Read Incredible Us Page 13

  Olivia holds out her hand. “Olivia. I’m Dave’s girlfriend.”

  I haven’t heard her call herself that before, and I thought if she did it would be frightening, but it’s oddly exciting. I’m somebody’s boyfriend. It’s been so long since I was a boy that thinking I’m a boyfriend is really funny to me. “Yes, Melina, I think I mentioned Olivia to you.”

  “Yes, you did! You’re just as lovely as Dave said.” Her eyes sparkle with mischief, and I hope she can behave herself.

  “Thank you. So what do you do, Melina?”

  Oh, this should be good.

  “Well, I’m in the entertainment business.”

  “Really? What kind of entertainment?”


  To my surprise, Olivia is calm, cool, and collected. “That’s interesting. So are you a model or a dancer or . . .”

  “Film star.”

  “Ah! I hear there’s good money in that.”

  “There really is! I got involved in it about eighteen years ago when . . .” Melina launches into a history of how she got involved in porn, and I’ve never heard her talk about it before, but it’s really quite interesting. She actually did shows for the automotive industry, the big automotive shows. Someone from the adult novelty business saw here there and hired her to do fully-clothed demonstrations for adult product companies, like condom manufacturers and the companies that make sex toys. From there, a porn producer saw one of her spots. They did a screen test with her, liked her, and cast her in two movies. The movies did so well that they kept calling her back. “. . . and last year I made over three hundred grand!”

  “That’s amazing! Isn’t that amazing, Dave? That’s just amazing. I’d love to see one of your movies.”

  “Oh? I’d be glad to bring you one and sign the jacket insert.”

  “I’d love that! Please!” I’m watching Olivia, and she’s not being a smart ass; she’s genuine in her interest in Melina’s work. I know Melina can see it too.

  Melina smiles at Olivia. “So what do you do?”

  “Um, well, right now, nothing. But I’ll be looking for a job when we get a little business taken care of. But I like to make things. Hang on – let me get something. Is it okay if I run back to the office?”

  “Yeah. Just go back there and come right back.” She jets off down the hallway and Melina grins at me.

  “Very classy young lady.”

  “Thank you and, yes, she is.”

  “Keeping her reined in pretty tight, huh?”

  “No, actually, she’s in some danger right now, but we’re taking care of that.”

  “Angry boyfriend?”

  “No. No big deal, just something we have to take care of.”

  “I see. Well, I think she’s a keeper.” Her sentence is interrupted by Olivia’s return, and in her hand she has a legal pad. “So what’s this?”

  “It’s not much. It’s just some scribbles.” She hands the legal pad to Melina and I hear the porn bombshell gasp. When I turn and look, it’s all I can do to not break down.

  It’s me. I think I must’ve been asleep on the sofa, and she apparently sat and drew me. And it’s me, right down to every pore. If it were on something other than yellow paper with blue lines, I’d swear it was a photo. “Babe, I had no idea you could draw like that.”

  “Oh, it’s just a hobby.”

  “The hell you say, hobby. That’s beautiful.”

  “Very, very impressive,” Melina echoes. “I’ve never seen photo realism done quite so well.”

  Olivia’s cheeks turn crimson. “Thank you. I’m not very good, but I enjoy it.”

  “No, you’re not very good,” Melina breathes out and, before I can correct her, she says, “you’re awesome.”

  “I’d like to draw you sometime. I can’t pay you to model, but would you think about it?”

  “Think about it? No. I won’t think about it. I don’t have to. The answer is yes. You just let me know when and I’ll be here.”

  “Tomorrow night?”

  “No.” When they both stare at me, I say, “Two nights from now. I’m taking you to the hobby store to get some proper supplies before you do this drawing. You know, drawing paper, charcoal pencils, anything you need.”

  Olivia’s lip starts to tremble, her eyes fill, and she struggles to say, “Oh, thank you! Thank you so much! That’ll be so awesome. I can’t wait!”

  “Sound good to you, Melina?”

  “Sounds great to me! I’ll be here.” She stands. “I suppose I should get home. Early morning casting call and I’ve got to look my best. It was lovely to meet you, Olivia.” Melina leans in and gives Olivia a little kiss on the cheek, and my girlfriend grins and turns pink.

  My girlfriend. I have a girlfriend. I can’t wait to make her mine.

  Chapter Seven

  “How are you feeling?” The doctor is looking up Olivia’s kootch, and I’m sitting in the corner trying to entertain myself, just listening.

  “I’m feeling good. No more pain and no more bleeding.”

  “All of the infection seems to be gone, and your external wounds have healed nicely.” With a gentle smile, she adds, “Someone’s been taking good care of you.”

  “Hear that, babe? She says you’ve been taking good care of me.”

  The doctor eyes me suspiciously, but I don’t let it phase me. “Yes. Thanks! I’ve tried very hard.”

  “Have you adhered to your restrictions?”

  “Yes, ma’am. I’ve been very good. So does that mean I can go back to doing whatever I want?”

  “Yes, matter of fact, it does. Just be careful and take it slow and easy.” She won’t look at me, but I decide there’s something I have to ask her.

  “Dr. Cavanaugh?”


  “We’re trying to find the men responsible for Olivia’s injuries. If we do, would you be willing to testify in court against them as to the injuries you saw?”

  Her eyes fly open and then she smiles. “I absolutely would! I’d be glad to. So you’re looking?”

  “Well, me, my son, and his friend are. We’re determined to find them and bring them to justice for my girl here.”

  She nods and finally gives me a warm, genuine smile. “That’s great. She’s lucky to have you, and it sounds like you’ve got some extended family too,” she says as she turns back to Olivia.

  “I do. And sort of grandkids, I guess.” Hearing her say that makes something inside my gut twist, and I’ll have to come to grips with that later, I guess.

  “That’s wonderful. Okay, just go on out to the front desk and they’ll check you out. You’re released from my care. Just call if you need anything or have any problems, but everything looks good.”

  “Oh, thank you!” Olivia is beaming at the doctor, then turns to me and grins. I know what she’s thinking.

  I’m thinking it too.

  “I think this calls for a celebration.” I pull into the parking lot of Ralph’s Crab House and park the car. “Do you like seafood?”

  “I love seafood! You kind of have to if you’re going to live here, right?” I walk around and help her out of the car, then take her hand and head to the building.

  The hostess seats us and, to my delight, we get a table by the window. We chat and laugh until the server gets there, and he addresses us immediately with, “Oh, how nice! Father/daughter night?”

  I’m sure I have a ridiculous look on my face, but before I can say a word, Olivia snarls out, “He’s my boyfriend, not my dad. Frankly, I would think a gay man would be more sensitive to others.”

  The server blushes a deep scarlet and it’s all I can do to keep from laughing. While he’s trying to compose himself, I tell him, “We’ll have a bottle of sparkling white. And yes, she’s of legal age.”

  He finally manages to blurt out, “Oh, sir, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to . . .”

  “Ah, it’s okay. Doesn’t bother me. When you’re my age you’ll be wiser too.”

m, thank you sir. Uh, um, a bottle of sparkling white. Yes sir.” He turns and beats a hasty retreat and leave me and the beautiful woman across the table from me laughing so hard we can barely breathe. When I finally manage to stop my snickering and snorting, I give her a serious look.

  “You know we’re going to hear a lot of that, right?”

  She pulls a bite off a breadstick and talks around it. “I don’t care.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “Positive. Does it bother you?”

  Honesty is important in the lifestyle, so I tell her, “Yeah. A little. Not a lot, just a little.”

  “You’ll get over it.”

  “I think I probably will. There are a few things you can do to help me get over it.”

  “Oh? And what might those be, Mr. Adams?”

  “What do you think, Miss Warren?”

  She leans across the table toward me and says, “I think I’d like to . . .”

  “A sparkling white and two glasses. And I brought you two glasses of water.” Damn. This boy has shitty timing. “Ready to order?” We place our orders and watch as he disappears, thankfully.

  “Oh my god, this has got to be the funniest thing I’ve lived through in ages,” I manage to whisper coarsely.

  “And awkward. Don’t forget awkward.”


  While it’s delicious, the rest of the dinner is uneventful, thank god. We’re still laughing about it when we make it through the front door. But as soon as it closes, Olivia spins to face me and wraps her arms around my neck. “God, I’ve waited for this and I want it.”

  I smile down at her. “Me too. I just don’t want to hurt you or scare you.”

  “If you’re concerned about that, then I know you won’t.” She stretches up on her tiptoes and kisses me, and everything inside me comes to life. In a flash, I’ve got her in my arms and I’m headed for the bedroom. I dump her on the bed, then start pulling off clothes. “Wait! Wait!”

  “Oh, great. You get a clean bill of health and your first sexy words to me are ‘wait, wait’? Seriously?”

  “No! It’s just that I want to go in, get freshened up, all that, you know? I want to feel good about myself before you make me feel good about you. And myself.” She’s grinning from ear to ear; I take that as a good sign.

  “Okay. Go do your freshening or whatever it is that you do and get back here. I’ll go do the same.”

  In just a few minutes, we’re both back, and she’s wearing a big, fluffy robe. “What the hell’s up with that?”

  “Oh, nothing. Just trying to keep warm.” She steps to the edge of the bed and throws the robe off.

  Oh. My. God. She might as well not have anything on. She’s wearing a red stretch lace cami and thong set, and I can see everything, and I mean everything, right through it. And it’s a glorious sight, oh yes it is. All I can manage to squeak out is, “Sweet mother of god.”

  “You like?”

  “No. I love it. You look amazing.” And that came out almost in a pant.

  “Thank you. I hope it looks even more amazing on the floor.” She winks and kneels on one knee on the bed. “And what would you like to do first?”

  “I want you in this bed. I’ll decide what we do and you’ll love it, I promise. Anything you just can’t handle?”

  “Yeah. I can’t stand to have my eyes covered. Makes me feel claustrophobic.”

  “Okay then. No blindfolds for you.”

  “Yep. Anything else should be fine.” Well, not anything, I think. There are some things I’d never try to do with you.

  “Great. Let’s start with you down here with me, how ’bout that?”

  “A workable plan.” She throws the covers back and slides in beside me. Once our arms are wrapped around each other, she looks up into my eyes. “Hi.”

  “Hello, beautiful.” I give her a tiny, quiet kiss, then ask, “Are you sure you’re ready?”

  “Oh, god yes. Absolutely. Bring it on, Mr. Adams.”

  I don’t need another invitation, and I’ve always been a self-starter and a leader, not a follower. I know exactly what I want to do with her, have been thinking about it for weeks now, and it’s finally going to happen.

  We cling to each other and kiss for the longest time. It feels like we’re finally connecting, finally making that bridge from one body to another, that warming and meshing that I’ve wanted with another person. I haven’t had that since Marta, and apparently what I had with her meant more to me than to her. That’s not the case with Olivia, but I have to admit, it wasn’t her who fell first. It was me.

  The night I opened that back door and looked into those eyes, I was gone. I know that now. Along with the fear and anguish raging within them, there was a luminosity that startled me. It was as though I knew that, with or without me, she’d survive and eventually thrive, but I wanted that to happen with me. Being the one person that it happened with was and is important to me. I want to see her blossom, to really come into her own without all the worry and terror swirling around her and hanging over her head. She doesn’t deserve that. She deserves to be loved well by a man who’ll take care of her and adore her.

  That would be me.

  My hand slides down her back and cups one ass cheek, its tenderness feeding my growing arousal. I feel her toying with one of my nipples, and I can’t wait anymore. I’ve got to take something of her into myself, and give her something of me. I grab the edge of her cami and pull it up, and she helps by sitting up slightly, taking it from me, and pulling it completely off.

  And there they are, two perfect tits, big enough for my liking, but instead of the large, soft nipples I spied at the outpatient facility, these nipples are puckered and hard as rocks, and they might as well have my lips tattooed on them for all the restraint I have. I draw one into my mouth and smile around it as her back arches and her breath comes in small, quick huffs. My other hand stimulates the other nipple, and she cries out as I pinch and tug on it. God, she’s responsive as hell, and she wants more, I can tell. I make a big production out of shimmying out of my boxer briefs, and I hear her gasp when she gets a look at my family tree. Son of a bitch is practically a California redwood at this point, and it’s aching so badly that I wonder if it’ll ever stop. She’s moaning and writhing, and I put my hands on her waist and hold her down. Feeling her body moving against mine stokes my fire, and I can feel precum seeping from my slit.

  Almost as though she could hear my thoughts, her hand finds my cock and starts to stroke it, gently at first, and then more aggressively. She stops, and I feel her fingertip slide across the head, stop at the slit, and then drag across. What she does next knocks the wind out of me – she puts her finger to her lips and kisses it, then shoves it into her mouth and sucks. I crawl down between her legs, and I love the way the big, long, hard thing pokes me in the belly when I bend at the waist. She’s watching me with a mixture of love and pure lust, and I drag her thong off.

  And there it is – Nirvana. I can feel my fingers twitch as they scramble to touch her, and I wrap my hands behind her knees, pull her legs up and bent so her feet are flat on the mattress, and then press them apart until she’s opened up like a butterfly. I hear her moan out, “Oh, god, Dave,” and run her hands down her chest and over her tits until she traps her nipples in between her fingers and starts to work them over.

  Damn. I wanted to eat that pussy, and all I can think about is being inside her. But I want her to come for me so I know she’s ready to come with me. I open her slit with my fingers and grin. God, that’s a gorgeous slice of female, all pink and buttery and waiting. I press my face into her folds, then let my tongue drag up her slit until it lands on the one thing I’m looking for. I back it down, run it into her pussy for just a few seconds to feel her squirm, then slide it back up and suck her clit into my mouth.

  This girl tastes like joy, smells like rainbows, and looks like happiness. I look up her mound and belly to the undersides of her tits and find her looking down at me. ?
??Oh, god, Dave, please, don’t stop, baby, don’t stop.” Not a chance!, I think. “Dave?”

  “Um-hmmmm,” I hum from between her thighs.

  “You love me?”

  I stop, lift my head, and look straight into her face. “Hell yeah, baby. I love you like I’ve never loved anybody in my life.”

  “I love you that way too.” Her face turns a little pink and she whispers, “Fuck me.”

  “I’m finishing what I started and then you’ll have me inside you until you’re sick of me.” As I bury my face again, she whispers to me again.

  “Me sick of that? Never happen.”

  I tie into her like a wrecking ball. I’m seriously concerned that I’m going to come before I ever make it inside her. I don’t care how old she is, I can tell she’s gonna fuck like a porn star, and that’s just more than I could’ve ever dreamed of; way, way more. The smile she shoots me is come-fuck-me dazzling, and I work her over in earnest, giving her everything I’ve got, using my tongue to tease her like she’s never been teased in her life. It’s coming closer and closer, and I hear the growl in her voice as she cries out, “Oh, god, oh, god, daaaayummmmm,” and her body turns loose, her pelvis bucking wildly as I try to hang on and make her ride it through, Her hands slip into my hair and pull, and I feel like the rodeo star who just won the gold buckle. I hear her scream, “Baby, stop! Oh, god, please! No more! No more!”

  That’s it. I’m ready, past ready, hard enough to bore through oak. When I crawl up and put a hand on either side of her shoulder, my body suspended above hers, I take in the sight of her face, flushed with sex and blazing with desire. “Are you ready? Really ready?”

  “God, yes. I need you. Please, Dave, please?”

  “I’m making you mine. Right now. You belong with me from this point forward. Understand?”

  “Yes. I understand. Please?”

  “If it’s too much, tell me. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  A whine comes from her lips as she cries, “Please, god! I’m all yours. Just fuck me, Dave, please? I need your cock.”