Read Iron & Wine Page 38

  I sat at a large wooden table across from Lattie and her sister. We were in Oliver’s house, which wasn't too far from the lake. I must have sat there for a long time, not speaking or moving, because when Lattie spoke, it startled me.

  "Avery, she will be okay. Oliver will make sure of that."

  "Yeah, I know, I know. I just...need...time to collect myself," I admitted. I was sure that I made no sense to her but she never questioned it.

  The truth was that I’d slipped into a state of shock, surprise, surprise. But, I’d just fought with a disgusting creature, one that had once drowned me, and then dragged the beaten and naked body of my rival out of the water. Now, I sat, wondering if she was going to survive. I had the right to be in shock so I just continued to stare at the table.

  Just then, Moya entered the tiny kitchen from the other room, the room where Max was. I looked at her for answers.

  "Max will be fine, sweetheart," she reassured me and squeezed my shoulder. "She is in rough shape, but she will live. And Oliver is going to give her a potion that will make her forget this ever happened."

  "What? But how is she going to explain this to her family? How is she going to explain it to herself?" I cried.

  "Avery. Calm down. There is nothing else we can do. There is no other choice. If we return her home with the knowledge of our world, she could be trouble for us."

  I realized that Moya was right. Someone like Max should not have access to this information. So, I just nodded in agreement. "Um, have you heard from Julie yet?" I wondered.

  "Yes, she is on her way and should be here any second," Moya told me as she was searching through the kitchen cupboards. "Would you like some tea?"

  "Um, I guess so if it's okay with Oliver."

  Moya turned and placed two mugs on the table. "Oh, don't worry about Oliver. He and I have been good friends for quite some time. He will not mind me helping myself."

  "Really? How did you guys meet?" I asked.

  "Well, once upon a time, he and I were a part of a very close group of friends, inseparable actually. Over the years, things have changed quite a bit, some things for the worse, some for the better. Oliver has remained a loyal friend for a long time," she explained.

  "What happened to your friends?"

  Moya was silent a moment, as she seemed to be choosing her next words carefully. "Well, we got older, and things began to change. People began to change. Oliver has remained a friend through it all and I am thankful for that."

  Just then, someone came bursting in through the front door. It was Julie.

  "Avery!" she cried and ran to me, nearly knocking me off of my feet. "Are you okay? What happened?"

  "Sit down. I'll tell you all about it," I said and motioned to a chair. "Max went missing. I thought it might be Evaine, but we heard that the sprites had kidnapped her. When we tracked them down, it was too late. They had handed her over to a kelpie," I explained. My stomach lurched as I spoke about the creature.

  "Hey, it’s okay," Moya soothed me. She held my hand in comfort and then turned to Julie. "Avery was very brave. Even after everything that happened to her before, she still jumped right in to save Max."

  "Oh Avery..." Julie looked at me. I could tell that she was stunned to hear of this. She looked at me, speechless, her eyes glossed with tears. "I'm so sorry, you knew something was wrong and I never took it seriously. How's Max?"

  "She's okay. Oliver is taking care of her right now in the other room. She's in pretty bad shape, though," I replied.

  "So, has she? I mean does know?" Julie tried to ask what we were all thinking.

  "She hasn't woken up yet, but I’m sure she probably remembers everything. But, Moya says that Oliver can give her a potion to make her forget." I still didn't know exactly how I felt about that. But, it was probably for the best, in the long run.

  Just then, Oliver joined us from the other room. He looked tired. My eyes met his and he gave me a slight nod and then brightened once he saw Julie. “Child, it is good to see that you turned out well.” He smiled and Julie smiled back.

  “I owe my life to you, Oliver,” she replied. “Thank you for everything.”

  He shook his head modestly. “Speak nothing of it, it was my pleasure.” I felt a little jealous that he was so friendly and polite with Julie. "Your friend is awake if you would like to go see her before I give her the potion,” he spoke to me.

  "Um, okay. Maybe I should see how she is." I stood up; my legs were all stiff from sitting for so long, they ached as I wobbled my way across the room. Today’s events had taken a toll on me. My sore muscles, mixed with a bit of nausea, made it nearly impossible for me to keep it together. But, I managed, for now. I would crash later.

  I slowly opened the door to the other room and peered in. Max lay on a small bed with a pillow propping her head up. She stared at the ceiling with distant and empty eyes. It was so strange to see her in such bad shape. Max always looked like she had a team of experts help her get ready in the mornings, with her perfect hair and flawless skin. Now, Max lay there, beaten and bruised. Her shiny blonde hair hung dirty and frayed around her face.

  "Hey Max," I spoke softly and entered the room. I just stood there, unsure if I should get closer.

  "Hi," she answered flatly, not moving when she spoke, just staring at the ceiling.

  "How are you feeling?" I asked.

  "Alive, I guess."

  "Max, I’m so sorry that this happened to you..."

  She put up her hand to signal me to stop, taking in a deep breath as she closed her eyes. "Look, Avery. I don't want to hear your apologies. I just want to go home."

  I looked down at my feet. There was so much more that I wanted to say, to tell her how sorry I was, but I just nodded and turned to leave.

  "What are you?" she asked just before I shut the door.


  "What are you? You can't possibly be human, what with the company you keep." She was finally looking at me now and I wished she hadn’t.

  "I...I’m human, Max. Just like you," I assured her.

  She gave a little snort. "Please. You are nothing like me, trust me."

  That pissed me off. "Max, I may have some unique friends, and I may have been indirectly responsible for what happened to you. But, you still don't have the right to judge me and place me below you, just because you think you're better. I saved your life today. I'm the one who risked mine to save yours."

  She was surprised by this. "Avery...I..."

  But, she never got a chance to explain, I just slammed the door.

  "You can give her the potion now," I instructed Oliver as I entered the kitchen.

  "Is she really mad?" Lattie asked.

  "Yes, and she’ll never let me forget it. She needs the potion, for her sake and mine." I made my way toward the door to leave.

  "Hey, where are you going?" Julie asked.

  "I need some time alone. My head feels like it’s going to explode." And it did. My life was just too much to handle. I was balancing two different worlds while still trying to live in my own. Normalcy was definitely needed right now, and some time alone.

  “Do you want me to go with you?" Julie asked.

  "No Jules, you used to be the one I ran to when I needed a dose of reality, and I always will, but right now I need some time by myself." I shut my eyes for a second. She looked so sad.

  I glanced over at Lattie, who had a hurt look on her face, too. "Hey, it's not you guys. I just need some time in my world. I'll be back, promise." I hugged them both and then Moya. “Can you guys tell Jack and Celadine for me?” Julie nodded. I thanked Oliver for everything that he had done and was on my way back into the trees.

  I was nearly at my apartment when a thought occurred to me. Where could I go to seek some normalcy? I needed someplace where I’d feel like it was three months ago, back before my life exploded with mythical creatures and chaos on a daily basis. I knew where. I needed to see Tess; I needed to go home. My pace quickened
at the realization of how badly I wanted to be there. I was almost out of breath as I hopped on my Vespa. But, it didn't stop me. I fastened my helmet and sped off down the street.