiro's room. Rumor has it that he has a black eye. "

  Shaundra gasped. "No. " She turned to Harper. "See what you've done. "

  "What did I do?"

  "You made me come here. I was perfectly content being in the United States writing, but no, you talked my ass on that plane and now I'm on a fan club's most wanted list. Now it seems that I've also broken up Asia's hottest boy band. So, if you want that story, you have to write it yourself.

  I'm going home. " She hopped out of her chair and left the conference room, angry at both herself and Harper. She wanted to put as much distance between them as possible. She just kept walking, and mumbling about what a big prick Harper was.

  "Whoa, who is a big prick?" a familiar voice said.

  Shaundra looked up. It was Satoshi.

  "Sorry, I didn't see you. "

  "Obviously. Why are you in such a hurry?"

  "I'm trying to get away from my asshole of a boss. "

  "He wants you to do a story on us in Osaka. "

  "How do you know this?" He walked with her to the lobby, looking quite attractive for such an ungodly hour, dressed in white linen pants and a white linen jacket opened at the chest. Beneath it he wore a black T- shirt.

  "Masaaki has already spoken to us about this earlier while we were at the gym. "

  "Good, then we're all in agreement that this is not going to happen. "

  "On the contrary, all of us have agreed. We were just waiting for your reply. "

  Shaundra stopped walking. "You can't be serious?"

  Satoshi nodded. "But I am. Even Yori and Ichiro have agreed. "

  "Speaking of which, is it true that the two of them had a fight after we left the lounge the other night?"

  Satoshi hesitated. "It has all been taken care of. "

  "That's not what I asked. " Why did men continue to treat her like she needed to be protected? He sighed. "Will you join me for breakfast?"

  Shaundra looked around. For some reason, they were standing outside the hotel restaurant. "Yes, I guess so. Harper called us down for a meeting before I had a chance to eat. "

  Satoshi opened the door for her and he followed her in. A waitress appeared, led them over to a table and gave them menus.

  Satoshi scooted in very close to her. She sniffed the air. Damn, he smells nice. She shook her head. Forget it. "Pancakes, sausage, the fruit of the day, scrambled eggs and coffee," Shaundra ordered.

  "That's a lot of food," Satoshi replied as he leaned in closer to her.

  "I always eat like this when I have problems. It helps me stay focused.

  I need real food and rice is not going to do it. "

  "I'll have the same," Satoshi replied, sending the waitress off. "I've lost some weight practicing for the concert and I need to build up more muscle. "

  Shaundra looked him over. "You're kidding right? You're body is perfect. " She looked around the room nervously. Where is that food? Maybe having breakfast with Satoshi wasn't the brightest thing to do.

  Satoshi chuckled. "Thanks, but that's just this suit. It's very flattering. "

  Shaundra smirked. He was such a tease. "Now answer me. Did those two get into a fight?"

  "Yes," he replied, staring into her eyes.

  "And does Ichiro have a black eye?"

  "Yes. " He smiled at her.

  Shaundra gasped. "The poor baby. "

  Satoshio reached out and touched a lock of her hair. "Better not let him hear you call him that. He has a fragile ego when it comes to his age. "

  Shaundra slapped his hands away. She couldn't breathe with him so near. "Why didn't you guys protect him?"

  Satoshi chuckled. "Believe it or not, he doesn't need protection from Yori. They were going at it pretty good until Takumijo and I stopped them. He might be younger than we are, but he is a more skilled fighter.

  Yori just got in a lucky hit. "

  Shaundra slapped her hands against her cheeks in disbelief. "To that beautiful face. Is he crazy?"

  "It's not that bad. "

  "You can say that because yours is still perfect. "

  Satoshi leaned forward. "You think my face is perfect. "

  Shit, why don't I think before I speak? "Of course I do. You have very sexy dark eyes, a slim nose, and full lips. I don't even see a blemish. God, were you guys genetically engineered? If your face was any more perfect, it would be illegal. " Ooh, dry panties, good. She was beginning to think that her mind was out to turn her into a slut.

  Satoshi sat back. "Wow, I can see why those two are fighting over you. I do believe that you have surprised me with your honesty. Most women tell me things just to feed my ego. "

  "I'm not like most women. I'm just telling you what I see when I look at you. " She sat back. "What am I going to do about them two?" Fighting at their age. . . ridiculous.

  "Come to Osaka and write the story. "

  Shaundra did a double take with her head. "Are you crazy or do you not know about the fan girl contract on my head? I can't put Aomori in danger. "

  The waitress returned with the
ir breakfast, poured their coffee, looked at both of them oddly and then left.

  "Yes, I know. Yori had to close down his networking websites and pages. They want to know why he chose you over them. "

  Shaundra raised an eyebrow. She just had to hear this. "A good question. "

  Satoshi looked shocked. "You don't know why?"

  "No. I'm older, a different race, and an erotic writer. "

  "Yes, yes, and yes, all fine qualities as a mate. " He winked at her.

  "Who wants typical when he can have different?" He paused. "And he's in love with you. "

  Shaundra nearly choked on her coffee. "He is not. He's engaged. All I am to him is a temporary fascination. I don't think you come across many African American females and he's curious. "

  Satoshio folded his arms in front of him. "Then why do you think he hit Ichiro? They've been like brothers from the moment they met. "

  "Because he's a bully. "

  "No, because he's jealous. He doesn't want Ichiro in your bed. "

  Shaundra blushed as the image entered her head. "But he'd look so good there with all that hair spread out on my pillow. "

  Satoshi's head bobbed up and down. "You love his hair too?"

  Shaundra stopped the fantasy and stared at him.

  He shook his head in denial. "I'm not gay," Satoshi assured her. "I just have this thing for his hair. Always have. I think I'm jealous because mine won't grow that long or feel so soft. "

  "Is it really soft?" Shaundra asked, forgetting about her food.

  Satoshi lifted his cup and sipped. "Yes, and he keeps it squeaky clean. "

  Shaundra trembled involuntarily. "I think I better stop talking about Ichiro's hair before I. . . " Shaundra clamped her legs tight.

  Satoshi smiled wickedly at her. "I would be glad to assist you with your little problem. " He pointed downward toward his crotch.

  "I do not have a little problem. " Think happy thoughts. Think happy thoughts.

  He leaned closer. "I am not an innocent like Ichiro. I do know that look. The thought of him and that hair has you aroused. "

  Shaundra fanned herself with a napkin. "Okay, so I admit that it has me curious. "

  "And wet. "

  She tossed the napkin at him. "You are horrible. "

  "And you are one sexy author. "

  She was going to strangle him if he didn't stop. Shaundra put her finger to her lip to silence him. "Shush, that is a secret. "

  He leaned back in the seat. "How long are you going to tease the two of them?"

  "I'm not teasing. Something always comes up at the wrong moment. "

  "It wouldn't with me. "

  Her head did that spin thing again. "Huh?" She looked over at him.

  "Does this come as a surprise that I might be interested in you too?"

  Shaundra shook her head. God, he was so beautiful too. "No, you made it perfectly clear a moment ago when you offered to help me with my little problem. The only thing I can't figure out is why?"

  "Because I have a feeling that there is more to Shaundra Morrison than meets the eye. "

  Shaundra reached for her glass of water and took a big sip before answering. "No there isn't. "

  "Come to Osaka and prove it to me. "

  "Ichiro and Yori won't let you get near me. "

  "I'm near you now and, besides, Masaaki has warned them to stop this bickering. "

  Takumijo entered the restaurant and headed toward their table. He was dressed in a pair of jeans that rode low on his narrow hips, a white sleeveless sweatshirt that had seen better days, and a pair of sandals. His long hair was mussed like he'd just stepped out of the showers.

  Damn, is this misery ever going to end? "Satoshi, this is low even for you. "

  Satoshi straightened up in the seat. "What do you mean?" he asked innocently.

  Devil child. She picked up her cup of coffee and sipped as she eyed Takumijo's muscles.

  Takumijo joined them at the table. "Sneaking out with Ms. Morrison for an early morning rendezvous while Yori and Ichiro are stuck in their rooms like two caged animals. "

  Shaundra smiled from behind her cup of coffee and tried not to choke.

  "No, I believe I have done worse stuff, and you could at least say good morning. "

  Takumijo said something swiftly in Japanese and signaled for the waitress. The young woman hurried over bearing a menu and a very big smile. "I'll have what they're having, but double portions. That workout has me famished. " The waitress went off giggling. "What are you two up to this morning?" he asked, reaching for a piece of sausage from Satoshi's plate.

  "We are discussing Ms. Morrison's trip to Osaka with us. "

  "You're going to like Osaka. It's very beautiful this time of year, and you have to see our home. It has a rehearsal and a dance studio. "

  Shaundra cut into a pancake and popped it into her mouth. She chewed carefully and then swallowed. "I think those are the most words I've heard you say since we met. " Dry panties, yeah. Takumijo did not see her as a conquest.

  "I figured it was about time I got acquainted with the woman who may or may not be the end of Aomori. "

  "Damn," Shaundra replied as she frowned at him. "Maybe you shouldn't talk to me. "

  "All I'm saying is you have three of my friends all emotionally involved with you. So, if you're going to come with us to Osaka, I guess I have to be the one to protect you from them. "

  The waitress returned with his food and Takumijo rewarded her with a smile and sent her on her way.

  Satoshi made a face. "I don't see why all these women like you. "

  Takumijo flexed a muscle at him. "Because they have good taste. " He began eating his meal.

  Satoshi touched her hair again. "Ms. Morrison does not need protection from me. I am harmless. "

  Shaundra brushed it away.

  Takumijo swallowed. "About as harmless as a tarantula. I bet you've already made a pass at her. He turned to her. "Don't be taken in by his sweet talk. Behind those big brown eyes beats the mind of a serial Romeo. "

  Shaundra laughed. She hadn't known Takumijo had such a sense of humor. "I'll be on my guard. "

  "So, you are agreeing to come to Osaka?"

  Ichiro entered the restaurant dressed in a pair of black jeans with silver chains running through the belt hoops and around one of his legs. He also wore a skin-tight, black sleeveless T-shirt that showed off the muscles of his well-developed chest. His hair was pulled back in a ponytail and the most of it was shoved beneath a baseball cap except the tail and the bangs.

  Talk about adorable and sexy.

  Satoshi followed her eyes to the door. The crotch of her panties dampened.

  "Your eyes didn't flicker like that when Takumijo walked in. "

  Shaundra blushed. Busted.

  "Our baby has grown into a babe magnet," he told Takumijo.

  Shaundra fanned herself. "He sure has. "

  Ichiro walked over to her at the table, bowed, and then kissed her hand as he sat down next to her. He smacked his lips. "Maple syrup. "

  "Care to join us?" She spotted the bruise under his eye. She reached out and touched it. Ichiro winced. "I guess that hurts. "

  "Well worth it. "

  She ran her finger down his cheek to his chin. "Hopefully it will never happen again. " She beckoned him closer and kissed the spot.

  "I have a bruise right here," Satoshi told her for attention. " He pointed to his lips.

  Shaundra got over, walked over to him and kissed on him on the lips, surprising him, and then returned to her seat.

  Ichiro chuckled. "You better enjoy that because it is the only one you're going to get. " Satoshi sat stunned. "That was so delightful. "

  The waitress had returned and stood there staring at Ichiro, quite flustered, like she was about to faint in his presence. "What can I get for you, Mr. Yoshida? Would you like some coffee?"

  "Do you
have any Shochu?"

  Shaundra laughed at the private joke.

  "What's so funny?" Satoshi asked.

  "Shochu makes Ms. Morrison adventurous. "

  "No," the waitress replied. "We do not serve alcohol. "

  "Then I'll have some tea, fresh fruit and wheat toast. "

  The young woman left, obviously shocked by their conversation.

  "I sure hope she's not a fan girl," Shaundra replied. "I'd hate to have her poison my food. " She looked up at the door. Aomori's leader entered.

  "Damn," Satoshi replied. "Those eyes do that for him too. "

  "What are you mumbling about?" Ichiro asked Satoshi as Shaundra fed him from her plate.

  "Nothing, and since when do you eat pancakes?"

  "I am suddenly developing a strange liking to them. "

  "Good morning," Yori said as he approached.

  "Good morning," Shaundra replied. "Would you care to join us?"

  He did so hesitantly and sat on the other side of Takumijo.

  She fed Ichiro again and the young man licked the syrup from his lips.

  Shaundra sighed. Heaven couldn't get any better than sitting around a table eating pancakes in the presence of the four handsomest men in the world.

  The waitress returned with Ichiro's food and nearly fainted when she saw Yori. "Good morning, Mr. Morioka. "

  Yori nodded at her and she broke into a big, stupid grin. She handed him a menu.

  "I don't need one," he said, watching Shaundra still feeding Ichiro. "I know what I want. "


  Shaundra looked over at him and he stared back.

  "What I want isn't on the menu. "

  Shaundra gulped. Apparently, he meant her.