Read In the Eastern Seas Page 6



  I was awoke by the cry of "All hands, shorten sail." Slipping on myclothes, I sprang on deck. The sea was running high, the ship washeeling over to a strong breeze. I flew to the rigging, and my stationin the mizzen-top. It was daylight. The crew were swarming up therigging, and I could distinguish the Lascars forward among the mostactive. Whatever might have been their intentions for evil, they seemedas eager as any one in taking in the reefs. The serang himself lay outon the weather yard-arm, and I saw him, earing in hand, working awayactively with the rest. The dream was still vivid on my mind; and Icould not help feeling surprised at seeing him thus engaged, when I hadexpected to be struggling in a deadly conflict with him and hiscompanions. The ship was soon brought under snug sail, and standing onher course to the eastward. The watch below returned to their bunks totake the remainder of their short night's rest, and I was quicklyasleep.

  Again the same dream came back to me. Once more the Lascars made theirway aft, but this time stealthily. I fancied I saw Ali leading themthrough the gloom of night, whilst the captain was unconscious of theirapproach, gazing over the taffrail, as if watching some object astern.I tried to warn him, but could not make my voice heard. Ali was closeto him, with his kriss ready to strike, when I heard the watch belowcalled.

  In a moment I was awake. My dream was at an end. I dressed as usualfor the morning work of washing down decks, and in another minute waspaddling about with my bare feet on the planks, among idlersholy-stoning, and topmen dashing buckets of water here and there onevery side, often into the face of some unhappy wight to whom they oweda grudge. The wind did not increase, but there was sufficient sea on tokeep many of the passengers below. Mrs Davenport, however, with Emilyand Grace, came on deck. They required, however, assistance to moveabout, which I and the third mate, and a young civilian going out toSingapore, had the satisfaction of rendering them. Emily and Grace satwatching the high, tossing, foaming seas with delight.

  "How grand!" exclaimed Emily. "I quite envy the huge fish which canswim about unconcerned in these tumbling waves, or the sea-fowl whichfly over them from ridge to ridge bathing in the spray."

  Grace admired the masses of white foam which flew off from the summitsof the seas as they rolled grandly by. Mr Hooker was the merriest ofthe party, and seemed well pleased with the delight the girls exhibitedat the new aspect the ocean had put on. He only regretted that he couldnot read as much as usual, as he was tempted, like them, to remain ondeck and observe it.

  I had not forgotten what I had heard from Potto Jumbo about Ali and hiscompanions. I observed them on deck going about their duty as quietlyand orderly as any one. Mr Thudicumb had not again alluded to thesubject, and I could not tell whether or not he had informed thecaptain. I could not, however, help suspecting that Ali had seen Pottospeaking to me, and that he might therefore be acting as he was doingfor the purpose of throwing us off our guard. I resolved to mention mysuspicion to Mr Thudicumb as soon as I had an opportunity, and in themeantime to watch Ali, and try to find out what he was about. I had noopportunity of speaking, unobserved, to the black cook; for whenever Iwent forward either Ali himself, or one of the Lascars, were near thecaboose. I suspected that they went there purposely.

  For three days the gale continued. At last, one evening Mr Thudicumbcalled me into his cabin.

  "I have not been asleep, Walter," he said. "The captain knows all aboutthe matter. He does not think that the Lascars will really carry outtheir plans, and suspects that Ali was merely attempting to frighten theblack cook. Still, as a matter of precaution, he has directed all theofficers, as well as most of the gentlemen passengers, to carry arms;and has warned Mr Tarbox, and three or four of the most trustworthy ofthe men, to be on the alert. However, while the gale blows, there islittle fear that they will attempt anything; but if we were to have along calm, their courage would get up, as they would believe that theycould navigate the ship in smooth water, should they be able to gainpossession of her."

  That night the sea had gone down, and the weather appeared mending.While I was on deck, I found Potto Jumbo by my side.

  "Well, Potto," I said, "do you think our friends have given up theirkind intentions?"

  "No, Massa Walter," he answered. "Me tink dey cut your t'roat, and myt'roat, and de captain's t'roat, and de mate's t'roat, and everybody'st'roat who no side wid dem."

  "Then would it not be better to get them all put in irons at once?" Iobserved. "I wonder the captain does not secure them."

  "Dey done nothing," answered Potto. "Dey good, obedient seamen. Whatfor de captain put dem in irons? I only try and find out, and tink andguess what dey want to do."

  "True," I observed; "then all we can do is to watch till they commitsome overt act, as the lawyers call it."

  "I don't know what overt act is," observed my friend; "but I know dat ifdey stick de kriss into me, or de mate, or Massa Tarbox, dey no stopdere. When dey begin, I know what dese fellows are."

  "Then, what we must do, is to watch them narrowly," I observed.

  "Ay, ay, Massa Walter, I got my eyes about me; neber fear of dat. Deytink me go to sleep. When cunning Lascar talk and plot, and say what hewill do, Potto lies wid one eye just little open, peeping out of de bunkand awake, and snore all the time like de big animal you call 'nosorousin my country. Dey say, `Dat black cook is fast asleep--he nounderstand what we say.'--Now, good-night, Massa Walter; me go below andtalk of de tree glass of grog I got, and den lie down, and go off tosleep and snore. Ha, ha, ha! Potto Jumbo no sleep when his friends indanger, and their enemies plotting."

  He said this in his usual low voice, and leaving me, dived below. Bythe next forenoon the sea had almost completely gone down. The reefshad been shaken out of the sails, and under our usual canvas we weremaking good speed across the ocean. Passing near the caboose, PottoJumbo popped out his head.

  "Tell de first mate to be on de watch. Dey going to do something--mischief--never fear dat; me know not what dough, dey so quiet; but deyintend to take away a boat, dat I heard dem say."

  Having thus delivered himself, Potto drew his head in within his den.As soon as I could return aft, I found an opportunity of telling MrThudicumb what Potto had said.

  "Not much fear of their getting off," observed the first mate. "Itwould be difficult for the serang and his men to lower a boat withoutbeing discovered. We must, however, keep a strict watch over him. Heprobably supposes that we are near some land which he hopes to reach.Still, whatever may be his intentions, we will be even with him."

  The sun had set in a glorious glow of red. The passengers were on deckenjoying the coolness of evening, though the shades of night quicklycame down over the ocean. Suddenly there was a startling cry of "Fire,fire!" and a thin wreath of dark smoke was seen ascending up thefore-hatchway.

  "Strike the fire-bell!" cried the captain. "No rushing, my men!Steady! Mr Thudicumb will lead the way below. Be ready with thebuckets.--Mr Martin," to the second officer, "rig a pump overboard!Mr Tarbox, come aft!"

  The captain whispered a few words to him. The men obeyed all the orderspromptly. A line was formed to pass the buckets as they were filleddown the hold. The first officer and several men descended. Thepassengers joined the party to pass the buckets. Among the most activeof the people appeared Ali, and two or three of his men. I observed,however, that the remainder kept together on one side of the ship. Thesmoke increased, in spite of the water which was now hove down on thespot whence it was supposed to proceed. Faster and faster we passed thebuckets. Presently there was a cry, and first one man and then anotherwas hauled up almost suffocated with smoke. Mr Thudicumb came last: hecould scarcely stand; indeed, he appeared almost senseless. He quicklyrecovered, however, and insisted on again going below, though the otherofficers begged to take his place.

  "No, no," he shouted. "Bring wet blankets, wet bedding--anything bywhich we may smother the flames!"

  Once more he and his companions descended with wet blankets in theirarms. The seat of the fire was evidently far down.

  "We must get at the cargo!" cried Mr Thudicumb, from below, to thecaptain, who was standing over the hatchway.

  A crane was rigged, and whips rove, and bales and packages hauled up,several more men jumping below to assist. I was passing the bucketswhen Mr Tarbox came near me.

  "Keep an eye on Ali and his people," he said. "I have a notion this istheir doing. For all they appear so active, they mean mischief, dependon it."

  Still Ali was working away, now passing along a bucket, now hoisting upa bale of merchandise. Presently, however, I saw him slip away andglide off. His men, who had apparently been watching him, directlyafterwards also made their way up to the starboard quarter boat; and Iobserved that each man carried a package of some sort. I ran round towhere the boatswain was assisting in hoisting up the cargo; and he andseveral men, whom he summoned, instantly sprang aft, where we found Aliand his companions in the act of lowering the boat. Two were already inher. "Hold fast, you villains!" cried Tarbox, giving a blow to Ali,which knocked him over.

  His companions drew their sharp knives, which they had concealed intheir trousers, and made a rush at the boatswain, who was, however, tooquick for them, and drawing a pistol from his pocket, presented it atthe head of the first; while the men, seizing some boat-stretchers whichhad been placed ready for use by the boatswain, laid about them with somuch energy that they quickly knocked over several of the Lascars,though two or three were wounded in the scuffle. Ali had again sprungto his feet, but instead of attempting to attack Mr Tarbox, he onlycried out--

  "What do you mean? I lowered a boat to save the ladies! Suppose firegain on ship, what you do then with them?"

  "Oh! is that it, my hearty!" answered Tarbox. "However, the fire is notgoing to gain on the ship, I hope. Do you tell your men to come out ofthe boat quickly, and make fast the falls again, and just you come alongwith me."

  Saying this, the boatswain made a rush at the Lascar, and quickly passeda rope behind his arms. Two other men were seized at the same time,their knives being taken from them. They were then dragged into one ofthe cabins, and a seaman with a loaded pistol placed as a guard overthem.

  "Now, the rest of you go forward!" cried the boatswain to the Lascars;and, without attempting resistance, they obeyed the order.

  Oliver Farwell was sent aft by the captain to assist the seamen inwatching the prisoners, while I again joined the gangs in passing thebuckets. The smoke continued to ascend as quickly as before; and, asthe cargo was removed, flames burst up, rising through the hatchway.Again Mr Thudicumb and his companions had to come on deck.

  "Never fear, though," he cried out, as soon as he had recovered from theeffects of the smoke. "We are getting at the seat of the fire! Morevolunteers for below! Come, lads!"

  He had not to make any further appeal. A dozen fresh hands, led by MrHooker, each carrying sails or blankets or bedding well saturated,sprang below; and I could not resist the feeling that I could do moregood there than on deck. Meantime water came rushing down round us,preventing our clothes from catching fire. Happily the ship was steady,or the danger would have been greatly increased.

  I shall never forget that scene. The lurid glare of the fire cast aruddy glow over the figures of the men as they gathered round thecrater-like opening which had been made, while dark wreaths of smokehung over the deck above us, and curled up towards the hatchway.Scarcely, however, had a fresh supply of sails and bedding been thrownover the hole, aided by the streams of water which came rushing into it,than the flames suddenly subsided.

  "Hurrah!" shouted Mr Thudicumb, and the cry was taken up by Mr Hookerand the rest of us. "More water! more water!"

  Bucket after bucket was handed down and dashed into the opening, andagain hauled up. We were now left in almost total darkness: not aglimmer of light remained. The smoke entirely disappeared, though thestrong smell of it remained. The first officer called for lanterns, andthey were quickly brought by the boatswain and his mates. He nowdescended into the lower hold, and the blankets and bedding were hoistedup out of it.

  "It is as well we got out these bales," I heard him observe to theboatswain. "Here, Tarbox; what do you say to this?"

  It was evident on examination that a space had been cleared out underthe cargo, and filled with straw and shavings and other light matter.This had caused the smoke, though until the bales above it had beenremoved the flames were kept down. When the superincumbent bales werelifted off, the flames quickly rose up; but the material which fed thembeing light, had speedily burned out before they had time to ignite thesurrounding cargo, which, fortunately being very tightly packed, did noteasily catch fire. A thorough examination having been made, no furthersigns of fire could be discovered. A couple of trusty hands were placedto watch the hold, and those who were drenched to the skin retired toput on dry garments.

  I soon afterwards met Mr Tarbox, and asked him if he suspected thecause of the fire.

  "Of course I do," he answered. "Depend upon it, that fellow Ali and hisgang have had a hand in it; but how they managed to get below withoutbeing discovered is more than I can say."

  The captain and officers held now a consultation, and the rest of theLascars were seized, and the whole of the party put in irons. I willnot describe the scenes which took place in the cabin after it was knownthat the fire had been thoroughly put out, and that we were once more insafety. The passengers exhibited their feelings in a variety of ways.Some wept, others laughed; and many, I am glad to say, knelt down andreturned thanks to Heaven for the protection which had been afforded us.I kissed my dear sister Emily, and told her how thankful I was that shewas safe; for, indeed, my thoughts had been of her all the time, morethan of anything else.

  The next morning Ali and his companions were brought up for trial beforethe captain and officers and several passengers. Suspicions wereevidently strong against them, and yet no one could prove that they hadplaced the combustible matter in the hold, or had set it on fire. Alihimself declared, with many oaths, that he was innocent of the chargesbrought against him; his air, indeed, was that of a much injured person.As to his attempt to lower a boat, he asserted positively, and his mencorroborated his statement, that the order had been given by the secondofficer. When Martin declared he had issued no such order, Ali shruggedhis shoulders, and could only say that he must have been mistaken, andthat the error arose in consequence of his slight knowledge of English.When asked how they came to have arms in their hands, they said they hadbrought their knives for ordinary use; and in the same way they hadsecured some provisions, knowing that should they have to go in theboats they would be required, as they could not eat the food cooked bythe Christians.

  Now, if my kind friend Captain Davenport had a fault, it was that ofbeing too lenient. Instead of keeping Ali and his gang in irons, he atonce liberated them, warning them that though suspicions were stronglyagainst them, he was willing to believe the best. I do not think eitherthe officers or passengers were particularly well pleased with hisdecision. I afterwards heard Mr Thudicumb tell the boatswain to keepas bright a look-out as possible on Ali and the other Lascars.

  "I doubt whether that fellow has got any gratitude in his breast; and ifhe is determined to do mischief, he will bide his time and do it, dependon that," he observed.

  "Ay, ay, Mr Thudicumb, I have no doubt about it," observed Tarbox. "Ionly wish the captain would have kept them in irons till we get toSingapore, and would then hand them over to justice. That fellow Alideserves hanging, to my mind, as much as any pirate who has ever swungin chains, or mutineer who has been run up to the yard-arm. It was nofault of his that this fine ship and all on board were not burned orsent to the bottom."

  Ali perhaps knew that he was watched; at all events, his whole conductwas changed. No man could behave more respectfully to the officers, orcould more carefully see that those under him did their duty, whi
le hehimself worked away as hard as any one. He seemed to bear no ill-willagainst Tarbox or any of the other men, while he appeared to havepositively a kindly feeling towards Potto Jumbo, and to be especiallypatronising to Macco. Indeed, after this everything went on smoothlyand pleasantly among the men, while perhaps the dangers they had gonethrough made the passengers even more sociable and pleasant than before.