Read Infinite Fate Page 14

its hinges and break things with just your finger if you want to too. So again you need to concentrate on making the movement’s human speed and human strength.”

  “Okay.” She says, nodding. She walks to the door and takes a deep breath in. “I can do this. Totally. Easy peasy. Totally. Yep.”

  Tyson, Sam and I share a look. We are all thinking the same thing. She’s awesome, taking it all in her stride and coping so well. Some vampires who have just been turned and asked to be have moments of panic where they regret the decision, they want to go back to how they were because so many things change almost instantly they feel so overwhelmed. Savannah is a trooper though and it’s going to be wonderful to have a girl around.

  It’s strange but that Savannah’s transformation has been relatively easy compared to some other reborns I have seen though. Some are so wild we have to physically restrain them for the first twelve or so hours even when they are blood lusting. So I guess it’s really hard to imagine that Savannah had her choice taken away with how in control she is.

  The thought of it still makes me mad. That and the fact that Zeke was the one to do it. I have only known the girl two days. I wanted to court her, chase her, love her the proper way but he tried to kill her instead. It’s only through her fight that she did not die and became immortal instead.

  “Dominic?” She says behind me, a little unsure. I shake off my thoughts and give her my attention again.

  “Yeah Sav?” I turn around and barely control my gasp of laughter.

  “I think we’re gonna need a new door on the…” She looks around at her destruction. “Cabin?” She is holding the door by the handle in the air, looking very sheepish.

  Sam and Tyson chuckle and I look at her sympathetically.

  “In my first 24 hours as a reborn I completely totalled the place I turned in.” I say. “It was a lot nicer then here too. They were not impressed.”

  “They?” Savannah asks. She’s cluey. She picked up on the they. “My creator ditched me for whatever reason he chose so Abraham, Brey and Censon took me in and helped me through it.”

  “Why would he just leave you like that?” Savannah sounds like she just can’t grasp the concept. “I mean why create you then leave you?”

  “To this day I still haven’t figured that out.” I answer honestly and there is an awkward pause. Oh my god I can actually hear crickets…. Five kilometres away!

  “I flattened about three houses, a barn, several sheep and you don’t even want to know what else.” Tyson steps forward, breaking the awkwardness. Thank god for Tyson!

  Sam had just been created and he was being a handful, Tyson, still a newish reborn himself at the time, happened to stumble upon Zeke and I pinning Sam against a wall because he wanted to attack a family of eight, children included – an absolute law in our world, one that you instantly sign your death wish on if you break is no child is to ever be bitten… Ever. No matter the reason – and we were struggling because of his anger towards the man who had shot him.

  I smile as I remember Tyson wandering over to us and scaring the crap out of us so badly that I attacked him as he subdued Sam with such little effort he froze our attack and we stood frozen in shock. Of course once I saw his future he was welcomed in with open arms.

  Sam and Tyson may not have been official Pures but they were both great assets and the boys knew it. Their powers came in handy at times, especially in the great cull of crazies.

  Tyson had told us then, once Sam had calmed down and gotten his first feed out of the way, that his creator just after the first twenty four hours of Tyson’s new life went and got himself killed by a pack of angry humans. He had then wandered around aimlessly and without purpose until he found us. That’s when he asked if we needed any help and I asked him how old he was.

  He asked me human years or vampire days and that was it, he was one of us. Turns out he had only been a vampire for about three weeks and had been wandering around looking for others like him when he stumbled upon Sam, Zeke and I. Between the three of us we had restrained Sam enough for him to calm down, then eventually catching up to the guy that had tried to kill Sam. It was messy but he calmed down dramatically after that and Tyson and Sam became one of us instantly.

  Savannah is staring at Sam with a thoughtful look on her face. He raises his hands in surrender. “Don’t even get me started. I’m about as good as these guys.”

  Savannah looks at us all still thinking door in her hand and all. “I never chose this,” she waves her free hand up and down her body. “But at the same time I am grateful I didn’t die. I am only 20. That would have really sucked.”

  “Yeah it would have.” I agree stepping forward to take the door away from her. “But let’s worry about that later. We need to get you fed.”

  The mention of food has Savannah licking her lips and her eyes glazing over. “Yes. Yes let’s do that.”

  “Um Savannah…” Sam says quietly.


  “This is the hardest part.”

  “What you mean?”

  “When we go back down to the human world you’re gonna wanna devour every single one of them.”

  “I don’t want to do that!” She gasps.

  “I know.” I say stepping forward. “But your hunting instinct will override everything else you think and feel right now.”

  “What am I supposed to do then?” She demands. “Hold my nose? Shut my eyes? Put hand blinkers on?” She actually puts her hands up to the sides of her eyes and spins around pulling a whacky face. We all burst into laughter, even Savannah laughs at herself.

  “Savannah you have to listen to me carefully.” I say soberly once we have all calmed down. “It’s gonna be tough but hopefully you won’t need blinkers, no.” I pull her hands down and grin at her. Her eyes grow wide and she sucks in a breath.

  “Oh my god.” She blurts out. “You smell so good I want to eat you to.” She freezes, what she just said registering. “Oh my god! How awkward. Why did I just say that?”

  “Because you’re my Eternal Mate.”

  “Your eternal what?”

  “We are mates. For like forever.”

  She stares at me like I have two heads, six eyes and a wart the size of Mt Everest sticking out of my nose. “Well that’s great.” She responds, all embarrassment gone. Instead a woman with an enormous amount of anger and attitude is glaring at me, and I’m almost scared – almost. “Aren’t I lucky? I get turned into a vampire that comes with a mail order mate. Kinda like those stupid infomercials where you buy one thing and get an extra thing for free. Buy this they say and get this free! It will make that product so much better they say, even though it has nothing to do with it and is worth absolutely nothing but we will pretend and you will pretend it is a great deal anyway!” She stops abruptly, shooting me daggers before she gets all up in my face, poking me in the chest. “Take note buddy. Don’t think you’re gonna mate anything any time soon because right now learning not to break a door is more important than a lil bit of nookie nookie got it?”

  Sam and Tyson choke with laughter, not even attempting to control it.

  I trip over my tongue, trying to find a response. She is furious.

  “Um Savannah?” I murmur, hands raised in the air. “You need to calm down. I’m not gonna force you to do anything you don’t wanna do okay? Just explaining why you feel a strong pull towards me.”

  Savannah eyes me suspiciously as if assessing what I am saying. She is quiet for so long Sam, Tyson and I start to get uncomfortable. “Okay boys clearly this is gonna take some getting used to.” She says finally as she waves her hand in front of herself again. “And clearly I can only handle really important news right now. Like I’m apparently a vampire and need to learn to control my body again like I’m some toddler.” She looks at us all hands on hips and I must admit I’m a little turned on. “So from now on until I got this vampire thing down pact let’s give me only need to know information Kapeesh?”

Sam and Tyson say in unison instantly.

  “You.” She barks at me. “You I need a Kapeesh most of all from. Whatever you think we are or whatever you think we are gonna be, do, have – whatever – I don’t wanna know until I’m good and ready. Got it?”

  I want to say no. Chuck a tanty and say absolutely not. “Kapeesh Savannah.” Comes out instead and I mentally forehead slap myself. Way to go Dom! You be the man! Stand up for what you want!

  “Good.” She says nodding. “Now please teach me how to be gentlemen I have this weird feeling in my throat and its getting stronger, I can only assume it’s the thirst you been talking about.”

  “Yea Sav.” Tyson says stepping forward. “You need to learn to bite properly. There’s bite and kill, bite and drink or bite and turn.”

  “Oh my god.” She squeaks. “Really?”

  “It’s not as complicated as it sounds I promise.” Tyson says. “You have to bite them properly and not graze them with your fangs… Sam?”

  “On it.” Sam disappears for a moment and returns with a rabbit.

  “I am not biting that.” She says, looking a little green. “Forget it.”

  Sam and Tyson share a look. “Guys she’s new remember?” I say not wanting to push her. Sometimes we all forget reborns still have human tendencies. “Don’t worry about the rabbit Sav I will just explain it to you.”

  “Okay.” She nods gratefully looking very relieved.

  “When you’re about to feed your fangs will