Read Interview With a Porn Star Page 11

  Panic. Confusion.

  Lily squealed.

  I opened my eyes, blinked in the harsh glare of sunlight, and then focused. Lily was kneeling astride me with her tiny hand expertly stroking the top of my cock. It was swollen and engorged – an instant away from erupting.

  “This is for you!” Lily’s voice chirped. Kate and Kelly lunged forward open-mouthed at the precise moment where I lost the last shreds of my restraint. My orgasm gushed, arching into the air between the actresses’ faces. It splashed on their tongues and into their mouths. It spattered across Lily’s sweat-glistening breasts.

  It looked spectacular.

  I lay prone, sucking in huge lungfulls of air as the moment of rapture faded and then dissolved. I sensed my two cameramen peeling away from the action and just a minute later they stopped filming.

  “Tell me you got that,” I pleaded.

  Walter came over and crouched beside where I lay. He was smiling. “Every instant of it,” he smiled.

  I sat up. Lily was still sitting astride my hips. There was an expression of satisfaction and triumph spreading softly across her lips. “Did I do good?”

  Chapter 13.

  I was sweating heavily: it trickled down my back, glistened across my chest and burned at my eyes. I stood naked in the cool shade of the kitchen for just long enough to pour three fingers of whiskey, and then I carried the glass with me into the living room where Connie was pacing with agitation. There was a dark flush of color under her cheeks.

  “What did you think?” I asked. I dragged the back of my hand across my brow.

  “Interesting,” Connie’s voice was reedy. She was looking into my eyes, but I sensed her distraction. We were standing close. Connie took a small step back and I caught the briefest flicker of her gaze as it dropped to where my cock hung, still half-hard after filming. “You certainly put everything into your performance.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “You mean the different positions?”

  “That,” she said, “and the energy you bring.”

  “Is that a compliment?” I wasn’t sure.

  Connie’s smile twisted a little. “It was a comment.”

  “You mean a criticism.”

  “No. I mean a comment,” she said. “Nothing more.”

  I closed the space between us with a single step until we were standing just a few inches apart. Connie sucked in a sudden disconcerted breath, as if it might be the last one she ever took. I stared down into her eyes and her gaze was nervous and hectic.

  “Did watching the scene turn you on?” my voice lowered, becoming intimate.

  She said nothing. I could see her lower lip quivering. She tried to avert her eyes, but there was nowhere else to look.

  Except down at my cock.

  “Did you get aroused, watching me fuck those girls?”

  “No,” she told a breathless little lie. “Not at all.”

  I stepped back, a knowing smile on my lips. “That’s a shame,” I said. “Because while I was fucking Lily, I was thinking about you, Connie. I was fantasizing about how nice it would be to slowly undress you, remove your bra and panties and then slowly cover your body with soft wet kisses while you writhed beneath me.”

  Connie looked shocked… or maybe it was an expression of something more feminine and primal. “Is that so?” she flustered, her composure shaking.

  “Yes, it is,” I smiled wolfishly. “I was fantasizing about having sex with you – away from the cameras, away from the actresses who do this for a living. I was thinking about how erotic it would be to take you to bed and taste your pussy.” As I spoke, my cock began to harden again. “I hope that doesn’t offend you. I’m sure you are the focus of a lot of men’s fantasies.”

  Connie didn’t answer. She took an uncertain step aside, and as she did, her eyes drifted distractedly downwards…

  “Maybe you should be concentrating more on your job,” she offered feebly.

  I smiled. “Maybe I’ve decided to make it my job to take you to bed.”

  She laughed, but the sound of it rattled in her throat, hollow and unconvincing. She shook her head and folded her arms across her chest. “Forget it,” she said off-balance. “You’re not my type of man.”

  I arched an eyebrow. “Type? What type of man am I?”

  Connie’s features suddenly became composed. Her eyes fixed on mine, cold and appraising. “You’re a cobra,” she said softly. “A big, beautiful, but very dangerous cobra. You weave and hypnotize, Rick Cassidy… you lure your targets with your looks and charm and your physique…”

  “And then…?”

  “And then you devour them.”

  There was a long moment of silence, and then I smiled lazily. “Wouldn’t you like to be eaten, Connie?” my voice dropped to a sexy whisper. I reached out and touched her shoulder with the tips of my fingers. I could feel her body tremble while the double entendre hung in the air.

  Connie stiffened and shook her head, but she didn’t flinch away. “Not because I’m mesmerized,” she insisted softly. “I don’t do casual sex… and if I ever did, it would be with my eyes wide open – not under the spell of a man like you.”

  And that was that…

  Chapter 14.

  “I need a shower,” I decided. “Make yourself comfortable, okay?”

  I headed down the hallway to the bathroom. I drained the whiskey and left the empty glass on a side-table. I could hear the sound of the shower running from behind the closed bathroom door. I stepped into the room, into billowing clouds of soft hazy steam.

  Kate was sitting on the edge of the bathroom vanity, her back against the cold tiles of the wall, her legs folded and spread wide, heels resting on the lip of the wooden counter. Lily was crouched on her knees between the actress’s legs. She had her face nestled between the tall tanned blonde’s thighs. Kate had her eyes closed and she was breathing loudly. I pushed the door closed behind me. The shadowy shape of Kelly was standing behind the frosted glass of the shower screen. I could see the fractured patterns of her as she ran a lather of suds over her breasts.

  I didn’t move.

  Lily’s tongue was lapping at the folds of Kate’s sex with single-minded dedication. Her body rocked gently with every swipe of her tongue, and Kate’s breathing altered in tone and intensity, becoming more hectic and irregular.

  Lily had one hand between her own legs, cupping her sex with her palm as two of her fingers glided in and out of her pussy. I felt my cock begin to firm as if it had a mind and a will of its own.

  “Very nice,” I said. “I could watch you girls for hours.”

  Kate opened her eyes and gazed at me with a lost dreamy expression soft on her lips. Lily glanced over her shoulder at me. She saw my cock harden and rise and she giggled. “We can always make room for you, Rick,” she said in a sultry voice. “I know there’s room in my pussy for you, and I bet Katie would like the same thing too.”

  I smiled. The door to the shower screen slid open a few inches and a slender tanned forearm appeared through the cloud of steam. The fingers of the hand crooked into a beckoning gesture, and I heard Kelly’s husky voice above the hiss of the water. “I’m in here all alone and wet as hell,” she invited.

  I lolled elegantly against the wall, folded my arms and crossed my ankles. “I am just a spectator, girls,” I said. “I don’t want to interrupt the fun.”

  The shower cut off abruptly and Kelly came from behind the frosted door. Her skin was pink and dewy. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail that swished across her shoulder blades as she wrapped herself in a big white fluffy towel. She went to the vanity and swiped her palm across the glass until she could see her reflection. She bent provocatively closer and my eyes were drawn to the swell and press of her bottom through the material. She was doing it on purpose, of course. She made a pantomime of inspecting her reflection with a critical eye, and then stepped back a pace and lifted one foot to set it on the edge of the counter. The folds of the big towel fell open like a
theatre curtain and I could see the fresh smooth shaved mound of her sex. She was doing this on purpose too. She smiled at me.

  “You like my pussy, Rick? We fuck, yes?”

  I wavered. My common sense was saying ‘no’, but my cock was saying ‘yes’. I felt the clutch of my reaction and it made my shaft swell into hardness.

  “Not today, Kelly,” I said. I looked down at myself. “I need to save my energy.”

  The dark haired girl laughed with a mocking throaty chuckle. She reached out for my cock and took me in her hand. Her fingers were soft, gentle but insistent. She stroked my shaft slowly. “That too bad,” she mangled the sentence. “Can I give him little kiss?”

  She didn’t wait for an answer. She dropped to her knees and opened her mouth wide. I could feel her hot breath tingling against my skin. I looked down. Her eyes were dark and slanted seductively. She reached out with the tip of her tongue and teased me with flicking tender touches.

  “That’s not a kiss,” I said. “You’re trying to arouse me.”

  Kelly’s expression became a feigned mask of innocence, then she leaned forward, closed her eyes, and took me deep into her mouth.

  I screwed my eyes shut and threw back my head, smacking the back of my skull against the wall. The pain splintered down my neck, down my spine… and then somehow dissolved at the level of my waist where Kelly’s skilled mouth was generating very different sensations.

  I felt my hands clench into fists at my sides and a tension crept into my body, starting at my toes and spreading like a slow burning fire.

  “You like, Rick?” Kelly slid my cock from her mouth to ask the question, looking up into my face. Her hand was gently stroking me, her fingers finding every sensitive spot and massaging with infinite skill.

  “I do like,” I opened my eyes. “But I don’t think I can give you what you want.”

  Kelly smiled seductively. “I just want this,” she gently squeezed my cock, “for ten minutes, Rick.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Kelly.”

  She pouted and stood up. She ran the flat of her hand across the muscles of my chest and then slid the tip of one of her fingers into my mouth. “It is good idea, Rick,” she reassured me. There was a sultry heat in her eyes. I felt her hand tight around the base of my cock. “And it would be a shame to waste this, yes? He is very hard.”

  A guy can only take so much.

  I nodded. Kelly’s grin became winning. She kissed me fiercely and I felt her tongue slide inside my mouth as she crushed herself against me. My hands slid down the curves and contours of her body and cupped the cheeks of her bottom. Kelly moaned into my mouth and rocked her hips from side to side, then turned within my arms so that she was facing away from me. My cock pressed hard between the cheeks of her butt. She reached behind her and took my shaft in her hand, leading me across to the long bathroom vanity counter like I was on a leash.

  Kelly bent forward at the waist and spread her legs wide. She had her elbows propped on the vanity, staring at her own reflection in the mirror right before her. I stepped up behind her and slid my cock into her pussy.

  It was fascinating to watch the play of emotions on the woman’s face as I fucked her. The soft smile of deep satisfaction she wore as I entered her hung on her lips for just a few moments before her entire expression dissolved and became something else. Her eyes screwed shut, her lips parted slightly and the look on her face became one of concentration. I clung to her hips while holding her steady against the impact of each thrust, staring at our reflection in the mirror and enchanted by the way her breasts swayed in response to the rising urgent drive of my hips.

  Kelly’s breathing became deeper and more uncertain. Tiny misted clouds of her breath fogged the mirror. Beside us, Kate had turned her head to watch. Her eyes were glazed with her own arousal. She pulled Lily’s face tight against her pussy and mashed her sex against the young girl’s mouth.

  “Fuck her, Rick,” Kate breathed. Her back was arched, the muscles along the side of her neck drawn tense. She was close to coming against Lily’s soft lips.

  I could feel myself beginning to thrill. It wasn’t an urgent rush born from the need to come – it was an instinctive physical function, the sensations created by the tight gripping pulse of the pussy I was enveloped within. I felt a vague tightening of the muscles across my back and shoulders and then the slow burn of strain ignited in my thighs.

  It was just a matter of time.

  “Harder!” Kelly grunted. Her face was twisted into a rictus of ecstasy. She was panting now, each breath sounding like an effort. “I am so close!”

  Once a man reaches the point where his body becomes overwhelmed with sensation, it’s very hard to detour from the inevitable moment of eruption. I was at that point now, where the urge to come was rising up within me – and I didn’t want to. In the back of my mind was the overriding demand of my profession – I needed to film two more scenes the following day and they counted for nothing if the come shot at the end of scene was less than spectacular. As much as I wanted to fill Kelly’s pussy and experience that explosive moment of release, I simply couldn’t afford to.

  “Seventeen times eight is…” I began doing mental arithmetic to distract myself. No matter how willing the body is, it just won’t work if the mind is distracted. I clenched my jaw, gritted my teeth and spent the next few minutes calculating impossibly complex math problems in my mind while, on the end of my cock, Kelly thrashed and squealed and ground her body until she finally orgasmed and went limp as a ragdoll.

  Kelly dissolved into a trembling quivering gasping mound of flesh, slumped over the bathroom vanity. I staggered away. My breath was sawing in my throat, my lungs heaving like a bellows. I was streaming sweat while my cock throbbed and pulsed like it was tapping out a Morse code message of distress.

  For long moments, there was nothing but heavy silence ripped apart by the sound of ragged breathing. Kate had come also. She sat spent on the vanity counter, gently fondling her own breasts in the afterglow of her orgasm.

  “Do you want me to finish you off, Ricky?”

  It was Lily. She had Kate’s glistening juices on her lips and chin. She looked up at me with a willing eagerness to please in her eyes and reached out her hand towards me.

  “No,” I said. “Thank you for the offer.”

  I knew that even the slightest touch would flick the trigger of my own release. I held up my hands, palms out as though fending off an attacker. “Don’t come any closer.”

  Lily giggled, and my sensitive reluctance was like waving a red flag at a bull. Lily came towards me with a mischievous glint of menace sparkling in her eyes. “Aww, you can’t leave that big thing just hanging there like that, Rick. Look at him. He’s all swollen and angry. Let me make him better for you,” she crooned.

  “No. Thank you,” I said again. Kate stirred to life. She gazed at me through sleepy, dreamy eyes and roused herself. She slid off the long vanity counter like a crocodile sliding off a riverbank and hunted towards me. She was smiling a predatory smile.

  “Back off,” I warned. I was smiling, but it was a fixed smile. The girls thought my predicament was amusing, but this was no laughing matter. I covered my crotch with both hands and backed myself into a corner. “I don’t need your help,” I pleaded.

  The girls made one last effort, tugging at my arms and licking their lips with lewd, lust-filled grins. I swatted their hands away and dashed for the open shower door.

  I swung the frosted door of the shower closed and braced it shut with one hand. The girls threw themselves against the glass in fits of giggles. I had only one hand free to turn the shower on.

  Hot or cold?

  The water was fucking freezing!

  I felt the icy blast of cold water smack against my chest and I gasped with the sudden shock of it. I ducked my head under the gush, and watched my erection shrivel.


  Chapter 15.

  It was getting dark. The sun was
sinking in the distance and the city was beginning to light up in screaming bright neon. I stared down into the valley, watching the winking lights and the thick streams of distant traffic as it snaked away towards the creeping night.

  “This is my favorite time of day,” I said, still gazing through the glass and overcome with a sudden sense of melancholy. “I love the color in the sky at sunset.”

  I turned around. Connie was sitting on the sofa with her legs crossed. She had her handbag beside her and her notebook resting in her lap.

  “It’s different in Europe,” I said. “The sunsets seem to have different colors.” I shrugged. “Maybe it’s because the days are colder…”

  “Do you miss Europe?”

  “I miss the farm,” I said. “I have enough property that I can wander around all day and not see another soul. I like that isolation. It’s different here.”

  “How long before you fly out?”

  “Two more days here, then I fly to the east coast for three days. Then back home.”

  “And you’re in L.A. for filming, right?”

  I nodded. “A couple of days of filming. But I also had some meetings with distributors earlier in the week.”

  Connie asked, ‘Do you like L.A.?”

  “Sure,” I shrugged. “It’s a great city – and it’s the unofficial porn capital of America. It’s the perfect place to work and play if you’re in this industry.”

  Connie shook her head in surprise. “I had no idea the city had such a strong porn industry.”

  I stared at her. “Almost ninety percent of all porn films shot in this country are filmed down there,” I pointed out into the night, “down in the San Fernando Valley.”

  I went to the desk and foraged in the top drawer for another cigar. I clipped the end and drew back until the tip glowed. I blew a feather of blue smoke at the ceiling and sighed. It had been a good day – two new scenes on film. When I got back to the farm I would run them through post-production. With the two scenes slated for filming tomorrow, there would be enough footage for another release. I frowned, musing over titles.