Read In Makr's Shadow - Book One: Symbiosis Page 42


  "It is logical there is not an E in Makr. Makr is more than a 'maker'." There exists only one." - Makr, the One and Only

  Winston Salem wasn't feeling he had cut a very good deal as he sat in the hover-car all trussed up with wire—damned uncomfortable wire—and now the Shadow was hanging grenades on that wire.

  "I promise I won't tell. I'm not going anywhere. 'Til the end. I swear."

  "Never thought much of swearing. Most people who swear seem to lie most naturally."

  The Shadow was having trust issues, though Winston.

  "Think you have it all under control?"

  "But..." Winston protests meekly.

  "You can thank me later. I'm giving you control, see?" he said as he pulled the pin out of one grenade and placed Winston's sweaty palm around the globular explosive. Winston started...

  "Uh uh uh...Shhh," the Shadow continued. "I said, 'Don't talk,' and I meant it. These grenades are old - very old—with hair triggers that could easily slip...and kaboom! One takes out a city block, two several blocks, three [half a mile or two](114). You have six hanging on your chest. Medals for bravery to come after you're dead, you might say. If I were you I wouldn't move much, wouldn't even think about it. One twitch and kaboom, remember!"

  He took another grenade, pulled the pin and placed it in Winston's other hand. He then backed away slowly until he believed he was out of range and then darted into a nearby alley.

  "Maybe I can gather some things for our final battle," he said loudly so Winston could hear. "You might say I've put some things away for a rainy day; that 'rainy day' is this very moment. Some find safety in numbers or in a quiet dark shadow, or inside four walls of illusion, but me, I find safety in finding and using weapons of Cyber destruction. I always say if you can't win the war, you might as well go out in a blaze of glory."

  Winston was about to groan, but realized it was a bad idea under these circumstances. The man was crazy. And Harry Bolls is not the only one in big trouble, he thought.