Read Into the Triangle (Harmony) Page 2

  “Don’t even think about it. By the end of this month I am planning to leave this place in that.” Jack said.

  “So you’re not going to change your mind in this?” Jan asked.

  “Never, ever.” Jack said.

  “Then you leave me no choice. I am going to my home.” Jan rushed inside the house.

  “Jan, wait, I need to talk to you.” Jack said but Jan already left the scene to inside the house.

  At the time Jack reached inside, Jan was packing her things.

  “Jan, stop it. Let me explain.” Jack desperately said.

  “No, you stop it. Stop this madness. I am leaving right now.” Jan finished packing and with the huge travel bag she went outside the house.

  “Fine. Go. I will contact you from Bermuda triangle.” Jack said.

  “I knew you were a jerk. Now it is clearer.” Jan said enraged. “I hope I never see you again.” Jan left the house wiping tears from her eyes.

  After Jan left the house Jack switched his clothes and then walked to basement through the door on the outside. Submarine is still there. He slowly pushed the submarine to outside the house. Thanks to the tyres attached to the lower part of the submarine it is very easy to move the submarine. Jack finally placed the small sub in the yard and opened its door. Jack got inside the sub and checked all the equipment.

  He took the device - ocean floor analyser, in his hand and started to attach it to the computer inside the sub. Last day he stole some money from Jan and bought this device. He is not feeling guilty for what he had done, instead he is proud at what he had made. Once he is finished with the new device he got outside the submarine and walked inside the basement again.

  Jack took a can of paint and brush and walked outside. After five minutes or so, he started painting the sub with a black colour. He named his sub as Jan after his wife. He love his wife more than anything. He is sure that she will return soon. She can’t part with him because their love is deeper than anyone could ever imagine.

  Jack indeed is grieving in parted from his wife but he is keen on going to the triangle. He want to uncover the secrets behind those waters. It was his childhood dream and now he is going to full fill his dream.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 3

  2026 July 5, New York

  “So, Jack, what’s the big deal with this submarine of yours? It looks new.” Jack’s neighbour asked.

  “It’s nothing. By the end of this month I am planning to go to Bermuda triangle, in this sub, and probably I will uncover the secrets behind the triangle.” Jack said.

  “No shit way. Are you kidding me?” Neighbour asked.

  “No, John. I am dead serious about it.” Jack said.

  “Are you on crack? You sure could use some medication.” John said.

  “I knew you would say that, jerk.” Jack said.

  “Jack, you don’t stand a chance against the ocean. According to government there is no Bermuda triangle. And also there is some report about a strong ocean current there. That current will rip away your sub in seconds. Are you sure about this?” John asked.

  “I have made my mind long ago. Didn’t you watch the news? The whereabouts of the ship Harmony is still unknown. I am sure that there is some big deal of inter-dimensional thing going on there in the Bermuda triangle. And I will uncover it.” Jack said.

  “Like I guessed. I am not changing what I said before. You surely need some medication for your mental health.” John left the scene laughing.

  “Jerk.” Jack said himself.

  Jack somehow finished painting the sub and satisfied with everything. He left the yard and got inside the house for lunch. Jan hasn’t cooked and the kitchen is empty of food. Jack checked inside the refrigerator. There is five sandwiches inside the refrigerator. Jack took them and started to eat. Within seconds his hunger flew away. He drank orange juice that also from the refrigerator, and once satisfied he went outside after washing his hands and mouth.

  At the time he reached near the submarine there are two vans parked right in front of his house. Jack looked carefully at the vans. Suddenly two females with mic in their hands came forward from the other side of the sub. Behind them is two camera men. Media is here. Jack cursed John. John must have called the media.

  “Are you Jack Green?” One of the female with rose coloured shirt asked.

  “Yes, I am.” Jack said.

  “We heard that you’re planning for going to Bermuda triangle. Is that true?” The same female reporter asked.

  “Yes.” Jack said irritated.

  “What are you planning to do once you reach Bermuda triangle?” The reporter with blue coloured shirt asked.

  “I am planning to find out the secrets behind Bermuda triangle. As you have seen this is my submarine. This sub is equipped with the latest technologies. It will stand against any raging oceans. I had also made a compartment for food and other things. It can support my life up to one month.” Jack said.

  “And what do you think you will find out there?” Reporter with rose coloured shirt asked.

  “As you probably have heard, some believe Bermuda triangle is a pathway to another dimension. Some believe there is unusually high magnetic field. While some others believe there is a strong ocean current. I want to find out which one is true. So I am guessing a lot of things there. My sub have all the necessary technologies to analyse the ocean. So I am sure that I will find out the secret behind it.” Jack said.

  “As you have seen this Jack Green is very keen on going to Bermuda triangle. I hope he won’t regret his decision. Anyway we can wait a few more days for his findings. This is Jennet, from AWD world news." The reporter with rose coloured shirt said to the camera.

  “Did you caught all that?” Jennet asked to her camera man.

  “Yes, mam.” The camera man answered.

  “Thank you for cooperating with us, Jack. We wish you all the best and we will be seeing you again. Also we have placed a camera to record your progress. We hope you don’t mind it.” Jennet said and left. Others also left the scene.

  A few minutes later a cab stopped in front of Jack’s house and Jan got outside with her travel bag. Jack’s mouth widened.

  “I thought you would never return.” Jack said.

  “I changed my mind. I realized that there is nothing I could say that will stop you from leaving. So I thought it would be a good idea to watch you going to your Bermuda triangle. And by the way I saw you on TV a little while ago.” Jan moved inside the house. Jack followed her inside the house.

  “Oh, a little while ago some reporters came. You just missed them. If you have stayed you could also have become a star.” Jack said smiling.

  “That’s exactly why I am here.” Jan said smiling back.

  “I knew it.” Jack said.

  “Come on. Let’s forget everything. I will cook something nice for you.” Jan said.

  “You read my mind. I am really hungry.” Jack said.

  “I am your wife. I can read your mind. Also if there is something big happening in my house I don’t want to miss it.” Jan said placing a frying pan on the stove.

  “So, you’re going to let me go?” Jack asked.

  “If that’s what you want, but promise me you will be back.” Jan said.

  “Yes. I promise.” Jack jumped with excitement. Jan laughed. Family united again.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 4

  2026 July 20, New York

  Jack’s preparation for the Journey is almost over. He plans to go on July 25 and he hope the weather will not postpone his journey. Jack fears for his wife. She is four months away from delivery and he don’t know whether he will be back at that time. As far as he know, no one have ever returned from Bermuda triangle once they got trapped. So it’s a life and death situation.

  At the final moment Jack fixed the newly designed mechanical arms on both sides of the sub because if it’s some heightened magnetic field he needs to crawl away from that region. He checked all
the twenty oxygen cylinders and the sub’s oxygen levels. With the special equipment he had designed himself, he can easily make oxygen from ocean water as needed. So oxygen problems are solved.

  He placed all the necessary electronic equipment in a small faraday cage in case some electromagnetic wave hit the sub.

  “Honey, Lunch is ready.” Jan called out.

  “I will be there in a second.” Jack said out loud.

  If it isn’t for Jan’s Internet accountant Job, Jack would have been begging for finishing his submarine. Last week Jan gave him thousand dollars to make sure ship have all the safety equipment. Jan fears for Jack’s life. She don’t want her child having no father. She prays each day to god for looking after Jack. Jan is a traditional church going person and she had grown in a wealthy Christian family. Her mother had taught her all the good ways to live a peaceful life. Jan want her child also growing in the same manner. Jack is also a church going person but the foundation of his beliefs are based on scientific facts.

  Jack finished the last of the equipment and went inside the house. Jan had already placed the lunch on the table. He is about to start his lunch, that’s when someone outside called for Jack. Jan immediately went outside to check who it is.

  “Miss Jan, I guess? We are from NASA and we would like to have a word with your husband, Jack. Is he home?” A man in black suit asked.

  This man is alone but Jan could see others in the black SUV parked outside her house.

  “Yes, he is home.” Jan said. “Jack, honey, some NASA folks are here to see you.”

  Jack immediately stood up and walked toward the front door.

  “Yes. What can I do for you?” Jack asked.

  “We heard that you’re going to Bermuda triangle. We have developed some newer technologies specifically designed for analysing the ocean. If you don’t mind we would like to attach it to your sub.” The man in black suit said.

  “You can proceed.” Jack said without thinking.

  “Thanks.” The man in black suit said and then he waved at his companions sitting inside the SUV.

  His companions immediately exited the SUV and moved toward Jack. They were carrying a big equipment. Jack showed them the inside of the sub and the men in black suit quickly began their job. After half an hour they all exited the sub.

  “Thanks again for cooperating, Jack. We will be monitoring your sub from now on. We were actually looking for a person like you to find out the mysteries all around the world. For someone who is passionate to throw his life for things like this.” One of the men in black suit said.

  “Well, it’s pleasure doing business with you, but I am not a jumpy suicide person like you have guessed. Indeed I like to find out the mystery behind Bermuda triangle whether it exists or not.” Jack said.

  “Exactly like we have guessed. We will be seeing you soon.” The same man in black suit said smiling at Jack’s comment.

  A moment later the black SUV left Jack’s house’s perimeter.

  “Jack, you’re famous now.” Jan said.

  “I know.” Jack said.

  “You know? That’s all you have to say? All the news channel I saw are discussing about your journey.” Jan said.

  “What more do I have to say? I am thrilled about this journey.” Jack said.

  “Thrilled or not, don’t forget the promise you have made.” Jan said.

  “How can I broke a promise I have made with my angel?” Jack patted Jan’s shoulder. “Come on let’s get inside. We don’t want the lunch to get cold.”

  “Oh! It’s already cold.” Jan said smiling.

  Jack smiled and they both entered inside the house dreaming about the days to come.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 5

  2026 July 25, New York Harbour

  Finally the day have arrived like the days before, but today is special since today is the day when Jack Green is going to leave his home to Bermuda Triangle. Jack and Jan woke up early in the morning and are welcomed with lawn full of media with shining lights and cameras. Cameras are everywhere.

  The tow truck also had arrived early, and the driver already attached the sub with the tow truck. Jack threw his bag full of necessary things inside the sub and closed its door. He then walked beside the tow truck and got inside.

  Suddenly a reporter with camera man came near the front door putting forward her mic.

  “Jack, big day today. How are you feeling?” Reporter asked.

  “I am thrilled to see all of you today, which is increasing my hope for finding the mystery behind Bermuda triangle. I am now feeling confident that I will succeed.” Jack said.

  Jan quickly locked the door of the house and rushed towards the tow truck. She also got inside the tow truck. Jack agreed with Jan to take her with him at least to the harbour. Jack is saying that he don’t want to say good bye since he is planning to come back. Nobody have ever returned from the triangle once caught by the mysterious Bermuda triangle, so jack have put the expectations low.

  Jack motioned at the driver to start the engines. Driver quickly obeyed, and within moments, they started rushing through the road. People all around are watching from the road at Jack and his sub. Everyone is very curious about Jack’s journey. Kids are whistling at Jack. In fact it seems that everyone is aware about Jack’s journey. A media helicopter rushed past the tow truck in the direction of the harbour. NASA have also deployed a helicopter to look over Jack and his sub.

  NASA folks advised Jack to not to go underwater until he is caught by the triangle. They want to see all his journey in detail. The fuel for the submarine is entirely supplied by NASA. They have invested a lot of money in this. NASA folks also injected Jack with a special liquid. They had said that it is for tracking purposes. Jack didn’t questioned NASA, because a part of his survival depends on NASA’s equipment.

  Jack reached harbour at 8:30 AM. Workers helped Jack to place the sub on the water. Jack kissed Jan but didn’t said any good byes. A moment later Jack entered inside the sub and closed its door. Jack immediately went near the front seat and switched on the autopilot. He then switched on the computer which instantly booted and displayed the current course to the Bermuda triangle.

  A moment later the small sub rushed through the open ocean. Helicopters fly past the sub recording every motion of the sub.

  Jan watched the leaving sub by massaging her belly. A drop of tear fell from her eyes.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 6

  2026 July 25, Atlantic Ocean

  Jack’s sub rushed through the everlasting ocean in the direction of Bermuda Triangle. Sun had just risen from the horizon. Through the bulletproof glass Jack could see the wide ocean clearly.

  Jack checked his computer for weather information. According to computer no rain for two days. Jack felt a fresh wave of relief washing over him. Jack checked the autopilot one more time. Autopilot is working fine. He sat back and allowed his head to fall to the side. He closed his eyes in that position and rested. A long day is ahead of him.

  Hours passed quickly.

  Jack woke up with the sound of an alarm. Jack looked carefully at the screen. It seems that the temperature detector have detected a high external temperature. Jack looked outside through the glass window. It’s night!

  Jack couldn’t believe that he slept almost the entire day. There are no helicopters flying above the sub and the sub is peacefully moving through the water. Suddenly, something caught Jack’s eye. He thought he saw some orange light. He looked closely through the window. Then he saw it.

  There are balls of fire rolling out through the ocean surface and a kind of mist have covered the entire ocean that he could see. Jack immediately thought about Christopher Columbus. Columbus had also detected this kind of strange activity. Jack looked at the fireballs with curiosity and fear. Panic slowly began to crawl through Jack’s legs.

  Suddenly the fireballs just disappeared. That’s when Jack realized that he forgot to record the event using his camera.
He blamed himself. Jack looked at the computer monitor again.

  The screen is showing an unusually high amount of methane in the ocean surface. That explain the fire ball. Panic quickly replaced by curiousness. Jack noted down the unusual activity on his journal.

  “July 25, 2026, 7:30 PM. saw some big fire balls rolling out through the ocean surface possibly due to the presence of large amount of methane.”

  Suddenly rain drops starts to fall from the sky. Water oozed down through the glass window. Thanks to the doom shape of the sub, no water got stuck on the outside. Jack remembered what the computer had said about the rain. It said no rain for two days. Then why the hell the rain is falling from the heavens!

  Jack looked at the computer monitor for directions. It appear that he is somewhere near Bermuda. Suddenly the computer screen went blank. One minute the computer was working fine next moment it just went dead!

  “Battery must have dead.” Jack said himself.

  Jack slowly crawled to the back of the sub where rows and rows of battery have laid on the floor. It looks like somehow the wires have burned out. Then it happened.

  The sub began to sway violently. Darkness invaded the inside of the sub. Jack took his small flash light from his pocket but it also have dead. Sub is rocking violently. He needs to go underwater or the waves will dismantle his small sub. He pressed the switch to make alive the engines. Engines quickly roared to life. He manoeuvred the sub to the ocean depths. No light. Just darkness everywhere. After sometime the rocking stopped. He moved his hands to switch off the engines, because he can’t continue the journey in this darkness but he wouldn’t have to switch off the engines. The engines automatically went dead. The sub is dead!

  Suddenly a blue light appeared in a distance. Jack stared at the mysterious light with wonder. A moment later the sub began to move toward the blue light. Something is attracting the sub to the light. Jack sit back in his seat and desperately worked on the wheel to turn the ship.

  All his attempt to turn the sub ended in vain. Jack braced for whatever thing that is about to happen. A moment later the sub stopped moving forward and it began to revolve around the blue light. Looks like the light is coming from the ocean depths like someone had switched on a torch because the light is in the form of a cone. Sub gained momentum within minutes. Suddenly the blue light spread throughout the ocean like an explosion. Jack covered his eye using his hand due to the high intensity of the light. Then it happened. The blue light vanished into thin air. Once again darkness claimed everything.