Read Iron & Wine Page 24

  The rest of my week flew by. I worked hard getting things ready for the gallery that weekend. It was becoming second nature to see sparkly wings in my apartment each time I came home. Lattie had free range of the place and Julie no longer felt that she had to hide herself from me. Her appearance didn’t seem so scary now that I knew the truth. I found that the way she looked was the only thing that changed about her; she was still the same old Julie, still my best friend. I wondered if she would ever tell Will since they were sort of dating now.

  I stood in front of my mirror, modeling myself to make sure that I looked nice enough for the showing. I was so nervous. It is my first big show, and I was more involved in this one than any others that Celadine had directed. I sighed and told myself that I would be just as nervous no matter what I wore, so I grabbed my purse and made my way out to the living room.

  "Avery, you look so pretty!" Lattie chirped in her childlike voice. Her wings fluttered in my ear as she came and sat on my shoulder. "I wish that I could come."

  "I wish you could too, but there will be too many people there. I wouldn't be able to take care of you," I said guiltily. Lattie just wanted to be part of everything we did, she hated being left out. "How about we all go for a walk tomorrow down at the beach?" I offered.

  "Okay, as long as you promise.”

  “Sure,” I promised. She always insisted on me promising everything as if it would bind me to the agreement the way it would for a fairy. Sometimes, I wondered if Lattie forgot that I am only a human. Just then, Julie emerged from her bedroom all ready to go.

  "Will said he's meeting us there," she told me. "You look awesome! Are you ready to go?"

  I sighed. "Yep, ready as I’ll ever be I guess."

  Julie threw her arm over my shoulder as we headed for the door. "Don't worry, tonight will be great. And Max will be jealous. It'll be fantastic!"

  We laughed and said goodbye to Lattie who was rummaging through the cupboards for cookies.

  I was so excited. I hadn't seen the gallery in a couple days, Celadine wouldn't let me. She claimed that she was going to gauge the level of work that she had done on my reaction. I didn’t know why she cared so much about my opinion, but she did. It's strange, actually, how she was someone whom I looked up to and idolized so much. I looked to her for inspiration and guidance and yet, in the end, she sometimes needed guidance herself.

  We were nearing the gallery now. Julie and I had decided to walk since it wasn’t far and the night was beautiful and warm. I glanced over at her walking next to me. She was so stunning, and I bet she didn't even realize it. Her platinum blonde hair hung in loose curls that trailed down her back. Her black, strapless dress fit her body as if it had been tailor made for her and the gold pumps she wore finished the outfit. I wondered how much of it was glamor. She smiled at me and squeezed my hand.

  "Are you excited?" she asked me.

  "Yes, and nervous, I don't quite know what my role is. I know that Celadine will be hosting and doing most of the talking, so what do I do? Am I at work tonight or am I a guest? I'm freaking' out here!" Suddenly I was re-thinking my outfit after realizing how amazing Julie looked. I’d decided on a pair of white skinny jeans, a black sequined top, and black pumps. Maybe I had time to go back and change?

  "Hey, don't worry Ave," she assured me. "You look amazing and you are amazing. We’re going to go in there; I’ll mosey around while you do your thing. Go find Celadine right away and see what she wants you to do, a piece of cake." Julie was always so good at making me see clearly, even over the silliest things. She bent down and picked up a loose flower from the sidewalk. I eyed her curiously as she took my hand and kissed my wrist and then the flower too.

  Suddenly, the flower began to twist and grow like a vine around my wrist. I stood there in astonishment as I stared at what was now a beautiful, woven bracelet that matched the one Tess had given me.

  "Thank you," I said in awe. “You know, this magic best friend thing is pretty cool.”

  “Yeah, I know,” Julie kidded.

  As we approached the curb in front of the gallery, we both stopped and gawked in amazement. Enormous stone sculpture fountains sat on either side of the walkway, dividing the vast front lawn. Huge white spheres the size of beach balls hung from a clear line to give the impression that they were floating. The spheres were covered in feathers or something, and each one had a white light inside illuminating the way that led up to the grand entrance. A couple of the musicians that I had booked were off to the side playing harp and piano to classical music.

  "Wow," said Julie. "I feel like I’m in a dream or heaven or something."

  "Yeah, totally," I agreed, looking around with my jaw wide open. "Celadine really outdid herself."

  When we entered the gallery there was so much more to be seen. Celadine had used the black silk fabric that I’d bought to drape the walls and create a background for each art piece. About a dozen round tables were covered in white linens and loaded with exotic fruits and other fancy foods I didn't know. Some more of the feathery spheres dangled from the cathedral ceilings at different lengths and the other musicians played in the corner. I felt as if I were at a fancy ball or something. Everyone was dressed for the part. Suits and ties and evening gowns surrounded us as I searched for Celadine.

  "Hey, I’m going to head over to the fruit table," Julie whispered. "You gonna be okay?"

  "Yeah, I think I see her over there. I'll come find you after."

  I made my way over to the main exhibit where Celadine stood talking to a few very rich looking people. She wore a thin, silky white dress that flowed down her body like water and pooled on the floor. It contrasted with her long black dreadlocks beautifully. As I approached, she looked me in the eyes, waiting for my reaction. I just smiled the biggest, goofiest smile that I could and gave her thumbs up. She laughed and waved for me to come over, and as I did, I passed by a group of people from my class.

  "Hey, guys!" I greeted. "Welcome to the gallery, enjoy the showing and help yourselves to any of the drinks or food." They thanked me and dispersed around to the food tables. The only one who didn't leave was Max.

  "Oh, hi," I said flatly. "Are you having a good time?"

  "Yeah, it's not so bad. Your boss can really pull a show together. Everything looks amazing," Max replied. "Obviously, you didn’t have much to do with it."

  I’ve never had to literally fight the urge to slap another human being in my life, but Max had come dangerously close way too many times. I was about to throw an insult her way when someone laid a chilly hand on my shoulder.

  "Avery, darling, there you are!" Celadine cried and gave me a peck on the cheek. She had her group of rich clients with her. "This girl right here is my pride and joy. She picked out the entire décor, you know? And she arranged this beautiful music and the delicious food and drinks," she bragged to everyone, but I knew she meant it for Max.

  "Darling, make your way around and meet people. Have some fun!" she insisted as she handed me a glass of champagne. She gave me a quick wink and I gave her a thankful smile and went on my way without even looking back at Max. I was sure she’d reached the prettiest shade of red, though.

  I made my way through the crowd, shaking hands and making small chit chat. The exhibit seemed to be a hit. Then I spotted Julie and Will standing by a black and white painting, looking at it curiously.

  "It's a portrait of a woman," I told them.

  "Oh, we thought it was a bunch of ghosts," admitted Will innocently.

  "No you thought it was a bunch of ghosts, I thought it was a garden...or something," Julie said, unsure.

  I laughed at my friends. "It’s abstract, everyone sees it differently. Are you guys having a good time?" I asked. "Will, you clean up real nice!" He was wearing a black suit with no tie and fancy black shoes. His messy hair was slicked back and neat. I eyed Julie who beamed with excitement. I guess she agreed. Will blushed and turned to Julie.

  "What do you think?" he asked shy

  She blushed herself, smiled and shrugged. "Eh, you're alright."

  Just then, I noticed a face through the crowd behind my two friends. I hadn't seen this person before and I wondered who she was. No one else seemed to notice her. Her dark, scary eyes were fixed on mine and she began to slowly move toward us through the crowd. I couldn't quite tell for sure why, but I had a feeling that this chick was bad news, and felt absolutely positive she was fey. I could see her glamor vibrating around her like a creepy glow. I began to get extremely scared, and panicky. My gaze couldn’t break away from hers, it's like I’d frozen in a trance and all I could hear was the sound of my heart beating like crazy.

  "Hey, are you okay?" Will shook my shoulder. "You’re kind of turning white." I looked at him and Julie as I snapped back into reality. All of the panic I was feeling fled like it was sucked out of me. I glanced back at the woman but she was gone.

  "Uh, yeah, I’m fine. I think I just need some air," I replied. "Excuse me." I scurried toward the back exit and practically ran through the doors.

  Once outside, I realized that Celadine had set things up out there as well. The old wooden gazebo had been lined with little white lights and featured one of the artist’s sculptures inside. The classical music carried outside from the gallery and created a subtle, quiet atmosphere.

  I went over to the gazebo and sat down as I thought about the woman that I’d seen. Who was she? Why did I feel like that when I saw her coming toward me? Maybe I was beginning to become a paranoid city person.

  No. I knew that she was there for reasons other than to look at art. She was there for me, I just didn't know why. Maybe the woman was someone from the High Seelie Court, here to take Lattie. Just then, someone came up from behind and touched my arm, making me yelp and jump off the bench.

  "Geez, lighten up. Why so jumpy?"

  "I should have known it was you. Jack, you're the only person I know who sneaks up on me like a crazy stalker," I accused. "Why can't you make your presence known like a normal person? Like coming up in front of me and saying hello?" I stood there with my arms crossed, waiting for an answer.

  He looked surprised. "What the hell is your problem? It feels as if I’m apologizing every time I’m around you," he stated. "Am I that bad or are you just easily annoyed?"

  I didn't know what to say to that. Maybe I was easily annoyed, with him anyway. I liked him, a lot. I didn't know how to act around him and he seemed to know how to push my buttons.

  "No, I'm sorry," I apologized. "I can't help it. But you don't help much, you know. You're so hot and cold with me. And you just show up whenever you like. That’s not fair." I took a step toward him. For a moment he had that sweet face that I’d seen that day in the mall.

  "I’ll try to make it a little easier on you from now on if you’ll give me the chance," he replied.

  "So, does that mean you still want to get to know me? Sorry, I mean to become 'acquaintances'?" I added jokingly.

  "I'm sorry about the other day in the mall. Sometimes I can be a little...selfish, you could say." There seemed to be something behind what he was saying, something that I didn't know about. A strand of his perfect black hair fell in front of his eye and he brushed it aside as he came toward me, leaving only breathing space between us. I looked up into his dark blue eyes and, for a moment, I thought he was going to kiss me. But a voice shouted at us from behind me, interrupting us. I turned to see who it was and unexpectedly found Celadine. Only, she wasn't calling to us, she was calling to Jack. I looked at him to see if he recognized her, he glanced quickly at me with a guilty look and dropped his eyes to the ground.

  "Jack! What are you doing?" She looked furious. Why was she furious? Oh no. Maybe Celadine had a boyfriend that I didn't know about. Maybe it was Jack. I suddenly felt like a complete fool.

  "Avery, can you excuse us please?" she asked me. She clearly wasn't mad at me, thank goodness. I opened my mouth to speak but she shot me a look as if to say she needed me gone, now. I glanced once more at Jack but he wouldn’t look at me so I turned and headed back to the gallery. If Jack had a girlfriend why would he come to her gallery and then hit on me? And I thought Celadine and I were good friends, why hadn’t she told me that she was seeing someone? It made no sense. As I walked away I heard them arguing.

  "What are you thinking?" Celadine cried. "Is this what you’ve been doing while I am at work? Where did you find her?"

  "Celi, this is your fault as much as it is mine!" cried Jack angrily. "It's too late now. Stay out of this."

  Oh no! I was caught in the middle of a big break up. And the woman involved was my boss. I was going to lose my job, the job that I loved so much. Max would never let me hear the end of it; she’d rub it in my face until the end of time. I began to cry.

  I couldn't go back in there looking a mess, so I steered off of the path and down into the trees behind the gallery. I knew that there was a path back there somewhere that led to the park by my apartment; I just had to find it. I tramped through the thick sticks and bushes, not even caring that my new white pants were probably completely ruined. Just then, I heard someone coming behind me. At first, I wasn't worried, but then I remembered that no one had seen me come in here. Who was following me? All of a sudden I felt a rush of fear wash over me like an electric current. I began to panic again, like earlier in the gallery…when I saw that woman. I peered around for a creepy lady but I couldn't even see my own hand in front of my face.

  "You have every right to be afraid of me, little one," said a menacing, witch-like voice. "You are not safe, not as long as I am coming for you." It sounded close to me like maybe only a couple of feet to my left.

  "Who are you? I think you have the wrong person, lady. I don't even know who you are!" I cried helplessly. The air around me began to get colder as I could feel her nearing me.

  "Oh, but I know who you are, my dear. Are you not the little one who painted The Kingdom?" she asked as if she already knew.

  I thought about what she was saying but had no idea what she was talking about.

  "Listen, lady, I am an artist. But I’m sorry; I’ve never painted a picture of a kingdom before," I replied.

  "It is not possible that I am mistaken. You are the little one who painted the Old Kingdom," she hesitated thoughtfully, "But perhaps I should make sure. Of course, I could just tear you open and see what your insides tell me,” she seriously seemed to ponder that for a moment. I felt a thin, claw-like finger trace a soft line down my arm. The fear I felt made bile rise in my throat. “But that would make for some problems indeed. Consider yourself lucky tonight. I will not come for you again until I am certain."

  I couldn't see her but I could tell that she had turned to leave; the air began to warm from her absence. "Oh yes, and I would stay out of the woods if I were you. I may be one of the things you should fear, but I am not the scariest thing out there tonight," she called over her shoulder. The creepy woman didn't seem as if she was warning me for my own good, but only to make sure that I was around when she came back to get me.

  I could tell that she was completely gone now, but I just stood there, frozen stiff in fear. What the hell was that? Why did she think I was this weird painter girl? What was I going to do the next time she came to find me? I was seriously beginning to regret getting involved with fairies; I seemed to be in constant peril these days.

  Tears rolled down my face and my make-up sloughed away with them. I couldn't let anyone at the gallery see me like this but I needed to get out of the woods. I didn't want to run into anything or anyone like her again. As I emerged from the bushes, Jack came running toward me.

  "Avery! I've been looking everywhere for you!" he exclaimed. Then he noticed the state I was in. "Avery, are you alright? What happened? Why were you in the woods?" He took his jacket off and wrapped it around me.

  "Nothing, I saw an animal or something. I was just scared, that’s all." There was no way I could tell him that some inhuman psychopath was
trying to kidnap me because of some old painting. He would think I was nuts. I thought I was nuts. He began to wipe the makeup and tears from my face when I remembered what had happened only moments earlier.

  "Get away from me!" I said and pushed him away. "I don't want to be in the middle of whatever is going on with you guys."

  He looked confused. "What are you talking about? You mean Celadine?"

  "Yes, I mean Celadine! Who else would I mean? Just stop whatever it is you are doing and leave me alone!"

  I couldn’t believe that he was acting so cool and 'whatever' about her. "You obviously don't see what a great person she is!” I stated.

  He looked even more confused now. "Avery, you have no idea what you are talking about. Don't be an idiot." He opened his mouth to say something else, but Celadine was coming toward us then.

  "Jack! What did I tell you? Stay away from her!" she yelled as she approached us from across the lawn. She still looked so angry; I had never seen Celadine express any intense emotions before.

  I desperately jumped in her path. "Celadine, I’m so sorry. If I had known anything at all I never would have talked to him," I pleaded.

  She stopped in her tracks and looked at me to Jack. She looked just as confused now as Jack.

  "What exactly do you think is going on, Avery?" Jack asked.

  "Well, you and Celadine are obviously a 'thing' and I’ve become caught in the middle of your breakup," I explained. "Celadine, I’m really sorry. I don't want to lose my job over this, please! I love my job, and I love you and the gallery," I begged her. There was a pause, and then they both started to laugh hysterically at the same time. I was the one confused now. Why were they laughing at me?

  "Avery, darling," she started. "Jack is not my lover or anything of the matter." She came and gently held my face in both of her chilly hands. "He is my brother."

  I felt horribly sick and embarrassed. Where was that rock I always wanted to crawl under? Now was a great time.

  "," I confirmed slowly, letting it sink in. "Then why were you so mad at him for talking to me?"

  "Celadine sometimes thinks she can still boss me around, even though we are not children anymore," Jack chipped in. "She thinks that I may be a...bad influence on you, so to speak." He shot her a triumphant glance.

  "Avery, sweetheart, I am not your mother, so I cannot tell you what to do. But my brother can be careless and selfish sometimes. I just think that you can find someone much more...suited to you," she explained. I couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something they weren't telling me. But my head was so overwhelmed by tonight’s events that I didn't bother to bring it up.

  "Jack, can you take me home?" I asked him. He nodded and put his arm around me as he began to lead me away. "Can you tell Julie and Will that I left, Celadine? They're probably wondering where I am already."

  "Of course, darling, go home. Get some rest. You did a wonderful job with the gallery this week. I am very proud of you." She squeezed my arm gently and gave me a warm smile. Then she glared at Jack as if to give him a warning, and he returned a similar look back at her. I would touch on that subject at a later time, right now I just wanted to get home and out of my dirty clothes.

  Once home, Jack sat on my couch and waited while I went and cleaned up. I emerged from my room in jeans and a t-shirt and a clean face. He got up and walked toward me, looking like a runway model as he did.

  "I just wanted to stay and make sure that you were going to be okay. Celadine called while you were in the shower to inform me that Julie is on her way home."

  "Thanks, Jack, for bringing me home," I said without looking directly at his face. I was still embarrassed from earlier. He gently lifted my chin so that my eyes would meet his.

  "Anytime. I'm sorry that tonight didn't turn out to be the wonderful night you anticipated."

  "The showing was a hit, that's all that I wanted. I get to keep my job, so I think it was a pretty good night," I said jokingly.

  He smiled, his soft pink lips curving more to the left in a crooked grin. "Avery, I don't think that there is anything in the world you could do that would cause you the loss of that job. Celadine values you far too much," he replied. "And I am beginning to see why," he added and then placed a kiss on my forehead. I looked up into his face as he pulled away, waiting for another. But he just smiled again. "I'll be on my way now. Julie should be here soon." He began to turn toward the door but I didn't want him to leave. I was aching inside with every inch he put between us. How was it possible that I could feel so drawn to him already? I barely knew him.

  "Wait!" I cried. What was I doing? I couldn't tell him how I felt; he would think that I was crazy. He looked back, waiting for me to continue.

  "Um, what are you doing next weekend?" I asked. I wanted to slap myself.

  He hesitated for a moment. "Not anything as of yet," he answered. "Why do you ask?"

  "Well, Julie is throwing a big Halloween party here on Friday night, and I was wondering if you wanted to come? You have to dress up, though.”

  He looked amused by the idea of dressing up for Halloween; maybe he thought it was childish. Maybe he thought that I was childish now.

  "Actually, that sounds like a lot of fun, I think I’ll take you up on that offer." He paused for a second and looked at me funny. "What are you dressing up as?"

  I actually hadn't even thought about it yet. "Um, I don't know yet," I admitted. "Maybe I’ll go shopping for an outfit this week."

  "May I come?" he asked. "I could help you pick out something."

  "Ah, sure, I guess. Meet me tomorrow?" I suggested.

  "Sure, but I have...prior engagements during the day." There it was! The hesitant voice that both he and Celadine had used earlier. I had to figure out what was behind that.

  "May we go after dinner?"

  "Sure, I’ll be in the coffee shop around six. Meet me there?" I proposed. I felt giddy at the thought of spending more time with him.

  "It's a date." He chuckled lightly and kissed my head once more. "See you tomorrow, Avery, sleep well," he whispered in my ear, sending a warm shiver down my neck. And then he was gone.