Read In the Yellow Sea Page 8



  We were compelled by circumstances to remain a few days at Shanghai,and almost every hour begat new rumours. Sunday itself was no day ofrest for the Spirit of Conjecture; she was busier than ever, andwhether on the Bund or on the concession road, where everybody met allthe world and his wife and family, the speculations were numerous andimportant. Only the ugly Amas (Chinese "ayahs"), and their usuallypale European charges, were exempted from the general discussions. TheChinese, too, were quite quiet, but also perfectly alive to thesituation. Those of the settlers who played lawn tennis or othergames, or cycled,--as most of the "foreign" men did,--paused to discusslate events on the grounds, or on the Marine Parade. The Chinesedrove, or perhaps walked, but did not "go in for games" as the "foreigndevils" do; it is better, they think, to pay people to do all this toamuse them.

  The steamer quitted Shanghai, and made her way into the Yellow Sea,which is beautifully blue, and derives its name from the Ho, or YellowRiver. Near the land it is more muddy, but steaming at sea through theocean depths the water is blue as an Italian sky. We made our way upto Taku, or Tien Tsin, the well-known port of Northern China. Wepassed close by Yung Cheng, and rounded Wei-hai-Wei, passed theislands, and steamed through the Gulf of Pechili to Taku at the mouthof the Pei-Ho.

  I was very much interested in this place because a cousin of mine hadbeen engaged in the expedition against the Taku forts in 1859, and Irecollect my admiration when my cousin returned with some beautifulChinese robes, and other articles, which he had purchased, or found, inPekin after the capture of the capital. These spoils still exist inthe possession of my cousin's family.

  While embarking Chinese soldiers for Corea, we heard many reports ofthe Chinese fleet, the attack of Japanese in Seul, and suchintelligence, which confirmed my captain in his impression that war hadalready virtually been declared, and that the struggle would be foughtout by sea and land, between China and Japan, in the Yellow Sea and inCorea. So he made haste to embark the soldiers,--some twelve hundredmen with twelve guns,--and, when they were settled on board, thesteamer followed the other transports, of which nine had alreadysailed. There were two other English steamers employed in the service,but we didn't think that any fuss would ensue, because we trusted tothe "red ensign."

  "Well, Julius," said the mate to me, when we had crossed the bar atTaku, "here we are on service."

  "Yes," I replied; "but it is only transport service. There will be nofighting. We can't fight, and no one will harm a British ship."

  "Let us wait till we reach Corea. When we reach Asan, and land thetroops, we shall be able to sing 'Rule Britannia.'"

  "What do you mean?" I asked, looking at the mate intently in the dimlight. "There is no danger, is there?"

  "I suppose you know that the Japanese warships are out in this sea, andthey expect to meet some Chinese vessels?"

  "But we're not Chinese; we're English."

  "Just so," said the mate. "Hadn't you better look after the troops,and get them settled. If any storm gets up, or anything happens, theywill be like children, and _we_ can't hold them."

  "Who's the major? He's not a Chinese, anyway!"

  "No, he's a German, I believe--a Von something--a good fellow, I think.You see the Herrs are getting the thin wedge in in China, quietly.Look at their travellers already--commercial, I mean--they are turning_us_ out! This major is teaching the army to shoot. They are veryyoung in the modern sense. Just see that the Johnnies are quiet."

  They were peaceful and resigned. So far as I could ascertain, none ofthem, except the generals, had any notion of what they were sent todo--except to fight _somebody_; but they were apparently quite passivein the matter, and gave themselves no concern either way. They weremachines then; but later they roused themselves unpleasantly.

  It was early in the morning of the 25th July 1894; I had been on deck,but came up again about eight a.m. because I was informed that theislands were in sight off Corea. I knew the mate was on watch, and hemight want me. So I came up to him.

  "I say, Julius," he said, "just call the captain! There's an ironcladahead, and I can't quite make her out. She carries the Rising Sun, butthere is a white flag over the Japs' colours. Look alive!"

  Just glancing ahead I thought I could see the vessel referred to, butof course I called the captain at once.

  "Where are we?" he asked, rising quickly.

  "Oft Shopieul Island, I heard, sir; in the Corean Archipelago," I added.

  "Thanks," he replied; but whether he was sarcastic I could not divine.I at once hurried on deck again, and searched the sea.

  The captain then came upon the bridge, and I heard him chatting withthe mate.

  "I suppose she's a Jap," said the latter; "but I can't grasp the whiteflag."

  "Dip the ensign, anyway; it's the proper thing. Hoist the red rag," hesaid.

  The signal-hand quickly bent the ensign of the merchant navy; it rose,fluttered out, dipped, and rose again to the peak, blowing out plainly.

  "I say, he takes no notice," cried the captain. "She keeps her courseto the north-east. Now what in thunder does _that_ mean? It's aninsult, bedad!"

  "She's steaming at a fine rate, sir. Looks as if she was in a hurry."

  "Running away, bedad!" laughed the skipper, turning his glass upon thelarge ship. "Ah! a man-of-war and a Chinaman,--a trick, I believe."

  "Really so?" exclaimed the mate. "If so, there's been a 'tit up'yonder, and Jap has licked Johnny, but I heard no guns. Excuse me,sir, what's that yonder?--a schooner, I say."

  I heard him, and got a glass from the signalman near whom I wasstanding. But the schooner was not the _Harada_, so far as I couldsee. She had no foretop-sail-yard. She was steering south-east, along distance away, and looked an old style of vessel getting away.

  By this time the news had spread through the steamer, and penetrated tothe Chinese intelligence forward. The soldiers came up in numbers, andthe officers, accompanied by the European passenger, began to chatterand make all kinds of inquiries and observations. The Japanese flaghad evidently raised the "dander" of the Chinese. They understood thatthe man-of-war was a Chinaman, but could not understand the whitefeather of retreat or escape.

  By degrees the excitement increased, and the crew of the steamer becamevery much interested. The native fireman even came up to look around,and though unable to see anything, descended again, much impressed withthe result.

  Notwithstanding our native English assurance, one or two of us--I neednot make invidious comparisons--began to suspect danger. The captain,mate, and the German military passenger were perfectly calm andunembarrassed, and the _Kowshing_ proceeded at a good pace to herdestination. The chief men were on the bridge. I was within hail, andat times stood upon the ladder to see better, and to hear better, whatthe prospects might be of seeing war.

  We still kept our course, and had approached within a mile or so of theisland from the north-west, when three men-of-war came out from theland in our direction.

  "What do you make them?" asked the captain.

  "Japs," was the reply. "We are getting into a hornet's nest, I think."

  "The British ensign will surely protect the steamer?" asked the foreignpassenger. "There is no necessity to alter the course."

  "Precious little use, anyhow," remarked the mate. "We must keep going,though I fancy the ships will not appreciate the Chinese troops onboard. We may be compelled to return."

  When the Chinese commanders perceived the Japanese vessels approachingthey became rather excited--the soldiers also crowded forward, andthere was no appearance of fear amongst them. There was some anxiety,certainly, on board, and when the leading ship passed on and fired twoblank cartridges, there was a feeling of uneasiness evident.

  "Stop her," came the order when the two guns and the signal had beeninterpreted. My heart beat loudly at
the sound of the unshotted guns.They meant heave to--anchor.

  The steamer hove to and waited, tossing gently upon the sea.

  "What are they up to?" was the question expressed or implied. "Tellthem we understand, Julius." "Ting, ting" went the telegraph to theengine.

  The man at the signal halyards and myself sent the bunting aloft. Theflags said, "We have stopped"; and again we waited, lopping androlling, as the anchor plashed away into the blue sea at eleven fathoms.

  "I say, are we prisoners?" I asked the mate when he came backamidships, having seen the anchor let go.

  "Looks like it," he replied crossly. "Must wait the Japs' convenience,I see."

  The Chinese generals then began to plague the captain with demandswhich the German officer translated and repeated. There was greatconfusion.

  "That ship's the _Naniwa_," I heard someone say.

  "She's returning. All right, we may proceed, I presume."

  "She is only going to confer with her mates," said the engineer, whohad come up. "But the captain is asking something."

  I made out the signal as directed, and it spelt "May we proceed?" Theengineers anxiously awaited the reply, and the crew expected the orderto weigh.

  But to my dismay, and certainly to the disappointment of all on boardour steamer, the reply came from the Japanese, sharply--

  "Heave to, or take the consequences."

  We looked at each other, the Chinese commanders were furious. The menmade ready their rifles, and got up ammunition. Things began to lookblack all round.

  The Chinese commanders demanded to know what had been said, and whenthey had been informed a discussion arose. So greatly were theyexercised that the foreign officer suggested that the soldiers might besent below, because he feared a disturbance if any Japanese came onboard; and also, I think, he fancied we all were in danger if thetroops became mutinous.

  This advice, backed up by the officers of the steamer, was acted upon,and when I had assisted in carrying out the order with thequarter-master, Louis, we came on deck again, and we saw the same shipagain approaching us on the port side--on the beam; she took up aposition so that she could enfilade us with her starboard battery, andwe could see that she had prepared to fire her broadside.

  I really could not believe we were in danger. It seemed so absurd tothink that our Japanese friends could threaten a British ship sailingunder the ensign, and employed in transport duties. I said as much tothe mate. He shook his head.

  "You see, we are in the enemy's pay, and the Japs must have the firstblow if they mean war. Still, I suppose they will take us off thesteamer, and make the Johnnies prisoners. Here comes a boat. We shallsoon find out all about this business."

  "The Japanese are armed," I said.

  "Certainly they are. They are on the warpath. I hope we shan't loseour scalps!"

  I laughed at the idea, and the mate walked forward to keep watch andorder ahead, without echoing my misplaced merriment. He seemed to takethings seriously. How absurd!

  "Gangway!" came the order, and the captain went down to receive the twoJapanese officers who intended to come on board. They were receivedwith politeness, the lieutenant and his sub demanded to see thesteamer's papers. For this purpose they went into the chart-room.

  Meantime I was staring at the boat and the Japanese sailors, neat andtidy fellows, and at the youthful officer keeping guard. My heartleaped. I recognised him as the youth whom I had assisted that eveningin Shanghai when the feeling against the Japanese ran high. Herecognised me at the same moment, and smiled. I advanced and salutedhim; he replied in kind, and we exchanged greetings. It was Tomi!

  "May I inquire what your captain intends to do with us?" I asked aftera while.

  "I cannot say," he replied. "My officer and your captain willdoubtless arrange matters."

  "We are not at war," I persisted; "we cannot be harmed." I glanced atthe English ensign as I was speaking.

  His eyes followed mine, and he touched his cap politely, then looked atme. "Will you come on board?" he asked. "I will assist you now, ifyou like."

  "Why? What for?" After a pause, I replied, "No, thank you. I am onduty, of course." But I thought it kind of the middy. He knew thedanger.

  "Stand back, please; here is my officer," he said quickly. "Be silent."

  He at once became distant as the land, and shut up like an oyster. Heperhaps was afraid to be seen speaking to me.

  The captain and the Japanese lieutenant then appeared. The lattersaid--

  "I will convey your message, sir, I understand that this vessel isunder the charter of the Chinese Government to convey troops from Takuto Asan. Is that correct?"

  "Perfectly," replied the captain.

  The lieutenant continued, "There are eleven hundred soldiers on board,with arms and ammunition and supplies. Are you prepared to follow the_Naniwa_, sir?"

  "I am willing to do so," replied the captain. "Will you favour me withyour esteemed name?"

  "Lieutenant Hitomi," was the reply. "Yours, sir, is Goldheugh?"

  The captain bowed; the lieutenant bowed in response, and was then mostpolitely escorted to the gangway, whence he was rowed to the _Naniwa_,as he had named her. She was painted white, and had one funnel.

  She was, and is, a fine ship, and I scrutinised her size and guns andequipage of modern appearance. She was armed with two 26 c.m.twenty-eight-ton Armstrong guns; six 15 c.m. five-ton Krupps; besidesmachine guns--a heavy armament for a ship of something under fourthousand tons, I estimated. She carried three hundred and fifty-sevenmen, and could steam eighteen knots. These details I learned later; atthe moment of the lieutenant's departure I was fascinated by her guns.It seemed so unreal to me. War was so unexpected by us, though Igathered that it had been brewing for months. Still it is alwaysdisturbing and alarming, even if one is _not_ face to face with it, asI was.

  When the Japanese officer had returned to the ship, the Chinesegenerals came up with the German officer to make inquiries. The majorwas not present when the explanation had been made, but he understoodthat our captain had mentioned him as a "passenger."

  "I did so, sir; I told the lieutenant. Did you not hear what I said?"

  "No," replied the passenger. "If you had called me, as we agreed "--

  "Bless my soul, what time had I to call anyone?" exclaimed the captain."The man didn't wait for any explanations. He asked me questions, andwhen I had replied he was off like a shot; and maybe he'll treat us toone presently, though I suppose it isn't his fault. What are thegenerals going to do?"

  "They declare they will resist. You should have stipulated to returnto Taku, they say; and they will rather die than be taken prisoners."

  "Bedad, they may have to do it!" muttered the captain. "Julius, hoistthe signal for a boat. The Chinese fellows are breaking loose, andwe'll be murdered in a minute. We're between the devils and the deepsea now, and may go anywhere. Call assistance!"

  The German gentleman in vain attempted to influence the Chinese. Hecould speak their language, but they did not listen. The officersdeclared they would fight. They had eleven hundred against the threehundred and fifty Japanese, and they could prevail! In vain the majordeclared that the ship's guns must destroy the steamer if she fired atus. The generals were obdurate. They directed their men to guard thebridge and gangway, to kill any European who resisted, and to load allrifles.

  "We have your protection," they said to the captain. "If you withdrawit on the part of England, we shall shoot you. You have made acontract with us, you must complete it. Take us to Asan, or back toTaku, and forfeit the charter."

  This was translated to the captain, and he swore. He signalled for theJapanese to send a boat, and the reply came--"Send at once." We thenwaited in the greatest excitement, fearing for all on board who werenot Chinese, because the soldiers threatened, and made the mosthorrible signs to us all the while suggesting death and torture.

  It is almost incredible, but it is tr
ue--no romance is here.