Read Into the Mystic Page 20

The pirates and guys approach each other, stop ten feet apart where the dock meets the sand. Each inspects the other. The three pirates appear to be fifteenth century pirates, scraggly beards, layers of clothing, hats, knives.

  Captain Pardel speaks first. "I am Captain Pardel, this be Calico Jack and Marteen." Pardel pauses, stares at Brandon. "I’ve been waiting for you mate. This time it’s not a dream."

  Brandon, fearless, responds, "Ayyee Captain, and when I be done with you, you’re going to wish it was a dream!

  Pardel pulls his sword out, holds it high. "Preparrre to die!"

  The pirates pull their swords, the boys theirs. The pirates march toward them as the boys back up. Calico Jack jumps at Derek, swishes his sword.

  Derek, frantic, mutters, "Ooooohhhh...close!" Derek turns and runs, Jack chases.

  Kyle and Brandon back up but wear looks of confidence.

  Marteen faces Kyle, swings, Kyle blocks it, Marteen does a three sixty and whacks at Kyle who blocks it, then smiles. Kyle does a three sixty, crouches and swings at Marteen’s legs. Marteen jumps, swings at Kyles’s head, he ducks and attacks. They move forward, their swords clink against each other as they fight down the beach.

  Brandon and Pardel clash swords as Brandon forces him down the dock as they duel back and forth. Brandon forces Pardel to back up. Each twist and duck to avoid the others sword as they jab back and forth.

  Captain Pardel smiles. "You’ve been practicing."

  Brandon, confident, responds, "To send you back to hell!" Brandon smashes his sword down on Pardel.

  Calico Jack has forced Derek against a huge boulder. As Jack smashes blows down on him, Derek, scared, timid, raises his sword to block them. Quick, Derek jabs him back, blocks a jab, stares at the sword. He smiles, leaps forward as he now reigns blows on Jack.

  Marteen does a high overhead slam to Kyle, who blocks it and makes a jab at Marteen’s gut. Marteen lunges back, blocks Kyle's sword down then swings his sword overhead and down across Kyle’s shoulder. The sword slices Kyle's shirt from his shoulder to the stomach. Kyle steps back, smiles, moves towards Marteen as they hammer blows down on each other.

  Brandon breathes deep, sighs. He moves forward as he jabs, slices and stabs at Pardel who easily blocks all the blows.

  With the berries now at full affect, Derek fights with confidence and ease, almost relaxes as he blocks Marteen’s blows. Marteen swings sideways, catches Derek’s sword, sends it spinning through the air. Derek backs up to Marteen’s advances. Frantic, Derek inspects the area for anything to defend himself with. He spots a three foot long, jagged six inch thick bare tree branch, He dives on the ground, grabs the branch, rolls over and leaps back onto his feet as Marteen goes for the kill. Derek holds up the branch to block the sword but, the sword slices through it, leaving Derek holding two logs. Marteen smiles.

  Pardel and Brandon now battle next to the rowboat, sparring back and forth as one gains the advantage, then the other. Pardel sees Brandon tires, he smiles as he hammers blows on Brandon, who barely has the strength to block them. Pardel swings and knocks away Brandon’s sword. It flies and sticks upright on the pier ten feet away. Pardel swings sideways at Brandon’s gut. Brandon jerks as he backs up toward his sword and dodges Pardel’s jabs and slices.

  Brandon leaps to his sword, grabs it in time to block an overhead smash. Both pause, breathe heavy. Brandon grins wickedly because he has new found strength. He jabs and slices with such fury, Pardel has to back up to avoid Brandon's now powerful sword.

  Pardel waivers on the dock edge, Brandon furiously reigns blows on him. Brandon slices his sword upward, makes contact, Pardel's sword flies into the water. As Pardel pulls out a long knife, Brandon shoves his sword into his gut. Pardel moans, looks up at Brandon, bends over. Brandon yanks his blood covered sword out. Pardel teeters, Brandon grabs his hat, gives him a light push. Pardel plops into the water and disappears into the murky deep.

  Jack swings again, Derek blocks it with the log. The sword sticks in the wood as Jack tries to jiggle it free. Derek jerks the sword and branch away as Jack grabs his knife. Derek grabs the sword, smashes the log into Jacks head. Jack drops. Derek raises his fist and sword into the air and stands, victorious.

  Kyle slams his sword at Marteen, who blocks it, and moves toward Kyle. Both jab at one another as they move back and forth. Kyle tires, but has enough energy to block Marteen’s sword as he backs up. Marteen slices his sword through the air, does a three sixty and smashes Kyle’s sword with such force it flies away. Kyle backs up as Marteen swings at him. Kyle squeezes against a rock, trapped. Marteen smiles, raises his sword. Kyle smiles, Marteen freezes.

  Brandon now stands behind Marteen, Pardel’s hat on, sword pressed against his neck. "Drop it or die." Marteen drops his sword.

  Kyle stands tall and declares, "I had him."

  Brandon warns Marteen, "Your captain's dead. Get your mate and get out of here." Marteen bolts away.

  Derek approaches, all three grin at each other. Brandon holds his sword high. Derek and Kyle follow, their sword tips touch high in the air.

  Brandon proclaims, "To victory!"

  Kyle and Derek echo together, "To victory!"

  Brandon grins, "We are such studs!"

  Derek, keyed up, proclaims, "Was there ever any doubt?"


  Brandon, Derek, Kyle, Arianna, Treena and Tina, plus other mermaids, sit at the dinner table. Brandon wears Pardel’s hat.

  Arianna stands, addresses everyone. "You all have proven yourselves to be courageous and gallant fighters. Everyone on this island is thankful."

  Brandon says. "Ahhh, it was nothing."

  "The hell it wasn’t," Derek retorts, "we were almost killed."

  "I had it under control." Kyle responds with a grin.

  "That’s a lie, you..." Brandon tries to finish but Arianna interrupts.

  "Can we move on?" she glances at the mermaids. "You all have your positions, you know what to do. May the Gods be with us."

  Derek stands, holds his hand out. "Whoaaa, wait a minute here. You’re forgetting something."

  "I don’t think so." replies Arianna.

  Brandon adds, "He's right Arianna, we’re not staying behind."

  "It’s too dangerous." Arianna warns.

  Kyle asks, a bit sarcastic. "Is it more dangerous than, say, saving your island from marauding pirates that want to kill you?"

  Treena turns to Brandon. "Brandon, it is too dangerous. What do you know of underwater battle? No, no, no!"

  Brandon smiles, rubs her hair. "Are you saying you care, you would be sad if anything happened to me?"

  Treena shakes her head in amazement.

  "There are no berries for this." Arianna responds.

  Brandon blurts out, "Besides, when you blow us..."

  Derek and Kyle lower their head and cover their faces.

  Brandon restates, "Oops, you know, breathe into us, can’t you give us some of your special powers, maybe become invisible, shock them in the water, something?

  "The most we can do is give you the power to communicate under the water." Arianna explains.

  Kyle affirms. "It’s settled, we go to battle!"

  "Not quite, there’s something I haven’t spoken of. My mother, err, Nemeritias," Tina glances at Arianna. "she has a special power, one all of you must avoid. She can stun you by her stare. If she stares at you, you will be frozen, unable to move."

  Brandon, confident, says, "Ah, fatal vision, I have an answer for that."

  "I warn you, do not look at her." declares Tina.

  Brandon whispers. "Treena, I need to get to our boat, how long would it take?"

  "I shouldn’t without mother's permission."

  "It’s really important, we’ll be back before anyone knows we’re gone."