Read In The Name Of The Mother Page 8


  It was two hours before Hurst received word Sheldon’s room was empty and they had no idea where Bella and her target had gone. The Russian operatives identified as gangsters working for the shipping industry panicked when confronted by the elite laying in wait in Sheldon’s room. Informed they were dealing with British MI6, they gave information as requested and permitted to return to Russia. Hurst went into panic mode attempting to contact Hollis, he was informed Hollis was unavailable. He waited for Stanton to return informed his chopper was on its way from London, Hurst gathered as many answers as he could pre-empting Stanton’s concern.

  Stanton walked briskly below ground, Hurst was apprehensive Stanton would be angry when he explained things to him but he couldn’t have been further from the point. Stanton acknowledged the musty aroma created by the annals of the Second World War. The mix of damp stale aging concrete and new paint had created a familiar odour. Along with the rough surface of the access stair walls unlit to avoid portal detection during the hours of darkness, one needed to feel every nook and cranny to feed the brain enough information to depict exact location and avoid stumbling down the well-worn steps.

  Stanton embraced his counterpart and accessed the fridge in the very corner of the cavern, he took some cheese, ham and pickle making a sandwich. He said little taking large bites from the snack as he made coffee at the modest kitchen facilities provided. He sat down at the shabby wooden table and chairs. Victorian era worth a small fortune on the antique market the table ornately carved circular with the side flaps lay down yielding an oblong shape, whilst in this mode one could only sit at either end but when the flaps were in place the table could seat eight.

  Hurst had noticed something odd about Stanton, he was dressed in a casual manner, his suit discarded had been replaced by black casual slacks and a blue denim shirt and gold rim ray ban sunglasses. He appeared famished and consumed his sandwich in record time. “Have they run out of food in London?”

  Stanton wiped his mouth with a tissue from a dispenser in the middle of the table, he returned to the modest kitchen facility against the wall, poured coffee passing one to Hurst then sat back down. He eventually spoke after drinking some of his coffee. “No, there’re still wasting food at an alarming rate.”

  Hurst looked puzzled. “You didn’t eat while there.”


  “What happened then?”

  “I was detained in an attempt to bring about my arrest by MI5.”

  Hurst’s slim long face became etched with serious concentration. “What’s happening John?”

  “Polaris has been infiltrated, someone has the entire plan ready for sale.” Hurst hesitated but Stanton read his face. “Spit it out.”

  “Bella was sent to sanction Gordon Sheldon, he’s the target with the plans.”

  Stanton glared at him. “Two operatives were sent to sanction the target and it isn’t Sheldon.”

  Hurst was lost. “What was the outcome of your detention?”

  “I was put in a room with a computer they really are idiots, an hour later released pending world war three.”

  “John you know a lot and telling me nothing.”

  “And that’s how it will always be Bruce, on an as required basis. I assume Bella is safe.”

  “She left Helsinki for Stockholm with Sheldon probably there by now.”

  “We lost one of the elite, they were jumped by KGB in Helsinki the other got three KGB operatives and flew to Stockholm.”

  Hurst scratched his head. “I think Hollis is bent.”

  “So you would, it’s not Hollis.”

  “Who is it then?”

  “If I knew that they’d be dead. We need Bella and Sheldon back here alive, Sheldon has information that could help but he doesn’t know it. When you go to London eat and drink nothing supplied, get your own at neutral locations. Put a tail on Hollis his life is in danger.”

  “What the hell John, this is ridiculous if you have info for gods sake share it.”

  Stanton looked at Hurst, his gaze went straight through him. “We’ve taken down people innocent of any wrongdoing.”

  Hurst lent forwards. “How many?”

  “I’m not sure, more than one is to many. We’re looking for captain Brannigan he’s supposed to have the Polaris portfolio in his possession.”

  “Well what the hell did Hollis send Bella on a wild goose chase?”

  “Ah but he didn’t know that, this is deeper than we could imagine, if they can manipulate Hollis we have a problem. Both of us will now be on their hit list. We must get Sheldon back here and find Brannigan.”

  “Brannigan, he was a king pin in Ireland. His father owns Brannigan industries, is a lobbyist for big business to parliamentarians.”

  “Hmm, good go on.”

  “Could have just got greedy or be doing something for his old man.”

  “Or be a scape goat for people in high places.”


  “Poor performer, gullible, easily led, you’d grab the Polaris plan and sell it to the Russians would you.”

  “Of course not I’d sanction the perpetrator without collaboration.”

  Stanton smiled. “Exactly, there will be an attempt to have the elite exterminated. We’re a bit too good at what we do.”

  “If you’re sure about all this, why do we need Sheldon and Brannigan?”

  “Because I never want to kill another innocent person, they have information that can tip the scale. When sanctioned I want to tell them all about it and see the look on their faces.”

  “What about Bella?”

  Stanton stood up and lent against a hackneyed stainless steel sink bolted to the wall facing Hurst. “I love two women, always have, both are in danger, gives me a shiver of revulsion that someone would use them as bait or pawns in their game of power and wealth.”

  “We can act to sure up their safety.”

  “I already have, whilst locked in a room not far from Hollis’s office I delivered a blow that will have them thinking hard on what to do. They thought I was about to be sanctioned via the system, they were very wrong. They currently attempt to douse the wind of war, powerful information delivered from a source of absolute stealth. My opinion is several powers will be moving to protect my family and Bella. Promise me you will stick with it Bruce.”

  Hurst nodded. “Of course.”

  “I have no idea how the innocent and patriotic have been affected by my actions. Thousands of people executed on the assumption they are guilty over many years, passed through a system that can be manipulated. I never want to suffer the thought of misconception again. We will remain autonomous, there’s nothing they can currently do about it other than comply.”

  “What next?”

  “We wait for Bella.”

  “They’ll try to kill her.”

  Stanton smiled as he sat back down at the table. “They underestimate her ability, she’ll come home, and waiting will be difficult.”

  “I’m getting angry John.”

  “Anger breeds contempt and mostly serves no usable service although of late I admit to occasionally possessing the emotion. We wait, if she’s not back in two days we’ll act on the information we can put together in the mean time. The minister for defence should be talking to the Prime Minister by now, the only things in life you regret are the risks you didn’t take, I'll back the information service off and give them time to think about it.”