Read Initial Kiss Page 3

gave him immense satisfaction. He gently kissed her lips one more time before pulling fully away from her.

  She smiled shyly at him and straightened her blouse and skirt. She watched him adjust his tie and jacket and grinned.

  “What?” He asked, catching her smirk.

  “This. Us. I don’t think we’ll have any trouble convincing your family we’re in a relationship,” she laughed now. James didn’t laugh, but she could tell he was fighting a losing battle to grin. Finally, he smiled at her.

  “I guess not. The family reunion in in less than two weeks, and I’d like to have lunch or dinner a few times before then, if you can, to go over basic knowledge of each other, so that we don’t look like we know nothing about each other. The Saturday of the reunion is your birthday, I noticed. You won’t mind spending it with me and my family?” He asked.

  “No, not at all. I’m not big on birthdays, so it won’t be a problem,” She confirmed. If she was honest, a trip to Boston would be a relief from spending the day with her own family or Star, who would insist on a big celebration. Now she was going out of town; they wouldn’t have a choice.

  “When are you free?”

  “Any night after six, for the most part. But my schedule is adjustable if you’d rather do lunch. I’m pretty flexible.”

  “How about Thursday for lunch? There’s a quaint sandwich shop near my building. It’s 207 Birch Street. Do you know where that is?”

  “I do. I know the sandwich shop, too. They have great food. Do you want me to meet you at the shop or your office?”

  “Probably the office, about one? I try to take a late lunch so that I don’t hit the lunch rush. It’s suite 3011, third floor. My receptionist will be expecting you,” he said. He leaned in and kissed her goodnight. He was much gentler than before and the kiss was far too brief for Kayla’s liking. “Goodnight Kayla.”

  “Goodnight James,” She whispered and got into her car. As she drove away, she thought about how the next two weeks of her life were going to be amazing. She was still smiling until she got home.

  Stars’s questions grated on her nerves.

  “He kissed you!” Star shrieked just seconds after Kayla walked through the door. Kayla ignored her for the moment and went into her makeshift bedroom to change. After a few minutes, she walked back into the living room wearing yoga pants and a tank top.

  “How do you know he kissed me?” Kayla asked, checking her email. She smiled when she saw that there was an email from James. She minimized the webpage and looked at Star.

  “Bryan told me. He followed you out of the restaurant to make sure you weren’t kidnapped and saw you two kissing. Do you like him?” Star gushed. Kayla knew Star was a romantic at heart, but that didn’t mean she could pry in her best friend’s life.

  “Well then I hope he gave you lots of details, because you aren’t getting any from me,” Kayla promised. “I am taking the job, though.”

  “Great! Obviously you guys have chemistry. Is he as good-looking in person as he is in his photo?” Star asked.

  “Even better,” Kayla said before she could stop herself. Before she knew it, she had given her friend all the details from her date.

  She was about to go to bed when she remembered the email. She opened it and sighed as she read it.


  Tonight was amazing. I didn’t expect to find someone so perfectly suited to play the role of my girlfriend. I am glad you’ve agreed. That experiment of yours at the end of the night needs some work, though.


  She wondered what he meant, but finally went to sleep knowing that this was going to be one awesome adventure.


  James was trying to keep himself in check, but he couldn’t help looking at the clock every ten minutes on Thursday. At eleven o’clock he called his sister to confirm that he and his girlfriend would be coming to Boston for the family reunion.

  “Jamie! We are all so excited to meet your mystery girl! What’s her name?” Lillian Madison was five years younger than her oldest brother, but she was bossier than all her brothers.

  “Kayla Jones,” he told her. He’d kept his girlfriends’ name a secret until he found someone to be his escort – girlfriend, he corrected himself. He needed to start thinking of Kayla as his actual girlfriend if they were going to be able to fool his family. He didn’t think he would be so sexually attracted to the woman he hired, but he couldn’t help himself. She was gorgeous, but her personality intrigued him as well. It surprised him when she suggested their ‘relationship’ needed to have at least some sexual content for the benefit of his family, but his real shock came when she kissed him. Her lips were soft but demanding when she pressed herself against him. He didn’t want to be fascinated by her, but he was.

  And then when she whispered her demand to kiss her back, James nearly lost control. He knew he was rough with her, but she was so damn sweet. He wanted to do more than kiss her, but he kept himself in check. Barely. And he managed to pull away from her, a feat he didn’t think he was capable of.

  “Lilly, make sure that everyone knows she’s not to be questioned about our relationship. She’s quiet and reserved and she’s not that talkative,” James said. He didn’t want Kayla to get into a situation where she didn’t know how to answer his nosy family. They would try to pull any and all information from her. He needed to keep the truth about their relationship a secret.

  “Jamie, we will be on our best behavior. We are just excited to see you and Kayla! It’s been months since we’ve seen you! I know I will like her!” Lilly predicted. James wasn’t sure she was wrong; Kayla seemed like she was easy to get along with and he was sure that Lilly would corner her and the two would become friends.

  He talked for a while with his sister, letting her know where he was staying while he was in town. They also talked about what was new in the family. Lilly loved to talk. He finally said his goodbyes and glanced at the clock again. He only had forty-five minutes until he met Kayla. He found himself looking forward to seeing her again.

  James delved back into his work to pass the time away. He managed not to look at the clock again.

  At one-fifteen, his receptionist buzzed him.

  “Miss Jones is here to see you, Mr. Madison,” she said. James was surprised she was late but he decided not to comment on it.

  “Send her in, please,” he spoke to his receptionist through the intercom. He was giving the deposition in front of him a quick once-over when Kayla came into his office. He looked up as she closed the door and stood against it. She looked embarrassed, but she told him why she was late.

  “My boss wanted something finished this morning. I hardly ever have such strict deadlines, but today I did. Sorry I’m late,” she walked forward to the chair facing his desk and sat, crossing her legs. James’ gaze was immediately drawn to them.

  She was wearing jeans that hugged her curves and a lacey, pink tank top that was partially covered by a thin black wrap. Only a hint of eye liner adorned her eyes. James was pleased with her appearance. She was comfortable with herself, even if she didn’t realize it. Knowing this made James confident she was the perfect match to meet his family.

  “Not a problem. I got lost in work and didn’t even notice you were late until you got here,” he smiled. “Are you ready for lunch?” He stood.

  “Yeah, I’m starved!” She said, walking with him to his receptionist’s desk.

  “Gail, I’m going to lunch. It’ll probably be at least an hour, if not more. Clear my afternoon, though, just in case,” He didn’t give Gail any time to respond as he put his hand to Kayla’s back and ushered her toward the elevator.

  “I really am sorry about being late. I’m never tardy,” she promised when the elevator doors closed. The elevator was much larger than most, but she noticed James stayed close to her. She could smell his intoxicating scent and sighed.

  “It’s really not a problem,” James confirmed. They left the elevator and Kayl
a was pleasantly surprised James held the door to the building open for her. He was very much a gentleman. As they walked down the sidewalk, they were both quiet. It was companionable.

  After they placed their orders at the sandwich shop and sat down in a booth, James picked up the conversation.

  “So, we’ve got to know more about each other than just what each of us does for a living. What’s your favorite color?” He asked.

  “Yellow. It’s weird, I know, but yellow reminds me of sunshine. And yellow roses? I nearly faint when I see them,” she laughed. It was a hearty sound and James found himself smiling in reaction.

  “Okay. Have you traveled much?”

  “Some, not a lot. I’ve been to Mexico and Florida, but I took those trips alone and just laid in the sun the entire time. I didn’t do much sight-seeing,” she admitted. Those trips had been necessary – she’d broken it off with a boyfriend each time and needed the time away. She recognized that she had a hard time letting go of a relationship, so she distanced herself as much as possible. And it worked for her. When she came back, both times, refreshed, tanned, and mellow, she knew she wouldn’t go back to the jerk who left her.

  She was a better person for it, she knew. She learned a long time ago not to let a man in; she always got hurt. She made her work her life which didn’t leave much time for love. It wasn’t a perfect life, but it was severely less complicated than jumping from relationship