Read Into the Fae Page 5

  “So you are saying that you are selfish?” A slight smile danced on his full lips. “We all are, but the beauty of having a mate is that they will love you regardless. I want you, even with all of your selfishness. With all of your centuries of baggage, I want you. Do you want me? I know that you are unsure about doing the blood rites, and completing the bond, but in this moment looking at me, can you say that you want to be with me?”

  “Yes,” Peri didn’t hesitate, what would be the point? She couldn’t lie to herself any longer and she was sick of denying the ache inside of her chest. She wanted Lucian. She didn’t know where it would go from here or how quickly she would let it progress, but she was done pushing him away.

  He closed his eyes and let out a low, possessive growl as his arm around her pulled her more tightly against him, her body flush against his igniting a flame of desire in her that no other ever had, and she knew without a doubt ever would. “Finally.” His eyes snapped open and then his mouth was pressed to hers. Peri swore she could hear all of nature shouting, a chorus of angels singing and quite possibly even that Elvis guy from the grave singing that falling in love song, as Lucian, her mate claimed her lips, her heart and her soul. He deepened the kiss as he tilted her head to the side and her lips parted without a conscious thought. The sensuous stroke of his tongue on her own woke urges that she didn’t even realize she had. Peri felt her arms raise and her hands wrap around his neck, her fingers tunneling through the hair on the back of his head drawing a deep moan from him. She lost herself in him. All rational thoughts flew out the proverbial window as his hands gripped her hips, holy hell when had his hands made it there, she asked herself. He lifted her and she automatically wrapped her legs around his waist as he walked until her back was pressed to the wall.

  Lucian pressed closer to his female, holding her effortlessly against the wall as he drank from her lips. Her scent was swirling around him calling to his wolf. He felt his canines lengthen and he had to be careful not to cut her as he kissed her. He needed to get control of himself, but as he felt her thighs tighten around him he felt his resolve for that control slipping. He could have her here, now, she would give herself to him, he could feel it in her mind and his wolf urged him to claim her. Bite her, his wolf growled in his mind, she is ours, she should bear our mark. Lucian’s lips slid from hers down her jaw and neck to the tender place below her ear. He licked her and kissed her several times until Peri’s head fell back and she submitted to him. He stared at the spot calling out to him through a haze of lust, need, want and instinct. He felt a snarl rising in him as he fought his wolf for control as the thoughts of the man broke through. Not like this, he told the wolf.

  “Lucian,” Peri’s needy voice helped clear his mind and he looked up from her neck into her pale green eyes.

  “Is something wrong?” She asked him through swollen, glistening lips, flushed cheeks and hair all askew from his hands ravishing it. He could feel her chest rising and falling against his own as she fought to catch her breath.

  He let out a deep sigh and set her feet on the ground. He didn’t let go of her, but he put a little space between their bodies so he could continue to regain his reasoning. There was only so much a man could handle before he was tempted beyond reason and gave into his primal urges, especially a man who also carried the soul of an animal inside of him.

  “Yes and no,” he told her honestly. “That was, it was,” his breathing was still ragged as he tried to gather the words. “I’ve been told intimacy with your mate is indescribable and I’m inclined to say I agree even though all I’ve had the privilege of doing is kissing you. That was not wrong okay; I need you to hear that Peri. What we just shared was beyond anything even I could and have imagined with you.”

  “Okay, so then what was wrong?” She asked him carefully.

  “My wolf doesn’t think like I do. He doesn’t reason the way a man does. He smells your desire and goes crazy to be near you, to touch you, taste you and possess you. He doesn’t stop to wonder if you want him touching you, he just assumes it’s his right and you will like it.”

  Peri let out a snort of laughter. “Sounds like a man to me.”

  Lucian tapped her nose playfully. “Behave mate,” he teased. “He wants to mark you, needs to mark you. I barely stopped myself from biting that luscious neck of yours. When you tilted your head back that was a clear sign to the wolf that you were submitting to us, basically he read it as I want this so do it now. I have never had to fight him so hard before.”

  “So you don’t want to mark me?” Her voice was tentative and unsure even as her stare held his in her usual straightforward confidence.

  Lucian’s eyes narrowed as a frown crept over his face. “No that is not what I am saying at all. Peri, if you said to me bite me now this second and I knew you meant it, truly wanted it, I would gladly lay you on that bed and take what is mine and give you what is yours. I would bind you to me irrevocably right now, body and soul, but you are not ready. You want me, lust for me, ache for my touch and enjoy my company, but you have not fully come to terms with the mate bond yet. That’s why I did not bite you. That is why I have not claimed your virtue.” His hands that had been resting on her waist moved up to gently cup her face. “What are you thinking?”

  “I’m getting there,” she told him as she looked up at him. “I know that I don’t want to be without you. So I’m moving in the right direction.” She rose up and pressed a soft kiss to his lips and as she pulled back Lucian struggled not to pull her into his arms and pick up where they left off. The woman was too desirable for her own good.

  “I’m glad to see that you are making progress.” A voice said from behind them.

  Peri bowed her head to the Great Luna as she stepped to the side of Lucian. He turned and wrapped an arm around her waist, determined not to let her put space, be it physical or emotional, between them, not with the forward motion they seemed to be in.

  “Great Luna,” Lucian’s voice rumbled not revealing his surprise at seeing her again so soon.

  “Perizada,” she stepped towards them and held her hand out to the fae. Peri went to her without hesitation and took the goddess’ hand. “You have never fully understood your worth and I hope you will let this male show you just how worthy you are. I do not make mistakes, Peri. I gave him to you for a reason, him and no other.”

  Peri understood what the goddess was saying, and she knew that she would be wise to heed her advice. Did that mean she would comply right away? Probably not, she seemed to like to suffer unnecessarily. Idiot¸ she thought to herself.

  “But I have come for another reason. Long ago I made you the mediator for the wolves. You have done your job well. I also put you over the healers and though they were not around for a time, their time is coming. There are healers even now that have not been exposed to the wolves and so their true nature has not surfaced. I know that you wish to go after your sister. You seek justice and as honorable as that is I need you elsewhere.” She paused as she looked out into the night. She stepped away from Peri and pointed out into the forest beyond the Romanian mansion. “There are five gypsy healers out there, living their lives completely ignorant of their heritage. Much like Sally, the gypsy blood of their ancestors flows through them, but knowledge of their heritage has been lost over time. Healers are precious and they have power that can be used for good or evil. I’m asking you to find these healers. I will designate a place for you to take them to train them, to teach them their heritage. Then they will need to be introduced to the packs because they have mates that need them. You know that the mate of a healer is always a dominant, they have to be strong enough to protect them, but that also means the darkness in them is stronger. These females range from ages sixteen to twenty, so they are of courting age.”

  Peri waited for more and when the Great Luna didn’t continue she asked, “Do you have a location for any of them?”

  The Great Luna turned and looked at her with a small smile. “Perhaps you
would like me to go gather them up for you as well?”

  Peri laughed. “Have you been hanging out with Jen?”

  “The purpose is not in the outcome but in the journey. One road often leads to many places, Perizada, and this journey, this road will take you where you need to go and teach you what you need to learn. No one, not even me, can do it for you. You need to have your mate with you, you need to trust him and let him lead when necessary. You have always been willing to make sacrifices for others; I ask that you would do so again and save these healers. They need you both, they need my wolves and we need them.”

  Peri stood looking out the window after the Great Luna left as quietly as she had come. For the first time in her immortal life she was struggling to do the right thing. The right thing would be to do what the Great Luna had instructed her to do and go find those healers. But what she wanted to do was hunt down her sister first and then go find the healers. Surely it would be safer for her to find the healers after the threat was dealt with.

  “Hey,” Lucian’s deep voice came from behind her just as his arms wrapped around her and pulled her back against his chest. She bit her tongue to keep from groaning out just how good it felt to be held and she went more than willingly.

  “I can hear you, you know?” Though she heard his voice in her mind, she felt his chuckle in her back as his chest moved with it.

  “Yes, I’m aware of the fact that you use frequent flyer miles in my mind gathering up information and such,” she said attempting to sound irritated. But the purr in her voice only made her sound like a slightly ticked off kitten. Lovely, she thought.

  “I am not sure what frequent flyer miles are but if you mean I am often in your mind then yes you are correct. As much as I like to use our bond, I like it even more when you willingly talk to me. What are you thinking?” He asked her.

  “I’m thinking that the Great Luna didn’t disclose everything to us,” she answered honestly. “I’m not saying that I think she is being deceitful because that isn’t in her nature, I just mean that I think she didn’t reveal the whole puzzle.”

  “We live in a world full of evil, a fallen world. She knows that we know we are going to face that evil whether it is spelled out for us or not. She also knows that we will defeat it.”

  “Do you think I should let my sister go?” She asked him quietly.

  “No, but I think you should do it in the right order. If Lorelle finds out about these healers she might try to take them. You and I both know that there have been other powerful enemies who have wanted healers for their own use. If Lorelle truly has turned away from the light and embraced the darkness, then abducting a healer to use her power would just be the next step in her evolution.”

  Peri let out a slow deep breath and reluctantly stepped out of Lucian’s hold. She turned and looked at him. “And here I thought this would all be cut and dry. Hunt down my sister, bitch slap her for being stupid, sentence her to death and then live happily ever after.”

  Lucian’s head tilted to the side as he looked at his mate. “Sometimes you say the most unorthodox things.”

  “Now you’re just showing your age old man,” she teased him. She let out a weary sigh as she headed towards the door. “Well we’re supposed to meet my partners in crime at midnight to leave on our hunt; I guess I will have to tell them there has been a change in plans.”

  “Peri,” Lucian’s’ voice brought her up short of pulling the door open. “Can I ask why you do not just flash where you want to go? Why do you walk so much if you do not have to?”

  Peri smiled as she turned and looked at her mate. “Do you honestly think this incredible figure would be possible if all I did was pop in and out of places? Immortal or not, all this,” she motioned to her frame, “takes work.”

  Lucian let out a low huff of laughter, “Whatever you say love.” He took her hand and led her from the room.

  They found the two couples at the edge of the forest where Peri had instructed them to meet her. The way they were draped over one another made them look more like two teenage couples after prom, rather than elite fae hunters and werewolves waiting on a mission briefing.

  “Don’t you all ever give it a rest? I mean I seriously think you are worse than Jen and her fur ball and really that’s saying something,” Peri grumbled as she approached the pairs.

  Adam pulled his lips away from the spot on Crina’s neck that he had so dutifully been giving all his attention and looked at Peri. “All work and no play makes for a cranky fae, Peri. You’re frown and the frustrated look on your mate’s face is a testament to that statement. Perhaps you could learn something from us and the Serbian Alpha pair.”

  “Are you seriously giving me advice now on my…,”

  “Peri,” Lucian’s voice cut her off before she could continue. “Perhaps you should tell them what the Great Luna has revealed.”

  Peri folded her arms across her chest as she eyed Adam and then Elle. “If you two think you can pull yourselves from your mate’s body parts for five minutes then I will gladly fill you in on what Lucian is talking about.”

  “I think she’s getting crankier,” Elle told Adam.

  Adam nodded. “Agreed.”

  “The Great Luna has given Peri a new mission, one that doesn’t involve going after her sister at this time,” Lucian spoke up interrupting any more by play between his mate and her long time comrades.

  “She’s just going to let Lorelle go?” Elle asked incredulously.

  “No,” Peri spoke up. “I’m not just going to let her go, but I am going to do as the Great Luna has instructed and then I will go after my sister.”

  “What could be more important than taking out a murdering high fae?” Sorin asked.

  “Gypsy healers,” Peri responded.

  The group gasped at her answer as their eyes widened.

  “There are more?” Crina asked.

  “According to the Great Luna there are five females, ages sixteen to twenty that need to know of their heritage and be trained,” Peri explained. “She wants me to find them and bring them to a safe place for Rachel and I to teach them, and then she wants them introduced to the packs.”

  “True mates,” Crina said in awe.

  “Exactly,” Peri agreed.

  “How are you going to find them and once you do, how are you going to bring them here?” Sorin asked. “Some of them are minors; you can’t just take them from their families.”

  Peri rolled her eyes. “You’ve forgotten a tiny detail, Sorin,” she paused for effect and then said with a sly grin as she pointed to herself, “High fae, ůbber powerful. I think I can handle causing five gypsy healers to disappear with no problems.”

  “So when do we start?” Elle asked.

  “This isn’t going to be some exciting, adrenaline inducing, life threatening hunt,” she looked from Elle to Adam, “you still want to help?”

  Adam shrugged as he wrapped an arm around Crina’s waist. “I suppose one tame mission a year isn’t too much to ask.”

  Peri chuckled, “How magnanimous of you Adam.”

  He grinned showing perfect, white teeth. “I have my moments.”

  “I will talk with Rachel and Sally tomorrow and see if any of their magic can help locate others of their kind. We’ll meet at lunchtime and go over what I’ve learned and decide the next course of action.”

  “Do you want to involve any of the other high fae?” Elle asked.

  Peri thought about the question, considering the possibility that having others with considerable power might help. But then something inside her told her that she needed to keep the knowledge of the young healers as quiet as possible for as long as possible. “No, I think this information needs to stay among us. Rachel and Sally will be the only others that know. Healers are valuable, and until they are safely under our protection it would be better if others weren’t made aware of them.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Adam said as he took his mate’s hand. “Since we won’t be
leaving tonight, Crina and I are going to turn in. We’ll see you all tomorrow at lunch.” Without another word he flashed and he and Crina were gone.

  “We will take our leave as well,” Sorin said as he wrapped an arm around Elle and she flashed them from the field.

  Peri look from the empty space where the couples had stood to Lucian. “I can’t believe Adam left without any bedroom commentary,” she shook her head, “I almost feel as if he’s going to suddenly pop up and say something completely disgusting.”

  Lucian frowned slightly. “I am not used to everyone being so open about their intimate relationships with their mates.” His frown deepened as he continued. “When we arrived Adam was practically…,”

  “Licking his mate like a man on death row licks the fork of his last bite of his last meal?” Peri interjected.

  Lucian eyed her dubiously. “Exactly. Wolves touch their mates freely and often, but I do not ever remember seeing mated pairs talk so open about their intimacy.”

  Peri tried not to laugh at the confused look on Lucian’s face. “Well, you might want to get use to the whole touchy feely thing because more than likely we’ll be going to America in our hunt for the healers.”

  “What does that mean?” he asked as he took her hand and they once again headed back towards the Romanian mansion on foot instead of flashing.

  “It means you ain’t seen nothing yet. And I totally mean that literally.”

  Chapter 4

  “There shall only be certain females chosen in a bloodline to become healers. The healer’s spirit will be pure and her heart will be selfless. Life shall flow out of her like healing water into the Pack that she serves. She will bring hope where there has been none, light where darkness has taken over and peace where turmoil has reigned. She is to be treasured and protected from all malevolence because there is no greater depravity than to take something meant for good and glorify evil with it.” ~The Great Luna