Read In the Irish Brigade: A Tale of War in Flanders and Spain Page 18

  Chapter 18: War.

  After hearing Desmond's story the earl asked several questions,and obtained further details of his life when a boy, and of hisinterview with John O'Carroll.

  "It is certainly strange," he said thoughtfully, "and worthenquiring into, for it would seem that he must have some interestin thus getting you out of the way, and in your entering a servicethat would render it next to impossible that you should everreturn to your native land."

  "I don't see any possible interest that he could have had in that,sir; but, certainly, I have never been able to account for hisconduct."

  "It is clear that there is some mystery about it," the earl saidwarmly, "and were I you, I should certainly take leave of absence,for a time, and go over and get to the bottom of the matter. Atany rate, I will at once write to London and obtain a safe conductfor you. This you can use, or not, as you may decide, and canthen, if you so please, return and continue your service here.

  "Methinks that the war will not last very much longer. France isimpoverished, the disasters which have befallen her arms inFlanders have rendered the war unpopular, and in England, in spiteof the success gained by their arms, the heavy taxation is makingmen ask why a war should be continued which may benefit Holland,and the German allies, but can result in no good to England.

  "And now, Captain Kennedy, I will be making my way to join theremains of my army. I thank you again, most heartily, for yourgenerous conduct; and, believe me, you may always command myservices in any direction. I only regret that these unhappypolitical difficulties should drive you, and so many of your bravecountrymen, into the service of a power that has always been, andso far as I can see is likely to remain, an enemy of England."

  "I may say, sir, that Lord Godolphin has, for a certain reason,promised to befriend me; and that, if you write to him on thesubject of a safe conduct, I think I could rely upon his taking afavourable view of the matter."

  "I will do so, certainly," the earl said. "His power is great. Ifhe is favourably disposed towards you, you may consider the matteras done."

  They chatted for some time longer, and then Desmond said:

  "I think now, sir, that it would be safe to move. Everything isperfectly quiet without, and I have no doubt that, by this time,the cavalry have all returned to Badajos. However, I willaccompany you for a short distance, for you may be stopped by someof our advance posts. You had best take the cloak and hat of myfollower, and, as I am well known, no questions will then beasked."

  "By the way," Lord Galway added as, Mike having brought up thehorses, he mounted; "where shall I send a letter to you, with yoursafe conduct? We are in communication with many persons at Madrid,and can pass a letter through the lines at any time."

  "When there, I lodge at the house of Don Pedro Sarasta, in theCalle del Retiro. I will request him to forward any letters to me,should I be absent."

  The earl made a note of the address in his pocketbook, and then,putting on Mike's cloak and hat, started with Desmond, who passedhim without question through the lines of outposts; which wereindeed but carelessly kept, as it was certain that, after thesignal victory that had been gained, it would be a long timebefore any enemy would venture to attack them.

  Two days after the fight, the Marquis de Bay moved forward withhis army, with the intention of fighting another battle; butGalway and Frontiera had, by this time, reorganized their forces,and occupied so strong a position, near Elvas, that he could notventure to attack them. However, he occupied the country for aconsiderable distance beyond the frontier, subsisting his armyupon the provisions and forage collected by his cavalry in thevillages and small towns. As it was evident that, after the proofgiven of the inability of the Portuguese to withstand any attack,there was no probability of offensive operations being renewed bythe allies; and, the heat becoming intense, the force waswithdrawn across the frontier and went into quarters, the generalreturning to Madrid, where he received an enthusiastic welcomefrom the inhabitants.

  By this time, however, the knowledge that the king of France wasentering into negotiations, which would necessitate his desertionof Spain, greatly excited the population against the Frenchstationed in the capital. They were hissed and hooted when theyappeared in the streets, and for a time, the indignation was sogreat that the troops were ordered to remain in their barracks.The king himself, however, gained rather than lost popularity, ashe issued a proclamation to the people, saying that, havingaccepted their invitation to be their king, he would remain withthem until driven from his throne by force; and he confidedabsolutely in their affection, and aid, to enable him to withstandany foes who might attempt to dethrone him.

  In the autumn another change occurred. Although, in order toobtain peace, he had granted all the demands, however exorbitant,of the allies, and had undertaken to withdraw his troops fromSpain, Louis stood firm when to these conditions they addedanother, namely, that he should himself undertake, by force, todethrone his grandson. This monstrous demand united, at once, boththose who wished to continue the war rather than grant suchhumiliating terms as those which had been insisted upon, and theparty who were in favour of peace, even at that cost. Thenegotiations were abruptly broken off, and the French troops, whowere already on the march towards the frontier, received orders toremain in Spain.

  Now that he had O'Neil with him, the time in Madrid passed morepleasantly for Desmond than before. He was frequently away for severaldays, carrying despatches to the commanders of the forces in Valenciaand Barcelona. In the capital the French were again regarded asfriends, and as several successes had been gained and places captured,in Catalonia, the hope that the civil war that had so long been wagedwas approaching its end, and the confidence engendered by the victoryon the Caya, made the people doubt whether any attempt at invasionfrom the west would be contemplated, and they gave themselves up togaiety. Balls and fetes were frequently organized, and at these theFrench were among the most honoured guests.

  Early in the spring preparations were made for active operations.Lieutenant General O'Mahony had just returned from Sicily, wherehe had rendered distinguished service. In the previous year,Crofton had been made a major general, and two new regiments ofIrish infantry had been formed, of deserters from the enemy inCatalonia and Portugal. These were commanded by Colonel DermondM'Auliffe and Colonel John Comerford. These two regiments, withanother under Colonel Macdonald, marched from Madrid in April.

  As the Marquis de Bay was not yet moving he offered O'Mahony, whohad the command of the force, the services of Desmond and O'Neilas aides-de-camp. The offer was a welcome one, for, as none of themen in the newly raised regiments was acquainted with thelanguage, Desmond, who now spoke Spanish well, would be far morevaluable to him than Spanish officers could be.

  For two months the little force moved about in Catalonia, therapidity of its marches baffling the attempts of the archduke'sforces to interfere with its operations. These were principallydirected against various small fortresses, held by partisans ofCharles. Several of these were captured, thus clearing the roadsthey guarded, and opening the country for the more importantoperations that Philip himself was about to undertake.

  It was not until July that the royal army approached Lerida, whereO'Mahony's force joined it. General Stanhope marched, with thetroops under his command, and encamped at Balaguer; where he wasjoined by Baron de Wetzel, with some troops which had been broughtfrom Italy. As Stanhope's force was insufficient to give battleuntil joined by the main army of Charles, he marched, on the 31stof July, headed by two English and two Dutch regiments ofdragoons, to secure the passes near Alfaro, and so check theadvance of the Spaniards.

  After performing a long and difficult march, they took up adefensive position. Stanhope found, however, that the river infront of him was so low that cavalry and artillery could passeasily, and even infantry could cross without difficulty. Scarcelyhad he taken up his position when two brigades of infantry andnineteen squadrons of cavalry were seen approaching, having beendetached from the Spanis
h army to occupy the position which hadbeen secured by the rapidity of Stanhope's march. They thereforewaited for their main army to come up, but before it did so, thewhole of Stanhope's force had arrived, and was prepared forbattle.

  Although it was past six o'clock in the evening, Charles, on hisarrival, decided to fall upon the enemy before they could encamp,which they might do in a position in which it would be difficultto attack them. Fourteen cannon at once opened fire from aneminence, whence they commanded the position taken up by theadvance force of the Spaniards. This position was on low ground infront of the ridge upon which the village of Almenara stood, andnothing could be seen of the force that lay behind this ridge.

  The advanced force of Spaniards ascended this ridge, as soon asthe artillery opened upon them, and General Stanhope obtainedleave from Marshal Staremberg, who commanded the archduke's army,to charge them. With ten squadrons of horse he rode up the ascent,and there, when he gained it, saw to his surprise twenty-twosquadrons facing him, flanked with infantry, and supported withanother line of cavalry equally strong. He sent back at once forfourteen squadrons from his second line, and when six of thesecame up he advanced against the Spaniards, who at the same timemoved forward to meet him.

  The cavalry on Philip's left at once gave way. The centre andright, aided by the fire of the infantry, made a stout fight, butwere driven back by the English and Dutch cavalry. The fightingwas severe, for of the six English squadrons who charged, twohundred men and twenty-one officers were killed or wounded.

  Philip's second line of cavalry gave but feeble support, andStanhope's horse soon had them all in confusion, and, driving themfrom the field, pursued them hotly. The fugitives dashed intotheir own infantry, who were just arriving in force, and theirpanic communicated itself to them, and a total rout took place.The pursuit was kept up until it was so dark that the trooperswere unable to see each other's faces, and they then halted,having defeated the Spanish without the aid of their infantry,which had not come up in time to take any part in the fight. Muchof the baggage, together with tents, many cannon, and a quantityof ammunition, fell into the hands of the victors. Owing to thedarkness, the number of prisoners taken was small.

  O'Mahony and his troops had taken no part in the engagement, as,having arrived late on the previous evening after a long march,they were still at Lerida. It had not been deemed necessary tohurry them forward, as no battle was expected to take place forsome days--as, indeed, would have been the case had the force sentforward arrived at the river before Stanhope.

  The routed troops arrived under the shelter of the guns of Lerida.Charles did not attack them there, but, making a detour, seizedseveral places in Aragon, with the intention of cutting the lineby which Philip would probably retire, and forcing him to fightagain. Philip, however, on his part, marched from Lerida in orderto retire into Castile by way of Saragossa. Charles followedhotly, and a portion of his cavalry came up to the rear of theenemy in the defile of Penalva. Here the Spaniards posted a strongforce of grenadiers, and the defile being too narrow for thecavalry to act, these dismounted, and a hot fight took place, inwhich both parties claimed the victory. However, Philip retiredthe same day in great haste. Charles, arriving three hours later,ate the dinner that had been prepared for his rival.

  The Spaniards, covered by the defence of the pass, crossed theEbro and posted themselves in a strong position within a mile ofSaragossa. On the 21st of August Marshal Staremberg, with hisgenerals, having reconnoitred their position, gave orders for theattack to take place the next morning, and at daybreak the cannonon both sides opened fire. General Stanhope, who commanded on theleft wing, found that the enemy had the greater part of theircavalry facing him, and therefore strengthened his force by fourbattalions of foot and six squadrons of Portuguese horse.

  The Spanish line ran obliquely, from the river on their left to asteep hill on their right, occupied by their cavalry and a batteryof artillery. These, therefore, were much nearer to the attackingforce than were those on the plain.

  The battle began at twelve o'clock, Charles's force marching intwo lines, with the exception of Stanhope's cavalry and infantry.These, from their situation, were the first to come in contactwith the enemy. The four battalions first pushed forward up thehill, and, driving the Spanish cavalry back, allowed Stanhope'shorse to ascend the hill and form on its crest. The battlespeedily ranged along the whole line. The Spaniards, with superiornumbers, gained ground on their left. Here O'Mahony's corps werestationed, and they drove a portion of the allies across the Ebroagain; but this success was more than counterbalanced on the otherflank, where Stanhope's cavalry and infantry carried all beforethem. The latter, posted in a hollow, opened so heavy a fire uponthe Spanish infantry, as they advanced, that they fell intodisorder; and as their cavalry were driven off, hotly pursued byStanhope, they fell back upon the centre, which they threw intodisorder. Seeing that the battle was lost, the Marquis de Bay gavethe order to retire.

  Two hours after the first shot was fired, the rout of the Spanishcentre and right was complete, but a considerable portion of thetroops were rallied by de Bay at Alagon, three leagues aboveSaragossa. The left wing, under Generals Amezaga and O'Mahony,were checked in their course of victory by the disaster whichbefell the centre and right; but, maintaining their discipline,they fell back in good order, and rejoined their defeated comradesat Alagon.

  All the cannon and most of the colours of the regiments formingthe centre and right fell into the hands of the victors. The lossof the allies was about two thousand men, killed or wounded; andthat of the Spaniards and French three thousand killed andwounded, and between five and six thousand prisoners. Philip rodeat once to Madrid, and on the evening of the battle the archdukeentered Saragossa; while de Bay retired, with the broken remainsof his troops, towards Navarre.

  Desmond and O'Neil, who had ridden behind O'Mahony, saw theSpanish troops of the archduke yield before the impetuous attacksof the Irish regiments, who, as they pressed their foes backwards,burst into loud cheering, believing the victory already won.Presently, O'Mahony stopped the advance.

  "We must not push too far forward," he said. "It seems to me thatthings are not going so well in other directions. Our centre isbeing pressed back. What is going on on the right I cannot say,but the enemy seems to have gained the top of the hill, for ourcannon there are silent. If the centre is driven back, those wehave now beaten will rally, and we shall be taken in flank by thefire of their centre. Therefore, let us be content with what wehave done, and wait and see how things turn out elsewhere."

  Even before the rout of the Spanish right, their centre wasyielding, for opposed to them were the British and Dutchregiments, whose attack they were altogether unable to withstand.It soon became clear that, at all other points on the field, thebattle was going against the Spaniards, and an aide-de-camppresently rode up, hastily, with orders from Marshal de Bay forhis left to fall back and retire to Alagon.

  Deep was the rage and disappointment among the troops of O'Mahonyand Amezaga, as they faced about and set out on their march. Theywere unmolested. The troops they had beaten were in no dispositionto follow them, while the allied cavalry and the infantry of theircentre were in full pursuit of the rest of Philip's army, theremnants of which the little force joined, at Alagon, beforenightfall.

  It was some days before the archduke's army moved forward again.The troops were exhausted by the long marches they had made, andthere was a difference of opinion among the generals as to thecourse that had best be followed. The king wished to pursue thebeaten enemy and, if possible, to intercept their march towardsFrance, but Count Staremberg and Stanhope were of opinion thatthey should first occupy Madrid, and then march into Navarre, soas to bar the advance of fresh French troops into Spain, and atthe same time open communications by sea with England, whence theycould be supplied with reinforcements and stores of provisions.

  Finally, Charles gave way, and the allies marched towards Madrid.The main portion of the army halted at Alcala, a day's ma
rch fromthe capital, and General Stanhope marched on with his division toMadrid, which opened its gates without resistance, Philip havingretired with his army. Charles entered the city on the 28th ofSeptember, 1710.

  The alarm, in France, at the news of the defeat at Saragossa wasgreat, and Louis at once despatched the Duke of Vendome to commandthere. The latter, travelling fast, and gathering up the garrisonsof the towns through which he passed, crossed the frontier atnearly the same time as Charles entered Madrid, and effected ajunction with de Bay's army; which had, by this time, beenincreased by some fourteen thousand men, drawn from the garrisonsof towns in Navarre, Castile, Galicia, and Valencia.

  Vendome had no doubt that the intention of the allies, in marchingupon Madrid, was to open communication with the Portuguese, anddetermined to throw himself between the capital and the frontier.Marching with all speed, he encamped near Salamanca on the 6th ofOctober, and thence moved to Plasencia, thereby securing thebridge of Almarez, and preventing the Portuguese from joiningCharles.

  Had it not been for the usual indecision and want of energy on thepart of the Portuguese Government, the junction might have beeneffected before Vendome arrived at Plasencia, for both Charles andStanhope had, after the victory of Saragossa, written urgently,begging that the Portuguese army should at once advance and jointhem at Madrid; and that, at any rate, if the whole army could notmove, at least the troops in the pay of England should pushforward instantly. Stanhope, indeed had marched with his divisionto the bridge of Almarez to facilitate the junction, and haddefeated a Spanish force guarding the bridge. However, thePortuguese did not arrive; and when a messenger brought thealarming news that a Spanish and French army had occupiedPlasencia, Stanhope fell back towards Madrid.

  As large French reinforcements were known to be approaching thefrontier, and Philip's army was already much superior in numbersto that of the allies, it was decided, in a council of war, toevacuate Madrid. The forces which had occupied Toledo and othertowns were recalled, and, early in December, the army left thecapital; the archduke riding at once to Barcelona, while the army,of which Stanhope's division formed the rear guard, followed inthe same direction.

  The movement had been delayed too long. Vendome and Philip werealready at hand, and on the 9th fell upon Stanhope's division atBrihuega. This force, consisting of eight English battalions and thesame number of Portuguese horse, defended themselves desperately, andalthough the town was wholly without fortifications, they repulsedevery attack until their ammunition was exhausted, and they were thenforced to surrender. Staremberg, on hearing that Stanhope was attackedand surrounded, turned back and marched with all speed to relieve him,but on arriving within three hours' march of the town, heard that hehad surrendered.

  The Duke of Vendome, hearing of his coming, drew his troops outand formed them in line of battle, and the next morning attackedhim vigorously. The allied right held their ground, but the leftfled, and Vendome swept his right round and took the centre andright of the allies in the rear. Three battalions of the secondline, however, fell in turn upon the French rear and repulsedthem, and the left wing, rallying again, renewed the battle.

  The combat was indecisive, both parties claiming the victory.Staremberg wrote to Charles that he had captured all the enemy'sguns, and had killed six thousand of them; while the Frenchclaimed that they had totally defeated the allies, and capturedall their cannon, killed four thousand, and taken nine thousandprisoners. The balance of probability lies to some extent with theFrench, for the day after the battle, Staremberg retired andmarched to Barcelona; but the fact that he was not at once pursuedshows that the French and Spaniards must have suffered veryheavily.

  Desmond had passed unscathed through the battle of Saragossa.O'Neil had been severely wounded, but had managed to sit his horseuntil the division effected its junction with the Marquis de Bay'sshattered forces. Great was the wrath among the two Irishregiments at the issue of the battle.

  "What is the use," an officer said to Desmond, "of our throwingaway our lives, fighting for these Spaniards, when they themselvesare useless, save when they meet the Portuguese, who are stillmore contemptible? Here have we, on level ground, fairly beatenthe enemy, while the right and centre, although having a greatadvantage in position, allow themselves to be scattered like aflock of sheep."

  "They had stouter foes to meet than we had," Desmond said. "We hadonly Spaniards opposed to us, while they had English and Dutch tofight; and as the best French troops have found, in Flanders, thatthese were at least a match for them, we must not blame theSpanish too severely for giving way before they were attacked."

  "There is something in that, I admit, Kennedy. It seems to methat, in this war, it would be much better if the Spaniards andPortuguese had both remained at home, and allowed the French andus fight it out with the English and Dutch. The battles would havebeen small, but at least they would have been desperately fought."

  "But it would be absurd, Moore, for us to lay down our lives in astruggle in which those principally concerned took no partwhatever, and which was of no great interest either to us or tothe English. After the way in which Louis was ready to throw overSpain and Philip at the beginning of the year, the Spanishalliance can be of no great advantage to him, and I do not thinkthat even Philip's orders would induce a Spanish army to marchacross the frontier to assist France. Therefore, as Louis can gainnothing by the Spanish alliance, why should he weaken himself bysending forces here to maintain Philip on the throne?"

  "But with the Archduke Charles here, he would have an enemy on hisfrontier. Philip might not assist him, but Charles would beactively hostile. The English and Dutch troops would be pouringinto the peninsula, and we should have another Flanders in thesouth of France."

  "Well," Desmond said, after a pause; "the best way I can see outof it is for both Philip and Charles to withdraw, and allow theSpanish to elect a Spaniard for their king; or, if they could notagree to that, which I don't suppose they could do, choose someforeign prince belonging to a petty state which stands altogetheraloof from European affairs, and seat him on the throne. If,again, they would not accept him, England and France shouldmutually agree not to interfere in the affair, and let theSpaniards indulge in civil war as long as it pleases them."

  Moore laughed.

  "It might be a good solution, Kennedy, but there is no more chanceof Philip or Charles renouncing their pretensions, or indeed ofthe French on one side and the allies on the other permitting themto do so, than there is of the world becoming an utopia, where warshall be unknown, and all peoples live together in peace andamity."

  "Well," Desmond said, "for my part, I am sick of fighting inquarrels that do not concern me, and when this campaign comes toan end I shall, if possible, rejoin Berwick. The cause of theStuarts is not advanced, in the slightest, by what is taking placein Spain, and if I am to fight, I would rather do so where victorywould benefit us."

  "I don't know that you are not right," the other assented. "Itcertainly seems a pity that the best blood of Ireland should bespilled, in Flanders and Spain, in the service of a foreigncountry. To my mind, the terms of the surrender of Limerick weredisadvantageous both to Ireland and England. England has gained anumber of inveterate foes who, with good and wise treatment, mightnow be fighting in her own ranks. Ireland has lost her best blood,men who were her natural leaders, and belonged to the oldfamilies, whom all respected."

  "I am sure it was a mistake," Desmond said. "If the terms had beenan absolute equality in all matters of religion, and the freepardon of all, without confiscation of their property or otherdisability, it would have gone far to reconcile our people todefeat; for they would have seen that they could not hope for morethan the right of free exercise of their religion, if the Stuartscame to the throne again."

  "Perhaps you are right, Kennedy. I know that I myself, had it notbeen for the persecutions and the priest hunting, and the closingof our chapels, should never have thought of leaving Ireland andtaking foreign service. But now there is no goin
g back."

  "No, I suppose not," Desmond said, gloomily. "Nothing short of anamnesty, ensuring freedom of worship, and perfect civil equalityto all, would induce the majority of us to return to Ireland; and,indeed, it is not easy to see what we could do if we got there.The estates of our fathers are in the hands of strangers. Weshould soon be altogether without resources, and we should bealmost driven to conspire again, even though success would in noway mend the matter.

  "However, there is no chance of such an act being passed, for,even if the English Ministry desired to do so, the Protestantfeeling in England and Scotland would be too strong for them; andParliament, which strongly represents that feeling, would rejectthe bill by an immense majority."

  "Then there is nothing to do but to go on fighting," Moore said.

  "I see nothing else for it, Moore, but I own that I do not carefor the life. I have had three years of it now, and don't like theprospect of another thirty."

  "You have been fortunate, too, Kennedy!"

  "Yes, I have been fortunate in the way of getting promotion;fortunate that I was not, long before this, put under the sod; butit is no great gratification to be a captain, and though inanother thirty years, if I live, I may be a general, I don't thinkeven that would reconcile me to the life. It is just as hard, anda good deal more responsible; and if thirty years passed over, andthe Stuarts were not restored, they assuredly never would be, andI should have wasted my life for nothing."

  "Well, I am very glad," Moore laughed, "that all our fellows donot look at it in the same light as you do, but take things asthey come. I don't bother myself about the future."

  "It is a good thing," Desmond said, "and it is the nationalcharacter to take things as they come. I dare say I shall get intothe same way, some day, but just at present, I suppose partlybecause we have got a thrashing, I feel rather down in the dumps."

  Desmond continued his duties as aide-de-camp to O'Mahony, and tookhis share in the various operations, that ended with the armygoing into winter quarters and Philip making a triumphant entryinto Madrid. Then he went to the general.

  "General, I wish to ask leave to return to France, at any rate fora time. The Duke of Berwick, when he despatched me to join thestaff of the Duke of Orleans, said he would reinstate me on hisstaff as soon as the duke no longer required my services. When theDuke of Orleans left, I was handed over with the rest of the staffto the Marshal de Bay, under whom I served in the battle of theGuadiana, and until, as you know, I was detailed to accompany yourbrigade. Now that the campaign is over, I should, at any rate,like to pay a visit to the Duke of Berwick, under whom I served atOudenarde. I have, therefore, come to ask you to dispense with myservices, and to permit me to return to France."

  "Certainly, Captain Kennedy. Your assistance has been of greatvalue to me, but there is no chance of anything being done duringthe winter; and, as many of my officers are now beginning to speakSpanish, they will, should they remain here till the spring, beable to get on very fairly. I shall be pleased, before you start,to furnish you with a testimonial stating the services you haverendered me. Indeed, I have, more than once, mentioned them in myreports."