Read Intense Insane In Love Page 2


  Making my way back to the living room, I see Robert on the sofa talking with his boss, David Banks. I've met him a couple of times before. He's a nice enough guy. David's only in his sixties but looks ancient. He's a recent divorcee and the future husband of any young and willing gold digger.

  I walk over to them. "Happy holidays Mr. Banks."

  His eyes open wide as he scans me from head to toe, before standing. "Nice to see you again Leah you're as beautiful as ever. Call me David." I avoid his dirty old man hug by extending my hand for a shake.

  "You're looking at the future Mrs. Cole," Robert interjects.

  I roll my eyes.

  "You better snatch her up before someone else does Cole."

  "Is that an offer David?"

  Robert gives me a look that I don't bother heeding.

  "I know a beautiful young woman like you wouldn't waste your time with this old man."

  "You'll never know unless you try."

  "Excuse us," Robert says, grabs me by the arm, drags me through the living room, and brings me outside. The front door closes behind us. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

  "Let's go back inside, it's freezing out here," I tell him while hugging myself to keep warm.

  His brown eyes are darkened with rage. "No. Not until you tell me why you are acting like this. What the hell has gotten into you? Are you upset about something?"

  "I said I want to go inside," I snap. "My hair is getting messed up by this hypocritical snow. It's wetting my hair. It puts up the pretense of a solid but it's really a liquid, and I am sick to freaking death of it."

  "What?" he asks looking at me as if I am crazy, feigning ignorance. "I don't know what you are talking about."

  "Don't push my buttons Robert. Do you want me to break it down for you? If you need me to I will."

  He pauses for a second then backs down. "Let's get inside before you catch a cold." I look him in the eyes. He realizes now that I know.

  "Coward," I accuse as I walk pass him and into the house. I don't hear his footsteps behind me, nor do I care. Back inside I return to the couch where David is and ask him to dance. He practically jumps out of his seat with excitement.

  "You move pretty well for a lawyer David." I am such a liar. If I was wearing pants they'd be on fire.

  "These old bones still have some fire in them."

  Whatever grandpa, I won't be finding out.

  "And how does an accountant learn to move like that?"

  "I have more moves than that David." He laughs a loud obnoxious laugh and pulls me closer.

  Under normal circumstances I would push the old fool away and ask him if he lost his aging mind. But, Robert is staring so hard I can feel his eye balls poking me from across the room. I'll let grandpa cop a feel for a few minutes. It's the least I can do for misleading him into thinking he'll be using his Viagra pills tonight.

  By the third song Robert's nowhere in sight and I've had my fill of David, so I excuse myself. "I have to go to the ladies room I'll be right back."

  "I'll be waiting right here."

  I strut back to the kitchen. "Hey guys," I say as I walk in.

  Their conversation comes to a halt. Kari turns her back to me and begins to clean the stove. Robert remains seated by the island counter looking dazed. How did I know this is where he would be? I must be psychic.

  "What were you two discussing - the weather?" I ask laughing.

  "No. We were trying to figure out why you are acting like such a bitch and what's gotten into you." Robert tells me.

  Kari lets out a half laugh.

  "Was I? Sorry handsome." I take the seat next to Robert, run my fingers through his hair and give him a kiss. "Do you forgive me?"

  "Hell no. You were grinding up on my boss."

  "Kari, tell Robert to forgive me."

  "You don't need me to tell him I'm sure he'll do it anyway."

  "She thinks I am a sucker."

  "He's a real saint." Her tone is saturated with sarcasm, and something that can be mistaken for disdain.

  "What does she know?" I tease.

  "Not much apparently." Kari turns from the stove and looks at us. In the name of showmanship I give him a kiss on the lips.

  "I'm pissed at you Leah. You humiliated me in front of my boss and colleagues. What were you thinking?"

  "You're over reacting. I was just dancing. I didn't realize it upset you so much."

  "Well it did," he says angrily.

  "I'm sorry. Do you forgive me?"

  "I don't know," he mutters through pouted lips like a bratty child.

  Wrapping my arms around his neck, I whisper in his ear loud enough for Kari to hear, "Why don't we go to my place and I make it up to you?" Telling him all the things that I'll do to him, bringing my lips to his, I facilely draw him in. It takes little effort to put him in the mood and make him forget who's around. Robert is much too easy to seduce—there lies our problem.

  Turning around he grabs me by my behind and pulls me to him. It takes all I have to fight the urge to pull away. I hate playing these games, but it must be done.

  "Do you want me?"

  "You know I want you," he murmurs.

  "Can you guys take this show somewhere else?" Kari snaps.

  Robert's face becomes overlaid with tension. "Sorry."

  Giving it a break I turn to Kari. "Have you left the kitchen since you got here?"

  "Not yet. I'm almost done. I'll be out soon."

  Robert gives a fake yawn. "I feel so tired. Are you ready to go home?"

  "No, you're here all night. You have to give Kari a ride home."


  "But, I left something in your car. Do you want to come with me to get it?"

  His eyes open wide with excitement. "Come on." He grabs my hand and heads for the door.

  "Hold on hun, I have to go to the ladies room first. I'll be right back. Kari will keep you company while I'm gone…Won't you Kari?" I wait for a respond but she doesn't answer. I look to her but she does not meet my stare. "Won't you keep Robert company Kari?" I persist.

  "Whatever Leah," she says irritated.

  "Hurry up," Robert says impatiently.

  "Sure hun." I give Robert a last tender peek on the lips and exit the kitchen.

  Back in the living room, I find old man Dave waiting right where I left him. After dancing to two more songs I tell him I'm ready to go. He offers to take me home, and after a few seconds of faux hesitation I accept. We say our good-byes to Carol and her husband John, who also works for David. Carol gives me a questioning look which I read as "Are you drunk or out of your mind?" Ignoring her, I grab my coat and leave the party on David Bank's arm.