Read Incubus Chocolatier PG-13 Version Page 2

Chapter 2: Golden Caramel

  Issy, Tristan’s stalker, sat in the pews watching Joan of Arc glide down the aisle gracefully. She was so beautiful. The way Dante was gazing at her with so much love made Issy sigh. Although for a second she could have sworn that Michael had worn a similar expression as he looked at Joan. Naw. Issy shook her head at the thought. When the priest got to the part where he said: ‘Therefore if any man can show any just cause, why they may not be lawfully joined together, let him speak now, or else hereafter forever hold his peace’ Issy held her breath.

  At that moment a woman stood up from her seat in the pews. All eyes were immediately upon the mysterious woman. Issy thought she was beautiful in a sophisticated, regal kind of way, but there was also something ‘dark’ about her that made Issy shiver nervously.

  “I-” The woman began to speak and Issy’s eyes widened. Oh my God, is someone actually going to try and stop the wedding? This is just like in a movie! Should I try to stop her? Issy was just about to stand up, when-

  “Mother?” Tristan burst out. “What the hell are you doing here? Crap. Vassago! Sitri! Get her out of here!” He called out.

  “Right on!” His friends responded.

  Mother? Issy thought with awe - that woman was Tristan’s mysterious mother? But then she frowned wondering whether the woman was his real demon mother or his human stepmother. Issy had stalked Tristan more than a year, but had learned nothing about the family of the man she loved. Even though Tristan seemed to be a people person he was very private about certain things. This made her considerably curious. She’d be my mother-in-law teehee. Issy thought to herself with a mental giggle.

  Vassago and Sitri grabbed the woman and began to drag her out of the church. The woman struggled against their grasp and Issy noted that they actually seemed to be having trouble dragging her out of the church.

  She was that strong.

  Tristan ran after them and Issy waited for a few seconds before standing up and following them out of the church. Currently, Issy wasn’t dressed up as a ‘Living Doll’ but as…well, ‘herself’. She’d dressed up as a Living Doll and gone to Dark Heaven several times and didn’t want to be recognized by Tristan or Michael because she planned on crashing the wedding reception. After all, what kind of stalker would she be if she didn’t crash the wedding reception?

  Issy ran out of the church, and looked around before she caught sight of Vassago and Sitri dragging the woman towards the riverbank. Tristan wasn’t far behind.

  “Unhand me, you curs!” Lilith snarled viciously.

  “You can let her go now, guys. I’ll handle her.” Tristan said while giving Lilith a wary look.

  Vassago and Sitri shrugged before letting go of Lilith and stepping to the side. They both gave Lilith suspicious and hate-filled looks though.

  When Tristan noticed that Vassago and Sitri were still standing close by he finally turned to look at them. “You guys can go.” Tristan said firmly as he turned his attention back to his mother who he stared at coldly.

  Issy panicked as Vassago and Sitri turned in her direction and she dove behind a bush to conceal herself. Issy held her breath as Vassago and Sitri passed her.

  Tristan waited until his friends were out of earshot before he spoke to his mother. “Mo- I mean, Lilith, what are you doing here? Were you really planning to stop Joan from marrying Dante? I thought you were over Dante. I thought you and Samael…?”

  Lilith blushed at the mention of ‘Samael’. “Tristan, I didn’t come here to stop their wedding. I actually came to say ‘I do not object’. I don’t want there to be any hard feelings between your friends and I. I know how much they mean to you. And you’re right, after what happened to Samael I…I’ve only been with him. I…I may even love him. Even though I’m supposed to be incapable of such an emotion.”

  Tristan raised an eyebrow at Lilith and crossed his arms over his chest. “Good for you. What does any of this have to do with me?”

  Lilith’s gray eyes grew glassy. “Everything. I…when I was kicked out of the Garden of Eden…Samael saved me. We became lovers and I had several children. They were all Nephilim, half-human half-angel beings, or some would say they were half-human half-demon since Samael was a fallen angel. Some were giants. Some had demon-like characteristics like horns and wings. All of them were beautiful and powerful. Well, at least, they were to me, but God thought my children were an abomination. He sent his Archangels to exterminate them. All of them. I failed to protect my children…” There was a tremor in Lilith’s voice and she clenched her hands at her sides, which had begun to shake.

  “Lilith…” Tristan reached his hand out towards the woman before he realized what he was doing and lowered his hand.

  “Millennia later, when I encountered Joan of Arc on the battlefield and she killed me - I became a ghost and wandered the Earth for centuries. It was during that time that I seduced your father, Adrian Savant, in his dreams…and the most miraculous thing happened. I got pregnant. When I gave birth to you nine months later…you were alive. I think this was due to the power of my wish. My wish for a child.

  “However, I grew consumed by my hate for Joan of Arc and obsessed with thoughts of revenge. That’s why I left you with your father. I thought you would be safer with him. After all, he was human and I was a demon so…it made sense. But then I encountered you in Hell when you and your friends traveled there to rescue the kidnapped Joan. I grew curious about you again and about how you could have possibly ended up there. Then I discovered that after you graduated from college you ran away from home. I heard you had some kind of a falling out with your father. What happened, my son? Did your father hurt you in some way?”

  A dark shadow fell over Tristan’s features. “That man is not my father. A father wouldn’t…!” Tristan bit his lower lip to stop himself from continuing. He shook his head a moment after as if to clear it from disturbing thoughts. “He never saw me as his son. He only saw me as an…asset.”

  A flash of anger crossed Lilith’s visage before it was gone. Issy watched as Lilith’s nails began to extend into black claws. “Tell me what happened, my son. If Adrian hurt you…I will gladly kill him for you.”

  Instead of looking happy by this prospect, however, Tristan only looked revolted. “You would do something like that wouldn’t you? Kill Adrian in cold-blood? You’re nothing but a murderer!”

  Lilith flinched at Tristan’s words but she stepped forward and reached her hand out to caress Tristan’s face. “I only wish to protect you.”

  Tristan slapped her hand away callously. “Lies!”

  Lilith sadly lowered her hand. “But it’s true, my son. I took advantage of the portal that was opened for Vassago and Sitri to come to your friends’ wedding. I knew you would be here…and I longed to speak with you. Demons inside of a Christian church…who would have thought?” An amused smile curled Lilith’s lips.

  Demons? Vassago and Sitri are demons too? Issy wondered as her head spun.

  Tristan looked anything but amused. “Well, so you’ve spoken with me. We’re done here. I don’t have anything more to say to you and I don’t want anything more to do with you. I would prefer it if I never saw you again. You’re nothing but a monster, Lilith.”

  Issy could tell that Tristan’s words were like daggers to Lilith’s heart. Lilith may have been a demon but she was also a mother. Issy missed her own mother, Hanako, tremendously. Hanako had abandoned Issy and her father when Issy was only seven-years-old, in order to pursue her dream of becoming a professional patissiere in France.

  Lilith sucked in a breath and placed a hand over her heart as if it were bothering her. “Tristan…please...I want us to be a family. I love you.”

  Tristan gave her a look of disbelief. “Family? Love? You’re a demon…you’re not capable of love, and you know what? Neither am I. Not anymore. And I have you to thank for that! Because of you…I wasn’t born normal. Because of you I’m half-incubus, and because of you…I caus
ed the woman I loved to lose her life. I hate you.” Tristan snarled before he turned around and stalked off.

  “Tristan…” Lilith watched him go, dejectedly, and a few tears trickled down her face. “My own son…hates me.”

  Issy was about to reveal herself to Lilith in order to comfort her, however-

  A fierce wind picked up all around Issy and Lilith, and a dark shadow was suddenly descending upon Lilith. Issy looked up and had to put both hands over her mouth to stifle her scream. An enormous black dragon with shinning, onyx scales was swooping down through the air before it landed on the riverbank with a ground-trembling thud. Its red eyes glittered like rubies. “Mmph!” A tiny sound of despair mixed with horror made it past Issy’s fingers. A dragon…this can’t be real.

  But then Issy noticed that there was someone on the dragon’s back - a handsome man with red, spiky hair, and fierce, gold eyes. He was shirtless revealing his hulking muscles and bronzed skin. The only thing the man was wearing was a pair of leather briefs and a sword belt. Issy had to pinch her nose to stop a sudden nosebleed.

  “Samael!” Lilith called out to him as the dragon approached. “You fool! What if a human sees you?”

  Samael shrugged carelessly. “I’ve come to pick you up, love. The portal will be closing soon.”

  Lilith sighed, and wiped the tears from her eyes. “Very well.” She approached the dragon and Samael offered her his hand. Lilith took it and he swung her up easily onto the saddle behind him. Lilith wrapped her arms around his muscular torso and Issy blushed when she realized that Lilith was feeling him up unabashedly.

  “Did you get to speak with your son?” Samael asked in his low, gruff voice.

  Lilith nodded as she absentmindedly ran her hand over Samael’s abs.

  Samael frowned and looked around the surrounding area. “Will he not come with us? Did you make your intentions clear to him?” Lilith shook her head. “I see. Do not worry, my love. We shall return for your son…when the time is right.” Those words sent a chill down Issy’s spine. Just what did Samael mean by that? That Lilith and Samael would try and take Tristan to…Hell? Did that mean they would try to kill him?

  “Samael, I can’t fail to protect the only child I have left.” Lilith tightened her arms around Samael and rested her cheek against his strong back. “I just can’t.”

  “You won’t. Besides, he’s not as unprotected as you may think.” Samael turned to stare at the bush Issy was hiding behind.

  Issy gaped. Did Samael know that she was there?

  The corner of Samael’s mouth twitched in response and then he kicked his dragon’s sides. “Hyah!” The demon controlled his dragon to take off into the sky once more. Issy watched as they zoomed up into the sky and were soon lost behind the clouds.

  Issy lowered her hands from her mouth, wide-eyed. Oh my God…that was crazy. But the stalker now had more information about Tristan, which meant she was happy. A twisted grin spread across Issy’s face. Adrian Savant was Tristan’s human father…and Lilith, Adam’s first wife, was Tristan’s mother. Issy’s heart swelled with getting to know more about him. But now there was also a mystery for Issy to solve: why had Tristan left home? Time to google Adrian Savant.


  Joan and Dante’s wedding reception was being held at the Plaza Hotel in their Grand Ball Room. The hotel was thirteen minutes away from Riverside Church. A limo arrived at the church to take Joan, Dante and some of their closest friends to the hotel. Meanwhile, Tristan drove Michael to the venue in his corvette. Tristan glanced at Michael, who was sitting in the passenger’s seat, silent and thankfully free of blood splatter. When the angel had first materialized in front of Tristan he’d been covered in blood. Tristan had gawked at him before forcing Michael to go to the bathroom inside the church and clean up before he’d let the angel into his precious corvette.

  Tristan and Michael had had to return to Dark Heaven in order to pick up the wedding cake first, and after that they were able to head on over to the hotel. They arrived thirty minutes later, and Tristan let out a whistle as he looked up at the grayish, French Renaissance château-style building. There was something regal about the hotel. The two men exited the convertible and Tristan tossed his car keys to a waiting valet. Tristan and Michael entered the hotel and made their way to the Grand Ball Room straight away.

  Tristan could feel several eyes upon them as they entered the ballroom and just hoped that no one noticed the dried blood on Michael’s tux. The Grand Ball Room of the Plaza Hotel was impressive with the same Renaissance air that the outside of the building had. There were two impressive, crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. Purple lighting lit up the ceiling and illuminated the dance floor. There was hand-carved, wooden, crown molding around the ceiling, and around the exterior of the ballroom stood arches supported by columns. Tristan felt like he was in the ballroom of a palace.

  Tristan entered the ballroom holding the cake. He took a moment to admire the round antique tables and chairs. Tristan loved antiques. On each of the tables was a violet-colored tablecloth, and a bronze candelabra decorated with purple and yellow flowers. The long candles in the candelabra were yellow. The ballroom had an overall rich, luxurious feeling to it. Music filled the ballroom and Tristan saw that a punk rock band was playing on the stage towards the back of the room.

  Tristan recognized the band and his eyes bulged. It was the popular American punk rock band: the Erotic Corpses. No way. Their lead singer was Blake White. Blake was a tall, muscular young man with platinum blonde hair and unusual lavender-colored eyes. He was wearing a long, black leather jacket that was open to reveal the demonic tattoos on his bare chest.

  Blake had zombie make-up on. His face had been painted a pale blue color, his eye sockets a dark blue, and fake blood dribbled from the corner of his lips. The singer was also wearing a zombified tuxedo that was tattered and spattered with fake blood. Tristan figured he was supposed to look like a ‘Zombie Groom’. If zombies weren’t still so ‘in’ Tristan would have thought this was a little morbid for a wedding.

  Their drummer was Ro Ripper. She was dressed in a tattered white dress that was covered in splotches of fake blood. Tristan figured she was supposed to resemble a ‘Zombie Bride’. And what a lovely zombie bride she is. I’d die to be with her. Tristan thought to himself as he leered at Ro Ripper. Her ice-blue were eyes were expressive and extraordinary. She had hair the color of a midnight sky and that was cut into a punky style. Her face and body had been painted a pale blue color, her eye sockets had been painted black, and her lips had been painted a dark blue. She’s definitely hot.

  Ro’s eyes flashed red as she spun her drumsticks making Tristan wonder if Ro was fully human. Though perhaps a little spooky. I wonder if she’s single?

  The band’s bass guitarist was Joey Bones. Joey had spiky, blonde hair, and bright blue eyes. He was wearing a tattered and blood-spattered priest outfit. The lead guitarist was Devon Decayn. Devon had dark blue hair, and dark eyes that held a seriousness about them. He was wearing a tattered, blood-spattered suit and was probably meant to resemble a zombified ‘Best Man’.

  Speaking of zombified blood-spattered Best Men. Tristan’s eyes scanned the ballroom to see where Michael had gone. He spotted Michael standing off to the side of the dance floor with a drink in his hand and watching…? Tristan followed Michael’s line of sight to see that he was watching Dante and Joan dance together. I should have known. The guy’s a masochist. Tristan gave his friend a sympathetic look.

  Since Joan was dancing to punk rock music her enormous wedding dress quickly began to hamper her movements. “I think I’ve worn this dress long enough!” Joan suddenly declared before ripping her wedding dress off to reveal - a slick, sophisticated, white tuxedo. The tuxedo had black lapels, black buttons, and hugged Joan’s curves. A black ribbon was tied around her neck.

  Tristan gawked at Joan’s abrupt transformation and so did Michael. All of a sudden the bride was in pants! Tha
t’s Joan of Arc…feminist extraordinaire for you! Michael seemed to be taking things better than Tristan had expected. He wouldn’t have been surprised if Michael had spoken up during the whole ‘Therefore if any man can show any just cause, why they may not be lawfully joined together, let him speak, or else hereafter forever hold his peace’ part of the wedding ceremony.

  After all, Archangel Michael had loved Joan for more than five centuries! But he’d given Dante the ring and the wedding had gone on without a hitch. Michael had even fought off a hoard of lesser demons that had shown up to ruin Joan’s wedding. Thankfully, the lesser demons were invisible to the human guests present and Michael had gone invisible in order to make quick work of them.

  Tristan walked over to the buffet table and set the cake down right in the center where a space had been left specifically for the wedding cake. He wiped his hands off and smiled triumphantly at how great his cake looked on the purple tablecloth. His gaze was inevitably drawn to the supermodel bridesmaids that were moving their bodies sensually on the dance floor. Hubba hubba…hot babes and twelve o’clock. Here I come!

  Tristan straightened his bowtie before approaching the supermodels on the dance floor and smoothly starting to dance with them. “Hello ladies, the Love Machine has arrived. Or is it Dance Machine? Whatever. Did you miss me?” Okay, so maybe not that smooth. Tristan was lucky he had demonic pheromones.

  “Tristan! There you are!” “We’ve been looking everywhere for you!” “We missed you.” “Dance with us!” The girls all cooed excitedly as soon as Tristan joined them.

  Tristan smirked. He was so the man. It’s times like this that I really enjoy being me.

  Tristan pulled two of the bridesmaids closer to his body and swayed to the music. The girls moaned with pleasure and rubbed their bodies against Tristan happily in return. He was still feeling weak but he thought that he would probably be able to hang on until he managed to seduce one of these lovely ladies…or all of them.

  Tristan released his pheromones and the scent of dark chocolate and oranges wafted through the air. The young women shivered and moved their bodies even closer to Tristan’s. I am so going to get laid. The incubus thought as he continued to freak dance.