Read Inevitable Page 16

His smile grew slightly more wicked. “But then this would be over way too soon.”

  She groaned, and dug her fingers into his buttocks. “Please.”

  “You can be polite all you like,” he whispered in her ear. “But you’re going to have to be patient.”

  He pulled her hands away from him and stretched them up over her head, pressing them against the pillow. His lips brushed along her cheek to her lips, then down over her chin and throat. He stopped to suckle each nipple, drawing each hard peak into his hot, wet mouth, his tongue circling the tip until Emma writhed beneath him and moaned his name incoherently.

  “You like that?” he asked.

  She was growing short on patience already. “Ryan…please…”

  “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  She felt the scratch of his stubble over her sensitive stomach, his tongue tracing the contour of her navel, her hip bone, her inner thighs. Her body quaked and shivered with each press of his lips and tongue against her sensitive flesh.

  When she felt the hot slide of his tongue against her sex, circling her clit, she stopped thinking entirely. She arched off the bed as he made love to her with his mouth. She reached down and grabbed the back of his head. He looked up at her, his gaze dark and filled with desire.

  He continued to stroke her with his tongue until she cried out, her body wracked with the most exquisite pleasure she’d ever felt. It was such intense pleasure it was akin to pain, every cell in her body seeming to explode into a shimmer of passion.

  The world blurred before her eyes and then Ryan was at her mouth again kissing her, his tongue tangling with hers. She could taste herself on his lips and tongue. She couldn’t speak, only feel.

  He managed to sheath himself with a condom he’d grabbed from his jeans pocket. When she felt him against her, his hands raising her hips off the bed so he could fill her in one deep thrust, her vision went bright at the edges as another orgasm swept over her, leaving her entire body shaking.

  The Desidero potion had made it impossible not to want Ryan. But now, even though its effects had abated, she only wanted him more. He was everything to her. And as he moved inside her, whispering her name over and over in her ear, his lips brushing against her shoulder, her jaw, her lips, she was sure that she told him what she truly felt. She could hear it, but she wasn’t certain whose lips spoke the words or if it was some sort of psychic connection only forged in the deepest heat of passion.

  “I love you.”

  If it was she who spoke the words, it didn’t lead to any immediate worry that her feelings wouldn’t be reciprocated. It simply was. She loved him. And that love didn’t come with any strings. Not right now.

  His thrusts became faster and deeper and she clung tightly on to him until, with one last press of his hips against hers, he swore gutturally as he came and then groaned her name, a shuddery sound against her lips when he kissed her again.

  Ryan’s body weight pressed her down against the mattress as they lay there still and silent. After a moment, he pushed up onto his forearms and looked down at her, then brushed the hair back from her forehead.

  She stared up into his eyes, trying to memorize every angle of his face, every feature, every line.

  “That…” she said after she regained the ability to speak, “…should be illegal.”

  A smile broke through his very serious expression. “I have to agree. Em, you’re so…”

  Emma managed a sigh. “So amazing? Sexy? Incredibly addictive?”

  “I thought you were a clairvoyant, not a mind reader.” He kissed her. “All of that and so much more.”

  “The feeling’s mutual, Shephard.”

  He brushed his lips against her collar bone. “I figured you wouldn’t be able to resist the temptation of rose petals and flickering romance. I have to admit, it took forever to light them all.”

  She went silent for a moment, lost in her thoughts.

  He frowned down at her. “Something wrong?”

  “No, it’s just…something you said.”

  “I know, I promise no more breaking and entering. But it just seemed like such a good idea at the time. I will remember to use my brain next time and not just my imagination.”

  “It’s not that.” A thousand thoughts were running through her head all at once. “I think I know what we need to do,” she said, excitement coloring her voice.

  Ryan shifted position so he lay on his side next to her, his hand splayed across her stomach helping to warm her. “What?”

  “Charlotte wouldn’t reveal anything to me tonight, nothing that could determine who she was working with.”

  His brows drew together. “I know. It’s going to be tricky to find the truth.”

  Emma smiled wickedly. “But that’s just it. We have to be tricky.”

  He just looked at her, confused. “Meaning what?”

  “Meaning what you just said a minute ago…about figuring out what I wouldn’t be able to resist, what would be the best way to lure me into your tempting little trap.”

  He groaned. “Not sure I’d describe it as a trap—”

  She pouted. “Are you going to let me finish or what?”

  “Sorry, sorry. Please, Ms. Black, tell me what you plan to do to help me clear my good name and find the real thief once and for all.”

  She pushed him back onto the bed and climbed on top of him so she could look down at his face. Bracing her palms against his firm chest, she said, “We’re going to set a trap. And then we’re going to see who’s greedy enough to fall into it.”

  “A trap.”


  “Set with what?”

  “I have an idea of something our prey should have a very difficult time resisting.”

  “Sounds risky.”

  She smiled. “I believe it was you who said that life is all about taking risks.”

  Ryan slid his hands up her body and cupped her breasts. “You know, you are as devious as you are beautiful.”

  Emma leaned over and kissed him. “I will take that as a very big compliment coming from you.”

  He grinned. “As you should.”


  CHARLOTTE PICKED UP after the second ring. “Emma?” She sounded surprised. “What’s up?”

  “Sorry to call you so late,” Emma replied, trying to inject a great deal of raw emotion into her voice. Ryan sat next to her on her sofa, his arm curled around her back.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Emma inhaled shakily. “It’s… Oh, God, Charlotte. You were right about Ryan.”

  “Of course I was right, Emma. He’s bad news.”

  “I’m just such a fool. He came back to town and he tried to convince me that he wasn’t the person who robbed the PARA vaults, that somebody had set him up. But it wasn’t true. I’m almost completely positive it was him.”

  “Almost positive?” Charlotte sounded surprised. “But you saw him yourself.”

  “I did, but…he kept talking the other night and I started to doubt myself. I mean, I guess I could have been wrong. It could have been a trick of the light, or the darkness, or… I don’t know. But maybe it wasn’t him—at least, that’s how I was feeling. But now, I’m not so sure he’s not just setting me up.”

  Charlotte sighed. “Is Ryan in town very long? Do you know?”

  “I don’t know. But…but that’s not really the reason I called. I need your advice.”

  There was a pause. “With what?”

  “I have some pieces in my possession right now. I brought them home to catalogue them over the weekend and I’d planned to take them back to PARA tomorrow so they can go into the vault. But I’m not sure if they’re safe in my house. I made the mistake of mentioning them to Ryan when he stopped by earlier and his eyes seemed to light up. I’m afraid he might come back tonight and try to steal them.”

  “Pieces? What kind of pieces?”

  “Something that we just got in last week. Glass jars—five of them. Apparently they have some sort
of spirit trapped inside.”

  “Spirit—” Charlotte’s voice turned sharply curious, right on schedule. “What kind of spirit?”

  “The paperwork says that they date back to the Persian Empire and that they have a djinn connection. They were found in a small antiques shop in England and have already caused some trouble there. Instead of sending an agent to collect them, they were couriered to PARA.”

  “You have djinn jars in your house right now,” Charlotte said incredulously. “You’re kidding me.”

  “I’m not kidding. But I’m not totally convinced they’re legit. I sense some otherworldliness coming from them, but if there’s a djinn inside, he’s hiding really well.”

  “They might be fakes.”

  “That’s very possible.”

  “But if they’re not…” Charlotte went silent for a moment. “They’d be worth a lot of money to certain people. People like Ryan.”

  “That’s exactly what I was thinking. Do you think they’re safe here? Or should I return them to PARA right now? Better safe than sorry, and all that.”

  “Even if Ryan’s tempted, he’d have to be really ballsy to try to steal them right out of your house. I don’t think even he’d go that far.”

  Emma’s grip on the phone tightened, as did her other hand, which rested on Ryan’s leg as if using him as her anchor. “But if he did, that would tell me the truth, once and for all. I’d know for sure that he’s a lying, thieving scumbag that I don’t want anything to do with.” She glanced at him apologetically. He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it.

  No apology necessary.

  “Yeah, definitely,” Charlotte said. “Still, I don’t think he will risk it. I think the jars are safe right where you have them.”

  “The cabinet right next to my TV has a lock,” Emma supplied. She’d gone over the story with Ryan at least ten times to make sure it sounded believable. “I hope they’ll be okay in there till tomorrow.”

  “I think they’ll be fine. So you’re all right, Emma? Or do you need me to come over for some moral support?”

  “No, I’m fine. I’m probably going out in a minute, anyway. The fresh air’ll help clear my head a bit. Besides, I’ve got to get some groceries. The weekend’s really gotten away from me.”

  “Time flies when you’re fulfilling your fantasies with bad boys.”

  Emma let out a shaky laugh. “Some moral support.”

  “I aim to please.” There was a smile in Charlotte’s voice now. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Emma.”

  Once she heard Charlotte disconnect, Emma hung up the phone and turned to Ryan.

  “Did she sound like she suspected anything?” he asked.

  “I don’t think so.”

  He nodded. “Good. So now we wait and see if anyone shows up.” He stood up and went around the room flicking off the lights.

  Xavier Franklin himself had made a special request for the jars—and the man had money to burn. If Charlotte had anything to do with the initial crime and money was her motivation, she’d find a temptation like this completely irresistible.

  They were close. So close.

  After an hour went by with nothing, Ryan swore under his breath.

  “What?” Emma asked.

  “My car. I just remembered it’s parked across the street.”

  She grinned at the memory. “Luckily it was, or I might have shot you earlier.”

  He looked worried. “Yeah, but if anyone spots it, they’ll know I’m here. ’68 Mustangs aren’t parked on every corner.”

  Emma’s grin faded. “That might be a problem.”

  “I’ll go move it.”

  She nodded. “Hurry.”

  “I will.”

  Ryan kissed her quickly, then got up from the sofa and went to the front door, opening it and closing it behind him with a soft click. Emma glanced over at the locked cabinet where she’d told Charlotte she’d hidden the jars.

  Inside were some DVDs and a stack of manuals for the washing machine and microwave oven. No jars.

  But the glassware didn’t really have to exist for it to bring a thief out of hiding. Especially when Emma said she’d be out of the house doing some late night grocery shopping.

  Reveal the thief, clear Ryan’s name, and then…well, then she didn’t know what would happen next.

  One thing at a time.

  RYAN JOGGED ACROSS the street to where his car was parked. His mind still swam from the time he’d spent with Emma tonight. Every moment spent with her was better than the last. She was amazing. He couldn’t just pick up and leave town and risk never seeing her again.

  No, he couldn’t do that. He actually had no idea what he was going to do next.

  He heard footsteps on the pavement behind him. For a moment he thought that Emma had followed him outside, but he didn’t recognize the sound of her high heels. He turned to take a look at the person following him and froze in place.

  It was…him.

  Or, rather, it looked exactly like him. Even the clothes—jeans and a black T-shirt.

  “Okay,” he said slowly. “At least this clears up one of the mysteries.”

  “You shouldn’t have come back,” his twin said. Even the voice sounded identical to Ryan’s.

  “Infringing on your territory, am I?” Ryan tried his best to keep his voice calm and collected.

  “You being here just makes things more difficult for me.” The man cocked his head to the side. “Except for occasions like this when you’re making things much easier.” His gaze swept Ryan’s body. “I was going to switch our clothes, but I think I’m close enough.”

  “Yeah, you win the stuffed panda. Congrats.” Ryan glared at him. “Doppelganger potion?”

  “It’s rare stuff.”

  “It must be very convenient, working for an agency that happens to have a department for rare potions, isn’t it?”

  His twin grinned. “I’m afraid we’re going to have to bring this fascinating conversation to an end.”

  “You’re not getting past me,” Ryan said, clenching his hands into fists at his sides. “There’s no way.”

  “Where there a will there’s a way, Ryan. And I suggest you stay out of my very willful way if you know what’s good for you.”

  Ryan took a step forward, ready to wrestle the man down to the ground when he sensed someone behind him. He wasn’t able to turn in time before he felt a painful crack against the back of his skull and everything went black.

  “HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE to park a car?” Emma mumbled to herself as she got up from the sofa. Just as she reached the front door, it opened in front of her.

  Ryan’s eyes fixed on her and a smile stretched across his handsome face. “I’m back.”

  She sighed and it came out shaky. “Any problems?”

  “No, none. Any with you?”

  “Other than the fact that somebody I considered family has turned out to be a selfish, lying bitch? No, that about covers it.”

  Ryan’s jaw tightened almost imperceptibly. “She’s definitely a handful, that’s for sure.”

  “Yeah.” It was rough whenever she let herself think about it too long. “It sucks putting your trust in somebody and having them lie to your face.”

  “I’m sorry you’ve had to go through all of this pain, Emma.”

  “Me, too.” She glanced out the small window, then closed the drapes. “So I guess we just keep waiting.”

  “All vigilant.”

  “That’s us.”

  “Where do you want to wait?”

  “Back in the living room’s fine.” She led the way and sat down heavily on the sofa. Ryan sat down next to her. He seemed tense. She wasn’t surprised.

  “So what do you think’s going to happen?” she asked.

  He leaned back, pressing his tall frame into the soft material. “The bad guys get caught and the good guys ride off into the sunset. Right?”

  She tensed. “This isn’t a movie.”

  “Well, obviously we
’re doing this to clear my name.”

  “We are.”

  “And you believe that I’m totally innocent, right?”

  “With all my heart.”

  Ryan turned to her and swept the hair back from her face, tracing a line down the side of her throat. “You’re a very beautiful woman, Emma.”

  What was he doing? This wasn’t the time to get amorous, not when they were waiting for a break and enter to happen. “Well, thank you. And you know, I don’t really mind it as much as I said I do.”

  “Mind what?”

  “The name you use for me.”

  Ryan smiled. “The one you don’t like me to call you, right? I have many special names for you.” His hand drifted down over her collarbone to her left breast. “Perhaps we should explore each of them.”

  She glanced in the direction of the front door. “As delightful as that sounds, I think we have a couple of other things to take care of first. If somebody shows up tonight, whether it’s Charlotte or somebody else, we can’t be in bed.”

  He leaned closer to whisper in her ear and his fingers drew circles around her nipple through the thin material of her shirt. “But I really want you, Emma. I want to make every fantasy in your naughty little book come true.”

  He wasn’t being half as serious tonight as she would have expected, considering what was on the line for him. “I’m going to have to be strict with you.”

  “Oh, yes, please. I think I’d like that.”

  As pleasant as his hands felt on her, reminding her of what had happened between them earlier upstairs, something felt off.

  “Maybe later,” she said.

  “Promises, promises.” His hand was now on her thigh, moving higher. Then he kissed her, his tongue searching for hers.

  “Ryan—” She leaned back a bit, pressing her palms against his chest. “You’re acting really strange right now.”

  “Sorry. We’re protecting something very valuable. I keep forgetting.”

  She eyed him. “Yeah, if air is valuable, that’s what we’re protecting.”

  He pulled away from her suddenly. “Oh, yeah,” he said slowly. “Right. It’s just a ruse to lure the thief here. Nothing to steal at all, is there?”