Read Is Your Boyfriend On It? Page 10

“I know.” He widened his eyes, mocking our conversation, and puckered his lips like he wanted a kiss. I had narrowed my eyes, ready to argue, when I caught sight of Chloe over his shoulder, sitting at our lunch table. She glanced up at us, and I felt a rush of possessiveness.

  “Come here,” I purred at Aiden, taking a fistful of his shirt and pulling him toward me. Aiden looked down at me knowingly.

  “Mm ... my kitty’s feeling frisky.”

  I laughed, letting my anger melt away.

  Aiden leaned all the way down to pause his lips just above mine. “You’re going to stay this weekend, right?”

  I met his green gaze, and my insides began to liquefy like they always did when Aiden looked at me like that. I nodded. He grinned and then pressed his warm mouth to mine, squeezing me tight. When we parted, he winked at me.

  “Now let’s get you fed,” he said. “You need to store up some energy.”

  He was so steamy.

  When we got to our table, Chloe was gone. Her much-needed absence totally released the tension I’d been holding in my shoulders all day. Aiden went up to the line and grabbed me a lunch tray filled with hot sliced turkey. Then he excused himself to go over some plays with his team. It was perfect timing. It left me alone with my squad. The minute he walked away, we all leaned into the Formica table in unison.

  “What’s the double scoop?” I asked, setting down my spork and looking between their faces.

  Leona adjusted her glasses. “Three assignments. Two cheater requests and a background check. And since two of our Kittens, Melody and Frances, went out of town this week, I’m not sure we have the cheer power to complete them.”

  Hm. Leona had a good point. We were down four pom-poms.

  “I miss them,” Izzie said, wiping her nose. “I hope they come back soon.”

  Leona shook her head. “Get focused, girls. We’re not going to let these cheaters get the best of us. We may be outnumbered, but they’re outsmarted. Tess, you have a plan, right?”

  Her question caught me off guard. Although I knew my squad would be short a few members, I hadn’t made a plan B. I wasn’t even sure I had a plan A.

  “Of course Tessa has a plan,” Kira said, annoyed with Leona’s question.

  I looked between all of their trusting eyes and began to feel something. Panic. But I cleared my throat and channeled the SOS ways. “Kira,” I said in my captain voice, “you and Izzie focus on the first cheater request. Stake out with visual only.”

  She smiled. “On it, Tess.”

  “Leona, you and Kara map out the second request, and we’ll set it up for Wednesday night.” I snapped my fingers. “Oh, and Leona, I need you to update the Naughty List and return some of those texts. Sound good?” Phew.

  Leona stared at me. “What about the background check?”

  Oh. I’d forgotten one. How did I ... “Um ... I’ll do that one. Just forward me the information.” I was confused.

  Leona twisted her adorable necklace around her finger. “Tessa, it’s your night with the SOS phone. You know that, right?”

  I didn’t.

  “I’m going to use it tonight,” Kira interrupted. “I already cleared it with Tess.” She looked across the table and smiled encouragingly at me. She’d just saved my rep. That girl rocked.

  “Great,” Leona mumbled, resting her chin on her upturned palm. “Another night of texts from Kira. Just don’t send me any more pictures of guys’ butts, okay?”

  Kira grinned. “If I can help it. But you did see Maxwell, right?”

  “I know.” Izzie giggled next to her. “It was nice. How about Jonathon Stuart...”

  The girls began to talk among themselves about the best backsides in the junior class. I would have loved to listen to the conversation, but I was too busy staring at Aiden across the lunchroom.

  He was laughing, joking with Darren and the guys. Then suddenly, he looked up and saw me watching. He smiled and winked. It made me uneasy, seeing how well my boyfriend fit in with a table of cheaters. I pushed the thought away.

  Still, it made me think of Chloe and the fact that she was going after my boyfriend so obviously. And I certainly didn’t like the way she searched me, looking for my cracks. In fact, I wished the little blond temptress would transfer to another school altogether.

  But I didn’t get my wish.

  Chloe joined us for lunch the next day, clad in a super-tight pair of jeans and a baby tee. The Smitten Kittens had put aside their dislike for her earlier comments toward me once she’d apologized. They were such good sports. But I wasn’t going to be so forgiving. At least not on the inside.

  But I was surprised and delighted to see that Christian looked like he was taking a shine to Kira. He’d even started sitting next to her. I mean, it was directly across from me but also next to Kira. And even though they didn’t talk to each other, they both talked to me, which was also something they had in common.

  A happy thought struck me. Aiden’s party was this weekend, and it was only natural for new couples to form at a party. Even Romeo and Juliet met at a party. I could get Kira and Christian together. Maybe then he’d focus his attention elsewhere.


  CASE: 004

  CLIENT: Madeline Haskel

  SUBJECT: Roger Stanvick

  Dear Ms. Haskel,

  SOS is happy to honor your Potential Boyfriend Background Check voucher. And although it’s tragic that we’ve had to deliver bad news to you on three separate occasions, we hope that by providing you with this service, you can make an informed decision on your next choice of companionship.

  Mr. Stanvick will be observed within 48 hours of this notification. Please remember that this voucher is only valid for one background check per semester.

  Thank you for your referrals, and SOS truly hopes that your dating needs are met. If you need to cancel this assignment, please text the stop order form within 24 hours. Have a great day.

  Keep smiling,


  Text: 555-0101

  Exposing Cheaters for Over Two Years



  “What was the ETA?” Leona asked. She stretched out across the backseat of my car, her dark hair spreading like a fan across the leather upholstery.

  I leaned against the headrest. “An hour ago.” Here we were, camped out in front of an all-night miniature golf course, and we couldn’t even play. The parking lot was deserted, and the sky was nearly starless. There was little pep in this car.

  Luckily this was a small assignment, only two Kittens needed. And Leona was the only one available to help me. I was very thankful. Alone, I might have fallen asleep.

  We were on a potential boyfriend background check. We reserved that only for our repeat clients. It wasn’t something I was proud of since officially, the clients weren’t dating the suspects. But if SOS had investigated for them at least three times, the client was given a certificate for a complimentary background check. Hopefully it could save them future heartache.

  “He works here, right?” Leona asked. Sometimes it was difficult being alone with her. She didn’t have the perk that Kira did.

  “Yep. And my informant said he was working ten to two this morning.”

  “It’s after eleven.”

  “Thank you, Leona. I hadn’t noticed.”

  “Whoa.” She sat up, and I could feel her glare on the side of my face. I turned slowly to her.

  “Sorry to snap,” I said quietly. “I just want to go home.”

  Leona eyed me from behind her glasses. She was angry. She didn’t like to be scolded or talked down to. And I should have controlled myself better. Being short-tempered just wasn’t the Smitten Kitten way. I pursed my lips.

  “Things have been getting harder,” I said apologetically.

  She nodded, her face clearing. “I know, Tess. And you’ve seemed, well a little distracted. Is everything okay with Aiden?”

  My mouth ope
ned. That was an unexpected question. “Of course. Why would you ask that?” My heart beat a little faster.

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. You two don’t seem to be spending as much time together.”

  I blinked rapidly, a stabbing pain in my ribs. She was right. We hadn’t. But Aiden had basketball, and I had cheerleading. Between that, I had SOS assignments. Lots of them. Oh, my word. Were we growing apart?

  “Great Caesar’s ghost! Give me your phone, Leona. Mine’s dead.” I needed to talk to Aiden. I needed to hear him.

  Leona’s eyes widened at my abrupt change in demeanor, but she pulled out her phone anyway. “I’ll be outside with the binoculars,” she said cautiously.

  I waited until she got out into the parking lot and shut the door before punching in the numbers. “Pick up, Aiden,” I whispered, glancing at the dashboard clock.

  “Hello.” Shoot. Mrs. Wilder.

  “Hi, it’s Tessa.” For the first time, my voice wasn’t dripping with sweetness. I just wanted to talk to her son. “Can I speak with Aiden, please? It’s important.”

  “He’s not with you?”

  My stomach dropped. “What?”

  “Aiden’s not here, Tessa. I thought he was out with you tonight.”

  I was shaking my head, even though I knew she couldn’t see me. “No ... I’m ... I’m not with him.”


  That was it? That was all she had to say? I tried to take a deep breath, but I was having trouble breathing. What was going on? Where was my sweetie?

  “Tell him I called,” I murmured and hung up. I couldn’t stick around and wait for any of her snide remarks. My eyes stung, and I sat up straighter to check my reflection in the rearview mirror. I was surprised to see that a little bit of my mascara had smeared. I wiped it quickly. What else could go wrong?

  There was a knock on my driver’s side window, and I nearly jumped out of my skin. I turned, my hand at my throat.

  Christian was bent down, looking in. He waved. What in the world?

  I turned my key in the ignition to get power and lowered the window, my brow furrowed. “Christian?”

  “Hi, Tessa.” He smiled. “I thought this was your car.”

  I took in a sharp breath. How did he know my car?

  He chuckled, pushing his hair behind his ears. “Sorry, that sounds sort of stalkerish, right?”

  It definitely did, but I was too stunned to nod. Wait. I was on assignment. He’d now caught me twice on assignment. Not good.

  “Um ... what do you want?” It wasn’t a polite question, but it needed to be asked.

  He grinned, as if he had a dirty joke waiting. Thankfully, he decided to act appropriately. “I was just wondering why you were parked in the back lot. And why your friend was watching the course with binoculars.” He tilted his head. “Are you guys spying on someone?”

  Cracker Jacks! “No. That’s a silly question.”

  He narrowed his eyes, studying me. “Is it?”

  I stared back at him, speechless, as the wind blew around his chocolate hair. He really was attractive. Not Aiden cute, but still handsome. I swallowed hard.

  “Are you here alone?” I asked. A subject change was in order.


  I waited. When it became apparent that he wasn’t going to volunteer the information, I pressed further. “Who are you with?”

  He smiled. “Don’t worry, I’m not on a date. I’m with Colton.”

  I made a face. I wasn’t worried he was on a date. I just wanted him to trot away. “Wonderful.” He didn’t move.

  “So,” he said, looking around at the interior of my car. I was hyper-aware of the equipment on my passenger seat—the camera with tripod, the utility vest, and the grappling hook that Leona had wanted to bring (even though I was pretty sure we didn’t need it). He glanced at it, then back at me. “No boyfriend tonight?”

  My face stung. “Maybe later,” I said. But it was probably a lie.

  “Too bad.” Christian straightened, sliding his hands into the pockets of his khakis. I looked for Leona, but she was sitting on a parking curb observing the course, clueless of the complication that was just outside my window.

  “You and Leona want to join us for a round of golf?” Christian asked.

  I turned back to him. “What?”

  He leaned over, resting his forearms on my windowsill. I moved back in my seat. He was so different outside of school, much bolder. It scared me.

  “You’re here to play golf, right? Why else would you be here, Tessa?”

  Holy cocker spaniel! Did he know? He was smirking, daring me to lie. My mouth felt suddenly dry; my stomach flipped.

  “Come on,” he whispered playfully. “I’ll let you win.”

  Well, now that was condescending. “You wouldn’t need to let me, Christian. I would beat you fair and square.”

  He laughed. “Fair and square? You are too cute. Seriously. I can’t get enough of you.”

  I blinked quickly.

  “Come play with me,” he said, opening my door. “One round.”

  Did I have a choice? How odd would it look if we just left? I paused, trying to think of the possibly horrific outcomes that could come from this. But there wasn’t time to think it through. I was the captain, and I was the one responsible for the tough decisions.

  I took a breath. “Just one game,” I said.

  Christian held out his hand to me, but I looked at him like he’d lost his marbles. I certainly wasn’t going to hold his hand. This wasn’t a date and never would be. I was Aiden’s girl.

  My stomach turned. I just wished I knew where Aiden was.

  Christian tried to win at miniature golf, but he had seriously underestimated my ball-sinking skills. He also found it hilarious when I told him that. But he was polite. Sweet, even. And his friend Colton seemed to warm to cheerleaders, especially dark-haired ones named Leona. But I didn’t forget that he had a girlfriend from a rival school, and I made sure Leona didn’t forget either.

  At some point, one game turned into two. It was nearly one in the morning when we walked back to my car, Leona giggling with Colton behind me. The night had been fun. Completely unethical, but fun. We paused at my car.

  “Thanks for hanging out, Tessa,” Christian said, stopping to stand directly in front of me. His cologne was carrying in the wind, and it smelled really fresh. Clean. Aiden didn’t bother with cologne; he smelled more athletic.

  “Well,” I said, darting a warning glance at Leona as she paused alarmingly close to Colton. She nodded knowingly and dropped her eyes. I turned back to Christian. “We’ve got to jet. I’ll see you at school on Monday.”

  He chuckled. “You’re not going to your boyfriend’s party tomorrow?”

  Sweet tea and honey! I’d forgotten again. “No, I’ll be there.”

  “Cool,” Christian said. “Then I’ll see you there.”

  My face was burning with both embarrassment and shame. And just then, Christian leaned toward me. Like toward my mouth!

  I dodged quickly, trying not to make a complete spectacle, but in my haste, I head-butted Christian in the jaw.

  “Ow,” we said at the same time. I put my palm against my forehead, and he covered his mouth. Leona burst out laughing from the other side of the car.

  “You’re a violent little thing, Tessa.” He laughed and dropped his hand, running his eyes slowly up and down my body. “I say you ditch your jock and come wrestle with me sometime.” He winked.

  “You can’t always be good, right?”

  I squeaked. Did he just tell me to break up with Aiden? Ew, did he just ask to wrestle with me? Without another word, I scrambled into the driver’s seat and slammed the door.

  Leona got in too, adjusting her glasses and turning to me with a smirk. “He’s still staring,” she sang. “He’s, like, obsessed with you or something.”

  “Shoot. This was a really bad idea. We’ll have to reschedule this mission for tomorrow night.”

“Wait. Do you think he knows we’re SOS?” Her face was worried.

  “Let’s hope not.”

  Ignoring Christian, still standing outside my window, I started my car and pulled quickly out of the parking lot, squealing my tires.

  I dropped Leona off at her grandmother’s, and when I got home, the house was dark. My parents must still be at the club.

  I felt lonely. I’d been hoping to sit down and talk with my dad while we had milk and cookies, but he wasn’t here. I needed advice. I wanted him to tell me that I had nothing to worry about.

  At 2 a.m., my cell rang. I reached over to pluck it off my side table, but I didn’t recognize the number. I squashed my panic and answered.

  “Hello?” Please don’t be Christian.

  “Hi, baby,” Aiden said in a deep, tender voice.

  I exhaled, pulling the phone into my sheets as I curled up with it, comforted by Aiden’s sound. I’d missed the snot out of him.

  “Where are you?” I asked, bringing my blankets up under my chin. My chest was aching. I was so confused by our recent lack of cuddle time.

  He chuckled. “I’m at your front door.”

  I smiled, my stomach knotting with excitement. “Really?”

  “Yeah, really. Now come let me in.”

  I squealed and then clicked off the call. Throwing back my sheets, I jumped out of bed and tossed my cell on it before dashing through the house barefoot.

  I paused in front of my wood front door and then took a deep breath and swung it open. My face immediately brightened. There he was, leaning his long body against my door frame, his hair a mess of blond tangles. He was in a pair of jeans with a dark green sweater, making his eyes more noticeable than usual. He looked ... fantastic.

  “Hi,” he said in that low, sexy voice.


  We stood for a minute, staring at each other. My body was tingling, wanting him, but I knew that we should probably talk first. A breeze blew past him from outside. I twitched my nose.

  “Are ... are you wearing cologne?” I asked.

  He grinned. “Uh, yeah. Why?”