Read Into the Fae Page 9

  “Well, she hasn’t run out screaming, she isn’t crying like a wuss, and she hasn’t passed out. So I’d say, so far she is doing pretty darn good.”

  Lucian chuckled under his breath as he leaned back against the building. He kept scanning his surroundings after having been told by Costin that Lorelle had been spotted, but so far he hadn’t seen anything suspicious. He had, however, seen way too many half-dressed females and he was beginning to wonder if any of them had mates because there was no way in all of creation he would let his mate walk out of their house dressed in such a state.

  “Let?” Peri’s voice broke through his thoughts. She was beginning to spend more and more time in his mind and it warmed his heart and caused his wolf to rumble in delight. They wanted her to feel comfortable with them, to want to be with them.

  “Would you really want to walk around with that much skin showing?” He asked, truly curious of her answer. “Does it not bother you that because these females do not cover themselves I see all that is uncovered?” He felt her rage rush through him and for the first time realized she was every bit as possessive of him as he was of her. She was just much better at hiding it.

  “It would behoove you to keep your eyes on the clothed portions of those bodies.” Jealousy dripped from her words and he felt the insecurity beneath it. Lucian was moving before he even considered what he was doing. He pulled the door open to the building he had been guarding. Scents assaulted him but he quickly picked out one, just as his eyes landed on her. His strides were long as he made his way to his mate. She turned just as he reached her. She wasn’t surprised to see him; she simply stared up at him. Lucian ignored the other eyes that were on him and focused only on her.

  He leaned down close to her ear breathing his scent on her, enjoying her reaction to his closeness. “Don’t you know?” He whispered.

  “Know what?” Her voice was breathless.

  “There are none who hold even a crumb to the beauty I see in you. Perizada, I would rather gaze on your form clothed in burlap sacks and animal droppings than any half-dressed or naked form of any other.”

  Her lips quirked up in a sly smile. “You sure know how to sweet talk a woman, Lucian,” she teased but he felt her relax. She had needed his reassurance, even if she wouldn’t ask for it. She had needed to be reminded that even in the midst of others only she held his attention.

  She looked up at him and to his surprise she leaned up and pressed her lips to his. It was quick, but he felt it to his soul. His wolf stirred, growling deep in his chest as he reached for her. She leaned into him giving him the touch he so desperately craved. He tried not to snarl when she turned her attention away from him and back to the human girl.

  “Anna, this is Lucian, he is a Canis lupis male,” Peri told the girl.

  “Mate,” Lucian growled unable to keep the wolf in check. “I am her mate.”

  Anna’s eyes widened as she looked up at him. She met his eyes but dropped hers immediately and looked away. He could smell her fear and part of him was repulsed, the wolf was glad, if she feared him she was less likely to try anything stupid that would put his mate in danger.

  “Perhaps it’s time to go somewhere more private,” Sally spoke up from across the table.

  Peri stood up and Lucian released her though he didn’t step away from her.

  “Anna, are you willing to continue this in a not so public setting?” Peri asked the girl matter of fact like. “I give my oath as a high fae no harm will come to you.”

  “A high what?” Anna’s eyes were suddenly as round as saucers.

  “Oh, my bad, we didn’t go over that part did we?” Peri said flippantly. “Oh well, never mind we’ll get back to that. Look, if we leave you here, which we won’t, my sister is going to come back for you. I can promise you that she will hurt you. Those are your options.”

  “I’ll take door number one please,” Anna said dryly, though her eyes were still pretty big.

  “Excellent,” Peri smiled. Lucian took her hand and led her from the store trusting Sally and Crina to make sure the human followed. Once they were outside they waited for Adam, Sorin and Elle, who had been canvasing the blocks around them, to join them.

  “She didn’t try to throw hot coffee on you or anything?” Elle asked Peri.

  “Why would she do that?” Peri asked with a raised brow.

  “Peri, I’ve known you for centuries. You can be quite abrasive and more often than not deserve a little hot coffee poured on you,” Elle retorted.

  The group around them tried to cover up their laughter with coughs but Peri wasn’t fooled.

  “Well if I’m abrasive, you lot are annoying, like a wedgie that just keeps getting deeper and deeper, you are a pain in my a–,”

  “Beloved,” Lucian purred interrupting his mate’s rant.

  Peri’s head snapped around to look at him at the sound of his voice. She’d only heard him use that rumbling purr a couple of times and it called to her. The deep timber poured over her like warm silk, wrapping around her body and caressing her skin. She felt the rumble inside of her, vibrating against her nerves until she just wanted to climb into his lap and beg him to pet her. What the hell, she thought as she pulled her gaze from his. Her breathing was shallow and her palms were moist with sweat. She saw him out of the corner of her eye moving towards her but she held up a hand to stop him.

  “I need a minute please,” She said gently through their bond.

  “It’s normal Peri, it’s just the bond. Our souls are demanding that we complete the mate bond, that’s what you’re feeling love, it’s alright.” He tried to reassure her. It might have worked if they had been alone but there were witnesses to her loss of control and it was humiliating.

  “Peri?” Adam’s voice cut through Peri’s thoughts. “Hey, you alright?” Peri had known Adam for a very, very long time and thought of him like a brother. He always had her back and he knew her very well. She looked at him and she knew the minute he understood what had caused her to act like a love sick lust monkey.

  “It’s normal, I went through the same thing,” he told her.

  She did not want to talk about this, not here, not now, and frankly not ever. “We don’t have time for this,” she snapped. “We need to get Anna to safety and then we have a crap load of new developments to discuss.”

  Elle could tell that Peri wanted to move onto something besides what was going on with her in that moment. “Where are we going Peri? Did the Great Luna tell you yet?”

  “For now we’re going to take them to my house in Farie” Peri informed them.

  She took Lucian’s hand but didn’t look at him and then grabbed Anna’s hand. “You might want to close your eyes and whatever you do please do not puke on me. It tends to make me angry.” She didn’t give Anna time to respond but instead flashed them to the fae realm.

  Peri stared out at the forest from behind the house where she had just deposited Anna and Lucian. She had immediately flashed herself from the room to the forest beyond the house. This was her realm. She knew this land and could navigate it even with her eyes closed, so as she began to walk she did just that. She closed her eyes and let her mind clear of all the things that were bombarding her. She let go of the worry about her sister. She pushed away the thoughts of the five healers who needed her help and lastly she pushed away her doubt about Lucian and she just allowed herself to feel. She didn’t like feeling out of control, she didn’t like feeling like she couldn’t prevent herself from acting on some behavior. It made her feel weak and she liked that even less.

  “There is an awful lot of not liking going on out there,” she heard Lucian’s voice.

  “Do you feel out of control like that?” Peri asked him.

  “Worse,” he admitted.


  “Because I am male,” he chuckled causing her to laugh as well which she knew had been his intention. “Peri, I know it is harder for you to endure because you are not Canis lupis. You have been around u
s for a very long time but that is not the same thing as being one of us. You’ve been around mated pairs but now you are experiencing all that you saw. I understand that it’s confusing but I would really like it if you would talk to me about it instead of running from me. Let me bear this with you.”

  She huffed. “But you’re the problem. How am I to let you bear this with me when you are the reason that I can’t keep control.”

  “Then complete the mate bond with me and the problem is solved,” he told her matter of fact like.

  “I’m glad it so simple for you, but it isn’t the same for me. There are things we’ve yet to discuss, important things that you need to know. I mean we are essentially talking about marriage here Lucian.”

  He growled. “No, this goes beyond the human marriage. This is permanent, there is no out clause, no divorce decrees.”

  “Exactly, you just argued my point for me. This is something so very serious and shouldn’t be rushed.”

  “It’s as natural as breathing to me Peri, I do not fear being tied to you for all time.”

  “Well babe, you should.” She sighed. She looked back at the house. She wasn’t in the mood to deal with a scared human who knew nothing of their world. She had her own problems and yet she knew that she would have to set them aside and deal with Anna and four other healers that were still out there. She turned to walk back to the house, instead of flashing, using the time it would take her to get there to get herself focused and ready to work. There would be time to deal with her love life after the healers were safe and after her sister was pushing up daisies. She only hoped that her control would hold out. She had this horrible feeling she was going to attack Lucian in a lust induced state right in front of some innocent girl scouts. Wouldn’t that just be peachy?


  Costin wrapped his arms around Sally and pulled her back against his body. He needed her touch, needed to reassure himself that she was still real and not some elaborate figment of his imagination. He leaned his head down and kissed the spot on her neck where his mark was. His desire flared when she trembled from the touch of his lips. He breathed deeply, allowing her scent to wash over him marking him as hers. When he lifted his head his eyes collided with the human girl. He knew by the way her eyes widened that his own eyes must have been glowing as a result of his wolf being so close to the surface. She dropped them quickly and he looked away from her, not wanting to upset her before Sally had a chance to explain more about what was going on. Sally patted his hands that rested on her stomach and his wolf let out a contented sigh as his arms tightened around their mate.

  “You okay?” She asked him.

  “Restless,” he admitted. Traveling outside of their territory always put him on edge, and knowing the woman who had been responsible for his mate’s death had been so close to her once again had his wolf wanting flesh between his teeth.

  Sally looked up at him and kissed his chin. She smiled when he growled at her, not happy with the small form of affection. He tilted her head back further and captured her mouth with his. Sally gave into his silent demand and let him take control of the kiss, turning her around and pulling her closer to him. His hands were in her hair and hers were wrapped tightly around his neck by the time he pulled back. He gave her a victorious wolfish smile and nipped her bottom lip.

  “Feel better?”

  Costin smiled. “A little, that was just the appetizer.”

  Sally rolled her eyes and turned back around to face the room to find Anna blushing and obviously trying to look anywhere but at them.

  “Sorry Anna, I didn’t mention that wolves are extremely affectionate and demanding in the return of their affection?” Sally smiled.

  “He’s one too?” Anna motioned towards Costin who was still holding Sally in his arms.

  Sally nodded. “Gypsy healers always mate with a Canis lupis,” she told her.

  “I think I need to sit down,” Anna stumbled to a love seat.

  “That’s probably a good idea because I wouldn’t want you to pass out when Costin phases,” Sally agreed.

  “You want me to phase?” Costin questioned.

  “Well I think of all of the people here I’m the least jealous so if she gets a glimpse of your fine body I won’t rip her throat out,” Sally explained.

  Costin nodded. “Good point, love.”

  Sally stepped away from Costin and took a seat next to Anna. “Costin is going to prove to you what your mind is still telling you is an impossibility. Please don’t run, okay? Werewolves are predators and they like to chase things, especially scared things. You ready?”

  Anna looked at Sally like she had lost her mind. “Am I ready to watch your husband change into a wolf?”

  Sally smiled sweetly. “Okay when you put it like that it sounds really absurd.” She turned to Costin. “Might as well just go ahead, babe.”

  Costin kicked off his shoes and slipped off his socks then took off his shirt and winked at Sally when she blushed. When he went to unbutton his jeans Anna was on her feet.

  “Wait, wait, whoa, hold up, why are you taking your clothes off?”

  Costin folded his arms across his impressive chest and let out a tired sigh. “Because if I phase with my clothes on it will tear them and I didn’t bring an extra pair with me. I’m not going to get naked, Sally says she’s not jealous but I won’t put your life at risk just on her word.” He gave his mate a playful smirk and then quickly removed his jeans so he was left standing in his boxers.

  Anna stared in disbelief as a beautiful specimen of a man suddenly was a wolf. His body shimmered and morphed magically, there was no other way to describe it, into a wolf. He was huge, with a thick grey coat of fur. Suddenly he threw his head back and let out a low deep howl.

  Anna slammed her hands over her ears as did Sally. Adam, Sorin, Crina, Elle, and Lucian came into the living room to see what was going on. When the howl ended he sat down on his haunches and looked at Sally as if waiting for something.

  “Was that really necessary?” Sally glared at him.

  He let his tongue lull out to the side and gave her what could only be deciphered as a grin. Sally tried to look mad but her lips curved up into a smile.

  Anna still had her hands over her ears and she was just staring at the wolf before her. She couldn’t take her eyes off of him, and though she had just watched a man turn into a wolf before her very eyes, she still didn’t want to admit that it was real. But how could she not? How could she argue that there was no such thing as werewolves when she had witnessed, was witnessing it? She watched as the huge wolf walked over to Sally and laid his massive head in her lap. Sally ran her hand over his fur and he closed his eyes and let out a low rumble.

  “Anna, you still with me?” Sally asked, not taking her eyes off of her wolf.

  “Well if you just fell into a rabbit hole and wound up in wonderland then yes I’m with you.” Anna ran her hands across her face, rubbing her eyes and working the stress out of her forehead where a headache was beginning. She closed her eyes and wondered if when she opened them she would realize this was all just some strange dream and she was still asleep on her stool in the store. No such luck as she blinked and the wolf still sat with his head in his mate’s lap.

  “Well you still haven’t had a meltdown or attacked anyone,” Peri said leaning on the door jam. “Either you really are this calm, or you’re a sociopath. Did you torture animals as a child or wet the bed?”

  “Would it make you feel better if I told you I was having an inner meltdown?” Anna asked her.

  Peri raised a brow at her and pursed her lips as she thought about it. She waved a hand at Anna and said, “I’m not worried, there’s still a lot you don’t know, plenty of time for you to have a two year old moment.” She eyed Costin. “I think she gets the point, why don’t you put your human skin back on along with some clothes and then rejoin us?” Costin gave her a snort making it clear he heard the order beneath the question and didn’t appreciate it. He lifte
d his lip in a silent snarl but then turned, grabbed his clothes up in his muzzle and trotted out of the room.

  “Okay,” Peri said as she walked further into the room and took an empty seat across from Anna and Sally. She looked up at Lucian whose steady gaze had been burning a hole in her since she had entered the room. “I suppose we should fill her in on my sister.”

  Lucian nodded. “She needs to understand the danger,” he agreed.

  “So you’ve learned that there are things that go bump in the night,” Peri said as she looked at Anna who seemed to have come to some sort of decision and was sitting up a little taller, looking a little more alert. “Without boring you with too many details or just totally blowing your tiny little mind, I’m going to tell you about a few other things that you didn’t know existed along with the Canis lupis. For now I’m going to try and only give you information that you need to know and then we’ll see how you’re doing.”

  Anna nodded and continued to watch Peri as she gathered her thoughts.

  “As I told you in the restaurant, I am a high fae. I am one of seven, well six now, of the high fae on the council. I am from this realm that we are currently in called Farie. The human realm is just one of many in this universe. My people are the most powerful of all the supernatural beings and because of that we have always acted as the supernatural police, for lack of a better term. But that is just one of our many roles. Another role that we play is a sort of ambassador between supernatural beings that don’t always get along. The Great Luna, remember she’s the one who created the Canis lupis, assigned us to different packs around the world to be the ones to watch over their Gypsy healers and help them with their magic. I was assigned to the Romanian pack a very long time ago. Now,” she took a breath and let it out with a humming sound before continuing, “there is a lot of history that has happened and you will learn all of that in time but what you need to know is that in the past year things have been changing rapidly. A very young dominant male found his true mate and that seemed to be the catalyst for others who have since also found their true mates. There was also a witch that was defeated and a warlock that rose to power and fell almost in the same breath. That is where my sister, Lorelle, who you had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting, comes in.