Read Inner Flame Page 15


  Sully wasn't at all surprised the redhead refused to speak to him. Nor was he surprised to find himself nose-to-nose with a bouncer, who had biceps bigger than Sully's thigh, when he tried to follow the girl back stage. What did surprise him was when Goliath took a step back, adjusted his earpiece, and then told Sully that the club owner, Mr. Ronwald Gregor, wanted to speak with him.

  As they headed down the hall, Sully placed his hand on the handle of his 9mm, his senses on high alert. People didn’t usually surprise him, and they rarely spoke to him voluntarily. So he found himself more cautious than normal as the bouncer ushered him inside an office at the end of the hall. A feeling that only intensified as he eyed the redhead standing close to the wall on his right. So… she’d gone running to her boss about him. That explained why he’d been summoned.

  “How can I help you, detective?” Gregor gestured toward the chair in front of his desk. His prominent brow was smooth with apparent unconcern about finding himself the focus of a cop asking questions. Glittering nearly black eyes held interest and, as far as Sully could discern, nothing more.

  His dark hair was gelled against his head, and he dressed impeccably, with rather high-end taste, in a charcoal Italian suit and shiny black Italian loafers that would cost Sully a half year’s salary, Gregor was the picture of elite New York club owner. Too bad they weren’t in New York. And the Passion Flower wasn’t an exclusive club unless the balding, paunchy, middle-aged lowlifes out front counted as elite clientele. Sully ignored the invitation to sit. “I’m looking for a guy named Vinnie Miles. Caucasian, about five feet, nine inches tall, one hundred fifty pounds soaking wet, salt and pepper hair, grey eyes, last seen in your club… sound familiar?”

  “I can’t possibly know everyone who comes into my establishment.”

  Doesn’t really answer the question. He turned to the redhead. “How about you, Red? Does he sound familiar to you?”

  Red tightened her lips and glared at Sully.

  “Sarah, does the gentleman the detective described ring a bell?” Ronwald asked. “If you know something, please tell Detective Stone.”

  She stared at her boss for so long Sully thought she wasn’t going to answer. Finally she said, “I don’t know anything. Now if you gentleman will excuse me, I have another set to prepare for.” With that, she turned to leave.

  “Sarah, I won’t tolerate any illegal activity in my club.”

  The girl stiffened, turned slowly, and narrowed her eyes at Gregor. Ronwald got up and walked around the desk. Sully’s jealous bone jumped out when the man put his index finger under Red’s chin and lifted her face, forcing her eyes to meet his.

  “What is it? I can see you’re hiding something.” Gregor’s voice was soft and soothing.

  Red sighed, let her shoulders drop. “He came in the club a few nights ago. He was flashing a wad of money around, and he told Francine it could all be hers if she went home with him for the night. I told him to leave, and Ray showed him out.”

  “Ray showed him out?”


  “Don’t move.” Ronwald looked at Sully. “Excuse me a minute, detective. I’ll go get Francine and Ray so you can question them.”

  Sully’s mouth fell open. He stopped short of shaking his head furiously back and forth. Was this joker actually helping him? Gregor was already out the door when Sully regained his composure and said, “Uuuu, thanks,” to the man’s back.

  The room was silent for several moments. Sully finally turned to the redheaded bombshell. “You don’t remember me, do you?”

  She looked at him, a blank expression on her face. “I don’t generally make it a habit to get too familiar with the customers here. Sorry.”

  Her insult hit its mark. “Yeah, you girls generally only see one thing — money.”

  “You sorry — I don’t have to take that from yo—”

  “My aunt’s funeral,” Sully cut in, regretting his snide comment. “You were there with your little girl…” Sully trailed off.

  Her face turned almost as red as her hair. “I’m sorry. I was a bit distracted.”

  Sully smiled. “That’s understandable, considering your daughter was laughing hysterically at the coffin right before she informed my Aunt Sofie that Aunt Helen hated purple.”

  Red covered her face with her hands and groaned. “I’m so very sorry for her behavior. I’m not really sure she quite understood what was going on.”

  Sully shrugged. “Hey, Aunt Helen did hate purple. Aunt Sofie knew it, and that’s probably why she picked out a purple dress.”

  “That doesn’t excuse my daughter’s behavior.”

  “Yeah, well, you don’t know my Aunt Sofie. How did you know Aunt Helen?”

  “We live in the same apartment building that she did. She used to keep an eye on Jazz while I worked.”

  “Jazz. That’s an interesting name,” Sully said.

  Red opened her mouth to reply as the door opened and Gregor came in.

  “I’m sorry for the delay, detective. Francine was performing. She and Ray are both waiting next door to answer your questions. I’ve also informed Ray to remove all the surveillance videos from the night your friend disappeared. You’re welcome to come back and review them to see if you can find anything that will help find him,” Gregor said, holding the door open.

  “Thank you.” Sully glanced over his shoulder at the beautiful redhead. “It was good to see you again.”