Read In the Yellow Sea Page 18



  During our journey to Talien Bay, which had become the Japanese navalbase after the demolition of Port Arthur, I put a number of questionsto Tomi and to the military officer, his brother, whom I now learnedwas attached to the army staff. Several of these inquiries hadreference to the movements of the army and navy, but some questionswere personal to myself. At last my kind friends threw off theirofficial reserve, and cheered my heart with the prospect of release.

  I began by asking how the young lieutenant had found me out, and why,having sent me adrift, he had thought of seeking me again. I told myadventures briefly.

  "I am sure you did it for the best," I concluded, "but all the sameyour plans nearly cost me my life."

  "We had no choice, I am sorry to say. The report that you were aChinese spy had been so insisted upon that even Japanese disciplinewavered on board. When you confessed to knowledge of Chinese, the planof sending you as a scout with the interpreter was adopted, and I gaveyou all the assistance I could."

  "Yes, indeed. But the interpreter proved false. He robbed me, andleft me helpless."

  "True; he has paid for his treachery. Yet, had you been takenprisoner, and the map and pistol found upon you, your life would havebeen forfeited and awful tortures inflicted," added the elder brother.

  "I did not realise that contingency," said Tomi, "nor did I imagine theinterpreter would be false. He evidently regarded you as an enemy;perhaps he thought he was serving us by putting you in danger. On theother hand, he did you a service by concealing you and taking thecompass and revolver."

  "Well, that is one way of looking at it," I said. "Let the matter restthere. Now, may I inquire why, and how, I have been sent for? and howI have been discovered?"

  "The second question is the easiest to answer. Inquiries and lettersare awaiting you. The English captain from Shanghai"--

  "What! My skipper, Captain Goldheugh?" I interrupted.

  "I think he is the same. The captain who commanded the Chinesetransport, _Kowshing_."

  "Rather _Feng Shui_," I said. "The same man. What of him?"

  "He has come up in an American steamer, and has made inquiries aboutyou all around the coast--at Chefoo and at Talien-wan. He boarded the_Naniwa_, and we told him all we knew. My brother had previously toldme something about the interpreter, and a Britisher in camp. So we putour ideas together, and decided then you were the missing man."

  "And the captain has letters for me?"

  "Several; and despatches also, I understand. Inquiry from the consul,too; so your Government think you are of some importance."

  I laughed, and said, "I suspect my father and mother, were alarmed, andset the diplomatic wheels moving. Then I am to go home?"

  "Yes; but meantime we have a favour to ask, and we had considered itpossible you would assist us on the way back."

  "Certainly; when I have announced my safety at home, I can do all yourequire, I hope."

  "It is merely to convey a letter to the English admiral in the gulfoutside Wei-hai-Wei. You have several ships there, and Admiral Ito issending a squadron to keep watch on Tengchow and Wei-hai-Wei."[1]

  [1] Pronounced Way-hi-Way.--H.P.

  "Then you intend to capture and occupy Shengtung?"

  "So it is understood, but we cannot decide that. The _Naniwa_ or othervessel will convey you to Tengchow, close to Chefoo. There you willfind your friend Goldheugh, or perhaps at Chefoo."

  "That seems good enough," I said. "But why send _me_? Why not one ofyour own officers?"

  "You are neutral," replied the young lieutenant, "and the communicationis to the Chinese Admiral Ting. Both Chinese and Japanese respectEnglish good faith, and any intervention by your force will prove itshonesty of purpose."

  I could only bow to this compliment, and did so with becoming gravity."I am quite ready," I said. "When properly equipped and clothed Ishall be at your admiral's service."

  "Then I must bid you farewell," interposed the soldier, as we came insight of Talien Bay. "We shall never meet again, perhaps, but I trustyou will not judge all the Japanese soldiers from the specimens at PortArthur. They were exasperated and triumphant, they were victorious allalong the line, and irritated by the execution of prisoners."

  It was on the tip of my tongue to ask what the Japs would do if theywere beaten, but fortunately I did not raise the discussion. It willbe time enough to ask that question when they are pitted against a lessyielding enemy. At present the Japanese have much confidence inthemselves, and are most enthusiastic. Time will show results.

  My parting with the staff-officer was most friendly and regretful. Hehad nobly paid his debt to the English lad whose countrymen hadaccepted him as a friend. And for my own part I think the Englishwould do well to ally themselves closely with the Japanese nation,which is a coming factor in the Eastern world.

  * * * * *

  I need not dwell upon the details of my mission. Let it suffice that Iaccompanied the _Naniwa_, one of the three ships composing a flyingsquadron to bombard Tengchow if necessary. On the 18th January 1895,the three ships sailed--the _Yoshino_, _Akitsushima_, and _Naniwa_, andafter a trial engagement of blank cartridge they shelled the place.

  When the feint was made the snow fell thickly, and so bad was theweather that any attack was out of the question. The bombardment wasalso delayed next day by a snowstorm, but in any case the ships wereonly employed to divert the attention of the Chinese fleet and armyfrom the main attack of the chief Japanese squadron, and the army,which was landing in Shengtung. The Chinese sent their men to supportthe force at Tengchow, and meanwhile the Japanese troops landed atYingching Bay, at the eastern extremity of Shengtung; and I did not seeCaptain Goldheugh.

  When the Japanese arrangements had been carried out, and the armylanded, the navy being concentrated in the Bay of Pechili, I wasenabled to convey my missive to the admiral, and by him sent, per the_Severn_, to the Chinese admiral at Wei-hai-Wei. The letter itself wasafterwards printed in the _Japan Mail_. It urged the Chinese tosurrender. Admiral Ito stated that his "friend" Ting would be welltreated if he would yield, and save much bloodshed. "I entreat you tocredit my sincerity," he concluded. "I address this letter to you inpure friendship, and if happily you accept my counsel, I will, withyour permission, address some further remarks to you on the subject,giving practical effect to the idea."

  Admiral Ting did not reply, and when the 29th of January came, thefleet, which had meantime been making preparations to attack, began thebombardment. The army had already been feeling its way on land, and onthe 30th it advanced and encountered the Chinese troops on theheadlands, and drove them down to the seaside by Wei-hai-Wei. But thenthe Chinese fleet in the harbour came into action, and we heard theguns at ten o'clock a.m., and it was supposed that the Japs hadretired, as indeed was the case.

  But the eastern forts were taken later by the Japanese, who manned thecaptured guns. We subsequently heard many interesting and evenromantic accounts of this attack, which succeeded so well that when theboats from the fleet made an attempt to break the east boom in theharbour they were fired at by the Japanese, thinking the _Chinese_ wereattacking from the sea side. This was on the night of the 30th January.

  These incidents were related to me later, but I can tell something ofthe attack by sea, and I never wish to join in such another under suchcircumstances. It was not because I had any fear, that was not in mymind; but I did not at first take any real interest in the business. Iwanted to be landed at Chefoo, and sent home, or, at anyrate, back toShanghai. Instead, I was in the midst of storm and stress--winter ofthe most terrible, fire and cold, both almost equally deadly. As luckhad it, the First Flying Squadron, in which the _Naniwa_ was included,was "left out in the cold"; but I warmed up later to war-pitch.

  Before I proceed with my narrative I must give you an idea of thesurroundi
ngs. Wei-hai-Wei embraces a wide bay, perhaps twenty miles inextent, with hills crowned by forts and batteries on land. On the seafront it is protected by two islands, one (Lui-kung) of fair size, andinhabited; the other, Sih-tao, is merely the foundation of a fort. Theformer island separates the harbour into two entrances, in the easternof which lies the smaller island-fort. At the opposite side is deepwater, and in all directions on mainland and islands, on sea and shore,are defences--forts, batteries, mines, and ships of war--all Chinese.The Chinese fleet consisted of fifteen men-o'-war and gunboats, andthirteen torpedo-boats. The Japanese fleet numbered twenty-four shipsand sixteen torpedo-boats. Besides these latter ships were numerousother vessels "looking on" and watching the struggle with the greatestinterest. The captain of the _Naniwa_ offered to send me on board anEnglish ship, or convey me to Chefoo, but I thought I would see thematch out--the end was not far off. Having gone so far I thought I hadbetter complete the tale, and curiosity was at length aroused; my poorservices were even enlisted on one occasion.

  Besides the defences already mentioned, the Chinese had fixed twosubstantial booms across the bay. Steel hawsers, supplemented withgreat baulks of timber of immense thickness, anchored by chains andgrapnels, were supplied with torpedoes on both sides, in addition tothe mines outside. Had any European or Japanese soldiers been inpossession of Wei-hai-Wei, or Port Arthur, it must have beenimpregnable, and if Russia seizes either place we shall find this out.

  It was evident that the capture of Wei-hai-Wei depended upon thedestruction of the boom; and this seemed to be an impossible feat.When the strength and position of the obstruction were considered, thedesperate nature of the service might well have daunted the Japanese,who would be exposed to the fire of the forts and batteries in nearlyall directions. But if the assailants hesitated it was only in orderto make sure of the result.

  The weather continued very bad, but worse was approaching. I had hadno further news respecting Captain Goldheugh, and no one thought aboutmy departure. The Japanese vessels were divided into five squadrons.The main squadron consisting of the flagship _Matsushima_, the_Chiyoda_, _Itsukushima_, and _Hashidate_. The four flying squadronsincluded first the _Yoshino_, _Takachiho_, _Akitsushima_, and _Naniwa_.The other three flying squadrons and the three torpedo-flotillas may bementioned generally.

  On the 30th January 1895 the Admiral Ito decided to attack. All thevessels united outside Wei-hai-Wei, and began patrolling the coast. Atintervals, and later more constantly, we heard the heavy guns as theeastern forts were attacked by the troops ashore, and these continuousroars made us impatient of inaction.

  "I wish I could do something," I said at last to Tomi. "Can't I joinyou if you go out in a torpedo-boat? Wouldn't your captain give me achance to do something?"

  "Perhaps he might. He would not refuse a volunteer; and you couldsteer the boat I suppose? Shall I ask the lieutenant?"

  "Please," I replied. "Anything will be better than loafing here!"

  "We shall not 'loaf' as you call it. The admiral has signalled us tobe ready to support the attack, and no hammocks will be slung to-night."

  "All right," I said; "the sooner the better! Where are we making fornow?"

  "For the western entrance. The main and second squad are guarding theeastern. That island with a fort upon it may give us a hint presently."

  We continued to steam slowly to and fro all the morning. The roar ofthe engagement increased every minute, and all hands became excited.It was like a cat watching a mouse in a cage. We were so many catsprowling about the cage in which numerous Chinese "mice" were calmlyseated watching us, while the dogs of war inland were worrying the dogsashore. We could do nothing at our end, though it was pleasant to seethe No. 3 and No. 4 squads had begun to throw shells at "long bowls" inthe direction of the eastern batteries to support the land attack.

  It was aggravating to see the big Chinese "mice" steaming inside theharbour, followed by some small craft--like micelets--between theislands, and assisting the forts, yet never venturing out into thegulf. But as the day wore into late afternoon a great white smokearose on shore, and a fearful explosion rang the knell of the fort;with telescopes we could see the Chinese running away.

  The admiral at this time signalled our No. 1 fleet to join him, and wewent back to the long line, spreading ourselves all across the harbouroutside. Then an order went out to try the boom that night, and theChinese began to find our range from the islands, whence they began"pilling" us at frequent intervals, with the setting sun behind them,which interfered with the Japanese accuracy of fire. We managed tocreep in to the east side and keep up the watch. Tomi was right; therewas no hammocks slung. The men lay around the guns on mats.

  That night was cold, and when I rose, shivering, I was glad to get warmclothing. As the day passed the snow and sleet came heavily down, andat last the storm hid everything. The wind and sea rose, and thethermometer and barometer fell fast. The ships were then fully exposedto the fearful storm on a lee shore; the thermometer was belowfreezing, and all chance of reducing Wei-hai-Wei more distant thanever! The climax for us came when the admiral, with three squadrons,retreated to the shelter of Yengching Bay, leaving us--the firstsquad--on guard in the snow and storm.

  Yet not a single murmur arose from the ships which continued to watchthe harbour, though the chances of the escape of the Chinese in suchweather, and in such a gale, were infinitesimal. So the last day ofJanuary and the first of February passed in fearful discomfort, andwithout any opportunity of distinction, though all the other Japaneseships were in shelter, and thus left the Chinese to their own devices.When the cat is away the mice will play, and this proverb was fitlyillustrated in this case, for on the 1st of February Admiral Tingdestroyed all the guns in the western forts.

  This was a very sensible move on his part, because he knew that if theenemy attacked and captured them the Japanese could have turned theChinese guns against his fleet in harbour! So while the storm ragedthe Chinese sailors spiked the guns,[2] and thus caused a breathingspace for the beleaguered inhabitants of the forts and ships. On the3rd there was some exchange of "civilities," but the snow again causeda truce. That evening we had a little consultation on board the_Naniwa_, and the speculations as regarded our success were numerousand varied in their way, but the ultimate result was never doubted.

  [2] An Englishman led the sailors that time.

  "We must win," said one. "We hold the place now. We have seen theChinese retreating. We have captured most of the forts. The Chinesemay as well surrender!"

  "They are too proud," said another. "The eyes of Europe are upon them."

  "And on us," interrupted a third. "Shall we give way now? Certainlynot!"

  "What can we do then?" I ventured to ask (Tomi translated). "Cannot weattack by sea and break the boom? such things have been done."

  I had read of this, and though I could not at the time recall thehistorical incident, the fact was impressed upon my mind.

  "We must await orders. But it must come to that," said a senior.

  "Mr. Julius will help when the time comes," said Tomi. "He will be onboard one of the boats, I daresay."

  "If permitted," I said. "When the weather moderates we shall see."

  In this way we tried to cheer ourselves, and in other ways we managedto pass the terrible days of wind and snow. The ships were completelycovered with snow, an inch thick, at least, even though the roll of thevessels shook off the flakes continually. The thermometer went down totwenty-five degrees below freezing, and that was quite sufficient forus at sea. When on the 3rd the weather improved we heard the newsannounced that the torpedo-boats were to have an innings, and I becameexcited.

  I had never actually witnessed the attack of a torpedo. When formerlyin the _Naniwa_ I had seen a Chinese vessel sunk off Hai-yang, but hadonly seen the effects. Now, if permitted, I would perhaps seesomething new! A very novel experience indeed, because torpedoes hadnever been used in warfare before then.
At intervals we had beenexchanging shots and experimenting upon the boom, but none of us in ourship had been engaged. We were policemen, and little else. But theattempt had to be made, and, by what I may call accident, I was in thefirst attack.

  There was an officer named Kosaki--a splendid fellow--who had doneexcellent service under fire before in a torpedo-boat, and he wasattached to boat No. 6. There were ten boats employed, and the newswas known that day, and there was talk of volunteers trying to proceedin her, for they all knew that "No. 6" was bound to do something! Tomitold me this. He had been ordered to carry a report to the mainsquadron, and suggested that I should accompany him.

  "Perhaps you may have a chance to join the torpedo-boat," he said. Ithanked him, and muffled up we were rowed to the flagship, where Tomidelivered his message. Then we perceived that the first squadron wasclosing in, and we waited on board the greater ship, which was firingat the Lui-kung Island as well as the smaller one. Lui-kung isprecipitous and unassailable: the batteries were concealed, and some ofthe guns, I think, were depressed and raised, like the Moncrieffcarriages at Woolwich long ago. The ships could not reach in close:the water is shallow, and the guns were well served. Meantime theChinese rested behind the shelter of the boom.

  "I hear we shall attack the boom to-night," said Tomi.

  "Is there any chance of my finding a berth in the flotilla?" I asked.

  "Ask the commander," said my friend. "The captain of No. 6 is awarrant officer. He might consent. Shall I try for you?"

  I nodded assent. Perhaps it was a silly ambition! Tomi had a chanceand grasped it. As the "captain" of the boat was descending the sideTomi arrested him, and made the request. Something was said, and thenTomi returned to me.

  "Well?" I asked, feeling rather "half-hearted" about the result.

  "You may join as a correspondent, but must not tell your experiencetill the place is taken--if you survive."

  "He said so?"

  "Yes. 'Let him come and die, if he wishes it,' he said."

  "Then I just _will_ go--and chance it!" I said boldly.

  "All right. He is waiting. Good luck to you."

  I hurried away, and in a short time was on board the little boat whichwas tossing and plunging in the lumpy sea in the lee of the largevessels. Retreat was now impossible. The die was cast.



  My first impressions regarding a torpedo-boat were, firstly, that thedeck rests dangerously near the water; and secondly, that the craftitself is unsafe--at least, unsteady. Then the vessel,--or "ship," asI believe it is called,--is, if cabined, certainly "cribbed andconfined." There is not much space to live in; perhaps the sailors whoman her are not expected to live--much. Where they usually sleep,unless in the coal-bunkers or in the engine-room, I do not exactlyknow. They did not sleep at all while I was on board, and I understandthat they never change nor wash (or "hardly ever"), under serviceconditions. So far as my rather limited experience goes, existence onboard this ship is by no means enjoyable, save when in harbour, andthen it is useless. When at sea in roughish weather, and on serviceparticularly, the "pleasure" must be deadly-lively.

  The torpedo-boat is about one hundred and twenty-five feet long, andperhaps twelve feet at beam. There are larger craft than this, Ithink, but these dimensions will suffice for the usual limits. Thetorpedoes are fixed from the tubes, which, in my "ship," extended oneon each bow and astern. There is a steering-tower, or "conning-tower,"fore and aft, and very small space for living in. There are nobulwarks to prevent one sliding away into the sea in a calm, only arail with stanchions, upon which a wire rope is stretched as aprotection. But in bad weather the sea does not wait for the sailor,it invades him, and washes everything overboard which may be loose,carrying the men off if they do not go below or lash themselves. Therolling is absolutely fearful, and I am informed that when the officerseat they must feed each other like infants, one holding the cup, orplate, while the other drinks, or eats, from it. All the services aretinware, and the food is also tinned, and water is plentiful inside andout, and leaks.

  To this kind of experience I was quite new, and the haggard spectre of_mal-de-mer_ presented itself all the time. How the sailors usuallymanage I do not know; they must suffer, I imagine, at sea. But a dozensick men in that boat! Well--curtain!

  * * * * *

  February the 3rd was the most anxious night I had hitherto passed. Iwas assisted on board, and I think Tomi introduced me to the officersas a British newspaper correspondent. At anyrate, I was politelyreceived, fed, and entertained so far as possible, but theaccommodation was decidedly very limited--much more than the welcome.

  I managed to understand that we would not actually attack. The ideawas to make the breach sufficient to admit other boats next time; so,after all, we should not run any fearful risk, I fancied. But I didnot know then that we were to go inside the boom,--into theharbour,--as I had little opportunity to talk, even had I beenacquainted with the Japanese tongue, I made only mental observations--Iwas afraid of making mistakes in my language again.

  The day died; the moon rose and disappeared; then came the turn of "No.6." When blackness fell upon the water--a darkness in which the boatwas almost buried--the engines began to beat silently, the screwsrevolved almost noiselessly, and we skimmed away towards the placesalready determined upon. The men lay close, only the helmsman, theofficer himself, was visible. I lay by him, by permission, and two menwatched forward. This was no torpedo attack, it was a survey.

  An hour passed. There was no spot at which an entry could be made onthe west side, and a long search only revealed a small space betweenthe rocks on the eastern side and that end of the enormous boom whichstood up threatening us in the dark. This barrier seemed bigger than Ihad ever imagined, and its mass seemed, from our small craft, soenormous, that I almost despaired. Dynamite could not injure it fromoutside. Perhaps gun-cotton or powder would, if applied inside theharbour where the resistance was less.

  At last! Searching closely, the boat found the spot where the barrierceased,--a very small passage, through which it seemed almostimpossible to drive the boat in safety. But the hands which held thehelm were incapable of nervousness. No tremor shook those iron musclesas the boat's head was turned rock-wise. It was sink or swim then--atorpedo in the path would end it for us. But unheeding, or ratherdisdaining, the danger, the skipper turned the boat's head to the smallspace in the sea.

  The rocks grumbled at us as we slowly and deftly passed. The sullenmurmurs of the waves were supplemented by the swishing of the revolvingscrews, or drowned perhaps by the former. Still the boat skimmed on,and then almost noiselessly brought up in the harbour, within the rangeof the Chinese torpedo-squadron, which speedily perceived the intruder.

  The situation was peculiar. We were in hostile waters; the ships andtorpedo-boats, and even the forts, quickly woke up. Shells camewhizzing in our direction. We could see them streaking the blackness,like meteors, then flying shrieking over our heads, and plunging orbursting in the sea beyond the boom, or within it. But not one touchedthe Japanese boat, which lay dark and silent by the boom, though had anelectric searchlight been used by some approaching vessel we must havebeen discovered at once.

  The cold was intense as the devoted vessel cracked the ice which lay onthe agitated surface of the harbour, but we did not mind it. The soundof the ice, one imagined, must have announced our whereabouts to theChinese, but as we moved swiftly the aim was not accurate, and we layalongside the barrier, silently, to prepare for the charge which themaster had determined to explode against it.

  The mine was laid with great difficulty, not only because of thedarkness and the penetrating cold, but because of the unsteadiness ofthe little craft, which surged against the boom, and crackled loudly atevery concussion. At length the job was complete, the charge was laid,the battery by which it
was intended to explode the powder wasprepared, the wire already extended.

  Now the critical moment approached. A few directions, a few words ofwarning, a caution to the engineers, an order to the steersman, then:Ready? Fire! Away! away! Get out of reach as quietly and as quicklyas possible.

  We made tracks, noisy ones too. The island fort burst into fire, andmore shells came tearing around us, but nothing else happened. Themine had failed!

  Investigation at once discovered the reason. We had not proceeded farunder the star-shower of shells when the report was made. The wire wascut! cut by a fluke of the anchor, which had chafed through it. Therewas no alternative, we must return.

  In a few moments the boat was heading back, careless of the meteoricdisplay around us. The skipper sprang up from the wheel-shelter andrefastened the wire, unheeding the increasing storm of projectiles,which flew around us and pitted the icy water like hail. But again hewas met by failure. The charge refused to ignite, and there was noother chance now save handwork,--that is, by doing it himself, amid thegreatest danger of death by shot or shell, or drowning from the boom,or explosion,--and all this in the black darkness, relieved only by thegleams of murderous shells. The crew worked well and bravely, excited,as one may say, perhaps, by the coolness of their chief. The shot cameleaping, ricochetting over the harbour; the shells screamed mostunpleasantly in our ears; fingers were numbed, and our breathing waslike steam amid those exertions. But the skipper landed on the boom,fixed three very destructive charges, and resumed his post at thewheel, ready, when the engines were moved full speed ahead. The deedwas done!

  Then the line was pulled taut, the detonator exploded, the threecharges flared, the boom was rent, and the torpedo-boat No. 6 sped awayover the sea, past the staring flotilla at a distance, keeping herperilous course, past the narrow entrance, amid such a cannonade as Ihad had never dreamed of,--a duel now between the victors and thevictims of the outrage. But the boat returned, unharmed, in thedarkness, and in a short time showed her lights in the offing, out ofreach of the hail of shot and flaming shell, to enjoy the rest whichthe gallant crew had fairly earned when the report had been received.


  This was an expedition conducted with great intrepidity, and crownedwith immediate success, the results of which proved most disastrous tothe defence. Next night two flotillas penetrated the harbour throughthe wider breach No. 6 had made, and a fearful engagement ensued. Inthis two torpedo-boats were lost, and in No. 6 the tubes were frozen,so the torpedoes were not discharged. One of the first two boatsreferred to was blown up by a shell, but the great man-o'-war,_Ting-yuen_, was scuttled by a torpedo or torpedoes, and next day sankslowly in sight of the fleet. The Japanese had had two boats lost andtwo injured. The latter were sent to Port Arthur to repair. The boatI was in was struck fifty times, once by a shell.

  This was "warm" work, but next night it became warmer still, for theleader of the expedition reported that the admiral, with tears in hiseyes, had told him of the necessity of destroying the rest of thefleet, and the danger of it. On that second night, the 4th, we knewthat many men had been killed by shot, that many besides had beenscalded, and many actually frozen to death in the water, even undercomparatively fortunate circumstances. The admiral and his captainsknew the danger, and the latter fully appreciated it when next day afurther attack was determined upon.

  "You may be unable to return through the breach," said the admiral."The Chinese will be prepared and alive to the danger."

  "I am quite ready," replied the officer addressed, calmly.

  "I am grieved to order the attack. But there is no help for it. Itmust be done for our country's sake. Do your best, as I am sure youwill, and emblazon your name upon the scroll of fame."

  With these words the admiral dismissed the commander of the flotilla,and with a touching farewell. They "could scarcely have expected tomeet again," says the narrator of the interview.

  When the officer rejoined his boat he communicated his orders, and didnot hide the danger. Death was almost certain, there were no lanterns,no plans, no orders, no signals. The boats cast off everything notnecessary for the attack, as a forlorn hope goes into action unfettered.

  "Our boats and our bodies are the enemy's." This was the signal. Butlittle hope, and less alarm, was displayed. At a quarter to three a.m.(February 6th) the boats left the fleet to destroy Chinese ships, butour torpedo-boat came back, having collided with the boom in the dark.So I returned unharmed.

  We, outside, could not see the results until daylight, but the roar ofthe cannon, the flashing of the sweeping search-lights, and thebursting of the shells could be perceived in the darkness. We sawrockets signalling in the harbour, but until the boats returned greatanxiety was felt. At daybreak they all returned safely, and reportedthree ships sunk. These were the _Wei-yuen_, _Lai-yuen_, and _Pao-Hwa_.

  On the 5th I had rejoined the _Naniwa_, by permission, and saw that thecontest could only end in one way soon. When the news came on the 6thFebruary that the three ships had been sunk there was great rejoicing,and many congratulations were exchanged in the squadron. On the 7th weall took part in "the ball," shelling the forts and firing for a coupleof hours until my head seemed splitting, and I was perfectly deaf for awhile after.

  We were in the middle of the smoke and din when a signal was made highabove the vapour that the Chinese torpedo-boats were escaping by thewestern passage in the direction of Chefoo. The First Flying Squadronwas ordered to pursue them--the _Yoshino_ leading us. She is a veryfast cruiser, her speed being twenty-three knots, the rest being notmuch more than eighteen. We spun along, full speed, and some alarm wascaused in the _Naniwa_ by a shell which plumped into the coal-bunker.Fortunately the protection afforded by the coal prevented any seriousdamage being done, and the Chinese boats were all destroyed save two,which managed to elude the pursuers, though crippled, and to reach thetreaty port--Chefoo.

  I was anxious to go there too, as I believed I could find protection,but of course the _Naniwa_ could not land me at that time. The shipreturned to the blockade; the attack and bombardment was resumed on the8th February, when the combined squadrons, having silenced the fort onSih Island, destroyed some hundreds of yards of the terrible boom, andcut it up.

  These tactics were continued during the next three days, when the shipsattacked with flags flying as if in anticipation of victory. Thesevere bombardment was continued, the Chinese pluckily replied; theydid considerable damage to the enemy; and the attack was continueduntil night. Still the Chinese admiral resisted, though the losses hehad sustained in ships and boats were most serious. The once large andformidable Peiyang Fleet had dwindled away, and now only four ships anda few gunboats represented the former powerful array. The end was athand.

  We heard afterwards some particulars of the concluding days of thecontest, which must have been severely trying for the Celestials. Inour fleet the termination of the war was everywhere discussed. PortArthur captured, its forts denuded of guns, Kinchow, and other placesinland in Japanese hands; Wei-hai-Wei on the brink of destruction--whatchance had the Chinese admiral and generals? Better had they acceptedthe offer of the Japanese and surrendered at first.

  We were all awake early in the morning of the 12th February, becauseexperience told us that the enemy must either resist to the death thatday or capitulate. The blockade was so close, the odds against theChinese so great, that we had already wondered at the sustainedresistance, The extreme limit of Celestial endurance had been reached,though we did not anticipate the result as it actually happened.

  As the grey winter day rose out of the sea to port, all eyes were fixedupon the batteries and the ships in harbour. Telescopes swept thehills and platforms, the traces of the wrecked boom, the almostdeserted islands, the shattered forts. As men gazed in silence, brokenonly at intervals by duty orders, a sense of depression fell upon me,as if something unpleasant awaited us. Yet precautions
had beentaken--nothing could harm us. Nevertheless one _felt_ something wasapproaching. The snowclad hills lay silent and cold over all--a shroudspread over dying Wei-hai-Wei. Surely that small Chinese gunboatcleaving the lumpy water had nothing to do with the _denouement_. Oneboat amongst so many ironclads and torpedo-boats could not do any harm.It was only eight o'clock then. "What do you say, Tomi? A _whiteflag_! Surrender! Never! never!"

  "Yes it is," said Tomi, laughing. "Hurrah! you would say in England.The admiral has surrendered. There goes the message of peace. He ismaking for the _Matsushima_. We win! we win!"

  We looked again. All the ships' companies were on the alert, butthough every mind had at once grasped the position, scarce a mouth yetbetrayed the feelings of delight and satisfaction that must have beenexperienced. What would the admiral's reply be? Three torpedo-boatsat once came to escort the stranger, and to make inquiry concerning herbusiness--at least so we interpreted the conversation which seemed,judging from gestures, to be proceeding. A boat left the Chinesevessel, and the messenger was carried on board the Japanese flagship.

  The message must have been important, because some officers werequickly summoned from other of our fleet. Subsequently a steamerquitted the squadron for the eastern shore, presumably to acquaint theCommander-in-Chief of the army of the incident, but these were onlysurmises at the time, though afterwards verified.

  That afternoon the news ran through the ships that the Chinese hadsurrendered, and Admiral Ito had accepted the offer. He trusted fullyto Admiral Ting to act as he desired, promising safe-conduct. But whennext day the gunboat again appeared she carried her flag "half-mast."Ting and his generals had committed suicide. They could not face thedisgrace,--a disgrace which they knew would be visited upon all theirfamilies, for in China retribution is exacted from all the family forthe fault of one. Ting had taken opium.

  The melancholy signal to the fleet was received with honest regret.There was no exultation over the fallen enemy, no music brayed outtriumphal strains of victory, only the wailing notes of funeral marchesin saddened plaints echoed across the water. The gunboat was returnedto the Chinese so that it might convey the admiral's body to China, andthe place surrendered with all its contents, its troops, sailors,ships, and material, to the Japanese, who will retain it till theEnglish come.

  Thus fell the fortunes of Wei-hai-Wei, the details of which may be readin many published books and Eastern newspapers.

  The Chinese troops were sent to Chefoo or to other places of safety;and the ships captured, not including the released gunboat, ten in all,were manned by Japanese sailors, and proceeded under these prize-crewsto Japan. The released boat, _Kwang Tsi_, was employed as a transport,and in this way I found safety at last.

  As soon as the arrangements had been concluded, I made application tobe sent to Chefoo, where I anticipated to meet Captain Goldheugh. Ihad had no messages from home for some time save those delivered tofriend Tomi, and now that the excitement of war and adventure hadsubsided I was anxious to leave. Perhaps had I made application to theBritish commander he would have given me a passage to Shanghai, but Ihad been expecting to meet my captain at Chefoo, and determined toproceed thither. As the gunboat was sailing I requested a "lift" inher, but was warned not to go.

  "Your life would not be safe," said one of the officers. "Try a junk,the distance is nothing, and a junk is safe enough. You pay him whenhe returns with a letter saying you are safe."

  "But I have no money--at least, hardly any."

  "Quite so," replied Tomi cheerfully. "That is my affair. You will seeyour captain, no doubt, and he will assist you. We will signal a junksomehow--presently. The fleet is returning westward."

  I thanked my kind entertainers heartily, and protested against theirthus paying the piper. But Tomi was a favourite, and the captain'snephew. The captain himself at once "shut me up," good-naturedly, andthough he could not send me in one of his boats to Chefoo, he managedto procure me transport to the port, and sent a sailor with me assurety for my safety.

  Having taken a regretful farewell of my kind friends I embarked on ajunk in the harbour, such a queer craft she seemed. Tomi was incommand of the ship's boat which put me on board, and we had quite anaffecting parting. But both hoped to meet again, promising towrite,--a promise since kept up, when newspapers do not sometimes takethe place of letters. (Tomi has sent me much information since, andhas translated several articles accompanied by pictures.[1]) However,we parted rather sadly, and on the 19th February I lost sight of thefleet, and reached Chefoo before dark.

  [1] These are mentioned in the Preface.--H.F.

  A cruise in a junk is not unpleasant, but she seems to a European avery queer boat. The size varies, of course, from a thousand tonsdownwards; the particular craft I engaged was about half that burden,or perhaps less, teak-built, and carrying a high poop; she had twomasts, the mainmast with a large sail was very lofty indeed; and shecarried a crew of, I think, twenty men--I believe there are more atsea. At anyrate she suited me, and so I came to Chefoo in the _ChingKing_, and was landed near the English houses.

  Chefoo or Chifu is the name of the treaty port, which is in fact the"European" settlement as distinguished from Yen Tai the native town.The port is open all the year, and being also a healthy place is moreor less frequented by others than business men. The English settlementis on the left, the Chinese town on the right, and in the centre risesthe "signal hill" which divides them. When we reached the "stranger"town we found several vessels sheltered there, and numerous junks,boats, and small craft lying darkly in the water, while the hills abovewere thickly covered with snow, giving quite an Alpine aspect to thesurroundings. Chefoo is a kind of "suburb" of Shanghai, though"outside the radius," and hither come the ships to their haven underthe hill, to the sandy shore, to deal in cottons and "shirtings" withthe Celestial inhabitants of the (as usual) dirty Chinese town.

  My heart beat more rapidly than usual when I stood upon the poop-deckof the junk and surveyed the harbour. The signal was greatly inevidence, but the trim, even, respectable houses of the English quarterfixed my attention first, and then my eyes wandered to the shipping,particularly to the agitated red ensigns, which made me thrill with thehope of seeing English faces and clasping English hands, speaking thefamiliar language,--very familiar in ships,--and of once more meetingCaptain Goldheugh late of the _Feng Shui._

  * * * * *

  I was landed safely, and sent my acknowledgment by the junk, which atonce made her way back. As I watched her gradually disappearing, nowlost, now evident, amid the vessels, I reflected upon my lateadventures, and made up my mind to write them down, and, in thefamiliar words of the hymn, to make "Bethel" out of "my stony griefs,"to improve the occasion and to profit by the trouble I had endured.Then I turned half sadly to the hotel, and was almost immediatelyhailed loudly in unmistakably British accents.

  "Young Julius! ahoy! Hallo there, ye half-bred Jap!--come alongsideand speak me, or I'll run ye down. My stars! here's a caper. By thepowers o' Moll Kelly! is it yourself? It is so!"

  The speaker was standing behind me. Had I not sheered off to port Imust have collided with him. I had gone ahead and left him in my wake,when I was suddenly brought up all standing. My assailant wasGoldheugh himself. Good Paddy Goldheugh! I was truly delighted,though not greatly surprised, because I had been expecting to find himat Chefoo. Still the meeting was most cordial. We shook hands in themost hearty manner, and when, after some moments of this exercise, weadjourned to the hotel, I told all my news, and awaited his--after Ihad made a few inquiries for letters, and for Tim, who had gone home.

  No black edges! Thank goodness! No ill news? No! In fact, thecontrary. My captain was in command of a tidy steamer belonging to hisold company, and temporarily on the coast. He had the berth of firstmate for me with him, and a "lump of compensation," he said, forshipwreck. He had been satisfied, and hoped I would be. I was!

  When he reached
his ship he handed me a batch of letters and papers ofdomestic interest, and a welcome draft upon the Shanghai Bank. Allthese composed a sort of pastoral symphony which made me feel contentedand happy amid the voices and murmurs of congratulation and admirationat my experience. Three days passed in perfect peace, reading,writing, and adding up my ideas--and funds. Then we quitted Chefoo,and steamed past Wei-hai-Wei, then in Japanese hands, toward Shanghai,and my war experience 'twixt Jack and Jap--'twixt China and Japan--wasended.

  We heard that the Japanese fleet sailed to the Pescadores, and annexedthem, and the campaign was continued after a while in Manchuria. Atreaty of peace was agreed upon by which Japan was to receive animmense indemnity to retain Formosa, the Pescadores, and the possessionof Port Arthur and Wei-hai-Wei. But Western ideas could not admit thisin all its bearings. Russia induced France and Germany to force Japanto relinquish the Liao-tung Peninsula or face war. Japan retired fromPort Arthur, and, as will be seen,--indeed it is already evident,--thatthe kind "protectors of the Chinese Empire," the wolves from the northof Europe, are now about to enjoy the dismembered carcass of the mostancient kingdom, when they have bled it to death.

  Captain Goldheugh brought me back safely to Shanghai, and there I atintervals succeeded in putting my experiences on paper. Even while Ihave been revising these pages news has come concerning variousadvances made by Russian diplomacy, which, having ousted the Japanesefrom Port Arthur, has apparently decided to occupy the place itself forthe Czar, "to show there is no ill-feeling." What may be the issue ofthis intention one need not opine. What the Chinese think of any suchadvance, was expressed, when I was there, in fear, if not trembling.Japan, I think, will have a few words to say unless she be "squared."But these political ideas may be suppressed. My narrative must closehere.

  Perhaps this experience may interest some youthful readers in England,where the serious aspect of matters in the East is always discussed.Before this tale is in type the whole aspect of these events may havechanged, but the facts remain as I have attempted to picture them inthe foregoing pages. The story is told--my tale is ended; but thefinal word is yet to be written concerning the struggle of 1895. Theend is not yet.

  _Richard Clay & Sons, Limited, London and Bungay._

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