Read Into the Night Page 4

  “Be careful what you say.”

  “I’m always careful. Every moment of every single day.” Even before her attack, she’d been so careful. The studious college coed. The diligent MD student. The hardworking resident. She’d been the good girl all her life, and what had it gotten her?

  Scars. Pain.

  I came back together wrong.

  “I don’t want to be careful tonight.” Maybe that was the problem. Maybe he didn’t understand—“Tonight,” Macey blurted. “That’s all I want.” She wasn’t looking for some kind of a forever promise. She didn’t want one. She needed to feel something other than pain. Needed to see something other than Daniel’s dead body.

  Right then, she was staring into Bowen’s eyes. And she could see, she could see—

  He wants me.

  “Spell it out for me, Mace,” he said. “Tell me exactly what you want tonight.”

  “I want you.” She licked her lips. His gaze immediately dropped to her mouth and she swore the darkness of his stare heated. “I want you to make l—have sex.” She stumbled over the words. “With me.” They wouldn’t be making love. Love didn’t enter into the equation.

  “We’re partners. The FBI won’t let us cross that line,” Bowen said. “You know—”

  “We’re not dating, Bowen. And the FBI brass isn’t here.” Yes, she was breaking rules. Screw it. “I want to be with you. But if you want me to go—” Don’t, don’t, don’t.

  He didn’t speak. She wouldn’t fall apart. Her chin lifted and she pulled away from him, stepping back. “I see.” He was blocking the door. Another problem. How could she make her not-so-graceful exit when he was in the way? “Will you please move?”

  His face was so tight and hard. Angry. But he stepped to the side. She reached for the door. Opened it—

  Only to have Bowen’s hand fly up and slam that door shut again. Suddenly, he was right behind her, his body surrounding hers. His hand was pressed to the door just above hers, and his face was bent beside hers. “Remember, when this is over—” his words were a rumble “—you came to me. You asked for me.”

  Slowly, but with her heart racing so fast and hard she feared he could hear the frantic beat, Macey turned to face Bowen. He’d trapped her between the door and the burning heat of his body. “I know exactly what I’m asking for.” If he thought she’d regret this in the morning, he was wrong.

  But Bowen shook his head. “Not what, Mace.” Mace. For some reason, when he said her nickname—the nickname that only he used—her breath stuttered a bit. “Who. Remember who you asked for. Who you wanted.” His eyes never left hers. “You wanted me. You came to me.”

  He wasn’t going to let her leave. She saw that, felt it with utter certainty. She would have smiled but she was having trouble breathing because, yes, this was going to happen. She’d escape her pain for a bit and then she’d wake up tomorrow and the world would be back to its tainted self.

  But that was tomorrow.

  For the night...

  “If I kiss you again, will you push me away?” Macey asked him.

  “I’ll never let you get the fuck away.”

  Maybe his words should have scared her. But they didn’t. He didn’t mean those words. They were only talking about the night. Nothing more than that. Just hours in the dark.

  “Open your mouth for me,” he told her. “Let me in this time.”

  Then he was the one to kiss her. And she made sure her lips were parted. His tongue swept inside her mouth and there was nothing hesitant about his kiss. It was hot. It was rough. It was consuming. And it was exactly what she wanted.

  She gave herself fully to his kiss, holding nothing back. With her eyes closed, with her body pressed to his and her mouth desperate on his, she didn’t see her past. She didn’t see anything at all. Macey just felt. And she liked how she was feeling.

  His hands were sliding down her back. Pressing to the curve of her hips, dragging her even closer to him. His arousal thrust toward her, heavy and thick, and there was no doubt that he wanted her. She hadn’t been wrong about him. Her instincts had been dead-on. He’d felt the attraction, just as she had. But he’d been following the rules.

  Screw the rules. For that night, anyway. They could go back to playing things safe the next day. Dawn would bring safety. For the darkness, though, in the darkness, safety was the last thing she wanted.

  Her clothes were in the way. His were in the way. She wanted to be skin to skin with him. Wanted to feel every single inch of his body against hers. But...

  Scars. She always worked so hard to cover her arms.

  She pulled away from him and her lashes lifted as she stared into Bowen’s eyes.

  “Changing your mind?” Bowen growled. “Better do it now—”

  Macey shook her head. No way was she changing her mind. Then, still staring at him, she began to unbutton her blouse. His gaze fell to her chest and then his eyes narrowed. When the shirt hit the floor, he’d see her scars. But...this was Bowen. She trusted him.

  Wasn’t that why she was there? Because she knew she could trust this one man?

  She let the shirt fall, and, by habit, she started to curl her arms inward, but Bowen had stepped forward. He caught her wrists. Held them ever so carefully in his grip. His thumbs feathered over her pulse points. “You are so fucking beautiful.”

  “And you have on too many clothes,” she whispered back.

  He laughed. The sound was deep and rumbling and she realized that she hadn’t really heard him laugh much. With their job, there wasn’t ever much to laugh about but...he had a nice laugh. It made little butterflies swirl inside of her.

  “That’s an easy problem to solve.” Once more, his thumbs slid along her wrists, but then he freed her, and he went to work on his clothes. As she watched, he tore off his shirt and dropped it to the floor. He kicked off his shoes and ditched his socks, and his pants followed as they slid to the floor. She didn’t look away. Didn’t pretend not to be avidly curious about his body. And what a body it was. Strong and tan. Sexy-as-hell abs. Powerful thighs and—

  He pushed down his boxers.

  She released a quick breath. He was exactly what she wanted. She reached for his cock, but, once more, his hand curled around her wrist.

  “Sweetheart, I’ve been dreaming about you far too long. You touch me like that, and what control I have will be shot straight to hell.”

  Macey licked her lips and swore she tasted him. “That’s okay. You don’t need to maintain control with me.”

  But he shook his head. “You’re the one person I need it with the most.”

  No, he was—

  He used his grip to pull her closer. Right before his lips took hers, he said, “I’m going to put my mouth on every single inch of you.”

  A shiver slid over her. “Promises, promises...”

  “Exactly,” he told her, and then he took her mouth once more.

  * * *

  MACEY NIGHT AND Bowen Murphy had arrived too late. As soon as the victim had turned up in the FBI’s computer system, he’d known that Macey would make the connection to Daniel Haddox. And, just as he’d anticipated, she’d hauled ass getting up to Hiddlewood, North Carolina.

  She just hadn’t hauled ass quite fast enough. She hadn’t beat him to Daniel’s cabin. In this particular race, she’d come in dead last.

  No, that was Daniel. He’s the dead one.

  He stared into the night. Macey and Bowen had gone back to their motel. Was Macey happy, now that Daniel was gone? Did she even realize the gift he’d given to her? Macey hadn’t needed to face the darkness in herself. She hadn’t needed to finally discover...

  Will I kill him when I see him? Or will I be able to take him in like a good FBI agent?

  He’d saved her the trouble of finding out just what choice she’d make. Though he knew, deep in
side, what she’d wanted.

  She wanted him dead. I know it. So...he’d made that happen for her. She didn’t have to pretend that she wanted to follow the law. Didn’t have to be the good FBI agent. She could enjoy Daniel’s death.

  I gave him exactly what he deserved, Macey. Exactly.

  The Doctor had experienced the same torturous pain that he’d given his patients. The bastard had been screaming his fool head off the entire time. He’d also been fighting...because Haddox hadn’t been drugged. There hadn’t been time for that.

  Some criminals weren’t meant for a jail cell. Why waste time with a trial? Haddox had been guilty as sin, and he’d been punished for his crimes.

  Just as others would soon be punished.

  Another race, another kill. Maybe the FBI agents would be better prepared this time, now that the game was truly in play.

  He turned away from the mountain and headed for his car. The night was still young. He could easily get to his next target. After all, he knew exactly where his prey was waiting. He’d worked hard to uncover the monsters in the dark.

  Now I know where they are. And I will stop them.

  When dawn came, Macey and Bowen would get news of another crime. He’d make sure of it. Another race, another killer. He hoped they’d be ready. After all, he had big plans for them both. Very, very big.

  Don’t disappoint me, Agents.


  BOWEN’S HANDS SLID over Macey’s shoulders, then smoothed down her arms. She shivered lightly at his touch and her lips parted.

  He had his hands on Macey. This wasn’t a damn dream. She was real. And he was having her. When he’d opened the door and seen her standing there, he’d thought something was wrong. It was late, it was dark, and Macey—why would she come to him in the middle of the night unless something had happened with their case?

  But this wasn’t about the case. This was about them. And he did not want to screw this up.

  “You’re taking too long,” Macey said. Her voice was husky and seemed to stroke right over his skin. Her hands went to her waist and her pants were soon sliding down her gorgeous legs. She’d ditched her shoes—he didn’t even know when she’d kicked off her heels but now she stood before him clad just in a black bra and a black pair of panties. Her body was freaking perfection to him. High, full breasts, curving hips and legs that would soon be wrapped around his waist as he drove into her again and again and made her scream with pleasure.

  Because he wanted Macey to scream for him. Scream, come, repeat—again and again. He was planning for one hell of a night.

  Her hands started to slide down her panties.

  But he caught her, pulled her into his arms and carried her toward the bed. She gave a little gasp as he held her, and damn but she felt too light. So delicate. He’d have to remember that about Macey. Sometimes, he just saw her strength. But there was more to her. So much more.

  He put her on the bed. She stared up at him, her arms braced behind her. The bra she wore was sexy as sin—pushing up her breasts—and he just had to touch her. He followed her onto the bed, and, as promised, he began to taste Macey. Every single inch. Because he’d wanted to have his mouth on her for a very long time.

  Bowen knew he was breaking the rules. He just didn’t care. For Macey, he’d do just about anything. Pity she didn’t realize that.

  He slid down the straps of her bra. First one, then the other. He put his hands on her breasts, stroking the nipples, teasing them, and then he took one sweet nipple into his mouth and sucked her. She gasped and her body arched up against him.

  He licked her. Sucked harder. Lightly used the edge of his teeth on her.


  Such a good start. He kissed a path to her other breast. Gave it the same attention. Her legs were spread, so he pushed his lower body between them, and every time that she arched up, his cock pushed against the silken crotch of her panties. She was getting wet for him, he could feel that through the scrap of silk.

  Good...but it would be even better when she went wild for him.

  Her hands slid over his back and he felt the bite of her nails. He wanted her mark on him, and he damn sure wanted to leave his on her.

  Macey. Macey Night.

  She had no idea how badly he wanted her. He’d tried to do the right thing. When she’d pressed her lips to his for that very first kiss, Bowen had locked down every muscle in his body. He’d tried hard to fight his ferocious need and tried to send her away.


  Macey had wanted him.

  And he wanted Macey.

  He began to kiss a path down her stomach. Down, down...

  “No!” Macey’s sharp cry. At once, his head lifted.

  “No, Bowen, you don’t need to—”

  Need to? Was she serious? “Hell, yes, I do. I’m dying to taste you.” Then he bent his head, slid his body back more...and he kissed her, pressing his mouth right to the silk of her panties. Her whole body stiffened and he kissed her again. “Told you, sweetheart, I’ll be putting my mouth on every inch of you.” He was a man of his word. Macey should have known that about him.

  His fingers slipped under the edge of silk and he touched her—even softer than the silk. He eased back so he could pull those panties down her legs and he looked up at her face. Her eyes were on him. Her breath came in quick pants and light spots of red stained her cheeks.

  So gorgeous.

  He tossed the panties and his hands curved around her thighs. With his eyes still on hers, he pushed her legs even farther apart. He lowered his head and then he licked her.

  Macey nearly came off the bed. She jerked beneath him and gave a moan. He was holding her tightly, so she couldn’t back away—and he put his mouth on her again. Kissing. Licking. Tasting.

  Every inch of you, sweetheart. Every single inch.

  Her moans filled his ears. Her taste made him drunk. He kept taking and taking, totally lost because he wanted every-fucking-thing that she had to give him. His cock was aching, and he wanted to shove deep into her, but he didn’t want to stop tasting her. Too good. So good and—

  “Bowen!” His name broke from her lips. He looked up and saw her bow off the bed. Her climax ripped through her and she clawed at the sheets.

  That’s the first one, Mace. The first...

  He watched her as the pleasure poured through her body and he knew he wouldn’t last much longer. Not with her taste on his lips, not with her body shaking from the release he’d given her.

  Fuck, no, I won’t last. He shoved from the bed. Grabbed for the condom he kept in his wallet. Then he went back to her. “I can’t be easy.”

  She reached for him. “Good.”

  He positioned his body between her legs. His cock pushed at the entrance to her body. Staring into her eyes, he thrust deep, and Bowen was lost. She was so fucking hot and wet and tight, and she drove him out of his mind. He grabbed her hips, his hold too rough and hard, but he couldn’t slow down. All he could do was drive into her, again and again, sinking balls deep. Her legs were wrapped around him. She shoved back up against him, meeting him thrust for thrust. Her nipples were tight and pink, her lips were swollen and red from his kiss, and she was so sexy that he wanted to fucking own her.


  “Bowen!” She was coming again. He could feel her release all around the length of his cock, and those silken contractions pushed him straight over the edge. Bowen erupted, sinking deep into her one last time as his own orgasm hit—it slammed into him with the force of a tornado and he knew...there was no going back.

  * * *

  SHE WAS TRYING to slip out of his bed.

  Bowen cracked open one eye. Macey was oh, so carefully lifting his right arm, the arm that had been curled around her midsection. The room was cast in darkness, and he knew hours had passed. They’d crashed ha
rd together, falling into an exhausted slumber, but now, apparently, Macey thought it was time to leave.


  “Not dawn yet,” he muttered.

  Macey immediately stilled. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  “No, you just meant to slip away in the dark.”

  She didn’t deny his claim.

  Guilty, huh, Mace? But I caught you.

  Her fingers slid over his forearm. That forearm had moved back against her midsection and was pinning her to the bed.

  “I should go,” she said.

  “You should stay.” He turned to fully face her. His eyes had already adjusted to the darkness. “Because we aren’t done.”


  “Dawn isn’t here yet.” And he wasn’t even close to being finished with her.

  “No.” Her voice was soft. “Not yet.”

  There was another condom waiting on the nightstand. He’d made sure to get that thing out of his wallet because he had plans for Macey. When a guy was given a perfect fucking gift, he held tight to that gift.

  He shifted his position so that he could be even closer to her, and Bowen lifted her hand toward his mouth. He pressed a soft kiss to the scar that began near her right wrist.

  He heard her swift inhalation.

  “Is it wrong,” Macey asked him, “that I’m glad he’s dead?”

  “No.” If she thought that he would judge her, then she didn’t know him. With his past, no, there was no way he could ever think anything about her was wrong.

  “I thought about killing him. More times than I can count.”

  He pressed another kiss to her scar and tried not to imagine Macey tied down on the freak’s operating room table.

  “And I had nightmares about him coming back to kill me.”

  Another kiss. Softer. “He won’t hurt anyone again.”


  And I wasn’t going to let him get to you. Even if that bastard wasn’t dead, I would never let him put his hands on you again, Macey.

  “Tomorrow, we forget this,” she said.