Read Indifference of Heaven Page 10

  Kent walked out and quietly closed the door behind him.





  That sneaky goddamned motherfucker.

  He loved the hell out of that man.

  Boyd quickly stripped and walked over to the bed.

  No, wait.

  He walked over to the stereo and changed that goddamned fucking shitty music to classic rock, lowering the volume, too, so they wouldn’t have to shout to hear each other.

  As Led Zeppelin filled the speakers, Boyd relaxed. He walked over to the bed, staring down at Caleb.

  His boy.

  He climbed onto Caleb and kissed him, loving the eager way Caleb moaned when Boyd ground against him.

  “Sir?” Caleb whispered, his hopeful tone twisting Boyd’s heart into a knot around the man. And…

  Fuck it.

  He stretched, leaned, grabbed a tube of lube and a towel and slicked Caleb’s cock.

  Raw. He wanted him now, and he wanted him bare.

  Caleb gasped as Boyd took his time impaling himself on Caleb’s cock. It’d been a while for him since he’d bottomed, and he winced as he felt pinchy, burning discomfort when the head of Caleb’s cock pierced his rim. Giving it a moment, he stroked his cock to offset the pain with pleasure, finally working his way deeper.

  Below him, Caleb’s hips rocked, trying to fuck him.

  He kissed him again, wrapping his arms around him, his hands tucked under Caleb’s shoulders. Caleb eagerly kissed him back, hungry, needy.

  Boyd broke his silence, a whisper, a prayer sent up to an indifferent heaven he didn’t believe in. “Do you really want me, boy? Or should I go get Kent and bring him back to finish what he started?”

  No hesitation. “I only want you, Sir.”

  “I’m the man he was going to introduce you to today.”

  Caleb froze, his head slightly cocked, as if processing. “Really?”

  He liked that Caleb sounded hopeful. “Really.”

  “He said you had to cancel, both of you. I…I thought you weren’t coming today. Either of you. I mean—”

  “I know. It’ll make sense shortly. But do you really want more of me?”

  “Yes, Sir!”

  Boyd flexed his ass around Caleb’s cock. “We do this, you get me, and only me. And that goes for me, too. No one but you. I’ll use whatever toys you want on you, will do anything for you to give you the next best thing, but I have to be enough. I do not share or swing once I’m in a relationship. If you can’t agree to that now, no hard feelings, and maybe we can try again when you—”

  “You.” He sounded desperate, close to tears. “I only want you, Sir. Please?”

  “I’m the first guy who ever fucked you. How do you know it’s not just subfrenzy? You don’t want to sleep around some first?”

  “No, Sir. I can’t imagine being with anyone but you.”

  “You could go to Kent’s parties and play around.”

  “I don’t want to play around.”

  “Kent said you’re trying to forget someone.” He needed to hear this from Caleb before he crossed that final line with him.

  Caleb swallowed, licked his lips. “Yes, Sir,” he softly said.

  “How do I know you won’t leave me for him one day?”

  “I won’t, Sir. He doesn’t even know I like him.”

  “Who is he? If you can’t be honest with me now, this won’t work.”

  His voice hitched. “My boss, Sir. I can never have him, and meeting you proved to me I could meet someone else.”

  Well, well, well. “So why did you come here today to fuck Kent?”

  “You said…” Caleb swallowed. “Kent told me you said you couldn’t see me again, Sir. When I first met Kent, he’d offered to…” He shrugged as much as his restraints would allow. “I…I want you. I thought maybe Kent could help me forget you. That’s why he…that’s why he introduced me to you in the first place, to help me forget my boss. Except he didn’t know that before today.”

  “Why should I believe you when you are tied up in this bed right now and waiting for Kent to fuck you if you really wanted me?” Yeah, it was mean, but he needed to be absolutely sure.

  Once this was done, it couldn’t be undone, and it could completely undo his life if he was wrong.

  Caleb sniffled. “Because after Kent talked to me when I got here and made me tell him about my boss, he asked me if I trusted him, and I do. I…it almost sounded like maybe he had a plan. And part of me was hoping you’d show up and stop him before he went through with it. He told me that he told you the time he’d be starting. Made sure you knew it. He was stalling for time, I could tell.”

  The guy was making it hard for Boyd to come up with more arguments. “You don’t know anything about me.”

  “I trust you. I know Kent trusts you. He said he’s known you for a decade and trusts you with his life. Said you’re a good man, you have a good job, you’re honest. Said I would definitely be attracted to you. Said I would never be disappointed in or by you. Please, Sir. I only want you.”

  Those were big expectations to fill, but Boyd damn sure wanted to try.

  Kent, you sneaky fucking bastard.

  He made a mental note to order a case of Kent’s favorite fisting lube to have sent to him.

  Fuck, he’d order him a fifty-five gallon drum of livestock birthing agent.

  “What if I shock you when you find out my real identity? What if you hate me?”

  “You can’t—and I won’t.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yes, Sir.” He firmly nodded.

  “Close your eyes and keep them closed until I tell you.” Boyd unsnapped the clips on his ankles and wrists, then removed the blindfold.

  Caleb didn’t move his arms or legs, leaving them spread. Leaning in, Boyd kissed him. “Open your eyes.”

  He watched Caleb slowly open his eyes, blink, then they widened as recognition swept in.

  Boyd fully expected him to push him away, but when Caleb grabbed him and pulled him down for a fierce, possessive kiss, Boyd went with it.

  “I love you, Sir,” Caleb whispered.

  He smiled. “So who’s the fucker whose ass I have to beat that you wanted to forget?”

  Caleb smiled back. “You, Sir. I’ve been in love with you.”

  Fuck. Me.

  Boyd peeled Caleb’s hands off him and laced fingers with him, pinning them over his head against the mattress. “We absolutely cannot let anyone at work know.”

  He nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

  “I mean it. We need to jump on the first good transfer opportunity to move you into another department. Okay?”

  “Yes, Sir!” His joyful smile made Boyd’s cock throb.

  “You really thought I wasn’t interested in you?”

  “You did a good job hiding it, Sir. I didn’t know you were gay.”

  “How long have you had a thing for me?”

  His cheeks pinkened. “From the interview, Sir.”

  “You never told anyone else?”

  “Only Kent today when we were talking.”

  “Not your friend in E-Dev?”

  “No, Sir. I told him I needed to meet a guy to forget another guy. He thought I meant someone from Virginia.”

  “Okay.” He sat back, wiggling a little and enjoying the feel of Caleb’s cock embedded in his ass as he ticked off points on his fingers. “No one but us. Do not lie to me. If you want out, we talk and end it as adults and we stay professional at work. We cannot let anyone know at work. You will always be naked when we’re at home, and—”


  “Well, you’re going to be over at my place a lot, buddy. In fact, most of the time you’ll be at my place. I have a house, and you live in an apartment. We can get as loud as we want at my place.” He had a thought. “You do want to be in my bed every night, right?”

  Caleb eagerly nodded. “Yes, Sir!”

  “We can’t ge
t rid of your apartment yet. First of all, you need to make sure you won’t get sick of me crawling all over you every damn night. And the whole we have to pretend we’re just friends and co-workers stuff. Once it’s safe at work, then we can be open and pretend like we just started dating and then ‘move you in.’”

  Boyd leaned in. “And I am openly gay. I figured everyone knew it at work, or that someone else might have said something to you about it. I don’t scare vanillas, but in the kinky parts of my life, I’m as open there, too, as I can be. No one knows about Kent’s parties, though. I don’t even tell my kinky friends about these. Obviously, this situation with us is different, and it has to stay secret for now. But once our jobs are safe, we are officially an item. Understand? No closets allowed.”

  More nodding, and Caleb’s smile grew impossibly wide. “Yes, Sir.”

  “How will your family take that?”

  His smile faded. “Not well, but I don’t care. I want to live for me, not them.”

  “Okay, then. Your family might hate me, but I don’t give a fuck. We make a family with us and our friends.”

  “And…your daughter?”

  That’s right, Caleb knew about her. “If she ever decides she wants to contact me again, maybe. That’s up to her now.”

  “I want all that, Sir. Please?”

  He only let him spin for a moment before smiling. “Then you’d better put a load in there and make it official, baby. Seal the deal. Because once you get yours, I’m going to get mine, and then we’re going to retire to the guest room and make love all night.”


  He braced his arms on the bed, caging him with his body. “I want to make love to you, Caleb. I don’t want to just fuck you. I want to show you what I’ve been trying to hide from you, and I want you to know I’m as much yours as you are mine. Make me yours, baby. Been a long time since I had someone to make love to.”

  Caleb braced his feet and fucked him, holding Boyd’s hips as Boyd bounced on him and met him stroke for stroke, thrust for thrust. Boyd reached down and pinched Caleb’s nipples, and that tripped him over the edge.

  The sweet, gorgeous O-face he made would remain forever etched in Boyd’s mind.

  They rolled over, and Caleb didn’t even bother slicking Boyd’s hard shaft. He’d been lubed already, and sank onto Boyd’s cock with a happy moan Boyd felt to the depths of his balls.

  Boyd grabbed Caleb’s hands and laced fingers with him, squeezing as he stared up into Caleb’s eyes. “Ride me, baby. Tell me what you want.”

  “I want you, Boyd,” he desperately whispered, his cock already inflating again. “Come for me. Please, come for me.”

  Boyd’s climax caught him off-guard, and he clamped down on Caleb’s hands as the orgasm slammed into him. As he caught his breath, he pulled Caleb down into his arms, holding him. “I love you, baby. I love you so fucking much.”

  Caleb nuzzled his face against the side of Boyd’s neck, his breath warm against Boyd’s flesh. “I love you, too, Sir.”

  * * * *

  They climbed out of bed, cleaned all the toys, including the collar and cuffs, which Boyd removed from him.

  The next collar and cuffs Caleb wore would be ones Boyd put on him.

  Then he led Caleb out of the back bedroom and to the guest bedroom, shutting the door behind them and taking him into the shower there, where they used up all the hot water bathing each other, kissing, exploring.


  In bed, Boyd lay on his side, facing Caleb and taking his time as they explored each other’s bodies. By the time they fell asleep hours later, they’d come several times each and exhausted each other.

  When Boyd awoke the next morning, he found Caleb smiling down at him. “Good morning, Sir.”

  Boyd smelled coffee. “Good morning, baby. Grab yourself a towel from the bathroom, wrap it around you, and go get me a cup of coffee, please. Black, three sugars.”

  “I don’t mind being naked, Sir.”

  Boyd’s hand shot out, fisting Caleb’s hair and pulling his head down to him. He used Dom tone on him. “Only I decide when and where and for whom you are naked, boy. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Yes, Sir!” Against his thigh, Boyd felt Caleb’s cock harden like granite.

  He gentled his hold immediately and kissed him, stroking his head. “That’s my good boy. I don’t give a shit if others are naked in front of you, but you’re mine, and who gets to see you like that is my call.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Besides, I don’t know who Kent brought home. A towel, or clothes, is a silent signal for hands-off. I’d hate to have to beat up a guy this morning when we’re guests in Kent’s home just because he put hands on my boy.”

  Caleb laughed. “Yes, Sir. Thank you.”

  Boyd cupped his cheek and kissed him. “Let’s see if you’re still thanking me in a few years.”

  He smiled. “I know I will be.”

  The guests turned out to be Tim and Paul. Caleb didn’t know that at first, though, until he returned with the coffee and described the other men to Boyd. Boyd let Caleb get dressed when he told Boyd that breakfast would be ready in a few minutes.

  “This isn’t going to be fun at work for a while,” Boyd warned Caleb. “We have to be careful.”

  “Yes, Sir. I swear.”

  “I’ll expect even more out of you now. You won’t be allowed to slack off.” He smiled. “I might have to punish you in private at home if you disappoint me at work.”

  Caleb grinned. “I’m good with that, Sir.”

  He pulled him in for a hug. “I guess we have ourselves a relationship, buddy.”

  Caleb rested his head against Boyd’s shoulder. “You have no idea how much I want this, Sir.”

  Boyd sipped his coffee, pulled on his clothes, and finally led Caleb out to the kitchen.

  Paul stood at the stove, dressed in nothing but his wedding ring, an apron, and the fuck sheath up his ass. Tim was sitting at the kitchen table, a towel in his chair, and from the slight odd angle to the way he was sitting, Boyd guessed he was probably sporting something in his ass.

  Kent was, of course, naked and grinning, sitting there splayed in one of the chairs, a towel under him, too.

  “There’s the lovebirds. Good night?”

  “I should fucking punch you, Kent, but I love you too much right now, you sneaky motherfucker.”

  Kent laughed. “I can’t even feel sad about never getting to fuck either of your asses, buddy. I’m too happy for both of you.”

  “At least it frees up two spots on your roster.”

  “Nah. You two can still come. Wear shorts or a jock or something to let people know you’re just spectators. I’ll make an exception for you two. Then you can hog the back bedroom or guest bedroom after you get horned up. I still like watching you fuck. Just because you’re not free-range anymore doesn’t mean the two of you can’t put on a show for the rest of us.” He lifted his mug of coffee in a salute.

  Boyd turned to Caleb and arched an eyebrow.

  He smiled and nodded.

  “Sounds like a plan,” Boyd said, dropping Caleb a wink. No, he didn’t care who watched him with his boy, or who his boy watched.

  As long as it was hands-off watching.

  He had to admit, it was fun watching Kent ruin twinks. If nothing else, it would be fun to sit there with Caleb sucking on his cock while he watched Kent do his thing.

  It’d be even more fun to have Caleb bent over and be fucking him while watching the festivities.

  Besides, for all the years of fun Kent had provided Boyd, the least he could do was entertain the man by letting him watch the two of them playing and fucking.

  Chapter Twelve

  After breakfast, Caleb followed Boyd back to his house so they could talk. During the entire drive his mind spun, struggling to accept not only had his dreams come true—

  But in more than one way.

  This wasn’t something he was used to.

  At all.

  He’d honestly been convinced, deep inside, that he’d never find true happiness. That it would always be snatched from him just when he thought it was within his grasp.

  In retrospect, it now made total sense that he’d fallen for the mysterious “Sir” as hard as he’d fallen for Boyd. Good fortune finally smiling on him.

  No, it wouldn’t be fun at work for a while. It’d be a constant struggle not to fantasize about the things they’d done in private while trying to keep his focus on his job.

  It’d also be damned hard not calling Boyd Sir in front of people. The saving grace there was at least it wasn’t uncommon for that title to be used in the office, more as a polite form of address.

  No one else would know he meant it with a capital S.

  Except Boyd.

  Boyd lived in a decent house, better than the one Caleb had grown up in but modest, in an older neighborhood. As soon as Caleb had stepped inside and Boyd closed the door behind him, Boyd grabbed him, staring down into his eyes for a long, silent moment.

  “This is crazy,” Boyd hoarsely said.

  His pounding pulse was now from fear, not eager desire. “Please don’t tell me to go. I’m willing to do whatever I have to do to make this work.”

  Boyd’s expression eased, softened. “I didn’t mean I’m letting you go. I meant we’re both insane, and it’s going to be stressful, for a while.”

  “I know. Worth it.”

  When Boyd leaned in and kissed him, it took everything Caleb had not to melt against him. His hands found Boyd’s hips, and he hooked his fingers through his belt loops, holding on, never wanting to let him go.

  “We need to talk today,” Boyd said when he finally lifted his mouth from Caleb’s. “And I mean actually talking, not just ending up in bed again. Although I do want to end up in bed with you. Multiple times. And you’re sleeping here tonight. We’ll go out later and get your things from your place.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Boyd sighed. “That. You cannot do that at work.”

  “I know, Sir.” Caleb smiled.

  A soft growl escaped Boyd. He grabbed Caleb’s hand and placed it over his bulge, where Boyd’s cock was hard again. “Because of that, boy. You’ll have me hunting for any lockable conference room where I can bend you over and fuck your goddamned gorgeous brains out if you call me that at work.”