Read In New Granada; Or, Heroes and Patriots Page 6



  Antonio and I had escaped the volleys fired at us, but we had yet topass through another shower of bullets. The house at which I had dinedwas not far from the lines, and the troops stationed there wouldendeavour to stop us. The gate, however, was open, to allow the passageof some mules bringing in provisions. The shots fired at us had scaredthe guards, who could not make out what was happening; but before theyhad time to close the entrance, we had dashed through. In little morethan a minute the whistling of bullets passing our ears told us that thesentries had discovered their mistake in allowing us to pass. The rimof my hat was shot away, and two of the leaden messengers passed throughmy servant's jacket; but as neither ourselves nor our steeds were hit,we were soon beyond range of the Pastucian lines. We had, however, twoleagues to ride before we could reach the Patriot encampment.

  The horrible treachery of the Pastucian officers showed that, eventhough I had come under a flag of truce, it was very probable that otherparties of the enemy whom we might encounter would not scruple to shootus down. I saw, therefore, that I must endeavour to avoid any of theirposts; not an easy matter, as all the roads would be guarded. Atpresent, however, all we could do was to gallop on to the northward. Ihad fortunately noted the outlines of the mountains on either side as Icame along, and was thus able to direct my course. From the unevennessof the ground, we ran, at the rate we were going, a great risk offalling; but it was not a time to stop at trifles. Not only our ownlives, but the safety of the army, might depend upon our getting back.There was no doubt that the Pastucians intended to attempt surprisingour forces; but this, if I should make good my escape, would beprevented.

  Reaching the summit of rising ground, we now saw before us a Pastucianoutpost. I could scarcely hope to pass through it without beingquestioned, as the firing from the lines would have been heard, and itscause suspected. Our best chance of escape, therefore, was to leave theroad by turning to the right, and to make our way across the country. Ilooked behind, feeling sure that we should be pursued; but as yet noenemy was in sight in that direction, nor were we perceived by thoseahead. At first the ground was sufficiently even to allow us tocontinue at full speed; but in a short time it became so rough that wehad to make our way with more caution, and finally we were compelled todismount and lead our horses over the rocks amid thick underwood. Wehad next to pass through a forest, which covered the side of a risingground, but here we gained the advantage of being concealed from ourenemies. On emerging from the wood we saw below us a broad stream,which separated the two armies; and once on the other side, we should bein comparative safety. My intention, therefore, was to gallop down thebill, and at once to ford or swim the stream, in the hope that we mightreach the other side before being discovered by the enemy.

  We had just remounted, when I saw to the left a considerable body of thePastucians, watching, I concluded, a ford in that direction. To theright the river went foaming and roaring over a rocky bed, but therewere one or two smooth-looking places, across which I thought itpossible we might pass. The question, however, was whether we should beable to reach a practicable spot before the Pastucians could come nearenough to fire at us. To escape their observation was almostimpossible, so not a moment was to be lost.

  "Now, Antonio," I said, "we must push on for our lives, and pray Heaventhat we may reach the bottom of the hill without breaking our necks;then, at the first likely spot, we must push across the river. Can youswim?"

  "Si, senor, like a fish."

  "Then, the instant our horses lose their footing, we must slip fromtheir backs and guide them across."

  A momentary glance showed me that the Pastucians had seen us, and werehurrying along the bank of the river to cut us off. Keeping to theright, therefore, we dashed forward, our horses frequently descendingseveral feet at a time, but alighting always on their legs. It wasalmost by a miracle that we reached the bottom of the steep hill. Wethen had to gallop along over rough ground until we came to a placewhich afforded some prospect of crossing. There was no time to surveyit narrowly, and leading the way, sure that Antonio would follow, Iplunged in--my horse stumbling forward some distance, so that I wasafraid he would lose his footing and be carried down the stream. Atlength he made a plunge, and his whole body sank under the water. Iinstantly threw myself off and turned his head up the current, holdingon by one hand to the saddle, while I swam with the other. Antonio, inthe same fashion, followed close at my heels. Below us, to the right,was a roaring waterfall, threatening instant death to us should we goover; but the sagacious animals seemed to understand their danger, anddid their utmost to keep away from it.

  I could now see the enemy coming along the bank; they were holding theirmuskets ready to fire directly they got within range of us. The bankfor which we were making was steep, but still our brave steeds mightclimb it, if not too much fatigued by their swim. I shouted to Antoniothat we would lead them up, as we should gain in the end by it.

  Most thankful was I when at length I found my horse beginning to walk,and I soon set my own feet on the ground. Even then it was no easymatter to get along; while there was the risk that my horse, in hisstruggles, would strike me with his hoofs.

  We landed at last, and taking the reins, I dragged him up the bank.Antonio followed closely. Scarcely had we reached the top when we heardthe rattle of musketry, and several bullets struck the ground around us.At some little distance, however, was a wood. If we could gain it, weshould be in safety; for should the enemy attempt to swim across thestream their muskets and powder would be damaged, while we should getwell ahead before they had time to construct rafts in order to ferrythem over.

  We threw ourselves upon our horses; but scarcely had I got into mysaddle, when I heard a peculiar thud, and felt that a bullet had struckme--whereabouts I could not for the moment tell.

  "On, on!" I shouted to Antonio.

  "O senor, you are bleeding!" he exclaimed.

  "I suppose so," I answered, "for I felt something strike me; but nevermind--on, on!"

  We dashed forward; and I was in hopes that I might retain my strengthuntil we could reach the camp. Another volley came rattling after us,but we escaped being hit, and in a few seconds were in the midst oftrees, among which we made our way as fast as we could, frequentlyhaving to leap or scramble over fallen trunks. But nothing stopped us.It was not likely that we should encounter any of the enemy on the sidewe had gained; but still it was possible, and it was necessary to keepour eyes about us.

  I had been too much excited to feel any pain, but at length I began toexperience an uncomfortable sensation, though I would not consent tostop and allow Antonio to bind up my wound. I did not fancy, indeed,that it could be very severe.

  "Do, senor, allow me to bind your sash over the wound, or you will faintfrom loss of blood; then it will be difficult to get you back," saidAntonio.

  At length I yielded to his persuasions. We both dismounted; and havingtethered our horses, he set scientifically to work to bandage my wound.

  "It was high time to do this, senor," he observed; "a few more minutes,and you would have had no more blood
in your veins."

  He tore off a piece of my shirt, and with a pocket handkerchief made apad, which he bound on my side. This increased the pain, but at thesame time it stopped the flow of blood, which was running down mytrousers into my boots. I then again mounted, though not withoutdifficulty, and rode on, doing my best to keep my saddle; but I had toconfess that I felt very weak. Most thankful was I, therefore, when wecame in sight of our camp. Some of the tents were pitched on a longridge, protected by mountains in their rear, while a steep bank slopeddown to the valley. Other tents appeared to the right, also on elevatedground. Altogether, the position was one of considerable strength, andwell chosen. Large numbers of troops were exercising in the valleybelow.

  After passing the videttes, as we rode along the southern ridge,overlooking this valley, we saw a horseman approaching us. It proved tobe my _ci-devant_ tutor, Mr Laffan,--now holding the rank of captain.

  "What has happened, my dear Duncan?" he exclaimed as he saw me. "Youlook as pale as death. Why, you must be wounded; no doubt about it."

  I gave him a brief account of what had happened; with which he was, ofcourse, horrified.

  "We must get the doctor to you, in the first place; then you can makeyour report to the general."

  But just then we saw the general approaching, so we rode forward to meethim. He would at first scarcely credit the fearful account I had togive; but it was confirmed by Antonio, who described how he had seen meleap from the window, and how the Pastucians had fired at us.

  "Have any of the officers escaped?" he asked.

  I told him I was afraid every one had been killed.

  "We must avenge them," he said; "such treachery deserves the mostcomplete punishment. Now go, young senor, and get your wound lookedto," he added.

  As I rode off, he summoned several of his staff, and issued orders toprepare for an attack.

  I was carried to Captain Brown's tent.

  "I must look after you," said Captain Brown; "for had you not gone, Ishould most certainly have been murdered with the rest of the poorfellows."

  The news I brought naturally excited the greatest indignation,especially amongst the officers and men of the regiment of the Cauca.All hoped that the Pastucians would attack us that night. The troopswere got under arms, and every preparation was made for the battle,though the tents were allowed to stand, in order to deceive the enemy'sscouts.

  Juan, hearing that I was wounded, came to see me, and expressed hissorrow.

  "I thought I should have had you by my side in to-morrow's fight," hesaid; "for, from what I can hear, if the Pastucians do not attack us weshall attack them, and I hope to punish them severely for theirtreachery. It is in keeping with their character, and our poor fellowsshould not have trusted them."

  Neither Juan nor Mr Laffan could stay with me long, as they had toattend to their men, and every officer was needed. Captain Brown andAntonio looked after me, however; and the doctor assured me that, if Iremained quiet, I might be able to sit my saddle again in a few weeks.

  "A few weeks!" I exclaimed; "I thought a few days would put me torights, doctor."

  "For the sake of getting another bullet through you," he observed."Well, I will patch you up as far as I can; you must do as you thinkfit."

  I lay awake, expecting every instant to hear the rattle of musketry andthe booming sound of our field-pieces, but the night seemed to bepassing away quietly. At last I dropped off to sleep.

  "If the enemy intended a night attack, they had thought better of itwhen they found that you had escaped and given us warning," said CaptainBrown, when he awoke me in the morning and gave me the breakfast thatAntonio had brought. "When they do come, I must go out with myregiment, whether ill or well; but you, Sinclair, must remain in camp--you will be unable to sit a horse for many days."

  From the excessive weakness I felt, I feared that he was right, but Iwas much disappointed at the thought of being unable to take part in theexpected battle.

  I had been sleeping for some time, when I was awakened by the sound offiring. No one was in the tent, for, in spite of his illness, CaptainBrown had joined his regiment and gone to the front. Weak as I was, Ithought that I could manage to crawl up to some neighbouring height,from whence I might see what was going forward. The sound of therattling of musketry now came up the valley, with the louder boom of ourartillery, so I could resist the temptation no longer. Supportingmyself on a stick, therefore, with a spy-glass hanging by a strap overmy shoulders, I left the tent and made my way on, sometimes crawling onmy hands and knees, until I reached a rock overhanging the camp, where Icould lie down and rest the glass on a ledge just above me.

  Our troops crowned the heights of the opposite side of the valley. Itwas not of sufficient elevation, however, to prevent me seeing over iton to the plain beyond, where the Pastucians were moving, endeavouringto force their way to the northward--their main body attacking ourcentre, while other divisions were marching to the right and left,evidently with the hope of outflanking the Patriots. I could clearlydistinguish the different corps. The centre stood their ground. Juanwith his cavalry drove back the enemy on the right; while the Caucaregiment, charging, prevented the body threatening our left flank fromgaining the advantage they expected.

  Frequently the Pastucians were so near that their shot came flyingacross the valley; but, their powder not being of the best, the bulletshad by that time expended their force. Among their leaders I sawseveral friars; and, mounted on a fine horse, I recognised the bishop.He and his stalwart secretary had crucifixes in their left hands andbright swords in their right, which they kept vehemently flourishing.Now the bishop would hold up his crucifix, and now point with his swordat the Patriots. Then the enemy, with shrieks and shouts, would chargeright up to our men; but on each occasion they were driven back withdreadful slaughter. Two or three monks were knocked over; still thebishop and his lieutenant seemed to bear charmed lives. Perhapssuperstition had something to do with it, and our men were afraid tofire at a right reverend prelate.

  At times I feared that the Patriots would give way, and on one occasionthe bishop and his followers had nearly succeeded in breaking our line;but the regiment of the Cauca coming up, flushed with their previoussuccess, charged the enemy and drove them back headlong--the bishop andhis secretary, the ex-captain of dragoons, setting the example, andscampering off at a rate which made it difficult to overtake them. Iexpected to see Juan's troopers in pursuit, but he was meanwhile hotlyengaged with a body of the enemy's cavalry, which after a sharp contesthe defeated,--though they rallied again to cover the retreat of thebishop.

  Soon after this I lost sight of the main body of our army, which hadadvanced; but small parties were seen coming to the rear, bringing inthe wounded. I observed one party going towards the cavalry tents,which were directly below me. The men were carrying an officer on astretcher, and as I brought my glass to bear on them I saw, to my grief,that the wounded man was Captain Laffan. Anxious to low whether he wasmuch hurt, I immediately began my descent from the position, though indoing so, in my weak state, I nearly rolled to the bottom. FortunatelyI met one of the camp-followers, who assisted me along, and by his helpI got to Laffan's tent, and found my friend in the hands of the surgeon.

  "You are where you should not be, young man!" exclaimed the latter whenhe saw me.

  "But I want to know how my friend is," I said.

  "What, Duncan, my boy!" exclaimed the captain, who recognised my voice."I appreciate your kindness, but I wish you had remained in bed. I haveonly a bullet or two through me, and a sabre-cut on my arm dealt by oneof those six rascals whom I was attacking. If there had been one less,I should have cut them all down. As it was, three bit the ground.Don't fear! I shall be all right, with a little plastering andbandaging,--shall I not, doctor?"

  "Yes, yes, captain, you'll do very well; but you must keep quiet for afew hours.--And you, Mr Sinclair, must get back to your tent."

  I endeavoured to obey the surgeo
n, but, overcome with exertions forwhich I was ill-fitted, I sank down in a dead faint.

  "Now this is too bad of the boy, when I want to be attending hisfriend," I heard the doctor say, after he had poured some cordial downmy throat, which somewhat restored me. On this, two men whom hesummoned took me up and carried me back to Captain Brown's tent.

  Towards evening, a portion of our troops returned to guard the camp, butthe main body was advancing in pursuit of the Pastucians.

  The next day less satisfactory news arrived. The enemy had beenreinforced, and the Patriot army had had no little difficulty inmaintaining its position.

  The surgeons now advised that the wounded officers who could bear thejourney should be carried back to Popayan; and as neither Captain Laffannor I were likely to be fit for duty for some time to come, we gladlyavailed ourselves of the opportunity. We were put into litters hung onlong poles, supported on men's shoulders; and the journey occupiedseveral days, though I can give very little account of it. Some of thetime, indeed, I was in a semi-somnolent state, caused by weakness.

  The only striking scene I can recall was our passage on a bamboo bridgeover a river in our course. The army had crossed by a ford lower down,where the water was shallow and the current slight. Here it was ofgreat depth, and the banks of considerable height. As I looked at theslight structure, however, it appeared to me incapable of bearing morethan the weight of a single man, while a few cuts with a manchette wouldhave sent it into the torrent below.

  I heard Captain Laffan, who was in advance of me, cry out to hisbearers, "You don't mean to say that we are to go over that spider's-webaffair! Why! it looks as if it would give way with the weight of thatwoman going along it."

  "Have no fears about the matter, senor captain; cavalry have chargedover it before now," was the answer. And, in spite of the captain'sprotestations, his bearers tramped on and crossed in safety.

  I followed, and though the bamboos creaked ominously they held fast, andno accident occurred to any of the party. It was along such a bridge asthis that the gallant Colonel Mackintosh rode at full gallop, whenleading on his brave Albions to the capture of La Plata, some timeafterwards.

  The path we took would only allow of one litter passing at a time, and Ihad no conversation with the rest of the party; so, when we stopped atnight, Laffan ordered his litter to be placed alongside mine. He was inexcellent spirits, and seemed to feel his several wounds scarcely somuch as I did the single one I had received.

  "You are not so well accustomed to it, my boy, as I am. I have no extraflesh to be annoyed, you see; and my parchment-like skin soon unites,"he observed, laughing.

  At last we arrived at Popayan. My father looked somewhat horrified whenhe saw me and heard of my narrow escape.

  "I am sorry I allowed Mr Laffan and you to go," he said. "However, youare here now, and I hope you will soon be brought round."

  "Faith, doctor, but I'm mighty glad to have seen a little more service;and as soon as you can patch me up I'll be off again to fight for theright cause!" exclaimed our Irish friend.

  I inquired for my mother and the rest of our relations.

  "Paul Lobo," said my father, "discovered them in a hut among themountains. They were all very well, and in tolerable spirits, onlysomewhat anxious about us. I have sent him back again with a load ofnecessary articles; and if we receive satisfactory accounts from thearmy, I trust that they will return as soon as they grow weary of theirrough life. Uncle Richard, however, takes very good care of them, andobtains abundance of provisions; but they intend, at all events, shortlyto return to the farm, from whence, should the Spaniards again overrunthe country, they can make good their retreat."

  Under my father's careful treatment Mr Laffan and I soon regained ourstrength, and we became eager to rejoin the army. My father, however,declared that I was not in a fit state to be exposed to the hardshipswhich I should have to endure; but that Mr Laffan might do as he liked.

  The news from the south was not altogether satisfactory. Although thePatriots had hitherto been successful, the Pastucians had doggedly stoodtheir ground, and had retreated slowly--probably with the intention ofdrawing them into some defiles, where they might be attacked from theheights. At this period intelligence was received that the Spaniardswere again advancing from the north. On hearing this, the commandant ofPopayan immediately sent a despatch entreating the general to return.Instead, however, of the whole army coming, only a few made theirappearance to assist in the defence of the town. At the same time,troops had been collected from all quarters, and every effort had beenmade to bring them into a state of efficiency. Our uncle, Dr Cazalla,was one of the most active in preparing for the defence of the place.He had established a manufactory for gunpowder, on a plan devised byhimself. It was one of the articles most required. He had also taughtall the blacksmiths who could be found how to repair muskets, and someof the most expert even how to manufacture them.

  "It is a sad way of employing our strength and talents," he observed tomy father. "The same exertions rendered to the cause of peacefulindustry, might make this country rich and flourishing, instead of whichall our energies are being expended in killing one another. Still, weare fighting for the advantage of our children; but the ruin this warhas brought upon the country cannot be repaired during our lifetime."

  The officer now in command of the city had seen no service. He may havebeen a very worthy man, but he was a bad general. I have described thechief square of the town. Most of the houses in it had been turned intobarracks, the owners having fled, some because they were Royalists, andothers in order to avoid the risk they would incur should the place becaptured by either party.

  I was now nearly quite well, as was also Mr Laffan, and he haddetermined to set off next day to rejoin Juan's corps. He had, however,over-estimated his strength; for that very evening, on returning home,he was seized with a fever. My father insisted that he should at oncego to bed. "If you do not," he said, "I will not answer for your life."

  The dominie obeyed, but very unwillingly. His illness however, as wasproved in the sequel, was the means of saving his life. I had gone oneafternoon with my father to visit some Royalist friends living in thegreat square, who had had the courage to remain in the town. My fatherhad attended the family, and not long before had been the means ofcuring Don Cassiodoro de Corran of a dangerous disease. Though aSpaniard, he was very liberal, and, being respected by all parties, heventured to remain, and the Patriots had not molested him. The youngladies of the family were playing on their guitars, and two or threeother people having come in, we were proposing a dance, when we werestartled by the sound of musketry. Presently we heard shouts and cries,and the trampling of horses coming down the principal street leadingfrom the northern gate.

  "The Godos! the Godos! the hated Spaniards! The enemy is upon us!"shouted the people, as they rushed across the square.

  Unfortunately, the principal officers of the troops were in differentparts of the town, paying visits or amusing themselves. The soldiers,without proper leaders, seized their arms and turned out, some comingwithout ammunition, others leaving their bayonets or swords behind them.They then attempted to form under their sergeants and such officers asremained, but, being ill-disciplined, all was done in a hurry andwithout order; and many, seized by a panic, made their escape.

  Antonio, who, I should have said, had accompanied me, rushed into thehouse and begged me to fly. My father, however, insisted that I shouldremain.

  "You can do nothing, and will certainly lose your life," he said.

  Antonio, who was a brave fellow, hastened out again to join hiscomrades. I could not, however, resist going to the window to see whatwas taking place. Presently a large body of Spanish cavalry rode intothe square, putting to flight the soldiers they first encountered, who,scattering in every direction, attempted to seek safety in the houses.Among others I caught sight of Antonio, who was making towards the househe had so lately left, hotly pursued by a Span
ish colonel. Idetermined, if possible, to save Antonio, and asked Don Cassiodoro tospeak to the colonel. He was about to do so, when Antonio stopped andcried out--

  "I will surrender, senor colonel, if you will spare my life."

  "Well, well! trust to me," was the answer.

  But as the Spaniard spoke he drew a pistol from his holster; on whichAntonio, expecting the next moment to be a dead man, made a lunge at himwith his long lance, the point wounding the colonel, who the next momentrolled from his horse. Our hero, as may be supposed, did not stop tohelp him up, but leaping on his steed, galloped off, master of a goodhorse and all the colonel's appointments. As he passed our windows hewaved his hand to me, and disappeared like lightning down the street. Ihad great hopes that he would make his escape before the main body ofthe Spaniards could enter.

  Don Cassiodoro, on seeing the colonel on the ground, went out with myfather and brought him into the house, that his wound might be attendedto. The spear had torn his coat, but, excepting a slight scratch on theside, had not otherwise harmed him. He begged, however, that his woundmight be dressed; when Don Cassiodoro advised that he should go to bed,which he appeared very willing to do.

  I waited, in hopes that the Patriot officers would rally the troops anddrive out the Spaniards before the arrival of the main body; for, afterall, those who had entered formed but a small party, and wereunaccompanied by infantry. So completely panic-stricken, however, hadour men become, that it was found impossible to make head against theSpaniards; indeed, a considerable number of them had fled from the town.Most of the officers, as well as the men, saw that their wisest coursewould be to retreat to the southward, where they could join the army.Thus Popayan once more fell into the hands of the Spaniards.