Read Incubus Chocolatier PG-13 Version Page 18


  Tristan didn’t think that Becca’s flaming blog posts would affect business all that much. However, the following day at Dark Heaven the chocolate shop didn’t have a single customer. Apparently, everyone believed Becca and that there was rat poop in his chocolates. Crap. Literally. Tristan internally groaned as he put his head in his hands.

  Becca had even written a blog post about Cloud 9 - telling her followers how wonderful the chocolates were there, how clean the place was, and that the chocolates were much better than the chocolates at Dark Heaven. In this manner, Cloud 9 began to steal Tristan’s customers, which had been Raphael’s intention all along. The Archangel was beating Tristan at his own game.

  No business meant no money, but it also meant no women. And no women meant no sex.

  Not that Tristan was really in the mood for sex anyways…

  And that said a lot about Tristan’s current mental state.

  The rent bill was also coming up, but Tristan wasn’t very worried about it because of his savings. Still, he decided to go to the bank and take out the thousand dollars that he’d need to pay this month’s rent. However, when Tristan put his credit card in the ATM machine and tried to get the money, the machine wouldn’t let him. What the hell? Tristan decided to print out his current balance. He blinked down at it in bewilderment. His total balance was five dollars and six cents. Where the hell did my money go? Tristan stomped into the bank to find out.

  Later that day at Dark Heaven…

  “MINA!” Tristan bellowed at the top of his lungs as he entered the chocolate shop. “Where are you?”

  “I’m here, Brother. What’s up?” Mina asked, emerging from the kitchen, smiling, and with chocolate smeared on her apron. She looked so innocent - the little she-devil.

  “Mina, would you mind explaining to me how you managed to spend my entire savings?” Tristan questioned in a dark tone.

  Mina twisted a lock of her hair around her finger in a petulant manner. “I may have purchased a BMW. Teehee.”

  A muscle ticked in Tristan’s jaw. “Don’t ‘teehee’ me! You bought a car with my savings!”

  “Yeah, so?” Mina raised her eyebrows at her brother. “What’s the big? It was a great deal. And it’s just one car.”

  Tristan crossed his arms over his chest. “We’re returning it immediately.”

  “Ah, ah, ah.” Mina wagged her finger at him. “No can do, brother mine. You won’t be able to. It was on special or on sale or whatever, and nonrefundable. Also enough days have passed that we can’t have buyer’s remorse. So my baby is here to stay.” She grinned triumphantly.

  “Your baby?” Tristan clenched his hands at his sides. “Mina, why would you even do something like this?” He gave her a betrayed look.

  The corners of Mina’s lips dipped into a pout. “I wanted to punish you, Brother. I mean, how dare you go out with all these other girls when you have me. I love you, Tristan!” Mina exclaimed passionately as she took a step forward towards Tristan.

  Tristan took a step back and looked at Mina with cold disgust. “Mina, you’re my sister. We’re related by blood. I will never look at you in a romantic manner. And right now…I don’t even like you. I worked very hard to save up that money so that I could remain financially independent. I wanted to free myself from our family for good and you’ve ruined everything. Are you working for Father? Did he put you up to this? This isn’t the first time he’s tried to sabotage a new endeavor of mine. I know he wants me to return to the family…just so he can use me.” Tristan grit his teeth as he thought about his father.

  “What? No! I’m not working for Father, Brother.” Hurt flashed in Mina’s sapphire colored eyes. “How could you even think that? I lo-”

  Tristan held up his hand. “Stop. Just stop. You don’t love me, Mina. If you did you wouldn’t have hurt me like this. I trusted you and yet you lied to me. You broke that trust. If there’s something I hate most in this world - it’s dishonesty. I want you to leave, Mina. Pack your things and leave. Go back home, Mina.”

  Mina’s blue eyes filled with tears as she looked at Tristan in shock. “Brother…you can’t mean that.” She began to tremble slightly.

  By this time, Issy and Michael were in the main shop area watching the whole occurrence in shocked silence, not knowing what to do, and not knowing if they should interfere.

  If there’s something I hate most in this world - it’s dishonesty. Tristan’s words rang ominously in Issy’s head.

  “I do mean it. I want you out of here. I can’t bear to even look at you. You’re brother complex was cute when you were seven, Mina. Now it’s just disgusting.” Tristan sneered.

  Mina sucked in a shocked breath.

  Michael began to approach Tristan. “Tristan, you’re going too far-”

  “You stay out of this, Michael.” Tristan snarled as he spun to face the man. “This has nothing to do with you. You’re an outsider. This is between family.”

  Michael was taken aback and stopped in his tracks. Outsider…

  “Tristan, you idiot!” Mina sobbed before she ran off towards her room to pack.

  Tristan let out a relieved breath. “It’s for the best.”

  “You can’t really believe that.” Michael said darkly.

  “I do believe it. The longer a woman stays around me the more screwed up she gets.” Tristan ran a shaky hand through his hair. “Mina needs to hurry up and get as far away from me as possible.”

  “Tristan-” Michael started.

  “No, Michael, she’s my sister and my decision has been made. It’s over. ‘Playing house’ with everyone and pretending everything is normal in my life - is freakin over.” Tristan stalked off, heading back inside the kitchen, and immersed himself in making chocolates.

  “Since when was he so cold-hearted?” Michael muttered to himself.

  Issy gave Michael a sad, lost look. “I dunno.”

  Tristan ignored Mina when she passed through the kitchen with her rolling suitcase and continued to ignore her as she left the shop, got into her new car, and drove away. Michael and Issy were both astounded that Tristan had actually let Mina go. But neither knew what they could do to help.

  Later that night, Tristan called his landlady, Susan Torres. After three rings Susan answered the call. “Hello?”

  “Hello, Susan, it’s me, Tristan.”

  “Ohhh Tristan, it’s so good to hear from you. What can I help you with?”

  “Ah, it’s about this month’s rent. I’m going to be a little late…I think.”

  “Late? Oh, that’s too bad. I thought business was going well for you.”

  “It was until I pissed off a famous blogger. Perhaps you’ve heard of her? Her name is Becca Thorn.”

  “Ohhh the Gourmet Dessert Trend Setter? You sure know how to pick them, Tristan. Well, no worries…you can be a little late. Although…you don’t have to pay this month’s rent if you don’t want to.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I think the Chocolate Sex God knows exactly what I mean. If you don’t want to pay this month’s rent then all you have to do is spend a night with me.”

  “Ah.” Tristan considered Susan’s offer. It wasn’t like he hadn’t slept with Susan before. In fact, he’d slept with her in order to steal the lease from someone else. She wasn’t unattractive for a serious businesswoman in her late thirties. That wasn’t the problem, but he’d already slept with her once. If he slept with her again, it would be for the second time. What if she got attached? Like Becca? Like Hazel? He shook his head. No, he couldn’t risk it. “As wonderful as that sounds…I feel like I would be taking advantage of your kindness. Please, just give me more time to come up with the rent.”

  Susan sighed over the phone and Tristan could picture her pouting. “Very well, Tristan, I’ll give you until the tenth of next month. But I won’t hold this lease for you exclusively unless I get my money - or you. Please keep that in mind.”
br />   “I understand. Thank you, Susan.”

  “Don’t thank me yet. Until the tenth then, Tristan. Goodnight.” Susan ended the call.

  “Night.” Tristan lay back on his bed and stared up at the ceiling feeling like his whole world was falling apart. He also felt so incredibly alone.


  Mina drove towards the Savant Mansion Estate, which was located in the suburbs of New York City. As she left the city, the road became a twisting two-lane road that winded through a forest. Mina sniffled as she tried to keep her tears at bay. Tristan…you idiot. She gripped her steering wheel tighter as she remembered her brother’s harsh words:

  Right now…I don’t even like you. Disgusting.

  Tears filled Mina’s eyes.

  Mina, you’re my sister. We’re related by blood. I will never look at you in a romantic manner.

  Mina knew this. She really did. Mina hated to admit it but Tristan was right. She was his sister and they could never be together in a romantic sense, but…that’s not what Mina really wanted anyways if she were truly being honest with herself.

  Mina just wanted Tristan’s love. Her brother’s love. Her mother, Lorelai Savant, barely paid any attention to Mina, even when she acted out in order to get her mother’s attention. She’d shoplifted even though she was a billionaire heiress in the hopes her mother would scold her or ground her, but Lorelai would just bribe the shop owners to stay quiet and make everything go away. Lorelai acted as if she didn’t really give a hoot about Mina.

  And then there was her father, Adrian Savant, who was too busy to spend time with her. He was President and CEO of La Boulangerie Savant - the number one French Bakery franchise in the US that was even giving Starbucks a run for their money. He practically ignored her as if she were inconsequential. The one her father had seemed interested in had been Tristan - always Tristan.

  Mina didn’t know what could have possibly happened between her father and Tristan to suddenly change their close relationship. After Tristan graduated from college and just disappeared, her older brother, Dominik, had tried to wheedle himself into his father’s good graces, and had practically become his pawn or minion at this point. Dominik pretty much ignored her too. Because of all this Mina felt unloved, unwanted, and as though no one truly understood her.

  Mina sobbed and tears finally streamed down her face. She just wanted Tristan’s love, but…Tristan was the King of pushing those he cared for away. “Tristan, you jerk.” Mina blinked her eyes rapidly as she tried to clear her vision to see the winding, moonlit road ahead of her.

  Abruptly, she suddenly saw a buck standing in the middle of the road. He was huge with an impressive set of antlers. “Oh my God!” Mina turned her steering wheel hard to the right and hit the guardrail. She’d been going so fast that her car broke through the guardrail, and began to tip over the edge of a long, steep forested hill that ended in what appeared to be a rock trench. Mina looked down over the edge at the rocks below and gulped.

  “No, no, no…I’m too young and beautiful to die!” She slammed her foot on the brakes, but her car continued forward anyways and began to roll down the hill, picking up speed as it approached the rocks. Mina screamed when she hit a fallen log and the car bounced over it, and did not slow.

  Is this it? Is this the end? Tristan…I’m sorry. She thought of her brother but the name she called out was surprisingly: “Michael!”


  Michael was pissed. Pissed at Tristan for his cruel treatment of Mina, and furious at his own inability to do anything about it. Because Tristan was right. Michael was just an ‘outsider’. He wasn’t ‘family’ and this had been a family dispute.

  That’s why he’d let Tristan kick Mina out of Dark Heaven. He’d just stood there and watched. You fool. Michael berated himself as he flew invisibly over a winding road that supposedly led to the Savant Mansion Estate. He never should have let Tristan kick Mina out of the shop. Michael shouldn’t have let Mina go. He should have grabbed onto her hand and never let go.

  Tristan was obviously pushing those he cared about away, for some reason. It was what the chocolatier did best. Selfish jerk…protecting himself while hurting those who care about him. If anything happened to Mina he’d-!

  Michael’s golden-brown eyes scanned the road below frantically. His night vision illuminated the dark path as he searched for Mina’s BMW. Where the hell is she? Michael figured he should have caught up to her by now.

  “Michael!” A female voice carried on the night wind.

  Michael stopped in midair; flapping his spread wings to keep himself aloft, and searched the road. “That sounded like Mina!” And then he spotted the busted guardrail. “Mina!” Michael swooped down, flying past the guardrail, and down the hill as swiftly as possible.

  Up ahead, Michael caught sight of Mina’s BMW careening towards the rocky bottom of the hill. Michael picked up speed, flapping his wings even harder, his muscles straining as he arrowed down and over Mina’s car. He swooped down right in front of Mina’s car, landed, and put his hands out in front of him. He stopped the car with his brute strength as it slammed into him at thirty miles per hour. The car came to a jarring stop. The front bumper bending from the impact.


  Suddenly, Mina’s car came to an abrupt stop. She was jerked forward in her seat, but was stopped by her seatbelt. Mina looked out the front windshield and her headlights illuminated just what had stopped her car.

  Mina couldn’t believe what she was seeing. “Michael?” The man that was standing in front of her car looked like Michael. He was even wearing a chocolatier’s jacket, but his golden eyes were glowing and a pair of white, feathery wings were outstretched behind him magnificently. “…angel?” Mina murmured before it all became too much to handle and she passed out.


  The following day at Dark Heaven, Michael was strangely absent, but Issy couldn’t really blame him after the way Tristan had acted towards Mina. Issy knew deep in her heart that Michael cared for Mina. Issy also agreed that Tristan had gone too far. But as Tristan’s stalker, she also knew why Tristan had pushed Mina away.

  The anniversary of Hazel’s death was just days away.

  But Issy wouldn’t let Tristan push her away too because then Tristan would truly be alone. Issy walked in on Tristan who was in the kitchen making chocolate from scratch. There were bowls with different ingredients in them: coco beans, coco butter, sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, and coriander. Apparently, Tristan had already roasted the coco beans since the kitchen already had a brownie smell permeating throughout. He’d also already separated the husks from the nibs, ground the nibs and sugar together using a grinder, and was now using a molcajete (Mexican grinding bowl) to grind the chocolate around in order to coat the coco fat particles of all the coco solids with fat to develop the chocolaty flavor.

  Issy watched as Tristan absentmindedly added a half-cup of salt into the mixture he was grinding. “Uh…Tristan what are you doing?” She asked as she sidled up to him. Since Tristan was already at the grinding stage the next step would be tempering. There was no reason for Tristan to be adding any other ingredients to the chocolate.

  “Making chocolate, what does it look like?” Tristan replied in a droning tone.

  “You just put a half a cup of salt in there, you know.” Issy said in a teasing tone as she tried to drag him out of his funk.

  “What? No, I didn’t-” Tristan looked down at what he was doing and frowned. “I totally did, crap…guess I have to toss this out.” Tristan picked up the stone bowl, carried it over to the sink, set it inside, and turned the water on. As he filled the bowl with hot water he looked dejected. “What the hell am I doing…?” He muttered darkly to himself.

  “Hey, how about I help you? You’re still teaching me how to make chocolate, remember?” Issy suggested.

  Tristan’s lip twitched. “Are you offering to help, or asking for help?”

  Issy shrugged. “Whichever
you prefer.”

  “Sly, china doll. Sly.” Tristan found himself smiling.

  After that, Tristan and Issy made chocolate together and she made sure he didn’t add anything weird to the mixture. Without Michael around Issy was converted into Tristan’s chocolatier assistant. She preferred baking, but making chocolate was fun too. And she got to spend more time with Tristan. It was like a dream having Tristan all to herself, but she couldn’t fully enjoy it because she knew that despite Tristan’s smiling face - he wasn’t smiling on the inside. Though Tristan didn’t talk about Mina or Michael, Issy knew that Tristan missed them. He was really being a stubborn idiot.

  Tristan also didn’t talk to Issy about their current financial dilemma. The rent was due soon and Tristan didn’t have the money. Issy wondered what Tristan intended to do about it. Was he going to do something crazy like try and seduce the landlady? They had until the tenth to come up with a thousand bucks. Rent was not cheap in New York City.

  Tristan wasn’t the kind of person to ask for help, so Issy knew that she had to help him somehow. But how? Issy looked around the dead chocolate shop and sighed. If only they had some customers. But because of Becca Thorn everyone in the area was avoiding Dark Heaven like the plague. She frowned. If only Becca knew the truth - the real reason why Tristan had pushed the blogger away. And that reason had a name.

  Hazel Nuttingham.

  That’s it! I need to speak with Becca…and it has to be on that day. Issy decided. She had a plan.

  The day of the anniversary of Hazel’s death arrived. Issy left Dark Heaven and using Becca Thorn’s facebook page was able to easily track down the blogger due to her latest status update: ‘I’m here at Cloud 9 enjoying the sexy Raphael’s latest creation! It’s so yummy! Here’s a pic’. There was also a picture of a white chocolate bonbon that was shaped just like a cherub.

  Facebook was the number one greatest tool for stalkers. And Issy was a pro stalker. In fact, she wasn’t dressed in her Living Doll getup at the moment, but in her stalker threads: a black shirt, black pants, boots, trench coat, fedora, and a pair of dark sunglasses. She was in total ‘stalker mode’.

  Issy made her way to Cloud 9 on her bike. She parked her bike outside the shop and made her way inside. Issy spotted Becca seated at a table with three girls that looked like they were part of her entourage since they were all similarly dressed in metallic colored tube dresses, leather jackets, and ankle boots.

  Raphael could be seen in the kitchen through the glass making white chocolate. She didn’t want to draw his attention and so approached the table quietly. Issy didn’t really know what she was going to say to Becca but decided to just wing it. She stopped in front of Becca’s table. “Um, e-excuse me.”

  Becca and her entourage looked up at Issy curiously. Issy had taken off her hat and sunglasses in order to appear less suspicious. “Hello, may I help you with something?”

  “Uh…yeah…I…the reason I’m here is…” Issy stammered nervously. “Is…!”

  A look of understanding crossed Becca’s face. “Oh, I know, you want my autograph, don’t you, sweetie pie? Well, don’t you worry. Just hang on a second.” Becca whipped out a piece of white cardboard and a sharpie, and signed her name on it with an extravagant flourish: Becca Thorn.

  “Here you go.” Becca handed Issy the autograph card.

  Issy felt a trickle of sweat slide down the side of her face as she looked at the autograph and the little rose with thorns that Becca had drawn beside it. She didn’t have time for this! “I…uh…thank you. Becca, the second reason I’m here is…” She shot a wary glance at the girls. “A mutual acquaintance of ours is in trouble.”

  Becca raised an eyebrow at Issy. “Mutual acquaintance?”

  Issy nodded. “I can tell you more outside.”

  Becca shared a questioning look with her entourage before shrugging. “Whatever, I’ll catch you girls later. Let’s go, ah, what did you say your name was, little girl?”

  Little girl? I’m not that short! And my boobs aren’t that small either! Okay, so maybe I am, and maybe they are. “Ah…it’s Coco.” She responded on a whim.

  “Well, let’s go, Coco.” Becca grabbed her designer shoulder bag from the back of her chair, and left the shop with Issy in tow. “So, who is this mutual acquaintance? Although I kind of already have an idea.”

  “Tristan Savant.” Issy revealed.

  “I knew it. So, he put you up to this? Sending a cute girl like you to me to beg me for forgiveness? Well, it won’t work.” Becca huffed as she crossed her arms over her chest in an obstinate gesture. “I don’t plan on forgiving Tristan Savant anytime soon.”

  “No, that’s not it. He didn’t send me…but Becca there’s something you need to know about Tristan Savant, and the real reason why he pushed you away.” Issy paused for dramatic effect. “The real reason why he pushes everyone away. The truth.”

  Becca raised an eyebrow at the girl. “I don’t think I care.”

  Issy looked into Becca’s pale green eyes searchingly. “But I know that you do. I also know that Tristan cared for you - in his own way. Please just let me show you the truth.”

  Becca scratched her head and let out a sigh. “Just who are you anyways?”

  “Who me?” Issy grinned. “I’m Tristan’s stalker.”

  “His stalker?” Becca’s eyes widened. “I’ve heard about you! You’ve been stalking him for more than a year now, right?”

  Issy nodded. “Yes, which is how I managed to discover the truth.”

  “I can’t believe he hasn’t gotten a restraining order for you yet. But…” Becca looked Issy over. “You do seem pretty harmless, for a stalker.”

  “Thanks, I think.”

  Becca let out a huff. “Alright, fine, now you got me curious. Show me this great and terrible secret truth about Tristan Savant.”

  “Alright!” Issy fist pumped, mounted her bike, and motioned for Becca to get on behind her. “Get on.”

  Becca looked at Issy and her mountain bike - the kind one had to pedal - in disbelief. “You can’t be serious. You don’t have a car?”

  Issy shook her head. “No…and besides my bike is nearly silent.” She ran a hand lovingly over her bike. “It’s the perfect stalking vehicle. Tristan won’t notice us.”

  Becca sighed and rubbed her temples with her index fingers. She could feel a headache coming on. “Well, if you say so. You’re the stalker.” The blogger got on behind Issy and put her hands on Issy’s waist.

  “Hang on tight!” Issy said as she began to pedal, and off they went. They arrived a few minutes later at a florist. They dismounted a block away, made their way to the shop, and peered inside the front window to see Tristan purchasing a bouquet of flowers. When the time came for Tristan to pay for the flowers instead of handing the floral designer his credit card or cash he handed her several boxes of chocolates.

  “What the hell?” Becca frowned as she watched what Tristan was doing. “Why is he paying the designer with chocolate?”

  “That’s because Tristan is flat broke. His sister Mina spent all his savings on a BMW that they were unable to return for some bizarre, probably illegal reason. And because of your blog post Dark Heaven isn’t getting any customers, and the rent is coming up…” Issy began to babble.

  “Broke?” Becca echoed with a frown on her face. She shook her head. “Like I care.”

  Issy gave Becca a sharp look. The blogger may have said that she didn’t care, but Issy was sure that Becca did care. The two stalkers continued to watch as Tristan picked up a bouquet of white lilies and left the store. Tristan got into his Corvette and set the bouquet of flowers down on the passenger’s seat.

  Issy swiftly returned to her bike and hopped back on. “Come on, we’re going after him!”

  Becca gawked at Issy. “You’re going to chase him on a bike?”

  “Not exactly. I know where he’s going but we don’t want to get there too much later than hi
m or else we might miss something important.” Issy explained.

  “Oh, okay.” Becca got on the bike behind Issy once more and wrapped her arms around Issy’s waist. Issy took off, merging into traffic, and followed Tristan’s convertible at an impressive speed. Issy didn’t want Becca to miss Tristan saying something important, and so pedaled hard, following Tristan to Woodlawn Cemetery. The cemetery was a good twenty-five minutes away by car, and so by the time the girls arrived Issy was panting and out of breath. Tristan parked his Corvette and approached the spooky, iron front gate.

  Issy parked her bike behind a tree and the two girls watched from a distance as Tristan entered the cemetery through the gate that screeched as it was opened eerily. Issy dismounted from her bike and Becca did the same. Issy handed Becca a pair of dark sunglasses and a fedora. “Here, put these on. And make sure to stuff your red hair inside of the fedora…that way if Tristan sees us we can make a break for it and we probably won’t be recognized.” Issy explained as she put on her own fedora and sunglasses.

  “I can’t believe I’m going to do this.” Becca said as she put on the sunglasses and stuffed her red hair into the fedora. “This is such a fashion emergency, it’s not even funny.”

  “And turn off your phone. If you get a call or text we could be discovered.” Issy warned.

  Becca gave her companion an appalled look. “You want me to turn off my phone?” She repeated, sounding as if Issy had asked her to kick a puppy. “You can’t be serious.”

  “You can do it, Becca.” Issy patted her arm. “You don’t need your fans to be with you all the time. You’re awesome, even without them.”

  Becca blushed. Girl crush. She was surprised that this stranger instinctively knew why she didn’t want to turn off her phone. Becca didn’t want to be alone. “Are you sure you aren’t a fan of mine?” The blogger asked as she turned off her phone and let out a shaky breath. It was such a weird feeling to be ‘unconnected’.

  Issy took Becca’s hand and squeezed it in a reassuring manner. “Come on, let’s go, and be quiet.”

  Becca nodded and let Issy lead her into the cemetery. Becca looked at Issy’s back as the girl tugged her along. Issy was the one who was amazing. The stalker knew how to hide amongst the trees and tombstones, so that Tristan didn’t even notice them. Tristan’s stalker was obviously doing all of this for his sake. I wonder how old she is? Maybe she’s in love with him too.

  It was during the day so the cemetery wasn’t as spooky as Becca had expected. In fact, it was almost pretty. There were lots of leafy trees and flowering plants surrounding the cemetery and it was nicely landscaped. The lawns were impressively manicured. The headstones were all well taken care of, and there was a small Gothic church that could be seen nearby. The cemetery was very peaceful.

  Tristan made his way through the cemetery with purposeful steps, and finally stopped in front of one headstone in particular. The headstone was one of the more modern granite ones. “Hello Hazel.” Tristan said as he set the flowers down on her grave. Her headstone read:

  Here lies…

  Hazel Nuttingham

  She shall be missed

  “Hazel? Who’s Hazel?” Becca asked in a whisper in Issy’s ear.

  “Shhh!” Issy put a finger to her lips. “Just listen.”

  Tristan gazed upon the tombstone forlornly and his eyes became glassy. “I received your farewell letter, you know, and I’m sorry I was unable to keep my promise to you. I know that I don’t deserve to keep on living…not after causing you to commit suicide. I don’t deserve happiness either…and lately I have been happy. Well, I was happy with Mina, Michael and Issy by my side at Dark Heaven. But most of all I know that I don’t deserve to have love in my life again.

  “I really did love you, Hazel. I lied when I said that I didn’t but…that was only to protect you - from me. You’re dead…and yet I keep on living. But don’t worry. I won’t make the same mistake twice. I will atone for my mistake with you by not allowing love into my life again. This is the least I can do for you, my beloved Hazel. I will always love you.” I sometimes wonder if you’d be able to forgive me? But how can I ever know the answer to that, truly? Unless of course I went to Hell and sought you out. But the only person I knew who had the power to open a portal to Hell has disappeared. At this rate I’ll never get closure. I’ll never be set free from you. I want to journey into Hell and find you…but at the moment that’s impossible.

  Tristan sank to his knees and lowered his head. “I won’t allow love into my life again. I will be alone. Just as you are alone. This I vow to you, Hazel.”

  Tristan’s words echoed in Becca’s mind chillingly, and she understood. I get it now…Tristan pushed me away not because he didn’t like me, but because he pushes everyone away. He won’t allow himself to love again. Hazel…he’s still in love with her. And how can I compete with his perfect dead girlfriend? I don’t think I can…nor do I really want to. Tristan needed someone to pull him out of the darkness. Someone to help him find a way to forgive himself and get over his trauma to love again. Becca wasn’t confident that she was strong enough to do that. I can’t save Tristan. I’m too immature, too selfish.

  Becca looked at Coco, who was calmly watching Tristan. That strange girl accepted this heavy truth about him, and kept on watching over him. She’d watched Tristan for over a year from the shadows. The girl had revealed a surprising amount of inner strength. Perhaps Coco can save him. All I know for sure is that I can’t. I’m not strong enough.


  The following day at Dark Heaven, Tristan and Issy were surprised when customers suddenly started entering the chocolate shop again. Well, Issy not so much. She hid a secret smile behind her hand. She’d known that after Becca discovered the truth about Tristan and his reasons for pushing her away that she would forgive him.

  As young women purchased chocolate from Tristan, a few even offered him an apology. “Tristan…I’m sorry I believed Becca Thorn.” “Tristan, I’m sorry I believed that witch.”

  Witch? Tristan frowned. These very same girls had worshiped Becca just a few days ago. “Now, ladies, there’s no need for insulting your friend.”

  The young women pouted in response. “But Tristan…you don’t understand. Becca Thorn lied to us.” “Yeah, we can’t trust her anymore!” “Everyone’s going to stop reading that two-faced wi- er, woman’s blog!”

  Tristan and Issy attended to the customers and a few hours passed. The bell above the door jingled and in stepped Becca. She was missing her entourage that day. The blogger was dressed in another trendy outfit consisting of a silver blouse, tight black pants, and boots. Her favorite black butterfly earrings were in her ears. Becca’s red hair was loose and cascading around her shoulders and back in waves.

  As Becca entered the chocolate shop all eyes were instantly on her and despite the fact that she looked absolutely gorgeous the looks that she was receiving were not friendly. Issy was surprised that the customers of Dark Heaven were shooting Becca angry, hateful and betrayed looks, when before they had gazed upon her with sheer admiration.

  Becca ignored the dark looks she was receiving and the women’s open hostility before making her way towards Tristan with confident steps. She stopped directly in front of him. “Hello Tristan, so how’s business today? No, wait, don’t answer that. It’s great again, isn’t it? And that’s all thanks to me, of course. I wrote a blog post and took back what I said before.” Becca’s pale cheeks became tinged with pink. “And…I’m sorry I lied.”

  Tristan gawked at Becca in surprise, “You did but…why? Aren’t you still angry with me?”

  “Of course I’m still angry with you!” Becca stomped her foot. “I mean, who breaks up with a girl with a letter of all things in this day and age! But…I think I understand. Where you’re coming from now, that is. So, I’ll forgive you. You know, you should really thank your stalker.”

  Issy blushed and had to hide behind the display case so th
at no one would notice.

  “My stalker?” Tristan asked, feeling confused.

  Becca nodded. “Yes, she came to find me. She’s the one who convinced me to forgive you. I think she’s a pretty cool girl and I also think that maybe she’s in lo-”

  “Ah!” Issy stood up, leaned over the display case, and slapped a hand over Becca’s mouth before she could say more. Tristan and Becca both stared at Issy as if she’d grown a second head. “Ah, it’s not good to start unfounded rumors, Becca.” Issy chided before she removed her hand and laughed nervously. “Not that you start rumors that you shouldn’t start or anything like that.”

  Becca gave Issy an intent look, as if seeing the girl for the first time. “You…could you be…?” She shook her head. “You’re right of course, and boy have I learned my lesson about that! Ever since I revealed on my blog that I lied about the rat poop in Tristan’s chocolate, my so-called friends and fans have been flaming all my comments and posts. They’re also leaving hateful messages on my facebook wall and blog. They all hate me now.” Becca snapped her fingers. “Just like that. One day you’re hot, one day you’re not. Fame is a fickle friend, Tristan. Celebrity is as celebrity does. Remember that. As that blonde dude in Harry Potter said. I even lost my beloved entourage.” Her voice was tinged with bitterness and sadness.

  Tristan scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. “Er, I’m really sorry to hear about that Becca.”

  Becca waved her hand dismissively in front of her. “No, it’s not your fault. It’s my fault for being dishonest. I’m the one who lied to them even if it was to get back at you.” She looked up at the ceiling and clenched her fist before her. “As God as my witness…I’ll find some way to get them back.”

  Tristan’s lip twitched in amusement at her Gone With the Wind reference. “I bet you will.”

  Becca looked down to meet Tristan’s eyes. “You really hurt me, Tristan.”

  The chocolatier’s expression fell and he looked apologetic. “I know…and I’m sorry.”

  “I know you are.” Becca sighed. “You’re a good person Tristan, but…I think that you should give love a chance. Just not with me.” She flipped her long hair over her shoulder. “But I have the feeling that your true love may just be closer than you think, Tristan Savant.” There was a mischievous twinkle in Becca’s lime-green eyes.

  Tristan gave Becca a perplexed look while Issy tried to avoid Becca’s keen gaze. The blogger gave Issy a meaningful look. “Ah, I guess I’m officially friendless now.” Becca pouted.

  “What are you saying, Becca? I’m your friend and so is Tristan.” Issy was quick to put in. “And we’re your real friends.”

  Becca gave Issy a touched look. “I…really? Thanks Issy…Tristan. So Tristan, you think we can stay friends even though we’ve…you know. You don’t think it will be awkward or anything?”

  Tristan chuckled. “Oh, it will be awkward…but I wouldn’t lose your friendship for anything in the world. I would be honored to be your friend, Becca.” He put out his hand for Becca to take.

  She placed her hand in his. “BFFs. Best friends forever then.”

  Issy placed her hand on top of Becca and Tristan’s hands. “Friends forever!” She agreed.

  Tristan and Becca both gave her a chagrined look.

  “What? I thought we were all joining in there? You know like: ‘All for one and one for all’! Oh my God, did I just totally kill a ‘moment’, you guys were having? I’m sorry! I’m such a mood killer!” Issy gripped her head between her hands.

  Tristan and Becca both laughed at Issy’s antics. Tristan ruffled Issy’s hair. “Silly china doll.”

  Issy blushed.

  “Aw, isn’t that sweet?” Came a female voice dripping with sarcasm.

  “I think I’m going to be sick.” Another woman made fake barfing sounds.

  “How disgusting. I can’t believe you forgave Becca Thorn so easily, Tristan. She ruined you. And she could end up betraying you again.” Yet another woman sneered.

  Tristan hopped over the display case and landed in front of Becca. He met the eyes of the young women present. “I deserved it. I suck at breaking up.”

  The girls were all caught off guard by Tristan’s admittance. “Even so, Becca you’ve lost your credibility as a gourmet dessert blogger! You’re through as the Gourmet Trend Setter! Every comment you make, every post you put up - my friends and I will flame it! We’ll destroy you.” A raven-haired girl threatened.

  Becca opened her mouth to dish out a snappy comeback.

  However, another person beat her to it. “Well, that’s good to hear.” Came a confident sounding female voice. Everyone turned to see the Editor-in-chief of Epic Taste Magazine - Rachel Diamond and her new boyfriend, Clint Summers. “I’ve been trying to figure out a way to lure Becca over to Epic Taste Magazine as one of my writers. What do you say, Becca? Will you work for me?”

  Becca looked at Rachel wide-eyed. “You’re offering me a job?” Rachel nodded. “Then I’ll take it! I’d be an honor to write for Epic Taste!”

  Rachel smiled. “Good, then it’s settled. You belong to me now, Becca Thorn.”

  “Hey, babe, I thought I belonged to you?” Clint teased.

  Rachel faced her boyfriend and reached out to stroke Clint’s cheek, “Of course, you do sweetie.” After she’d ruffled Clint’s buzz cut like a dog she turned her attention back to Tristan and Issy. “Now, I’d like a half-pound of assorted chocolates, please.” Rachel looked inside of the case intently, and that’s when she spotted some chocolates that were shaped like diamonds. The bonbons were sparkling with silver sprinkles. “Those chocolates…?”

  Tristan reddened and scratched the back of his neck. “Ah, yeah, they were inspired by you. I hope you don’t mind. Though a lot of my customers have started calling them my Princess Elsa chocolates.” He shrugged and looked amused by this.

  “No…I…I’m flattered. Thank you, Tristan. Give me a half-pound of those then, Issy.” Rachel said.

  “Right away, Miss Diamond.” Issy went about weighing a half-pound of the diamond shaped chocolates.

  “Tristan…I also wanted to thank you. If it weren’t for you, Clint and I never would have gotten together. And I’m so happy.” Rachel revealed and she couldn’t seem to stop smiling, which was weird for her.

  Tristan’s expression softened as he looked at Rachel. “I’m glad.” His gaze flicked over to Clint. “Rachel, is an incredible woman. I trust that you’ll treat her well.”

  Clint nodded. “I know, I’m the luckiest man alive. And I plan to treat her like a princess. So…Rachel was telling me about how your chocolates are…special? If you know what I mean, bro?” Clint waggled his brows at the chocolatier.

  Tristan smirked, a glint in his bi-colored eyes. “Yes, Rachel is correct. Some of my chocolates contain a powerful aphrodisiac.”

  “Sweet, I can’t wait to try them, man.” Clint said and looked around the chocolate shop with interest. “It’s just women in here but I’m surprised more men don’t come in here since giving these sorts of chocolates to their girlfriends would probably go over real well. Unless you’re trying to be the only rooster in the hen house, dude?”

  Tristan chuckled at that. “No way, man. More customers would be great.”

  “I feel you.” Clint stroked his chin in thought. “I think I’ll write an article about this place that’s geared towards men. Men should get into chocolate too.”

  “When does the article you wrote about Dark Heaven come out, Rachel?” Tristan asked with interest.

  “At the beginning to next month.” Rachel said.

  Tristan’s expression fell. “Oh, I see.”

  “Why? What’s wrong?” Rachel asked, noticing Tristan’s dour expression.

  “Nothing.” Tristan immediately denied.

  “We’re having financial troubles.” Issy butted in. “Tristan doesn’t have the money for this month’s rent.”

??Issy!” Tristan scolded, looking embarrassed.

  “So that’s how it is.” Rachel said thoughtfully. The wheels in her mind beginning to turn.

  “Oh! That reminds me! I forgot to tell you something!” Becca reached into her shoulder bag and pulled out a flier, which she handed to Tristan. “It’s about the New York City Chocolate Expert Competition!”

  “Chocolate Expert Competition?” Tristan asked curiously.

  “Ah, I wanted to tell Tristan about the competition too.” Rachel said with a pout. “Thunder. Stolen. The competition is being sponsored by an anonymous company and they’re offering a prize of two hundred thousand dollars to be split between the head chocolatier and their assistant chocolatier.”

  “Two hundred thousand dollars!” Tristan exclaimed, “Whoa.”

  “Oh my God, Tristan, you have to enter that contest!” Issy gripped Tristan’s shoulder and shook him. “You’d totally win it!”

  “Your rival Raphael Cloude has already entered the competition.” Rachel informed Tristan and watched for his reaction intently.

  “Raphael? That creep…this competition just got a whole lot harder.” Tristan muttered darkly to himself.

  “Lots of famous chocolatiers and even patissiers are entering the contest because winning the contest will also gain the winner prestige.” Rachel informed them.

  “Since everyone has to enter the contest in groups of two, you and Michael could-” Becca was saying.

  However, Tristan and Issy shared a troubled look and the chocolatier cut her off. “Ah, Michael, he…” Tristan started.

  “He was called away because of a family emergency.” Issy butted in. “And so I’ll be taking his place!” She held her fist up before her with an adamant expression on her face.

  Everyone turned to look at Issy in surprise. “Issy…?” Tristan’s brow furrowed as he looked at her.

  “Don’t worry, Tristan. I’ve been practicing making chocolate every day now. I won’t fail you. Please, believe in me.” Issy beseeched, and gave Tristan her puppy-dog eyes just to seal the deal. She knew she was cute and used it to her advantage.

  Tristan gazed down at Issy and felt…comforted. “I believe in you, Issy Sweet. We’ll enter this contest - together! And we’ll win!”

  “YEAH!” Everyone exclaimed excitedly.

  To be continued in…Chocolate 11: Candied Rose