Read In Search of Love Page 2

  ‘Come. Your follow me up.’ Saying this she walked towards her bedroom.

  Ash took his shoes out as the water absorbed by the sole could have wetted the floor.

  Then he went behind samaira following her towards her bedroom.

  She switched on the light as there was dim light on in her room. She goes to her father’s room which was next to her room, brings her fathers sleeping night gown for Ash.

  ‘ Take this gown, go to the washroom and get fresh. Dry up yourself, otherwise you may feel sick.’

  Ash changed his clothes and wore the night gown given by Samaira.

  ‘Come, come here, I have brought hot coffee for you. We will have coffee together. You will feel better.’ Says samaira in a concerned way to Ash.

  ‘Wow!!! In this weather, coffeeeee, Awesome….

  ‘Ok, now tell me how come you came in such a heavy rain here. You would have not come today. I don’t know how Anna will come?’

  ‘Why, where has she gone?’ Asks Ash

  ‘ She has gone for mass today. On Saturdays she goes for mass.’ She replies to Ash.

  ‘ It means we both are alone today. No one is there.’ He asks with excitement.

  ‘ Well, no one is there now. The servants also must be busy in their servant quarter.’

  Then Ash stood from sofa to have a look to samaira’s room, as he finished away his coffee.

  ‘Your bedroom is marvelous Samaira.’ Says Ash

  ‘hey that is painting of Cleopatra, right? He asks

  ‘ Yeah, my father brought this from Paris.’

  ‘ Its beautifullllllll…………….’

  One of the most pretty women on earth., says Ash

  ‘ go then enjoy with her painting only. As she is not residing in this world today.’ She says with jealousy in her eyes and voice.

  ‘Wrong, Cleopatra is still here!’

  ‘ Here….. Where…..?

  ‘ You are my Cleopatra. The most beautiful and sexy girl I have ever seen.’

  Ash circled his hands around her waist, holding her tight. Both of their bodies touching together, at every inch. No space for air also to pass through.

  Engrossed in each other so much that , they kept looking around for 15 minutes in each other’s eyes without a single blink.

  Ash held her in her arms without a single word and took her to bed. He kissed her on her lips with passion, which crossed all bondations and both were lost in the lovely world of pleasure and desire.

  After sometime the weather became stable, and rainfall stopped, Ash wore his clothes and went away saying a warm goodbye to Samaira.

  She could not sleep the whole night. Just thinking about her love with Ash, which made her feel one of the most beautiful women on earth.

  Next day she planned to give some surprise to Ash. She brought one branded ‘Timex’ watch for him.

  ‘Aha, this watch, definitely he will like.’ said Samaira with admiration.

  She wrapped the box in a beautiful gift paper and attached a small note with it.

  The note was like this:

  My heart beats for you,

  My smile comes seeing you,

  My soul prays for you,

  My hope is live with you,

  I think only about you,

  I love you, preach you.

  Cannot think about anyone else except you.



  ‘ Hi sexy, where are you busy for so many days? Haven’t seen you.’

  Ash asks to his girlfriend “Shiana”, peeping from the window to next window which was facing exactly towards his bedroom.

  ‘ Oh! Hi smarty, even I wanted to meet you, but due to hectic work schedule could not come, ‘ says shiana.

  Ash used to see shiana from his window many times, when she did her dance practice.

  As both of their professions was related to entertainment and music, they usually share their talks through the window. Through window talks they became friends and started spending nights also together when shiana’s sister was out for nights due to her job in call centers.

  Suddenly, with excitement says shiana, ‘tomorrow I am free, lets have fun tomorrow .’

  ‘ Oh sure, so you are coming tomorrow, ok.’ He confirmed.

  Next day in the morning at around 10 ‘O’ clock ,The doorbell ranged,

  Ting tonngggggSSSS…..

  ‘ hi sexyyyy, ‘ says Ash looking shaina from head till toe.

  She was wearing a backless red top above navel and black micro mini worn from below navel. She was a chubby chick with a sexy figure and wheatish complexion. She had sharp features and soft hairs till shoulders.

  ‘ Wow!!! You are looking hunk in this short half pant and black T-shirt.’ Shiana compliments to Ash.

  Ash closed the door, but forgets to lock it.

  ‘ Hey shiana, we will have fun together. Today is a great day.’ Says Ash while kissing her on her shoulders.

  ‘ Uff ohh, Ash don’t start now,’ says shiana.

  ‘ Oh, you want after some time, Ok, I don’t mind.’ Ash says in a humorous mood.

  ‘ Well, how are your violin classes going on?’

  ‘ As usual baby, cool…..’

  He brings two glasses and a bottle of beer from the fridge. They both sit in the living room together and enjoy their time with beer.

  Ash was living in a small 2BHK flat where he was staying alone. For few years he was staying alone as his mother and father both went through separation, they both married with their loved ones, which was the main reason of their separation. They both had extramarital affairs.

  Ash earns sufficiently enough to buy his daily bread and bear his necessary requirements.

  ‘ If you would have not been my girlfriend, My life would have been pleasureless. Life feels spiceless without you.’

  ‘Don’t try to flatter me, Ash. You cannot stay without women. I know you very well. You would have found some other chick.’ Shiana comments on Ash

  As they were chattering and enjoying their great time with beer, the door bell rings. But both of them ignored.

  ‘ Let it be yaar, laundry man must be there. Disturbing character’ Ash says in an irritating voice.

  After 5 minutes the door gets open.

  ‘ samairaaaa!!! You here……..??? He was shocked.

  Samaira looks incredulous. Something out of imagination was happening with her. The scene there in itself was defining everything. The ash did not have any excuse to justify himself.

  ‘ I tried to call you up samaira, but due to network problem could not reach you. I was unable to come from few days due to some personal problems.’ Says Ash, trying to justify himself.

  ‘ Yea, I know what is your personal problem. I can see clearly from my eyes. I am mad.. I am an idiot.. Waiting for you from the last four days with this gift for you. I thought to give you this surprise gift. At every moment I expected that now you will come, I tried to call you also but, your mobile was switched off. I got worried that if you suffering from any problem, is there everything fine with you. But here celebration is going on.’

  Tears were continuously falling from her eyes, while also speaking.

  ‘ I believed you, loved you so much from whole dedication, but you did not have any respect for my love. You cheated me. You have played with my emotions.’

  She cried so much, but then she controlled her emotions. She wiped out her tears. She went out from there, on the way she threw out that gift watch which she brought for Ash. She thinks that he doesn’t deserves this gift.

  After reaching home, she closed her room and sat in a corner without light and air, or any noise there. She could not cry nor express her sorrow to anyone. She could not speak with Anna also. She just wanted to sit alone and converse not a single word with anyone.

  Life has become so sad and miserable,

  I feel I am non valuable.

  Trying to run a ship which cannot sail,

  Stay in prison for lifelong in j

  I am another thing added here,

  Who has no freedom to move anywhere.

  Things are brought for use from market,

  I am here too without any target.

  Chapter 8:


  ‘ Samaira, open the door darling, its already 10 am, you are still sleeping.’ Samaira, Anna knocks the door continuously, she calls her also but no answer. She gets worried.

  ‘ Samairaaaa….. samairaaaa…..’ shouting with tension in her voice.

  She calls servants, they open the door by pushing it with force and the lock breaks.

  ‘ Oh, my god, Samairasssss….!!!’ Anna gets shocked when she sees samaira in such a deadly condition. She was lying on the floor, the hairs look shaggy, face looking clumsy, eyes were swollen because of crying the whole night. Seeing samaira like this Anna got so worried that she was unable to handle herself.

  Anna held Samaira, and made her sit on the bed. She brought a glass of water and gave it to samaira. She was unable to understand actually what is happening? As Anna did not know about the incident.

  ‘ What happen my child? Tell me. Tell me darling, I am getting worried. Please say something darlingsss.. Your this deadly condition will take me away someday. Please… my child tell me something…’ Anna kept on asking.

  Samaira broke down and sobbed like a child. After crying for a long she told the whole story to Anna. Anna tried to make her cool and calm and control herself. So that she should able to forget about the incident. She tried to keep her busy all time, but could not help it. Samaira did not show interest in any activity.

  After, few days the yearly session also got over, the college was closed and nothing was there to do. Whole day she kept sitting in her bedroom, without doing anything. She was becoming dull day by day. Seeing her like this Anna became very tensed. She decided to take her somewhere out for a change which would help her to come out of this depressed phase.

  Anna calls Mr.Samson and speaks about samaira on phone.

  ‘Hello, hello. Ya sir, good morning sir.’

  ‘I was thinking to take baby for a holiday somewhere, as she is having vacations in college and she will have a change also if she goes out for few days.’ Anna speaks with samaira’s father in a very formal manner.

  ‘ Ok Anna, you can come Europe, I am also here for a few days, then I will move out to India. But I will make an arrangement for you and samaira, so that you both can stay here in my guest house for a month without any problem.’ Says Mr. Samson to Anna.

  ‘ Thank you, very much, sir, we both are very thankful to you. Ok, good day sir.’ Saying this she disconnects the call.

  Next day Anna comes with happy mood to samaira and says,

  ‘ Pack your bags darling, we are going for a holiday.’

  ‘ Holiday…..???’ samurai looks with a question mark in her mind.

  Yes, darling we are going to Europe.

  Spirit of dedication has to be there,

  To be a precious gem not found everywhere.

  For oneself everybody work hard,

  Very rare people think about others difficult part.

  Try to enlighten people through your knowledge at every way,

  As if spreading light everywhere like a sun rays.

  You may have to face problems while helping others,

  But never forget, people like you only become creators.

  Feeling of dedication towards one or many,

  Is service to god as it is the way to charity.

  After a few days they fly to Europe. All the arrangements from India to Europe were made by samaira’s father. They comfortably reached to guest house from the airport, as Mr. Samson booked a cab for them to pick them from the airport and take to his guest house.

  ‘ Hello samaira’, says Mr.Samson in a very formal manner.

  ‘ Hello dad.’ Replies samaira

  ‘Good morning, sir’ Anna says to Mr. Samson

  ‘ I hope you did not had any problem on the way.’ Asks Mr. Samson

  ‘ No, Not at all sir.’ Replies Anna

  After some time Mr.Samson gets ready for the conference and goes for his business meet.

  ‘ Ok darling, we will get fresh. Come, let’s have tea first.’ Says Anna to samaira.

  Samaira sits quietly with Anna for having a tea.

  ‘ Today you take rest darling, then we will be going from tomorrow for having a drive in Europe. Even I am also very tired today.’ Says Anna

  Chapter 9:


  ‘Hello, good morning sir’ I am Andrew, guide to help tourists. Mr.Samson had booked me for a month. I think some relatives are there from India.’

  Andrew speaks with manager of the guest house.

  ‘ Just inform them that I have reached and waiting for them to take on their tour from today.’ Says Andrew.

  The manager informs Anna and Samaira about Andrew through intercom. They both get ready and come down on lobby as they have to move out at 10:00 am sharp.

  ‘ Hello mam, I am your guide here ‘Andrew’, I will take you for a ride in Europe.

  ‘ Hello, myself Anna and she is samaira, my daughter.’

  Nice to meet you both mam, its my pleasure to be in your service. In service of two beautiful ladies.

  ‘ Oh! Thank you,’ says Anna with a smile.

  Andrew was a very impressive guy and had a good art of speaking. He had a tall and smart personality with a skill of explaining about beauty in the beautiful words of attraction. Tourists were always impressed and happy by Andrew because of his skill of expression towards nature and beauty.

  Tourists always compliment him by saying that, ‘you are the right person with the right job.’

  Anna and samaira both went with Andrew for a ride in the city of Europe.

  ‘ Hello mam, this is a beautiful place with a Plitvice national park in Croatia.’ Andrew starts with his work as they reach the place. The work of expression.

  ‘ I will show you the most beautiful places on this earth here. You are definitely going to enjoy your trip to Europe.’

  Samaira was quiet. She was not showing any interest to Andrew, when he was explaining them about the place they are visiting.

  Whole day they saw the beautiful nature, waterfalls, green garden with different kinds of colorful flowers huge valleys and huge green trees all around.

  Though samaira was quiet but, this new place with new people around does made her feel better somewhere in her mind.

  ‘ When are we going to our guest house, Anna?’ asks samaira.

  ‘ From here we will go back to guest house mam as It’s almost 6 pm.’ Andrew replies

  They reach the guest house after sometimes.

  ‘ You seem very tired mam, you better take some tea or coffee, you will feel better.’ Andrew says to samaira showing concern for her.

  ‘ Ya, I will manage.’ Saying this samaira moves from there.

  Next day again their journey started with Andrew.

  ‘ Hello Mam, today we are going to the museum, the biggest museum in Europe. The museum with artistic sculptures, paintings and carving on walls and many antique showpieces of 17th century or may be more older than that.’ Andrew explains to Anna and samaira about today’s destination.

  They all went to visit the museum. There Andrew showed both of them all the antique and old things and explained everything about them clearly.

  ‘ See those traditional sculptures of beauties which were residing on this earth during those days. The Artists dedicated their whole heart and body for carving out the beautiful sculptures. These are like a dead soul enlightened which can attract an for carving out the beautiful sculptures. These are like a dead soul enlightened which can attract anyone towards their beauty.’

  ‘ I can show you the world of dreams. Where you will feel as if walking in heaven.’ Andrew says to Anna and samaira. Anna was really impressed by Andrew, she was very happy as she was enjoying her trip and samaira was also looking
better as she was now taking interest in things around and looking curious also for knowing about the old monuments and things around.

  ‘ There is so much of lovely and beautiful things god has made that you should enjoy each moment with curiosity and passion.’ Andrew says to samaira to motivate her. As he saw her quiet and sad.

  ‘ Ya, nature is beautiful, but somewhere there are thorns which may hurt you badly.’ Samaira replied to Andrew.

  May life bring you happiness and joy,

  Each moment give you reason to enjoy

  With pleasant surprise at each day,

  Enjoying every hour on your way.

  May life shower so much best wishes upon you,

  So that for life you never get any bad clue.

  The days were moving fast and daily they have visit in new places with every new story and new experiences in their life. Anna and samaira they both were enjoying a lot with Andrew.



  Ouch……. Samairaasss…..

  My foot………… Oh my god

  Help me……………… samairassss………..

  What happen? How come you fall down so badly? Wait. Hold me, put your hands on my shoulder, slowly Anna, sit here, ok.

  Aaah, thank you my darling.

  But how you fell down Anna?

  I don’t know, I just got from bed and my foot was struck in mattress I think. Says Anna with confusion

  My foot is paining badly samaira I think there must be a fracture in my bone. In this old age already the bones are getting weak, now this killing pain will really take me away.

  Don’t speak rubbish, I am here to help you, everything will be alright. Don’t worry. I will take care of you. I am here, why to worry?

  Oh my god! Darling its already 9:30am, Andrew must be reaching any time here.

  Ok Anna, I will inform him that we are not coming today. You don’t worry about him.

  No , I cannot go but you can go samaira.

  What are you saying Anna? How can I leave you like this. I will not go. Says samaira stubbornly

  I will be fine samaira, don’t worry about me. The doctor will be coming over some time, I can take care of myself. You will get bored whole day. Please, for my sake darling, go and get ready soon.

  Samaira has to get ready as Anna insisted her so much. Andrew came at 10am and she went with him for outing.

  Somewhere in their heart the feelings for each other were taking place. The absence of Anna made this outing as special date for both of them. Andrew took samaira to the lovely place of romance and music, which would enlighten the dead soul also.