Read Intervention Page 1


  By Moriamo A. Onabanjo

  Copyright 2014 Moriamo A. Onabanjo

  South Haven Chanel Book Cover Image - Copyright 2008 Rachel Kramer

  All Rights Reserved

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental


  This short story is dedicated to God, my source of inspiration and to my babies: 'Toni, 'Tosin, 'Sewa, and Asemilo.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  About the Author

  Connect with Moriamo

  Chapter 1

  Sally Wentworth dressed in a blue Calvin Klein suit and marching pumps walked across the pedestrian access towards the Smithsonian Museum. Swinging a brown leather briefcase, she called out greetings and waved at two women afar of.

  “How are you doing this morning?” Molly one of the two women yelled, as they walked towards Sally

  “I am good.” Sally responded, “It’s a beautiful day, it’s a good day to go to the beach and have a good time.”

  “Yes it is.” Audrey the second woman walking towards Sally replied.

  They both stood before Sally at the end of the cross walk as the wind gently blew at their hair and the warmth from the sun warmed them.

  Audrey and Molly gave each other a surreptitious glance and pulled Sally towards the back of the museum. Sally followed them willingly wondering what was happening.

  “What’s going on? She asked, “You both look like you are hiding something.”

  “Well we are not sure if we should tell you. “Molly hesitated, as she looked down at her feet.

  Sally turned to Audrey, her mouth suddenly drying as fear licked through her; drying her hands repeatedly on her skirt, her heart pumping, she asked,

  “What’s going on Audrey? What is Molly trying to say?”

  Audrey looked squarely into Sally’s eye.

  “The Museum has just discovered that Antoine Giroux has been dealing in stolen artifacts. Apparently, It’s where his wealth comes from apart from the connections he has made both legal and illegal.”

  Sally’s briefcase dropped to the concrete floor with a thud, as she stumbled backwards on her pumps, bewilderment, shock and astonishment raced across her face as tears slowly slid down her cheeks.

  “Oh my goodness” Audrey thought as tears also filled her eyes over her friend’s distress.

  Audrey and Molly with arms outstretched embraced Sally.

  “Oh Sally, I am so sorry, but I could not let you walk in there without knowing what was going on.” Audrey said as she pulled Sally closer. “The museum is all in an uproar, and since you are the Director of the institute, there is considerable suspicion directed towards you. Most of the artifacts stolen were linked to the Museum.”

  Sally lifted head sharply from Molly and Audrey’s shoulders.

  “But I have no part in this.” She said. “I had no idea that Antoine was a thief,” she exclaimed

  Audrey patted Sally’s shoulders consolingly

  “We know that Sally. You don’t have to defend yourself with us. We are your best friends and we have known each other since kindergarten.”

  Taking out a handkerchief from her handbag Sally wiped the tears from her eyes.

  “Thank you so much.” She said. “I value our friendship so much. It would have been devastating if you did not believe me.”

  “The Board of Regents is waiting for you to come in through that door ready to crucify you.” Audrey informed her. “Please be prepared and call us if you need anything.”

  Sally nodded, picked up her briefcase from the floor, wiped it, straightened her jacket and with a shake of her head marched towards the entrance.

  Audrey watched as Sally walked to the door, she knew that her friend was in for a grueling time. She hoped that it would turn out in her favor. She and Molly walked back to their office. Audrey was the assistant Curator for the museum’s displays while Molly was the administrative officer.

  Sally wondered what she was going to tell the board as she walked towards the receptionist. “Why had Antoine done such a thing? How could he? So all they had had been a sham, he had simply been using her to gain legitimate entrance into the Museum’s collections.”

  The Board of Regents was meeting behind closed doors. Mark presiding over the meeting called the meeting to order.

  “We have before us serious charges made by Antoine Giroux against Sally Wentworth the director of the Museum. He is saying that Sally Wentworth assisted him in his crime. He alleges that she gave him information about the artifacts that were stolen. Sally Wentworth was highly recommended to us when we were seeking a director for the museum. Her professors at Harvard University assured us that she was the best candidate for the job. We were assured of her integrity as a person. As the youngest director this Institute has ever had, we were amazed and pleased by the changes she created in the Institute. We also hear she is writing a great book on the most controversial and mysterious artist Pierre de Prince. These allegations have come as a shock. What we need to do now is decide what should be done. I will like to open this to the floor.

  Simon a member of Congress raised his hand and said, “We should call Sally and hear her side of the story and then decide what needs to be done.”

  Mark picked up the phone beside him and spoke,

  “Camille could you please get Ms. Wentworth. Thank you.” He dropped the phone and turned towards the members,

  “Lets wait for Sally to come in. Refreshments are available on the table behind you. Please feel free to eat from the buffet.”

  Camille opened the door to her office as Sally walked past and called out,

  “Sally, Mark will like to see you in the boardroom please.”

  Sally turned around when she heard her name being called. She walked towards Camille’s office, nodded as she placed the mail on her hands in her large bag. She walked to the closed door beside Camille’s Chair and knocked.

  “Come in,” Mark called out.

  Sally walked in and stood still as her eyes scanned the men and women in the room. Joe the Vice- President had been called in, Thad from the Senate, Ian the Chief Justice of the United States, CEOs of companies and Presidents of associations were in the house. It was a full house.

  “Sally could you please come forward and have a seat,” Mark called from his place.

  “I am sure you know the men in the room today,” Mark resumed after Sally had sat down. “I will like to introduce the Vice President of the United States whom you have not met.” The Vice President waved from his position as Sally nodded towards him. Sally noticed that the elder statesman calm eyes and encouraging gaze gave her the necessary courage to face the board members.

  Mark continued, “Sally we called you because of the allegations made against you by Antoine Giroux whom I believe you are engaged to.”

  Sally swallowed nervously as she nodded, “Yes that is correct. However I know nothing about the allegations being made.”

  Mark pulled a piece of paper and read from it. “The police apprehended Antoine Giroux and this is the sta
tement he gave them.” Mark passed the paper towards Sally.

  Sally picked up the paper and as she read it, her hand trembled as her face was covered in perspiration. She was trying hard not to give in to her emotions. She placed the paper on the table and quickly hid her hands under the table to hide the trembling.

  “All these allegations are false,” Sally said in a cracked voice. She coughed to open up her airway that seemed to be closing in on her of its own accord. “I never gave Antoine Giroux information to steal these artifacts, I however did discuss some of these artifacts in a general way since he was so interested in them and was one of our patrons.”

  Joe coughed and shifted in his chair, “I am sorry Sally, but because of your close association with Mr. Giroux we have to suspend you as director of the Institute pending our investigation. You will please hand over all the museum’s property in your possession. Please come back with everything you have. We will be waiting for you.”

  Sally stood up on wobbly legs and slowly walked to the door.