Read Iron & Wine Page 27

  I parked my bike just outside of the gallery where I usually did. I glanced around, searching for Celadine’s little white sports car. Besides Mona’s car, the parking lot appeared empty, so I sighed in relief and headed toward the grand entrance. Mona sat at her usual station, eyes glued to her computer.

  "Hey Mona," I greeted unenthusiastically. She peered up from the screen long enough to force a half smile for me. I must say, she was trying. "Um, is Celadine here?" I asked.

  "No, Mrs. Danes is out with her brother tonight. She called and said to tell you that the freight already came in a day early and she took care of it. You are free to take the night off if you wish."

  Well, this sucked. I really didn't want to take the chance of running into either one of them, but I had been looking forward to the distraction of work for a few hours. Now I’d just go home and obsess some more. I let out a heavy and disappointed sigh and waved goodbye to Mona.

  On my way home, I thought about what Mona had said and wondered if the freight really had come in or if this was Celadine’s way of giving me some space from her and Jack. I could admit it to myself, I was a little relieved, but I didn't want to be this pathetic basket case to her or Jack. God, no wonder I never dated, deep down I must have known that no good could come of it. The stress, the obsessing and insecurity, I hated it. And, technically, I wasn’t even dating.

  I dragged my emotionally tired body up the stairs to the apartment. When I entered, it only took me a second to realize that I was alone. Julie had a shift at the library and when I checked my room, Lattie appeared to have gone off frolicking again. I grabbed the phone and plopped down on the couch to call Tess. She’d be able to keep me busy for a while. She'd talk for hours if I let her.

  "Hey sweetie, oh it's so good to hear your voice. It's been way too long. You guys have only visited me once since school started," Tess accused on the other end.

  "Yeah, sorry, Tess, things have been a little crazy around here lately." I thought of Julie’s secret and our new roommate. And then there was the whole psycho fairy issue. But I would ever tell Tess about any of it.

  "I'm real busy at the gallery and Julie has a boyfriend now, so that takes up a lot of her free time." I mentally punched myself for mentioning Will. Once Tess got on the topic of boys, suddenly my own lack of a boyfriend inevitably became the new topic. "Um, we're having a Halloween party here at the apartment this weekend, wanna come? You have to dress up."

  "Oh, sounds like fun!" she squealed, obviously quickly distracted from the boy topic. "What's your costume?"

  "Well, actually, I have a fairy princess outfit." I laughed. I never thought about how much Tess would love it too like Julie and Lattie would. But, my announcement met with a long pause on the other end of the line.

  "Well, that sounds nice, can't wait to see it," she finally replied weakly.

  "Hey, you should go as a fairy queen!”

  She laughed awkwardly then. "Um, sure, I'll go shopping for something tomorrow. When's the party?"

  "Friday night. Tess, are you alright?" I asked.

  "Yes, yes I’m fine. Why?"

  "Well, you're just being...weird." The last thing I needed was another weird person on my hands right now.

  "Oh, no sweetie, I'm just thinking about how nice it's gonna be to see you guys. I miss you so much. But, I have to go meet a client. So I’ll talk to you this weekend?"

  Liar. She was so bad at it, worse than me even.

  "Okay, Tess, love you."

  "Love you too, tell Jules I said hi." And she hung up. Bizarre, but then again, everything in my life was sort of bizarre right now. Nothing felt right. I couldn't shake the feeling either, that something was about to happen. I couldn’t tell if it was good or bad, but it left me feeling uneasy and a little helpless. I looked at the clock in the kitchen. Only six thirty. I moaned and slumped further down into the couch where I slowly drifted off.

  I awoke to the sound of people whispering above my head.

  "No, you wake her. She's used to that."

  "But she looks so tired; if Avery needs rest then I refuse to wake her," whispered a musical little voice, Lattie’s voice. I opened my eyes then, to peer up at my roommates hovering over me. Lattie perched on Julie’s shoulder, playing with a strand of her blonde hair.

  "Hey guys, what's up?" I said through a yawn. I stretched and sat up. The clock in the kitchen told me that I’d slept for four hours, the longest time I’d spent in the past two days with my mind at ease. No obsessing, no distractions. Nice.

  "Well, we were going to go to a party and figured you'd be up for going," Julie said.

  "No, you thought that Avery would want to go. I thought she should rest," Lattie interrupted.

  I smiled. Lattie was such a good friend. Always caring about me and worrying about me. "It’s okay, I got in a pretty good nap. I'm up for a party. Where is it?"

  "In the park, the summer fairies feel like celebrating again. They are hoping that if they celebrate enough, their Queen will return to them," Lattie explained with enthusiasm.

  I frowned. "Oh, a fey party. I dunno guys. Last time wasn't so good for me. You know, with the drowning and all," I replied sarcastically.

  "Hey, we’ll make sure that you stay away from the lake." Julie had excitement in her eyes. I could tell that she was aching to go and see other fey, and she wanted me there. How could I say no?

  But, I hesitated. The thought of experiencing another night like that one made me feel ill. “I don’t know, you guys.”

  “Please,” Julie pleaded. “I’ve never been to anything like this.”

  I sighed. Julie had grown up all alone, with no others of her kind to be with or learn from. Meeting them would mean a lot to her. I wanted to go and share that moment with her, but, on the other hand, I valued my life. "Well, as long as you promise to keep me away from the lake, then I’ll go. But please make sure I don't get stuck in a tree with nymphs stuffing things down my pants."

  A little while later we found ourselves wandering through the woods in the park. I was smart this time and brought a flashlight. It took a little longer to find the party than before. Jules and Lattie were ahead of me but after a while, I had to plop down on a rock to take a break.

  "Sorry guys, I need a breather for a sec." I sat there, thinking how ridiculous this was, trampling through the stupid trees again, searching for a party where I could very well end up doing something idiotic again. Suddenly, I heard a rustling in the branches above me. I pointed the flashlight up to see what creature was there when a little sprite dangled down to my face from a vine.

  "Hi!" it greeted, "My name's Violet, what's yours?" She was adorable, just like Lattie. Her shimmery skin was a pretty shade of purple and her spiked hair blazed red.

  "Hi, Violet, my name is Avery Quinn, pleased to meet you."

  "Oh! You’re my Lattie’s Avery!" she cried enthusiastically and let go of her vine to crawl onto my knee. "I've heard many wonderful stories about you."

  "Oh, you know Lattie?" I asked.

  "Of course, I do, Lattie is my sister! Did she come with you tonight? Are you here for the party? Do you like to dance?" Violet was way more hyper and scatter brained than her sister. "We are celebrating in hope of our Queen’s return. Do you want to celebrate with us?" Her oversized black eyes blinked at me, pleading and waiting for me to answer.

  "Oh, you're a summer fairy?" I asked. Lattie had never told me that she was a summer fey. All I knew was that she belonged to the Seelie court once upon a time.

  "Oh yes, it is the best court to live in. The flowers, the fruit, wine, the sunshine, how can anyone ever choose to be part of the winter court? So awful, cold and colorless," she explained. I wondered if there were courts for all of the seasons. I had never asked. Just then, my friends ran back.

  "Lattie, you never told me you had a sister," I said.

  Lattie stopped in her tracks when she spotted Violet. “Well, I…” Lattie began but was interrupted by her energetic sibling

  "Come, let’s dance!" suggested Violet to all of us. And, right before my eyes, the forest around me changed. It was as if a veil had fallen down around us, revealing colors, music and sweet scents that were secretly always there but hidden from us.

  The guests were completely different than before. There were no scary ogres or creepy little nymphs hanging from trees. All of the fey were beautiful, happy and colorful. The Maidens were there, too. I'm guessing that they were either part of the Summer Court or they were just like VIPs or something. The one with cotton candy colored hair waved me over to come and dance.

  "You know the Maidens?" Julie asked me in astonishment. Of course, she would probably know who or what every fairy here was.

  "No, just that one, I only met her once before, but she seems really nice."

  "Well, of course, she's nice. That's Moya. The Maidens were to be mermaids once upon a time. It's said that the three sisters were given a gift from their father that allowed them to temporarily live on land. Only, they loved it here so much, they decided to stay. Well, after Moya pledged herself to the fey, the sisters pretty much had no other choice," she explained. “The myth has been loosely translated for today’s children.”

  "Wow, like real mermaids?" I asked.

  "Yeah, apparently the most beautiful of them all are the sisters, Moya, Aya, and Brie. Let’s go dance with them!" Julie suggested as she tugged on my arm.

  "Avery, you came back! How wonderful. Did you come to dance, or take me up on the offer to weave beautiful things into your hair?" Moya smiled as she took my hands and spun me around.

  "I'm here for the party, to celebrate in hope of the Queen’s return," I replied, copying Violet’s words. "But I’ll still hold you to that offer if you don't mind."

  We laughed and danced together for hours. Julie had made friends with almost everyone at the party, but that wasn’t unusual. I was betting she felt right at home, among people just like her. She had dropped her glamor at some point during the night. It still amazed me how stunningly beautiful she was, just as much as the Maidens. Her platinum hair flowed long down her back and shimmered like her powder colored wings as she danced joyously around. Lattie was off playing with her sister Violet somewhere. I wondered if that's who she went off to see whenever she left the apartment.

  "I knew the Summer Queen, once upon a time," Moya claimed when we sat down to sip some wine. She assured me nothing would happen if I drank it, and I strangely trusted her. "She was lovely and warm. Everyone loved her, they still do. Sadly, I think they will always wait for her return."

  "Tell me about her. I know that she was a great ruler, but what did she look like? Where did she come from?" I asked. I wanted to learn as much about Julie’s world as possible. I was just a mere human among this complex, magical place, the least I could do was keep up.

  "Hmm, well she was a loyal friend for one. I knew her when I was a young mermaid. She would sneak away from the court and come to the seaside to spend time with me. We would spend hours talking and sharing. She's the reason I wanted to live on land, so I pledged myself to her and Kheelan. My sisters couldn't bear to be without me so they decided to come as well." Moya smiled thoughtfully as she remembered her old friend.

  "Do you know where she is?" I asked.

  "Of course not!" she cried, offended. "If I knew something of that extreme importance I would surely not keep it a secret."

  "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you, I just thought about my friend Julie. If she disappeared, I would definitely know where she went, or I hope that I would."

  "It's okay sweetheart. You know, you remind me quite a bit of the Queen. She was kind and considerate like you. Her hair flowed down her back in pale, blonde waves like water and was very petite, like a child. She came from an elvish heritage before she was Queen, and they are quite tiny."

  "How did she become Queen if she was an elf?" I asked.

  "Well, any fey can be a Monarch, as long as another Monarch chooses them to be. Kheelan, the Summer King, he was smitten the moment he laid eyes on her. Everyone was."

  "Moya, can I ask you a question?" I began. She nodded and waited for me to continue. "How did Mabry become Queen of the Seelie court?"

  She looked around for anyone who’d be close enough to hear and then leaned in closer to me. "Well, Mabry was a humble Summer Fey once. She lived in the hills with her companion, who happens to be the Summer Queen’s brother. Once Kheelan chose his Sumer Queen it was only a matter of time before Orion, Kheelan’s father and King of the Seelie court, met Mabry. He fell in love instantly and pursued her every day. Eventually, Mabry's companion gave up and let her go. He was left heartbroken and alone.”

  "How sad, everyone lives happily ever after except the elf," I said. "I can sort of relate with him a little. My mother left us when I was an infant so I know what it’s like to just be abandoned."

  "Where is your father now? You speak as if he left as well," Moya inquired as she put a comforting arm around my shoulders.

  "Oh no, he's still around. But, his job takes him away all over the world for long periods of time. So, he left me with my Aunt Tess. She pretty much raised me.”

  "Oh, that's funny," she said. "The Summer Queen’s name is Tessana, your aunt’s name reminded me of it."

  "Yeah, that is funny," I agreed. Just then, I noticed that a group of pixies and sprites had gathered around us in a semi-circle.

  "Well, I guess your story was interesting for them as well Moya," I claimed.

  "No sweetheart, I think they are interested in you. A human from Iron World who is so knowledgeable and welcoming of our kind, it is very rare."

  "Really, but you're all so wonderful. How can anyone not welcome you? Except for ly ergs or nymphs, they're not so friendly, or kelpies," I said. The little fey around me laughed but I wasn’t kidding.

  Soon, I was telling them of my run in with the kelpie and how Oliver had saved me. They wanted to know of my life in Iron World with my unique roommates. They wanted to know all about school and the gallery, they were eager to hear pretty much anything I could tell them.

  "So, this Max, what kind of creature is she?" asked a little sprite perched on my knee. His skin was bright green and looked as if it were covered in powder or flour. So did his black hair, which twisted in all directions and twirled on top of his head like licorices.

  "Oh no, Max is a human, she’s just super mean and unhappy because she doesn't have any friends," I comforted the little guy.

  "Why don't you become friends with her, Avery? That should make her very happy," piped in a little pink pixie with yellow ribbons for hair.

  "Oh that’s sweet, but I’ve tried. Trust me. Max is a different kind of human. Sometimes I wish she would just leave me alone, she's not an easy person to have in your life," I explained. They all nodded in agreement, but I doubt they had any real idea of what I was talking about. Normal human problems didn’t really register the same with them.

  After a few more hours of celebrating with my new friends, Lattie and Violet came to find me.

  "Avery, I’m ready to go home now," squeaked Lattie. "My wings can barely flutter, I’m so tired." She flopped down in my palm and cuddled into my thumb as her long legs dangled off the side.

  "You are the sprite who lives with Avery?!" cried a couple of the sprites. "You are so lucky! We love Avery!" I smiled and laughed at them, they had to be the happiest creatures I had ever met.

  "Oh, I know that I’m lucky," agreed Lattie. "Avery is my best friend." She peered up at me with sleepy eyes and smiled.

  "Come," suggested Moya. "I'll bring you to Julie. I think I spotted her a while ago dancing on the table tops." I waved bye to my new friends and they all yelled excitedly goodbye back to me with waves and hopes of my return.