Read In the Loup Boxed Set #2 Page 7

  Her bra was almost unbearably tight, as was her pants, but she doesn't want to stop the pleasurable feeling between her legs for even a moment to strip. She can feel the pressure building inside her, that momentous feeling rising to that perfect pitch. Her eyes close as the heat rises in herself. She wants to show the moon she was a faithful follower. Her soft, muffled cries filled the air as quiet gasps were slowly replaced with heavy groans. Sweat covered her body and her skin shone against the bright moon.

  "Oh god," she moaned. At this point she didn't care if Chuck heard her. Al her senses and focus was on the pleasure flowing through herself.

  She felt like her whole body was shifting and changing into something entirely new, and she liked it. It brought on a surge of sensual power and an erotic awakening she had never dreamed could be possible. A grin of pure pleasure spread across her wet, luscious lips as her finger moved faster between her folds. She was soaked and hot, and she wanted more. Just that little extra more, though. Just enough to get her to the peak. That sweltering, pulsing, pounding tip of erotic ecstasy. She was getting closer, the peak was nearing. Everywhere around her the room grew brighter and brighter. She heard her jeans tear open as her thighs stretched and expanded. Her breasts were nearly popping out of her bra now and her hand could barely hold one of those delicious mounds. Her cries of pleasure were mounting to barely suppressed screams of joy as she reached the peak and the world flashed before her. Her finger kept rubbing even as her body convulsed with the sheer, sweet feeling of wave upon wave of rippling pleasure.

  As the high feelings began to subside Stephanie practically collapsed backward onto the soft floor. Her breaths came out in harsh pants. All her shirt buttons were gone and the sides of her jeans had split. With the loss of the hot emotions she felt her breasts shrink and her bra sag. It was stretched beyond use unless she figured out how to pin it back.

  After a few minutes she felt she was recovered enough to clean herself up. Her skin was still aglow with sweat, and she opted for a shower. As she rose to her feet Stephanie glanced down in disbelief at her torn clothes. She couldn't believe such a drastic physical change had come over her, but the proof was staring back at her. She pulled off her shirt and examined the popped buttons. Her hand ran down the ripped seams of her jeans. Whatever was wrong with her, it was more than just skin deep. After her perusal she realize she would have a hard time explaining this to Chuck.

  Almost frantically Stephanie glanced around the room for help. The dresser obviously proved to be her best option, and she strode over to the piece of furniture. She opened the top drawer and found that Chuck had grossly underestimated what sort of clothes were in there. She found shirts of all sizes, socks for every occasion and even several pairs of pants. This assortment would definitely tide her over until she was able to get to the house for her own stuff.

  Stephanie went into the shower with a large shirt perfect for a makeshift nightgown and found it was a full bath complete with jacuzzi and a separate shower. This was paradise, and her torn clothes were easily shed and tossed onto the floor. She washed and wiped away the physical evidence of her act of self-pleasuring, but she couldn't forget the wonderful sensations she'd felt. Just thinking about it made her skin aglow with more heat than what was coming from the hot water lapping around her naked body.

  A sudden knocking on the door to her room caused her to jump, and the mood was ruined.

  "Try not to use all the hot water," Chuck teased from behind the door. He must have heard the running water as she filled the tub.

  "I won't," Stephanie replied with a roll of her eyes.

  With her ears now attuned to the hallway, Stephanie vaguely heard his footsteps move away from the entrance. That's when her breath caught in her throat and a heavy blush appeared on her face. If the walls were so thin that he'd heard the bathroom water running, then she feared he'd heard her muffled screams of joy. She just wanted to sink beneath the water out of sheer horror at her actions. Perhaps she shouldn't attempt to fiddle with those powers until she was sure there wouldn't be anyone around.

  Stephanie slunk out of the tub and, with her new nightgown over her body, looked over her old clothes. She had to hide the evidence of her strange change, so she stuffed them into a bag and shoved it near the bed. It would be doubly embarrassing to forget the clothes and have their condition be discovered by Chuck.

  "Wow, has my life gotten weird," she mused with a sigh as she sat down on the end of the bed.

  The moon was gone from the window and her sexual appetite was squashed for the present. Now she felt the full force of the exhaustion from her fear. The terror of the two creatures vying for her and the ugly face of her husband caused a shiver of terror to run down her back. Unconsciously she wrapped her arms around herself for some comfort. The young woman desperately wished for answers but none were forthcoming, either to the supernatural elements of her life or the many problems with her abusive husband.

  Staying awake, though, wasn't going to help her, so she went to bed with those thoughts still dancing through her mind. Sleep blissfully took her from her strange life.


  Stephanie lay in bed with her body curled up around a soft pillow. She was still asleep, but there was a smile on her face as she dreamed of strong arms wrapped around her. She pressed the pillow closer and buried her face into the bouncy fabric as she dreamed that those strong arms were gliding all over her naked body. A small groan escaped her lips and her legs fidgeted as she felt a heat rise up between her legs.

  "A little lower," she moaned

  "Um, Boss?" a voice called to her from a great distance. She frowned at the intrusion and buried herself deeper into the pillow. The person would not be deterred, however, and there was a sudden banging.

  Stephanie shot up and looked around in bewilderment. She needed a moment to recall she was staying at Chuck's home and in his spare bedroom. The loud banging was coming from her locked door, and it was the master of the house.

  "You okay in there, Boss?" he called through the wood.

  "I'm fine," Stephanie replied in a groggy voice. She had such a headache that was so bad she clutched at her head. Maybe it was all the stress from last night returning for round two. "Just gimme a second."

  Stephanie pushed the pillow aside and slid off the bed. She'd been too tired last night to notice the sheets were made of silk, but she applauded his choice of bedclothes as she shuffled over to the door. Her feet took her to the entrance and she unlocked the knob. Chuck must have been leaning on the other side, because he nearly crashed into the room.

  "You sure are a heavy sleeper," he sheepishly commented as he righted himself to avoid the fall.

  "Yeah, well, I've been through hell and back for a few days," she glumly pointed out. Chuck looked into her face and frowned.

  "You don't look so good, Boss," he spoke up, and that really didn't improve her attitude. He held his hands up in a defensive position when he noticed the anger rise up in her tired eyes. "But you still look good. Just tired, that's all."

  "Yeah, well, look to previous answer," Stephanie grumbled as she wandered back over to the bed. She sat down and grabbed her favorite pillow to clutch to her chest.

  "You gonna be okay?" Chuck asked. He moved over to sit at her side. "I mean, you need me to do anything? You want some food?"

  "I am a little hungry," she admitted as she rubbed her forehead. That damn headache was almost causing her vision to blur. She forced a smile on her lips and looked to Chuck. "You think I could have breakfast in bed just this once?"

  "I suppose I'll allow it," he laughed as he stood up. "But just this once. I don't want you to think I'm going to keep pampering you just because I...well, just because you're my boss," he corrected himself. Stephanie glanced at him with a questioning expression, but he ignored it. "But what did you feel like having?"

  "What have you got?" she countered.

  "Some eggs and maybe I can scrounge up some baco
n," he answered.

  "Sounds like a feast to me," Stephanie replied as she tried not to drool. That would be a feast compared to the fare she usually received from Bob, which was a bowl of cereal she got together herself. It was probably for the best considering his lack of cooking skills, though. "I'll take one of everything with a side of cold milk."

  "I'll get right on it," Chuck told her with a roll of his eyes.

  He was true to his word, though, and in a few minutes Stephanie had a plate filled to the brim with eggs and bacon. Of course, there was also the milk on the side. She did justice to the meal and felt better at the last bite, but she still wasn't sure she was up for any stress that day.

  "So that make you feel better?" her partner asked her when he picked up the empty plate. She'd managed to scrape off every bit of egg and bacon grease.

  "A little," she admitted, but she could see his line of questioning was going somewhere.

  "So you're probably not up for a trip to the office, right?" he asked just to confirm his suspicions.

  "I'm sorry, but I...I don't think I'm going to make it in today," she told him with a small smile. "I just don't feel well enough to design anything for some picky clients."

  "It's fine, you've been through a lot," he brushed off her concerns. "But did you want me to try picking up some of your stuff from the house? Like your purse or anything like that?"

  "I don't know if I could ask you to do that," Stephanie hesitated to agree. She didn't want Bob to accuse Chuck of trespassing. Suddenly to her surprise Chuck let out a barking laugh, and she looked at him like he'd lost his mind. He gave her a sheepish grin.

  "How about you write me a note telling Bob I could take what I thought you needed?" he suggested. "You know, like a hall pass." Stephanie rolled her eyes.

  "I suppose that would kinda work," she replied as she glanced around the room for a pencil and paper. "But if you do see Bob, try not to get into a fight with him," she advised as Chuck retrieved the items from a drawer at the top of the desk. "He's...he's pretty scary when he gets mad."

  "I think I could handle him," Chuck answered while he laid out the writing articles on the top of the desk. "Now the only thing you need to do today is write that letter and then I've gotta go to the store," he informed his guest. "I wasn't really prepared for two people living here any time soon, so my fridge is a little bare."

  "Really?" Stephanie asked. She recalled how the room seemed amply prepared for someone to occupy it, what with the extra clothes, clean bed and bath.

  "Yeah, I don't get many visitors up here," her partner pointed out as he nodded toward the balcony. Outside the woods stretched for miles around them with not a human soul in sight. "But what did you need me to grab from the house?"

  "Some extra shoes, for one," she answered with a laugh. Her eyes glanced over to the soiled ones from last night. They were still soaked from the heavy dew of the park and backyard. "And probably my purse in case I want to help you out with food."

  "And I'll promptly refuse to let you," he told her.

  Stephanie stepped over to the desk and quickly finished the simple letter of permission and Chuck grabbed it on the way out along with the empty breakfast plate.

  "Now you just rest here, maybe take a shower or read a book from downstairs," Chuck suggested as he stood in the doorway. "I've got a couple of shelves downstairs that has some general books that might amuse you, but I should be back in time for lunch to give you something to laugh at."

  "I'll wait with eager anticipation," Stephanie teased.

  "Well, just try not to get into too much trouble," he pleaded. "And that means trying to stay indoors. Those woods out there are pretty thick and it's easy to get lost in there."

  "I'll try not to get lost too far," she replied, but her joke fell flat when she realized he was serious about the danger. "I guess I'll just stay inside."

  "Then I'll see you later," Chuck gave his farewell, and then he was gone.

  Stephanie sighed and listened to the noises he made downstairs. There was the cleaning of the dishes and then the preparation to leave for town. Since it was so far away, she understood it would be quite an ordeal to prepare for. Finally the front door opened and closed behind her host, and she heard the car started outside. Stephanie moved toward the balcony and opened one of the French doors. She stepped outside and into the fresh mountain air. The young woman glanced out onto nature's majesty. The house did indeed have a wonderful view of the valley below. The houses were smaller than pennies and the river that snaked along the town looked like a faucet constantly dripping. She could hardly tell there were cars moving between the streets and people were much too small for her to glimpse. Looking to her right, she caught a glimpse of Chuck's car disappearing into the trees. She was all alone now.

  "Well, this is fun..." she mumbled to the empty, cool air around her.

  Stephanie decided maybe some exploring would do her mind some good. She couldn't just keep standing or sitting around twiddling her thumbs. That would drive her insane, and then Chuck would come back to a loony bin. Though the weather outside was overcast and a chilly wind was coming up, Stephanie found the home warm and quiet. She decided there wasn't any need to change just yet and skipped downstairs in the over-sized shirt.

  The first order of business was rummaging through every room. That didn't take very long on the ground floor. The kitchen and dining area were on the left side of the front door leading inside, and the large living room was on the right. He had an impressive entertainment system, what with all the latest in movies, a relatively new flat-screen tv, and gaming systems to play video games and access the internet feeds for online content. She was pretty impressed, but he'd also said something about some books. Her eyes wandered to the back of the lower floor, and she realized the entire rear wall was covered with shelves of books. She was in awe at the sheer amount. It was like a small library.

  Stephanie hadn't glimpsed the rear wall last night because of the darkness and her fatigue, but now she walked over to the shelves and began glancing through the selection. They were meticulously organized according to genre and then alphabetically, with small tags along the bottom of the shelves to tell what genre they belonged. She couldn't think of any subject he'd missed in his selections. For someone who had emerged from a city life of violence and near-broke, he spent a lot of money trying to improve his mind.

  One section was especially large and filled many feet of the long shelves. It was marked as mythology. Stephanie pulled out a large tome with the title Myths of Eastern Europe and glanced over the contents. There was the usual assortment of vampires, witches and ghosts, but one section appeared to be well read, at least judging from the creased and doggy-eared pages. That was the section on werewolves.

  Stephanie wandered over to a comfortable chair by the bookshelves, and into this she sat down. She read over the first part of the section aloud.

  Werewolves are the product of demonic possession by the Devil. They are those men, sinful and with corrupted souls, who are granted the ability to transform into wolves. In this form they perform the Devil's work through the slaughter of needed cattle and sheep, and through the murder of those who's souls are pure. They are capable of creating their own kind through physical contact with another human by way of a wound caused by the werewolf's claws or teeth.

  Stephanie jerked back and her eyes flew to the wound on her arm. She reached over her shaking hand and rubbed the dark scab. Those creatures in the alley and who had trashed her home. They had wolf-like features, and she had been scratched by the smaller one. A shiver ran down her spine and she closed the book with a loud thud.

  "Damn thing's giving me ideas," she grumbled to herself, but there was no turning back now. She couldn't deny that all the evidence pointed to those things being werewolves, and she had been scratched by one of them.

  Stephanie put the book back and resumed her exploration, but her heart wasn't into it anymore. She kept rubbing at her healed wound on her a
rm and her mind wandered off into the impossible but increasingly plausible idea that she wasn't a normal human being anymore. Without realize where she was going, Stephanie found herself moving back upstairs and through the hall separating her room from Chuck's room. Her eyes glanced at his closed door, the only area in the house she hadn't yet explored.

  The sensible part of her mind told her to be a good guest and stay out. That was the part of her brain she usually ignored, and right now was no exception. She wanted, no, needed, a distraction from her terrible thoughts. After this she would explore outside, and maybe then Chuck would be back to distract her some more.

  Stephanie tiptoed to the door and rattled the knob. She found the door was unlocked, which was both a boon to her curiosity and a consternation to her better sensibilities. After all, she was his guest. Sneaking into his room wasn't the best way to repay his kindness.

  "Just a small peak," Stephanie whispered to herself as she poked her head inside.

  The room was a mirror image of her own right down to the desk in the corner. She took a quick peek into the bathroom and found nothing of interest there, so her attention turned to the area around the bed. Compared to the rest of the spotless home, that area was a mess of discarded clothes. He was evidently in great need of a hamper with all the old clothes strewn about the floor, and Stephanie jokingly thought about getting him one for next Christmas. The bed was unmade and Stephanie stepped over to run her hand across the ruffled sheets. It looked like he'd had a rough night sleeping, or hadn't made the bed in ages.

  Stephanie drew her hand back and suddenly stopped. She slowly lifted her fingers to her nose and took in the scent. It smelled so strongly of him that she suddenly felt light-headed. She shook her head to dispel the strange feeling, but her senses were awakened. Now she realized the entire room was brimming with his strong, musky scent. She felt like she was swimming in his essence.

  Stephanie wrapped her arms around herself and tried to get a hold of the emotions rising up inside her. She was in her partner's room, for God's sake! This was not the place to be having these strange sensations.