Read In Freedom's Cause : A Story of Wallace and Bruce Page 4

  Chapter IV

  The Capture of Lanark

  A low shout of enthusiasm rose from Wallace's followers, and theyrepeated his words as though it had been a vow: "Tonight we willtake Lanark." The notes of a bugle rang through the air, and Archiecould hear them repeated as by an echo by others far away in thewoods.

  The next two hours were spent in cooking and eating a meal; thenthe party on the ledge descended the narrow path, several of theirnumber bearing torches. At a short distance from its foot some othertorches were seen, and fifteen men were found gathered together.

  In a few words the sad news of what had taken place at Lanark wasrelated to them and the determination which had been arrived at,and then the whole party marched away to the west. Archie's heartbeat with excitement as he felt himself engaged in one of the adventureswhich had so filled his thoughts and excited his admiration. Anadventure, too, far surpassing in magnitude and importance any inwhich Wallace had hitherto been engaged.

  It seemed almost like an act of madness for twenty-five men toattack a city garrisoned by over 500 English troops, defended bystrong walls; but Archie never doubted for a moment that successwould attend the enterprise, so implicit was his confidence in hisleader. When at some little distance from the town they halted,and Wallace ordered a tree to be felled and lopped of its branches.It was some eight inches in diameter at the butt and thirty feetlong. A rope had been brought, and this was now cut into lengthsof some four feet. Wallace placed ten of his men on each side ofthe tree, and the cords being placed under it, it was lifted andcarried along with them.

  Before they started Wallace briefly gave them his orders, so thatno word need be spoken when near the town. The band were, whenthey entered, to divide in three. Sir John Grahame, with a party,was to make for the dwelling of Sir Robert Thorne. Auchinleck, whohad arrived with the party summoned by the bugle, was to arousethe town and attack any parties of soldiers in the street, whileWallace himself was to assault the house of Hazelrig. He bade Archieaccompany him.

  Knowing the town well Wallace led the party to the moat at a spotfacing a sally port. They moved without a word being spoken. Themen bearing the tree laid it noiselessly to the ground. Wallacehimself sprang into the moat and swam across. The splash in thewater attracted the attention of a sentry over the gate, who atonce challenged. There was no answer, and the man again shouted,peering over the wall to endeavour to discover what had causedthe splash. In a few vigorous strokes Wallace was across, hauledhimself up to the sill of the door, and with his heavy battleaxesmote on the chains which held up the drawbridge. Two mighty blowsand the chains yielded, and the drawbridge fell with a crash acrossthe moat.

  Instantly the men lifted the tree, and dashing across swung itlike a battering ram against the door--half a dozen blows, andthe oak and iron yielded before it. The door was burst in and theparty entered Lanark. The sentry on the wall had fled at once toarouse the garrison. Instantly the three leaders started to performthe tasks assigned to them. As yet the town lay in profound sleep,although near the gate windows were opening and heads were beingput out to ascertain the cause of the din. As the Scots ran forwardthey shouted "Death to the English, death to the bloody Hazelrig!"The governor had long been odious for his cruelty and tyranny, andthe murder of Marion Bradfute had that day roused the indignationof the people to the utmost. Not knowing how small was the forcethat had entered the town, but hoping only that deliverers hadarrived, numbers of the burghers rose and armed themselves, andissued forth into the streets to aid their countrymen. Wallace soonarrived at the governor's house, and with a few blows with his axebroke in the door; then he and his followers rushed into the house,cutting down the frightened men as they started up with suddenalarm, until he met Sir John Hazelrig, who had snatched up his armsand hurried from his chamber.

  "Villain!" Wallace exclaimed, seizing him by his throat; "your timehas come to make atonement for the murder of my wife."

  Then dragging him into the street he called upon the burghers,who were running up, to witness the execution of their tyrant,and stepping back a pace smote off his head with his sword. YoungHazelrig was also killed, as were all soldiers found in the house.The alarm bells were ringing now, and in a few minutes the armedburghers swarmed in the street. As the English soldiers, as yetbut scarce awake, and bewildered by this sudden attack, hurriedfrom their houses, they were fallen upon and slain by Wallace andthe townspeople. Some of those in the larger houses issuing forthtogether were able to cut their way through and to make theirescape by the gates; many made for the walls, and dropping in themoat swam across and escaped; but two hundred and fifty of theirnumber were left dead in the streets. The town, once cleared of theEnglish, gave itself up to wild rejoicings; bonfires were lightedin the streets, the bells were rung, and the wives and daughtersof the citizens issued out to join in their rejoicing and applaudtheir liberators.

  Wallace held council at once with the chief burghers. Their talkwas a grave one, for though rejoicing in the liberation of the city,they could not but perceive that the situation was a serious one.By the defeat and destruction of the garrison, and the slaying ofthe governor, the town would bring upon itself the terrible wrathof King Edward, and of what he was capable the murdered thousandsat Berwick sufficiently attested. However, the die was cast and therewas no drawing back, and the burghers undertook to put their townin a state of full defence, to furnish a contingent of men-at-arms toWallace, and to raise a considerable sum of money to aid him in thecarrying on of the war; while he on his part undertook to endeavour,as fast as possible, to prevent the English from concentrating theirforces for a siege of the town, by so harassing their garrisonselsewhere that none would be able to spare troops for any generalpurposes.

  Proclamations were immediately made out in the name of Wallace,and were sent off by mounted messengers throughout the country.In these he announced to the people of Scotland that he had raisedthe national banner and had commenced a war for the freeing of thecountry from the English, and that as a first step he had capturedLanark. He called upon all true Scotchmen to rally round him.

  While the council was being held, the wives of the burghers hadtaken the body of Marion from the place where it had been cast,and where hitherto none had dared to touch it, and had prepared itfor burial, placing it in a stone coffin, such as were in use inthose days, upon a car which was covered with trappings of white andgreen boughs. Soon after daybreak a great procession was formed,and accompanied by all the matrons and maids of Lanark the bodywas conveyed to the church at Ellerslie, and there buried withthe rites of the church. This sad duty ended, Wallace mounted hishorse and rode for Cart Lane Craigs, which he had named as therendezvous where all who loved Scotland and would follow him, wereto assemble. Archie rode first to Sir Robert Gordon's. His unclereceived him kindly.

  "Ah! my boy," he said, "I feared that your wilful disposition wouldhave its way. You have embarked young on a stormy course, and nonecan say where it will end. I myself have no hope that it can besuccessful. Did the English rule depend solely on the troops whichgarrison our towns and fortresses, I should believe that Wallacemight possibly expel them; but this is as nothing. Edward can marcha hundred and fifty thousand trained soldiers hither, and how willit be possible for any gathering of Scotchmen to resist these?However, you have chosen your course, and as it is too late todraw back now, I would not dispirit you. Take the best of my horsesfrom the stable, and such arms and armour as you may choose fromthe walls. Here is a purse for your own private needs, and in thisother are a hundred pounds, which I pray you hand to Sir WilliamWallace. Fighting never was in my way, and I am too old to beginnow. Tell him, however, that my best wishes are with him. I havealready sent word to all my tenants that they are free, if theychoose, to follow his banner."

  "You have plenty of pikes and swords in the armoury, uncle; weaponswill be very useful; can I take some of them?"

  "Certainly, Archie, as many as you like. But your aunt wants youto ride at once to Glen Cairn, to ask
your mother to come over hereand take up her abode till the stormy times are over. The news oflast night's doings in Lanark will travel fast, and she will beterribly anxious. Besides, as the Kerrs are heart and soul with theEnglish faction, like enough they will take the opportunity of thedisturbed times, and of your being involved in the rising, to destroythe hold altogether, seeing that so long as it stands there it isa sort of symbol that their lordship over the lands is disputed."

  "The very thing that I was going to ask you, uncle. My mother'sposition at Glen Cairn would always be on my mind. As to theKerrs, let them burn the castle if they will. If the rising fail,and I am killed, the line will be extinct, and it matters littleabout our hold. If we succeed, then I shall regain my own, and shallturn the tables on the Kerrs, and will rebuild Glen Cairn twice asstrong as before. And now can I take a cart to convey the arms?"

  "Certainly, Archie; and may they be of service in the cause. Youwill, I suppose, conduct your mother hither?"

  Archie replied that he should do so, and then at once made hispreparations for the start. His uncle's armoury was well supplied,and Archie had no difficulty in suiting himself. For work likethat which he would have to do he did not care to encumber himselfwith heavy armour, but chose a light but strong steel cap, with acurtain of mail falling so as to guard the neck and ears, leavingonly the face exposed, and a shirt of the same material. It wasof fine workmanship and of no great weight, and did not hamperhis movements. He also chose some leg pieces for wearing when onhorseback. He had already his father's sword, and needed only alight battleaxe and a dagger to complete his offensive equipment.Then he took down from the racks twenty swords and as many shortpikes, and bonnets strengthened with iron hoops, which, althoughlight, were sufficient to give much protection to the head. Thesewere all placed in a light cart, and with one of his uncle'sfollowers to drive, he took his seat in the cart, and started forCart Lane Craigs.

  Here he concealed the arms in a thicket, and then went up to speakto his leader.

  "May I take ten men with me to Glen Cairn, Sir William? I am goingto fetch my mother to reside with my uncle until the storm isover. He has sent you a hundred pounds towards the expenses of thestruggle. I want the guard because it is possible that the Kerrsmay be down there. I hear Sir John was carried away, three hoursafter the fight, in a litter; it was well for him that he was notin Lanark when we took it. But like enough this morning, if wellenough to give orders, he may be sending down to Glen Cairn to seeif I have returned, and may burn the hold over my mother's head."

  "Certainly," Sir William replied. "Henceforth I will put twentymen under your special orders, but for today Sir John Grahame shalltell off some of his own party. Of course they will go well armed."

  Half riding in the cart and half walking by turns, the party reachedGlen Cairn late in the afternoon. The news of the fall of Lanarkhad already penetrated even to that quiet village, and there wasgreat excitement as Archie and his party came in. One of Wallace'smessengers had passed through, and many of the men were preparingto join him. Dame Forbes was at once proud and grieved when Archietold her of the share which he had had in the street fray at Lanark,and in the capture of the town. She was proud that her son shouldso distinguish himself, grieved that he should, at so young anage, have become committed to a movement of whose success she hadbut little hope. However, she could not blame him, as it seemed asif his course had been forced upon him. She agreed to start earlythe next morning.

  It was well for Archie that he had brought a guard with him,for before he had been an hour in the hold a boy ran in from thevillage saying that a party of the Kerrs was close at hand, andwould be there in a few minutes. Archie set his men at once to pileup a barricade of stones breast high at the outer gate, and tookhis position there with his men. He had scarcely completed hispreparations when the trampling of horses was heard and a partyof ten men, two of whom bore torches, headed by young Allan Kerr,rode up. They drew rein abruptly as they saw the barricade withthe line of pikes behind it.

  "What want you here, Allan Kerr?" Archie said.

  "I came in search of you, little traitor," young Kerr repliedangrily.

  "Here I am," Archie said; "why don't you come and take me?"

  Allan saw that the number of the defenders of the gate exceededthat of his own party, and there might, for aught he knew, be morewithin.

  "I will take you tomorrow," he said.

  "Tomorrow never comes," Archie replied with a laugh. "Your fatherthought to take me yesterday. How is the good knight? Not suffering,I trust, greatly either in body or temper?"

  "You shall repent this, Archibald Forbes," Allan Kerr exclaimedfuriously. "It will be my turn next time."

  And turning his horse he rode off at full speed, attended by hisfollowers.

  "We had best start at once, Master Archie," Sandy Graham said:"it is eight miles to the Kerrs' hold, and when Allan Kerr returnsthere you may be sure they will call out their vassals and will behere betimes in the morning. Best get another cart from the village,for your men are weary and footsore, seeing that since yesterdayeven they have been marching without ceasing. Elspie will by thistime have got supper ready. There was a row of ducks and chickenson the spit when I came away."

  "That were best, Sandy. Do you see to their comforts, and aid mymother pack up such things as she most values, and I will go myselfdown to the village for the cart, for I wish to speak with somethere."

  Archie had no difficulty in engaging two carts, as he thought thatone would be needed for his mother and what possessions she mighttake. Then he went from house to house and saw his old companions,and told them of his plans, which filled them with delight. Havingdone this he returned to the hold, hastily ate the supper whichhad been put aside for him, and then saw that his mother's chests,which contained all her possessions save a few articles of heavyfurniture, were placed in one of the carts. A bed was then laidon its floor upon which she could sit comfortably. Elspie mountedwith her. Archie, Sandy, and the men took their places in the othercarts, and the party drove off. They had no fear of interruption,for the Kerrs, ignorant of the number who had arrived with Archieat Glen Cairn, would not venture to attack until they had gathereda considerable force, and would not be likely to set out tillmorning, and long before that time Dame Forbes would have arrivedat her sister's.

  The journey was indeed performed without incident, the escortleaving them when within two or three miles of Lanark, and makingtheir way direct to the craigs, whither Archie, the moment he hadseen his mother safely at Sir Robert Gordon's, returned. He didnot mount the craig, but wrapping himself in his cloak lay down atits foot.

  As soon as it was daylight he walked out a mile on the road towardsGlen Cairn. He soon saw a party approaching in military order. Theyhalted when they reached him. They were twenty in number, and werethe lads of his band at Glen Cairn, ranging between the ages ofsixteen and eighteen. They had originally been stronger, but someof the elders had already joined Wallace's followers.

  "Now," Archie said, "I can explain matters farther than I did lastnight. I have procured arms for you all, and I hope that you willhave opportunities of using them. But though some of you are oldenough to join Wallace's band, there are others whom he might notdeem fit to take part in such desperate enterprises. Thereforeat first make but little show of your arms. I shall present you toSir William, telling him that I have brought you hither to serveas messengers, and to enter towns held by the English and gathernews, seeing that lads would be less suspected than men. But Ipropose farther, what I shall not tell him, that you shall form asort of bodyguard to him. He takes not sufficient care of himself,and is ever getting into perils. I propose that without hisknowing it, you shall be ever at hand when he goes into danger ofthis sort, and may thus prevent his falling into the hands of hisenemies. Now, mind, lads, this is a great and honourable mission.You must be discreet as well as brave, and ready all of you to giveyour lives, if need be, for that of Scotland's champion. Your workas messengers and scouts w
ill be arduous and wearisome. You mustbe quiet and well behaved--remember that boys' tricks and playare out of place among men engaged in a desperate enterprise. Minglenot much with the others. Be active and prompt in obeying orders,and be assured that you will have opportunities of winning greathonour and credit, and of having your full share of hard knocks.You will, as before, be divided into two companies, William Orr andAndrew Macpherson being your lieutenants in my absence. You willobey their orders as implicitly as mine. Cluny, you have, I suppose,brought, as I bade you last night, some of your sister's garments?"

  "Yes, Sir Archie," the boy, who was fair and slight, said, with asmile on his face.

  "That is right. I know you are as hearty and strong as the rest;but seeing that your face is the smoothest and softest of any,you will do best should we need one in disguise as a girl. And nowcome with me. I will show you where your arms are placed; but atpresent you must not take them. If I led you as an armed band toWallace he might deem you too young. I must present you merely aslads whom I know to be faithful and trustworthy, and who are willingto act as messengers and scouts to his force."

  So saying Archie led the band to the thicket where he had placedtheir arms, and the lads were pleased when they saw the pikes,swords, and head pieces. Then he led them up the craig to Wallace.

  "Why, whom have you here?" Sir William exclaimed in surprise. "Thiswill not do, Sir Archie. All lads are not like yourself, and wereI to take such boys into my ranks I should have all the mothers inScotland calling out against me."

  "I have not brought them to join your ranks, Sir William, althoughmany of them are stout fellows who might do good service at apinch. I have brought them to act as messengers and scouts. Theycan carry orders whithersoever you may have occasion to send. Theycan act as scouts to warn you of the approach of an enemy; or ifyou need news of the state of any of the enemy's garrisons, theycan go thither and enter without being suspected, when a man mightbe questioned and stopped. They are all sons of my father's vassalsat Glen Cairn, and I can answer for their fidelity. I will takethem specially under my own charge, and you will ever have a fleetand active messenger at hand when you desire to send an order."

  "The idea is not a bad one," Sir William replied; "and in such away a lad may well do the work of a man. Very well, Sir Archie,since you seem to have set your mind upon it I will not say nay.At any rate we can give the matter a trial, understanding that youtake the charge of them and are responsible for them in all ways.Now, lads," he said turning, "you have heard that your lord, forhe is your rightful lord, and will, if Scotland gains the day, beyour real lord again, has answered for you. It is no boys' playin which you have taken service, for the English, if they conquerus, will show no further mercy to you than to others of my band. Iunderstand then that you are all prepared, if need be, to die forScotland. Is this so?"

  "We are, sir," the lads exclaimed together.

  "Then so be it," Sir William said. "Now, Sir Archie, do you fixa place for their encampment, and make such other arrangementsas you may think fit. You will, of course, draw rations and othernecessaries for them as regular members of the band."

  Archie descended with his troop from the craigs, and chose a spotwhere they would be apart from the others. It was a small piece ofground cut off by the stream which wound at the foot of the craigs,so that to reach it it was necessary to wade knee deep through thewater. This was no inconvenience to the lads, all of whom, as wascommon with their class at the time, were accustomed to go barefoot,although they sometimes wore a sort of sandal. Bushes were cutdown, and arbours made capable of containing them. The spot wasbut a little distance from the foot of the path up the craigs, andany one descending the path could be seen from it.

  Archie gave orders that one was always to be above in readiness tostart instantly with a message; that a sentry was to be placed atthe camp, who was to keep his eyes upon the path, and the momentthe one on duty above was seen to leave, the next upon the list wasto go up and take his place. None were to wander about the wood,but all were to remain in readiness for any duty which might berequired. The two lieutenants were charged to drill them constantlyat their exercises so as to accustom them to the weight and handleof their arms. Two were to be sent off every morning to the depotwhere the provisions were issued, to draw food for the whole forthe day, and four were to be posted five miles away on the roadsleading towards the craigs to give warning of the approach of anyenemies. These were to be relieved every six hours. They were tobe entirely unarmed, and none were to issue from the camp with armsexcept when specially ordered.

  Having made these arrangements, and taking with him one of the bandas the first on duty above, he rejoined Wallace at his post on thecraigs.

  Wallace's numbers now increased fast. On hearing of the fall ofLanark, and on the receipt of the proclamation calling upon alltrue Scotchmen to join him in his effort to deliver their countryfrom its yoke, the people began to flock in in great numbers. RichardWallace of Riccarton and Robert Boyd came in with such force asthey could collect from Kyle and Cunningham, among whom were notless than 1000 horsemen. Sir John Grahame, Sir John of Tinto, andAuchinleck assembled about 3000 mounted troops and a large numberof foot, many of whom, however, were imperfectly armed. Sir RonaldCrawford, Wallace's uncle, being so close to Ayr, could not openlyjoin him, but secretly sent reinforcements and money. Many othergentlemen joined with their followers.

  The news of the fall of Lanark and of the numbers who were flockingto join Wallace paralysed the commanders of the English garrisons,and for a time no steps were taken against him; but news of therising was instantly sent to King Edward, who, furious at thisfresh trouble in Scotland, which he had deemed finally conquered,instantly commenced preparations for another invasion. A body oftroops was at once sent forward from England, and, being strengthenedby bodies drawn from all the garrisons, assembled at Biggar. Thearmy was commanded by the Earl of Kent. Heralds were sent to Wallaceoffering him not only pardon but an honourable post if he wouldsubmit, but warning him that if he refused this offer he should,when taken, be treated as a rebel and hung.

  Wallace briefly refused submission, and said that he should beready to give battle on the following morning.

  At daybreak the army set forth, divided into three parts. Wallace,with Boyd and Auchinleck, commanded one; Sir John Grahame, withWallace of Riccarton, the second; Sir Walter of Newbigging, with hisson David and Sir John Clinto, the third. The cavalry were placedin front. The footmen, being imperfectly armed and disciplined,and therefore unable to withstand the first charge of the English,followed the cavalry.

  Before marching forward Wallace called the commanders round himand charged them earnestly to restrain their men from plunder untilthe contest was decided, pointing out that many a battle had beenlost owing to the propensity of those who gained the first advantageto scatter for plunder. Just as the Scotch were moving, a body of300 horsemen, well armed and equipped, from Annandale and Eskdale,led by Halliday, Kirkpatrick, and Jardine, joined them; and withthis accession of strength they marched forward confidently againstthe enemy.