Read In Makr's Shadow - Book One: Symbiosis Page 58


  "Computers are magnificent tools for the realization of our dreams, but no machine can replace the human spark of spirit, compassion, love, and understanding." - Louis Gerstner

  The tracers from above lit up the ground as a giant shadow moved across the square, practically covering it with a secure comfortable darkness of its shadow. The bright sun made whatever was making the shadow impossible for the human eye to look at directly. The same could be said for the Cyber that used heat to determine shape and form. From that shadow, lightning strafed the ground with incredible accuracy aimed at every cybert, and every place that appeared too good to be true. Cyber lasers returned fire at the shadow above, the tracers, apparently with no result. By the time the cyberts adjusted for sun angles and building shadows in the area, the shadow menace to them was gone.

  Fires caused by the strafing and the laser's intense heat brought cyberts who'd been dispatched to the area to put them out. That resulted in more chaos. The shadow came back, zigzagging, constantly changing its elevation so it appeared to be growing and shrinking as it moved back and forth across the sky. It made for a more difficult target for the cyberts on the ground. Whoever was up there knew how to be careful and not predictable.

  The Blue Leaders were standing frozen in place, looking up at their aerial threat, assessing, analyzing, predicting, filing, and waiting for program input.

  Carlos took advantage of the firepower from the sky and weaved his way from various shadow points where he could take cover. He motioned for Kieran and Marlene to make their way around the other way. Marlene followed Kieran's lead. Both groups picked off three or four cyberts before their Cyber adversaries computed a solution to deal with the air threat. By that time, the Shadow had moved off a second time. Thanks, whoever you are, Carlos said to the sky.

  Unfortunately, since the Shadow moved off, those doing the ground fighting were once again exposed. Carlos took cover behind a stone pedestal that used to support some hero’s statue. There were no shadows here. He knew there was nothing to do now but keep as low as possible, staying out of visual range at least, and hope the combat zone was too hot, confusing Cyber body heat detection.

  No sooner had he moved into a comfortable position, he spied four cyberts, big Blue Leader types charging right at him. I'm done for, he thought. He peeked around his stony protection. His adrenaline rush seemed to have slowed down his perception. The cyberts were moving in slow motion. Have to wait until they're right on top of me, he reasoned. Might get a couple. Uh...oh! Several more were heading for Marlene and Kieran! He started up to help them… As he weaved his way to them, he saw someone running right at the four cyberts. Someone with long silvery hair...

  "Mother!" It was Marlene's voice.

  She was racing for the middle of the square, trying to divert the cyberts.

  "Don't do it!" he screamed. "Get down! Get down!"

  Marlene and Kieran were frantically yelling for her to come back, but to no avail. Marlene decided to take action. She pulled away from Kieran in the shadows as two of the Blue Leaders stopped, turned and fired.

  So synchronized were the actions of the two cyberts, there was one flash instead of two. What did that matter? Mother-General was just as dead. Her molecules dissolved in the air. The blast from two cyberts was so great, there wasn’t even a red mist. It was if she was never there.

  But her tactical diversion had worked. Her children were safe. Carlos and Kieran each destroyed two of the distracted Blue Leaders. It was eerily quiet. Except for Marlene as she knelt on the ground, sobbing over a mother lost and found and lost again.

  She was whispering, "She was smiling. Why? Why? Why, Makr?"

  Kieran knelt down next to her and put her hand on her shoulder. "She didn't believe in grieving, you know."

  Marlene glimpsed a odd smile on the other woman's face.

  "She died happier and more complete than she'd ever been," Kieran said. "She saw her children—all of them. And I'm sure she heard you call her 'mother' before the end."

  "Do you really think so?"

  "Yes, I do." Kieran knew it wouldn’t have mattered. Mother-General had seen her children, all of them, and for a few moments that made her happier than she had ever been in her life. But yeah she would have liked it, she thought. "I hate to sound like Carlos, but we can't take any more time to grieve."

  "Let's get out of here before more of these bastards come back to finish us off." She wiped her tears on her sleeve, took one last look at the last place she had seen her mother; there was nothing left now—only ashes blowing in the wind.

  Carlos couldn't believe his eyes!

  The Blue Leader cyberts were not re-grouping. In fact, just the opposite; they were separating from the pack and going off in as many directions as there were cyberts. The chaos Mother had predicted was happening! Red Leaders came from every shadow imaginable. They were in pursuit and firing laser cannons, not at Bios but at the Blue Leader cyberts, making them focus on their cyber attackers instead.

  Could this war get any more mixed up? The Reds were fighting the Blues and rescuing Bios now!

  We couldn’t be that lucky, Carlos contemplated. Was there another war between Cyber of different colors they didn’t know about? Would the victor of Cyber war destroy all Bios like them? The thought dragged him down almost to submission. Right now he wanted to survive along with all the Bios he brought out of the depths.

  On the other side of the square, at least a hundred Blue Leader cyberts marched in unison toward them... Makr was flaunting His superiority. Now, he knew. He shared a look with Kieran and smiled. Makr’s last stand! This was the real Cyber chaos! He suspected many of the Blue army weren’t real, but he and his comrades had energy left and nothing with which to fight. Hey, Red Leaders, you missed some, he said silently. Oh shit! Guess we're on our own for this one.

  The flying machine that had been the shadow in the sky loomed over them for another pass, blocking the sun this time and casting a giant shadow on the ground. It circled long enough to see the situation below, but long enough for a Blue to fire its cannon. The autopilot took over the craft and swerved to avoid the blast, but it was too late. The flying cybert, rife with fire and smoke, spiraled to the ground, breaking apart. A bag made from Stealth material exited the wreckage as the smoke settled.

  Explosives! It had to be! Down! He heard a click that sounded like a grenade. The blast that followed sent cybert wreckage over his head, crashing into the ground for a mile. Carlos took a deep breath before he rose from behind the Blue cybert wreckage. He looked for signs of Marlene and Kieran. A wave of a hand, then two. He ran to them and crouched, arms around them. None of them seemed too battle damaged to continue. Bruises, small cuts and contusions. Nothing the gel couldn’t heal.

  For the moment, the threat had passed, they had time to think. The flying machine was a mystery no one could solve at the moment. Now to find Harry again. As the trio set out to find other Bio fighters, they witnessed an odd sight. Large groups of Bios were coming back from the shadows into the square. Some Shadows, but also other Bios they didn’t recognize. Insiders from the battle broken buildings?

  Without losing stride the large group spread out to collect cybert wreckage. They were scavenging anything that could serve as weapons. More came out of the shadows, survivors from Inside now seeing the stark reality for the first time, but they didn’t seem afraid. There was a man leading them, instructing them.

  "I know that man," Kieran said. "He was more or less in charge when I happened on what was left of your team. Peculiar man. Lots of fire, but he acted as though he'd been kicked in the balls all the time."

  "We've all been there," acknowledged Carlos.

  Marlene spoke up this time, as she saw the Reverend stopping along the way to give comfort to the wounded. "Looks like the Reverend's coming this way."

  "An Evangel?" asked Carlos. "An Evangel was in charge of my Shadows?"

  Marlene nodded. "He saved their lives. I don't thin
k they cared where he came from."

  "What are the Evangels doing here anyway? Look! They're everywhere! I thought they were all pacifists."

  "Apparently, not all," Kieran explained. "Mother-General said it was all part of the plan. Top secret for years."

  "I can't believe I didn't know about this. Why didn't she tell me?"

  "I'd say she wanted you to stay focused. Look! They're everywhere.

  "You have enough to do," Marlene chimed in.

  "Well, now I have more."

  "You can handle it, Carlos," said Kieran. "You're the one—her chosen one."

  "But I thought Harry..."

  "A different one, Silly."

  For once Carlos didn't question his abilities but, uncomfortable talking about himself, he changed the subject. He looked around the square at the thousands of people who were filling it.

  "I never realized the Evangels had so many followers," he said in amazement.

  "I don't think any of us did," Kieran continued. "Parks joined us just before we left the Nest. Apparently his people struck a deal with Mother-General. He said he wanted to be there when Makr defeated us so he could broker some kind of peace. He figures because he'd been preaching acceptance for thirty years, Makr might give us another chance at survival if we lose this war."

  "What did we get out of the deal?" Marlene and Carlos sat stunned.

  "A diversion. Misinformation fed by millions. Rumors that there is life after death by Makr gave some people strength to go on. It also gave them faith that there is something worth waiting for. For Makr, the whole idea that He would analyze every piece of data is so illogical. The key, Evangels knew, was that fear would make their flocks turn on each other, looking for someone to blame."

  "Mother-General struck a secret pact with the Evangels. We had hoped the false accusations would create an information overload as all the data was analyzed and verified by Makr. Stretched to the limit, Makr would weaken. Mother-General started rumors of a messiah, but the preacher perpetuated them among his people. Then, the rumors spread to the splinter groups. Even to our own Shadow nest. A King of the World. A king who could see through Makr's illusions. He routinely preached hope and faith, two illogical concepts."

  "So that's why Makr wants to talk to Harry," Carlos interjected. "He wants him to clarify the massive erratic behavior among us dissidents."

  "It could be that simple. I wouldn't be too sure."

  Carlos was brainstorming now. "Or, does He want Harry out of the way? Eliminate the Messiah?

  "This diversion hasn't worked as well as we expected, Carlos. SensaVision still functions."

  "Yeah, but now we know how to defeat it. This Reverend Parks, does he know Harry?"

  "I don't think so."

  "Well, if he's risking his life for his faith... Not much different than the Cause we were told we had to fight for. Guess it takes all kinds to survive this mess."

  "The Reverend did more than survive," Kieran said. "He took on Leach in his scissors suit single-handedly. Leach admired his gutsy attitude and spared him and the rest."

  "Okay. So the guy's a hero. That makes him very human. Think Harry would like to meet him?"

  She nodded.

  "Me too," he continued. "Who knows? Might be a useful guy to have around."

  Parks' approach was somewhat tentative the closer he came, but he was determined. He looked tired. He was armed with a laser ax and by the cavalier way he was carrying it, he looked now like he knew how to use it. Carlos saved him having to announce himself.

  "You, Parks?"

  The man gave a nod and a curt bow as if before royalty.

  "I'm Carlos. You're in this for the duration?"

  He nodded again. He stood for a moment not knowing what to say; he was in awe of Carlos.

  Carlos broke the silence. "Reverend, I hear you defended me and survived the cyborg, Leach. There is hope after all."

  If Carlos expected more royal treatment from Parks, he wasn't getting it.

  "Let's be clear, General. It is General now isn't it? I did it for them," he said, making a sweeping gesture around the whole of the square with his laser ax. "This war is about them."

  "Well, don't just stand there. Get your gear and get going." As the man turned and trotted away, Carlos called after him. "Remember, the Red Leaders are on our side!"

  The man took off at almost a run to talk to the crowd that had started to gather again. Guess they figured once a place was nearly destroyed, its value as a target was diminished. They probably think it can't happen again here for a while, thought Carlos. That's almost Cyber thinking.

  He was tired, too. His arm hurt, or he felt pain where it used to be. Now it started. Harry, where are you? Are you safe, big brother? Carlos heard more explosions in the distance. Flashes of light. Then he saw the square flickering. The people were the same and in focus, but the canvas they were drawn on was streaked with color and other blurred splashes of black and gray shadows. The view in front of him was flickering. It was happening everywhere he looked. And it wasn't his eyes! He felt a tear start to form.