Read Infinite Fate Page 19

He will be only a moment.”

  “I’m not… Oh my god yes I am… No I’m… Oh my god where is he? Oh no I have bi-polar!” I ramble as the battle between monster and human rages in me. “I am about to lose control Dominic.”

  “Here.” Tyson reappears with two unconscious humans. “Feed and lick. Remember straight down.”

  I shake my head and back up trying to get away from them. Then I take a breath in. “Oh Tyson.” I smile appearing next to him, eyes bright red and vampire overriding human in an instant. “They smell so good.”

  “Sav just do it.” He urges and Dominic moves the girl’s hair for me. My will power snaps and I attack her with a ferocious maniac like behaviour. I get the bite perfectly this time and the girl’s reflexes make her jump slightly as I bite.

  “Stop Sav.” Dominic commands and I actually have enough control to listen to him this time. I do stop and lick the wound.

  “Oh my god I stopped!” I jump up and down in excitement. “I can do it.”

  “Of course you can Savannah!” The boys all encourage. I feel like a child who has just gotten her first award. I take a deep breath in and the smell of the second person hits me. I freeze and my eyes dilate and his rich smell fills my nostrils. I involuntarily lick my lips and Dominic laughs at me as he kind of half tosses, half drags the guy to me. I devour him in seconds. Stopping when I have drained him to an almost dangerous level. Wait how do I know that?

  I lick his wounds before tossing him back to Tyson without thinking. Tyson catches him and takes both him and the girl away. Disappearing quickly. I look to Dominic who is watching me with thinly veiled interest and I shudder at the look. “I stopped because for some reason I knew if I took anymore he would be in danger of dying.” I say to him. “How?” I don’t really know how to ask the question.

  Lucky for me Dominic seems to get it but, “Our instincts warn us. Kind of like how humans won’t kill every single cow so they can keep the food supply going? I guess we are sustainable creatures like that too.” He pokes his tongue out at me. Eyes glowing bright with humour. “Food is plentiful if it stays alive to produce more.”

  “You so did not just say that!” I laugh at him. I feel so much better. A lot calmer, happy even. “I feel different this time.” I say aloud.

  “Your reborn rage is dying down.” Dominic answers walking over to me. He holds out his hand and I stare at him. “You may still get an episode or two over the next few days but the worst of it is gone – I think.”

  “So I won’t turn into a multi-human eating monster again?”

  Tyson appears again at the moment and chuckles at me. “No.” He says smiling while looking at Dominic’s hand and back to me again. He frowns slightly but says nothing. “In fact you actually did that party a favour.”

  “I did?” I ask the same time Dominic and Sam both say “She did?”

  Tyson looks at us all and laughs. “Yes. Because so many went down they are calling it a magical party. Saying that something in the air that night made it super special and people are feeling better than ever before.”

  “Weird.” I say shrugging. “But I’m glad to know that everything is okay.”

  “Totally.” Tyson nods. “They are calling it the party of the century.”

  Dominic rolls his eyes and waves his hand around as if to remind me he is waiting. “Okay enough she’ll get a big head if you keep talking.” He says with a grin then grows serious, “We are going to go see Adam.” He directs at Tyson and Sam. “You two start repairing the cabin.”

  Both boys take off without another word. “What the hell is that about?” I demand putting my hands on my hips.

  “We are wasting time.” Dominic says like a grumpy bum. And I thought I had mood swings.

  “Dude you said yourself we are immortal. There is lots of time.”

  “I don’t care,” He says sharply and grabs my hand. He yanks me along and I am stunned enough to allow him for a moment before I resist.

  “Stop.” I order him, digging my heels in and yanking my hand out of his grasp. “I don’t care what knickers you have twisted right now you big Doofus head but you will never treat me like that ever.” I get in his face and whisper in my most menacing tone, “And I mean ever. Got. It?”


  I don’t know what has come over me. The beautiful girl before me is all fire and fury right now and I am honestly a little hot for it. She is sexy and she doesn’t even know it. “Yes.” I answer simply, ashamed that I would practically drag her along. “I am sorry.”

  She studies me a moment, clearly weighing up what she wants to do before she sighs heavily. “Okay,” She says to my surprise.


  “Yes Dominic. Okay.”

  “Um okay?”

  “Clearly you have been under stress the last few days. With me and Zeke and everything.” She looks at me sympathetically and I want to kiss her again. “So I get it. But if you ever speak to me like that again or try to yank me like that I won’t hesitate to hurt you got it?”

  “Yes ma’am.” I salute her and she smiles.

  “Let’s go see Adam then.” She starts walking down the mountain. “Does he know about me?”

  “No.” I answer honestly. “They all know someone new was turned because of the chaos of Friday night but not who.”

  “Today is Sunday yes?”


  “So that means no classes?”


  “So where do we go then?”

  “To his house.”

  “I don’t know where his house is,” She stops, unsure.

  “I do.” I reply giving her a little shove to get her moving again. She gives me a raised eyebrow and I lift my hands in surrender.

  “Of course you do.” She huffs.

  I shift through my mind, looking for the best outcome. The one where Adam will be cooperative with us. Help us with what we need. I can’t see shit.


  First thing I notice when we get to the bottom of the mountain is the rich smell of lots of humans. It doesn’t nearly interest me as much now as it did two days ago so I can continue on unaffected. “Is it okay for me to be around here?” I ask as Tyson and Sam catch up to us.

  What feels like several minutes to me has actually only been seconds. Clearly we talk and communicate fast too.

  “Yes.” Sam says hurrying forward to catch up with an out of it Dominic. His mind is clearly somewhere else. I wonder what’s going on there? “No students come on Sundays. And we aren’t going to the college we are going to Barton’s house.”

  Tyson walks ahead of me without another word and I wonder if he is still angry at me. “Hey T.” I whisper quietly to him grabbing his arm. He stops and I can tell he's scared of what I am going to say. He doesn’t seem angry, just sad.

  “Yeah?” He says hesitantly.

  “I’m sorry.”

  He looks at me a moment confused. As if he can’t work out why I’m apologising. Then it clicks. “Oh Savannah don’t worry about it.” He shrugs it off like it’s no big deal. But that’s a lie. It is a very big deal. His eyes tell me so. “I’m okay.”

  “Honey don’t lie to me” I say stubbornly. “I didn’t realise that you liked Sophie. I don’t even think Sam knows.” He looks very uncomfortable now and I feel bad. “Does she know?” I ask.

  “That I am in love with her?” He clarifies. I nod. “No.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because she can’t know.”

  “Why not?”

  “Savannah no disrespect but I don’t really want to talk about it with you.”

  “Oh okay.” I say slightly taken aback. I back off, knowing he won’t budge. “Fair enough. But if you ever want to talk to a girl I promise I am generally a pretty good secret keeper.”

  He smiles. “Sure.” He says and I’m not sure if it is to humour me or genuine. He walks off, catching up to Dominic and Sam who are deep in conversation.

  “But if we take her and he gets pissed then what?” I say forcefully. “I’m not gonna let anything happen to her.”

  “See into the future man. Pick the best outcome. Let’s just do that one.” Sam replies.

  “But I can’t.” I say frustrated.

  “What you mean you can’t?”

  “I cannot see Savannahs future anymore and since we are going because of her I can’t see the outcome – I tried.”

  “All the more reason to go see him.” Sam says looking at Savannah. “She’s gonna need him if you can’t help her.”

  “I am worried.” I say honestly.

  “About?” Tyson asks.

  “About her.”

  “Dude she's tough, and she's gonna be a strong vamp.” Tyson says patting me on the back. “Look at where she's at now and it’s only been two days. She's a fast turner. She’s strong and she’s smart. She will be alright.”

  I roll my eyes at Tyson letting what he said sink in. He has a point but doesn’t mean I have to like it. “Savannah, Barton’s house is just around the corner are you ready?” I say turning back to her instead of answering him.

  “Sure.” She says eyeing us all suspiciously when Sam and Tyson hold back and I just stand there. “Should I be worried?”

  “No.” Tyson says the same time I say “Yes.”

  She looks at us both more confused than ever.

  “He’s just a grump normally.” Tyson supplies shooting me shut-up daggers.

  “He’s never been a grump to me.” She says confused. “He has taught a few of my classes. If anything he seemed to go out of his way to help me.”

  “Yeah that’s because you weren’t a reborn vampire.” I mutter under my breath as I knock on