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  Influence of Love

  Patricia Lynne

  Influence of Love

  By Patricia Lynne

  Copyright 2011 Patricia Lynne

  Cover design by Patricia Lynne

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this ebook with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Any names, characters, places or incidents are products of the author’s imagination, and used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, events or locales is entirely coincidental.


  A huge thanks goes to Erin Bachand, Erin Kelly, Daniel A. Kaine, and Mary Beth Mulhall for reading and helping me shine this little story up. Also, thanks to all my readers. You are the best.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  About the Author

  Chapter One

  James Arnold didn’t react to the woman whispering in his ear. He gave no indication he noticed her presence; not even blinking an eye when she appeared out of thin air next to him with a quiet pop. He ignored her as she hovered for a moment, smoothing her white dress and wings, and combing her fingers through her golden blond hair. It was as if he didn’t know she existed.

  But that was the truth. He didn’t know she existed. She was nothing more than a tiny, invisible, angelic figure, perched on his left shoulder, offering guidance that would lead him to the Light. And if he knew she was there, would he mind?

  “I would.”

  The voice came from James’ other shoulder, a rich tenor––the opposite of her soprano voice. She wrinkled her nose as her opposite flitted in front of James’ face, purposely smacking him on the nose in the process before landing next to her. James gave no sign he felt the blow, but she felt a bolt of irritation.

  “Kale, we are not to disturb the mortal.”

  Kale grinned impishly, his brown eyes sparkling under a mess of reddish brown hair. Sticking out of the mop were two small, red horns. “Oh, come on, Ariel. It’s not like he notices. We could do the waltz in front of his eyes and he wouldn’t see.” He grabbed her by the waist, spinning her in front of James’ face.

  Irritated, Ariel struggled to free herself before she became dizzy. Acidic thoughts churned in her head as she leveled an icy glare at Kale, but she reined her emotions in and drifted back to her spot on James’ shoulder. Kale followed, still grinning.

  “You’re impossible,” she sighed.

  “Impossible?” He feigned hurt. “I think interesting is a more fitting term.”

  She snorted, and then focused on James who had started to rise from his chair but stopped, as if unsure what to do next. She laid a calming hand on James’ ear, leaning in to whisper guidance. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Kale take note. Before she could attempt to delay him, he bolted to his side. Feeling James’ decision waver, she spoke faster, hoping and praying the mortal would heed her words, and not whatever mischief Kale sought to lure James towards darkness with.

  Chapter Two

  Kale chuckled as he took his usual spot on James’ right shoulder. By now, Ariel probably thought he was speaking devious suggestions into James’ ear, trying to persuade the mortal to listen to him. Which was what he should have been doing, but sometimes it was worth staying quiet just to annoy Ariel. Her indignity at the fact that he wasn’t doing his job was almost equal to the indignity she displayed when he did do his job.

  Settling back on his elbows, he focused on the TV show James was watching. Another food show. The mortal was obsessed with food; he had a weakness for it, as one could tell by James’ wide stomach. It was Kale’s job to exploit that weakness. He was supposed to persuade James to give into his cravings and desires for food. Sure, James wasn’t as exciting as a politician or recovering drug addict, but Kale enjoyed being on James’ shoulder.

  Plus, Ariel was his opposite and easily irritated.

  A grin spread across Kale’s face, and he was back to Ariel’s side in a flash. This time, he went low, sneaking along James’ back. Ariel sat on James’ shoulder, her white wings folded against her back, and golden halo hovering a few inches over her head. Ariel liked to think of herself as an angel and Kale a devil, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth.

  They were Influencers, sent by real angels and devils to persuade mortals. In the war between Heaven and Hell, it was thought one mortal soul could tip the scales. Kale, Ariel, and the millions of other Influencers were nothing more than a small piece of an angel or devil. It was the Influencer’s job to whisper in a mortal’s ear, and coax the mortal to give into desires or doing selfless acts, while the real angels and devils battled each other. Kale never cared much about the war or the politics of it. He just enjoyed a good prank. Either on the mortal he was assigned to, or his unsuspecting opposite.

  Ariel shrieked and flew into the air when Kale gave the tips of her wings a hard tug. Red splashed across her face when she whirled around to find him rolling with laughter. “KALE!”

  Still laughing, Kale bolted, glancing over his shoulder to watch Ariel follow in hot pursuit. Her soft features were contorted into a mask of rage.

  She’s too sensitive about those wings.

  They circled James’ head twice, before Kale dove down to skim along the floor. He almost collided with the TV because he was too busy watching Ariel. Just in time, he veered to the left, going around the side, and then shooting up the back of the TV.

  All the while, Ariel followed, her voice a high shriek. “Don’t you ever touch my wings again! That really hurt, you jerk. How would you like if I pulled on something of yours?”

  Kale abruptly halted, and Ariel collided with him. His arms went around her, almost like a hug. For a brief moment he froze, mesmerized by her weight against him, the way her hair brushed his cheek like silk, and how her warm breath caressed his neck. He felt a strange urge to tighten his arms and embrace her properly. Instead, he stepped back, plastering a grin on his face.

  “I would like it very much if you pulled on something of mine.”

  Ariel’s eyes widened and her face turned scarlet. She whirled away from him, her back stiff, and fists clenched at her sides. “I have work to do.”

  She floated back to James without another word, leaving Kale balancing on top of the slim TV. His eyes were locked on her as she took her spot on James’ shoulder. Heat spread through him as he watched her lips move closer to James’ ear and he remembered how she felt. The warmth, the weight, the softness. He wanted to follow her, to pull her back into his arms and never let go.

  He shook himself from those thoughts. What was wrong with him? What was he thinking? He headed across the room, taking his place on James’ right shoulder. He leaned in and started whispering, trying to keep his mind off Ariel and how well she fit in his arms.

  Chapter Three

  “The principal called again. Said Jimmy was in trouble. Was picking on Sally Forest again.”

  James sighed, but did not answer his wife immediately. He seemed to be debating his answer, trying to find the right words but was struggling. The seconds ticked by. His wife tapped her foot and folded her arms across her chest. She huffed with impatience at her husband’s silence.


The sharp tone jarred Ariel, and she let out a squeak. She scrambled to her feet, hurrying to James’ ear. Nothing came out when she opened her mouth. Her mind was blank, no thoughts on how to influence James. She didn’t even know what James and his wife were discussing. She hadn’t been listening, too consumed by…


  Heat flushed up her cheeks, the moment his arms had gone around her. Her anger had vanished, melted away by the heat of his embrace.

  No. She shook her head, squeezing her eyes shut, and clenching her fists. She would not think of him. He was annoying and childish and he never did his job and… and… and warm, so warm. She had felt cold when he stepped away, and she had an urge to grab him and pull him back, to wrap herself in his arms so she’d never be cold.

  “James? Are you listening to me?”

  Ariel squeaked again. Focus, she scolded herself. But before she could whisper a word, James started talking.

  “Yes, I’m listening,” James replied in a calm tone. “I was just considering what to say. I really don’t think it’s that big of a deal.”

  “Not that big of a deal?” His wife sounded doubtful.

  Ariel wanted to die. If only she had been paying attention instead of thinking about Kale. Curse him. Curse him and his warm touch all the way back to darkness. He was probably watching her flounder right now, laughing about it. She gasped as she realized the truth. He had done it on purpose! He had purposefully collided with her, knowing it would fluster her, and then he wouldn’t have to worry about her trying to counter his influence.

  That little devil, she thought, teeth grinding.

  Grabbing James’ ear, she started whispering. “James, tell her you will tell him he’s being a bad child, that he should not be mean to other people. Tell her you will make your son know what he is doing is wrong.”

  She sat back with a satisfied smile. When it came to James’ son, it didn’t take much to influence James. Love did most of the work. Ariel just needed to make sure it stayed that way. But her smile quickly faded, her horror growing as James spoke.

  “Yes, boys his age like to pick on girls. Especially ones they like.”

  “You think your son tripped Sally because he likes her?”

  Ariel stood petrified as the shoulder she was on shrugged. “It’s a confusing time for him. He still believes girls are gross, but at the same time, he’s noticing them more and starting to feel something new. He’s just doesn’t know how to act on his feelings.” He laid a hand on his wife’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, I’ll talk to him about it and tell him he needs to be nice.”

  Ariel unfroze and shoved a finger in her ear to make sure nothing was stuck. Had she heard right? That wasn’t what she had told him to say. When she influenced him, his words mirrored hers. He shouldn’t say it another way. The only other possibility was Kale, and he wouldn’t influence James that way. She leaned back, catching a glimpse of Kale.

  He was sitting with his back to her, away from James’ ear. It looked like his chin was resting on his hand, like he was unaware of what was going on.

  Ariel straightened up, confusion bubbling like a fountain. What was happening? As long as she and Kale were on James’ shoulders, James shouldn’t be able to make a decision on his own. They needed to influence him. Eventually, one of them would sway him to a side. Then they would be called back by the angels and devils, and assigned to someone new. But she knew enough time hadn’t passed for James to be permanently influenced. She plopped down, folding her legs.

  What was going on?

  Chapter Four

  Kale sat in his usual spot on James’ shoulder––James himself was seated in the living room, chips and beer nearby, and a football game playing on the TV. Occasionally, James would address the TV, clapping and giving a victory cry, or shouting in frustration. Kale knew he was supposed to be influencing James, convincing him to get a little angrier than necessary when a play didn’t go well. Instead, he was faced away, staring at the family photograph on the wall.

  His focus was on James’ son, just an infant in the image. He examined the boy closely, his thoughts churning James’ words to his wife. Boys his age like to pick on girls, especially ones they liked. If Kale understood correctly, James was saying his son showed fondness for his opposite with mischief. By playing pranks, tricks or jokes.

  But that wasn’t the reason Kale picked on Ariel. It was fun to torment her. Just a little push and her calm would dissolve. It had the added bonus of distracting her from influencing James. Part of Kale’s job was to stop Ariel from doing hers. Was it so wrong of him to have fun while doing it?

  Plus, she looked cute when she was mad. Her cheeks would flush pink and her bottom lip would quiver. Sometimes, she jabbed her finger at him. Then when she stormed away, her shoulders would hunch up. He could see her now…

  Kale jumped up, pacing the short length of James’ shoulder. He was over thinking. What James said to his wife about his son had nothing to do with how Kale interacted with Ariel. But the statement wouldn’t give him peace. It whispered in his ear like it was trying to influence him.

  Boys his age like to pick on girls, especially ones they like. Boys his age like to pick on girls, especially ones they like. Boys his age like to pick on girls, especially ones they like.

  “That’s not it,” Kale muttered, trying to summon gruff determination. But he faltered, seeing glimpses of Ariel when he closed his eyes. Her hair, her lips, her nose, her wings. Everything about her made him smile, put a thousand butterflies in his stomach.

  I loved her.

  He froze. Was that possible? Could Influencers experience emotions like love? He felt other emotions, so why not?

  Sliding down, he crept along James back until he saw Ariel above him. As always, she stood at James’ ear, gently guiding him. “Watch your language. The next play will succeed. You just need faith.” It made Kale smile, and filled him with happiness he had never felt before his revelation. He should go talk to her.

  What would he say to her? His mind went blank. He couldn’t even think of a prank to play. But did he really want to do that? Now, his past actions felt cruel; each jest heartless. How could he have treated an angel like Ariel that way?

  Finally, he decided to act casual. He started climbing, the butterflies filling his stomach feeling more like a tornado. He was almost to her, tongue fumbling for a way to announce himself, when he felt heat wrap around him like a blanket.

  An inferno roared in Kale’s ears as he was swept away from the mortal world, James’ living room fading to black. He was thrown down, palms scraping against an invisible surface. Darkness surrounded him, and when he waved his hands before his face, he saw nothing. A voice rose out of the roar of fire, chilling Kale to the bone despite the heat.

  “Kale, you disappoint me.”

  Chapter Five

  “Lori, I will get to it if you just shut up!”

  James’ wife froze, her mouth hanging open. She took a few seconds, processing James’ sharp words and the resentment in his voice. He glared at her from his chair in front of the TV, the beer in his hand crunching as his grip tightened. Finally, she overcame her shock, summoning her own glare and sharp words.

  “There’s no need to snap, James.”

  “Well, there’s no need to bitch at me.”

  His wife gasped. “James, language!”

  “Don’t treat me like a child!” James growled.

  “I would, if you stopped acting like one,” his wife retorted. “What is wrong with you?”

  “Nothing is wrong with me. I…” His voice faltered, the anger fading from his features. For a moment, he looked confused, like he didn’t know where he was or what he was saying. “I…I…”

  “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I swore and snapped,” Ariel urged gently. “Get up and go to her, touch her cheek, and then pull her close.”

  His movements were jerky, but slowly, James rose, crossing the room to his wife. He touched her cheek, and then moved his hand to he
r hip. His voice was soft and apologetic. “Sorry I snapped and swore. I don’t know what came over me. Forgive me?”

  Ariel smiled with satisfaction as James’ wife nodded. When she leaned into him, a strange ache seeped into Ariel, settling into her heart. Unbidden, her thoughts went to Kale and the brief moment she had spent in his arms.

  He hadn’t been to her side since that day, not even to bug her. The few glimpses she caught of him, he was focused on James, trying influence the mortal. The sudden devotion to his job confused her. In the time they had been on James’ shoulder, Kale had never portrayed himself as a hard worker. Half the time she was sure he didn’t care one bit about James, too busy amusing himself by tormenting her.

  Slipping around the back of James’ head, she stopped just out of sight. Kale was turned away, standing near James’ ear and whispering. She strained to hear what he said, leaning farther and farther. Her feet slipped, and with a squeak, she tumbled forward.

  Heat raced up her neck and cheeks as she scrambled to her feet. Excuses as to what she had been doing on his side died in her throat. Kale hadn’t moved, hadn’t turned around. He remained still, face hidden from her.

  “Shouldn’t you be over there, trying to stop me?”

  She barely recognized his flat and cold tone. Her own voice trembled, barely a whisper. “Kale?”

  He seemed to stiffen at the sound of her voice, his hands turning into fists. Slowly, he turned until he faced her. She shuddered as his gaze met hers. His eyes were dark, brow furrowed and lips pressed into a hard line.

  Stumbling back, she whirled away and hurried to her side, collapsing against James’ neck. She wrapped her arms around herself, shivering. Why had Kale changed? Why the sudden hostility towards her? Why had he gotten rid of his horns?