Read Inside Crime Page 2

  Unit Chief Jennifer Jacobs who was 36 was an attractive woman was in her mid 30’s and wearing a black suit and smart shoes was on her way to the police station with her team.

  They were travailing in two separate cars, in the first along with Jennifer who was a single mother, was Melisa Greenwood a newly assigned member to the MCU who was a 26 year old from north England, Connor Willows a former Secret Service Agent who was 28 years old from South London.

  In the car behind them was Walter Greg a 23 year old from Essex along with his step brother Ryan Smith who was 25.

  “So guys listen up I know we’re supposed to be off duty but we don’t stop until we find Emily alive. When we get there I want Melisa, and Connor to come with me to meet DCI James Reid. Ross, Ryan and Walter I want you to go to Emily’s place, talk to her neighbours see if they saw her leaving or if anyone went in her house. I don’t care how long this takes us Emily’s one of us so we do this properly and we do it right” Jennifer Jacobs said into the cars communication system. As she looked at the time her phone started to ring.

  “Hello?” she asked.

  “This is DCI James Reid, i need you to listen to me really carefully” He told her as he shut his office door.

  “Why, what’s wrong?” Jennifer asked looking worryingly at Connor who was driving.

  “I just had a received a phone call I think it was from your missing agent” James told her.

  “I’m putting you on speaker” she said. “You’re on. Say what you just said”

  “I just received a phone call I think it was from your missing agent” James repeated.

  “What makes you think its her?” Connor Willows asked.

  “Who’s this?” James asked.

  “SSA Connor Willows. Now what makes you think it’s Emily?”

  “She said “Please help He’s going to kill me” then there was a gunshot and there was something else, he said that you was next Agent Jacobs.” James told them.

  “We’ve just arrived what do you want us to do?” She asked him.

  “Take the lift to the 4th floor, walk down the corridor, take the 2nd left and my office is on the right hand side.” He told said as he hung up.

  “Diane” James said. “MCU are on their way up, make sure they feel welcome. Get some coffee I think it’s going to be a long day.”

  TIME: 13:35pm



  James was pacing up and down his office when Diane entered with a cup of coffee.

  “Black, two sugars and just a dash of milk” She said placing it down on the table.

  “Thanks” James said “You know what today is don’t you?” he asked her.

  “No. I don’t.” Diane told hm.

  “Today marks the Two year anniversary of Charlotte’s death.” James told her.

  “James I’m so sorry. I completely forgot.” Diane told him as she walked out of the room.

  “Boss. MCU are here” She added with a nod to Agent Jacobs, Greenwood and Willows.

  “Hi.” Agent Jacobs said. “You must be DCI Reid.” She said

  “Yes. Nice to meet you” James said shaking her hand. “Please feel free to call me James”

  “Well then James these are Agents Melisa Greenwood and Connor Willows” Agent Jacobs said.

  “Hi” He said to the both of them as he looked past them. “I thought there would be more of you.”

  “Yes there are. Agent’s Walter Greg and Ryan Smith are at Emily’s flat trying to find any evidence.” Agent Jacobs said.

  “Boss” Diane said calling from outside the office. “It’s Mr Johnson on line 3”

  “Oh Bollocks” He said with a sigh “Put him through please D”

  He sat down on his chair and picked up the phone “Mr Johnson. DCI Reid here sorry I can’t make it today we’ve just got a case.”

  Melisa and Connor look at each other in confusion.

  “Yes I know the court proceedings start today and I wish I was there but I’m currently working on an on-going investigation.” Diane poked her head round the door to hear what was going on “Thank you and tell Grace Daddy loves her.” He hung up sighing.

  “Sorry about that.” He said. “Diane could you ring up Cath and tell her I’m sorry.”

  “Will do but if she goes all ‘I told you so’ or ‘I knew he wouldn’t turn up’ can I put the phone on her?” Diane asked.

  “No. Don’t she’ll only use against me. I’ve already lost one daughter I don’t want to lose another.” He said as Diane shut the door to give them some privacy.

  “Agent Jacobs what do we do?” James asked.

  “Your case James. Your rules.” Agent Jacobs said.

  “Ok. The victim we found this morning was identified as an Abby Rodgers, she was shot once in the chest at close range.” James said.

  “Which would suggest she knew her killer.” Melisa added.

  “Do we know if that was the primary crime scene?” Connor asked.

  “CSI found no blood or shell casings by the body which would suggest that she was probably dumped there.” James said as Diane entered the room with a file.

  “Oh sorry Diane let me introduce you to Agents Jacobs, Greenwood and Willows.”

  “Hi. Diane Rowling I’m James’s Personal well everything.” Diane said as she looked at the Three members of the MCU with an awkward smile.

  “What’s in the file D?” James said.

  “Oh yeah sorry, M.E’s autopsy report of Abby Dodgers. I gave it a quick read nothing really in there that we didn’t already know. Cause Of Death was a single Gun Shot Wound to the chest with a .45 Colt Pistol. Now for the interesting part Toxicology report says that she was injected with cocaine shortly before she died.” Diane said showing the file to James and the MCU.

  “Was the injection done by the victim?” Melisa asked.

  “Says here that she was right handed.” James said reading the same page that Diane had been reading. “She was injected in her right arm which she couldn’t of possibly done by her self.” He said passing the file to Agent Jacobs.

  “Was there any previous use of drugs?” Connor asked.

  “Yes there was.” James said as his mobile phone rang. “Oh brilliant.” He said with a sigh.

  “Cath?” Diane asked.

  “Yeah it is. Could you lot give me a minute please?” James asked with a look at Diane.

  “Yeah sure.” Agent Jacobs said as her, Melisa and Connor walked out of the room.

  “Boss.” Diane said looking at him. “You ok?”

  “Yeah” he said as his phone continued to ring.

  “I’ll leave you to it.” Diane said as she left the room.

  “Cathy I’m sorry I couldn’t make it” James said as he answered his phone.

  “Whoa hold on. Say that again?” He asked with a tone of terror in his voice.

  “DIANE!” James shouted.

  “What is it? What’s wrong?” She asked.

  “Its Grace. She’s gone. She’s been taken.” James told her as he started to get emotional.

  “What’s happened?” Agent Jacobs asked as she walked into the room.

  “It’s my daughter she’s been taken” James said as he started to panic. He passed the phone to Diane.

  “Take it. I cant” James said.

  “Cathy it’s Diane. I want you to tell me happened?” She said as she took the phone off James.

  “”Melisa, Connor. Get hold of base tell them to put an Amber Alert out we got a missing child” Agent Jacobs said as James walked out the room.

  “James where are you going?” Diane asked as James took the phone out of her hands.

  “Cath. I’m coming to pick you up. Don’t talk to anyone and don’t go with anyone else but me. I’ll be there in ten.”

  “I’m sorry Agent Jacobs but my daughter takes priority over your missing team member.” James said as he rushed down the stairs.

hapter 2

  The Abduction

  John Walsh once said “The abduction of a child is a tragedy. No one can fully understand or appreciate what a parent goes through at such a time, unless they have faced a similar tragedy.”

  TIME: 14:08PM





  Inner London Family Proceedings Magistrates Court

  59-65 Wells Street



  W1A 3AE

  JAMES PULLED UP outside the court and rushed out he’s car running up the main steps and into a large waiting hall.

  “Cathy.” He said to a 27 year old female wearing a dark black suit.

  “James.” She said as the pair embraced each other with a hug.

  “What’s happening to us?” she asked crying emotionally as he’s phone rang.

  “Diane. You got anything yet?” He asked as a security guard walked over.

  “Is everything ok madman?” The fat security guard asked.

  Cathy didn’t answer. She was still crying. “Yes everything’s fine.” James said.

  The guard not being convinced looks at Cathy and asks again. “Is everything ok?”

  “What did I just say? She’s fine.”James said stopping the guard from touching her.

  The guard swings round and pins James up against the wall. “I wouldn’t do that if i was you” The guard said as James looked at him with nothing but anger in he’s face.

  “Oi.” Someone said to the guard. “Let him go.” They said.

  James looked round to Agent Jacobs standing there.

  “I thought you might need this” She said waving he’s credentials in the air. “Sir Let DCI James Reid go or I will use lethal force” Agent Jacobs said.

  “Who the hell are?” Cathy said with her voice shaking.

  “Special Agent Jennifer Jacobs FBI” she said showing her badge to Cathy and also showing it to the security guard


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