Read Iron & Wine Page 9

  Three days went by with no word from the gallery. I was beginning to think that I didn’t get the job. I decided I wouldn't really care, as long as Max didn't get it over me. I’d never hear the end if she got it. I’d have to change class. Hell, I’d have to change schools. I was slumped on the couch with a bucket of ice cream and some nachos when Julie came home to find me there.

  "Avery! Tell me you did not sit here the whole day and mope?" she cried as she attempted to grab the bucket from me.

  "Yeah, so what if I did?" I grunted. "What's the big deal?"

  "The 'big deal' is that you haven’t even heard from the gallery and you’re acting as if you didn’t get the job!” she yelled.

  "But Celadine barely even looked at my portfolio, Jules! Oh, but she loved Max's. Stupid Max," I complained as I scooped another spoonful of ice cream into my mouth. "Why did I have to get stuck sitting next to someone like that?"

  Julie plopped down on the couch next to me and put her arm around me.

  "What I was trying to say was how could you think that you didn't get it? You're amazing and so is your work. You second guess yourself way too much, Avery."

  I smiled at that. Jules could make me feel better about something in two seconds, and here I’d spent the entire weekend re-thinking my career choice. I laughed at how ridiculous I was.

  "You know, maybe you should become a guidance counselor or something. You always know the right things to say to someone," I told her.

  "Nah, you’re crazy enough for me to deal with!" she joked and grabbed the spoon from my hand.