Read Into the Mystic Page 22

DAY 10

  The underwater sea is calm, grasses and plants are upright with no movement. Arianna is still as well. Behind her ten mermaids wait, five in an arc on each side, surrounded by ten dolphins. Behind them wait the three guys and directly behind Arianna is Tina.

  The area is exotic, forty to fifty feet deep. Reefs and tall seaweed type plants abound for hiding places. Tropical fish dart around as crabs and lobster scurry about. Sting rays lie buried in the sand. Big teeth eels peer from holes in the reef. Medium size jellyfish and sea cucumbers swim, a porcupine fish glides by as an octopus eats a crab.

  Arianna glances behind her to ensure all are ready. The three guys give her the thumbs up signal.

  In the distance, Nemeritias approaches, surrounded by ten sharks, twelve sirens. Nemeritias and her sirens tails are light and dark brown, some bleeding into black.

  Behind them waits Sean, a chain around his neck, attached to a shark. The chain loops behind the sharks head, held in place by fins.

  Nemeritias stops her group twenty feet from Arianna. Both shoot icy, evil stares at the other. Alone, Arianna swims to the middle as Nemeritias, alone, swims to meet her. They stop, communicate by their thoughts.

  Nemeritias speaks first. "It’s been many moons Arianna."

  "We want nothing to do with your evil. We come for the human, you for Chiron."

  "Arianna, such hatred, after all these years."

  "And you know why it is so."

  "That was many, many moons ago. We must let the past be."

  "Enough of your mindless chatter, bring me the human."

  Arianna turns and signals for Chiron. Chiron swims and stops behind Arianna.

  Nemeritias signals to the Siren next to Sean, she takes a key, first unlocks the chain on the shark, then Sean. The chain and lock drop into the sand. Sean swims and stops behind Nemeritias. Sean and Chiron’s eyes lock, they swim to each other and embrace.

  "Sean, it is time, your friends await you. Come." Arianna declares.

  Sean stares at her, trance like. The three guys swim over, surround Sean.

  Derek tells him, "Sean, you’re free, time to come home."

  Sean stares, trance like and confused.

  Brandon adds, "Dude, the beers waiting, we’re going home!"

  Two Sirens grab Chiron, pull her toward the sharks. Sean, dazed, stares, begins to follow Chiron.

  Brandon grabs him. "Sean, you’re coming with us."

  Sean struggles. "No, I have to be with Chiron! Leave me alone!" He breaks himself free of Brandon and moves toward Chiron.

  Arianna stares, cold, at Nemeritias. "You witch! You’ve put him under your spell!"

  Nemeritias, calm, replies, "He is free to do what he wants. Take them away!"

  Siren #1 & #2 grab Chiron and swim, Sean follows. The mermaids rush toward them, sharks cut them off. The dolphins shoot into the middle, the sharks chase them away. Shark #1 and #2 follow, which lead them away from the sirens and mermaids.

  Treena rushes over to Siren #1, beside Chiron. Chiron struggles to break free. Treena, like a guided missile, smashes her head in Siren #1’s back, knocks her away. Siren #1 turns and faces Treena, opens her mouth and exposes shark like teeth. Treena leans backs, swooshes her tail and sends Siren #1 into a spin. A dolphin smashes into Siren #1. She floats, alive but unconscious.

  The three guys each float nearby. Nemeritias spots them, her eyes widen, she begins her stare. Small, radar like waves roll toward the guys.

  Quick, each reaches into his bag of spears and put reflective sunglasses on. The radar waves hit the glasses and bounce off. They high five.

  In the distance, shark #1 and #2 have cornered the four dolphins in a grassy area. The sharks open their mouths for the attack. A dolphin shoots out of the grass to lead the sharks away from the others.

  Shark #1 chases, he’s fast. He gains on the dolphin and from the rear slams his jaws into the middle of the dolphin. Blood flows as he eats half the dolphin. The other half floats as his blood darkens the area.

  Shark #2 has the remaining three dolphins cornered. From the long sea grass blasts a giant octopus. Like a guided missile, he shoots to the sharks back and wraps his tentacles around the sharks jaws. Slow, the octopus forces the sharks jaws closed as the dolphins bolt away.

  Two dolphins turn, head back to the shark #2. They torpedo into the shark, who jerks sideways. He floats.

  Two sharks and Sirens #2 & #3 surround Sean and Chiron, keep them in place. Other groups of mermaids and Sirens fight.

  Nemeritias signals Sirens #2 & #3 to move toward the island. They swim as two sharks join them. Arianna sees this and rockets over. Nemeritias turns and holds up her hand, extending her fingers. Radar like waves blast Arianna, knock her into a spin, stunned. A shark bolts to Arianna, jaws open, giant teeth like a steel trap. The shark is upon her as two dolphins torpedo into its side. The shark floats.

  Off to the side, a shark chases Treena, he closes in, close enough to snap at her tail. He snaps twice, she jerks away. She tires, the shark opens his jaws, wide! Keela, close behind the shark, pounces on his back and wraps her arms around it. He stops, shakes, struggles. As Keela tumbles away, another shark is upon her. He clamps his jaws in the middle of her body, violently shakes his head. Blood flows from Keela. She is dead.

  Another shark shoots out from nowhere and, without stopping, scoops up her body and swims away into the deep.

  Treena is in shock, teardrops roll from her eyes. Her tears transform into small, yellow sun like glowing balls. Treena stares at the five fiery balls that circle her. Her face changes from sadness into revenge.

  Six of ten sharks float, four Sirens remain.

  The three guys move to Sean and Chiron, spear guns ready. As they approach, two sharks rush them. There are no dolphins around. As the sharks close in, all three fire their spear guns, each hit their mark. Blood flows from the sharks, but, like machines, they continue.

  The guys reload and fire again. They hit but the sharks are not slowed. Hurried, the boys try to reload.

  From below, Treena watches. She gazes at the two shark's, the teardrop balls follow the path of her gaze. Each hit their mark and explode into the shark's side. A gaping hole leaves the two sharks floating.

  Nemeritias is now with Sean, Chiron, two sharks, four Sirens.

  Six floating mermaids and eight floating Sirens, all alive but unconscious, surround them. The remaining mermaids, dolphins and Arianna stare at them, easily have them surrounded. Nemeritias has a look of calm confidence.

  Arianna approaches and announces, "It is done Nemeritias, turn them over to us."

  Nemeritias, stern, answers, "My daughter goes with me!"

  Chiron, angry, responds, "I’m not your daughter, you have lied to me all this time. You stole me from my mother! I’ll never go with you!"

  Nemeritias tries to defend herself. "It’s not true Chiron, she is the one who has lied to you!"

  "Then why does my sister wear this?" Tina holds out her arm and shows her bracelet. Treena holds up her arm and shows the matching bracelet.

  "It’s all been a lie, my life, you. None of it was real. You’re evil Nemeritias."

  Nemeritias' eyes turn deep black, her face turns stone, cold evil. "Then you shall all die!"

  She raises both hands and shoots out powerful waves as she spins her body in a circle. Waves slam everyone around her, sends them into somersaults and tumbles.

  Treena is hit. As she tumbles and passes out, the remaining balls explode like little mines and disappear.

  The three guys watch from a distance, far enough away to stay safe from her shock waves.

  She spares no one, her waves hit Chiron, Sean, her sharks and Sirens. All lay motionless around her, passed out. Nemeritias smiles.

  Out of nowhere, spears zing by her. She jerks around to see where they came from but cannot tell. The spears continue to zing around her. She glances up and sees the bottom of a boat. She smiles, extends her hands and fingers, shoots her shock waves
up. They hit the boat causing it to rock and roll.

  In the boat sit Seth, Steven and Joshua. They hold on for dear life while the boat rocks left and right.

  Steven yells, "Hold on mates, she’s goin’ over!" The boat flips, throws all overboard. All three swim back and cling to the overturned boat.

  Back underwater, Nemeritias smiles and moves to Arianna who, slow, regains her senses but is still stunned. She’s upon Arianna, she opens her mouth and exposes shark like teeth. Arianna, too paralyzed to move, shakes her head sideways.

  Nemeritias starts to bite but stops as her body is jolted from behind. She looks down. A spear sticks in her back. She turns, another pierces her shoulder. Dark, brownish colored blood darkens the water. Brandon, ten feet away, still aims his spear gun at her.

  Nemeritias cries out, "Nooooooooooooooo!"

  Brandon fires, it slams into her heart. Slow, blood trails her as she sinks to the bottom, dead.