Read Is Your Boyfriend On It? Page 13

  Well, that was polite. But I wasn’t impressed. It only succeeded in making me uneasy. When he closed my door and ran around the front of the car, I closed my eyes. This might not go well. In fact, I might just have to do something I didn’t want to do: be rude.

  I didn’t have to give Christian directions to my house. He already knew where it was. See, total stalker. When he pulled into my driveway, he cut the engine. Pirates of the Caribbean! What did he want now?

  He exhaled. “Okay, so I know this may be coming off as a little frightening, but I swear I’m not a creep or anything.”

  “You sure?” I was angry. I was angry that I’d let myself be so vulnerable to a stranger. I had to tell Aiden. He shouldn’t find out from Christian.

  “Tessa,” Christian said. “I’m not, like, going to blackmail you or anything, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  I turned to him, feeling a little less terrified. I had been afraid of that. “What do you want, then?”

  He smiled but stared down at his steering wheel. “Well, you already know I like you...”

  I shifted uncomfortably.

  “But more than anything, I just want to help you. You’re in over your head. You could have been killed tonight.”

  He was right on both accounts. “Can’t you just drop this?” I pleaded. “Forget that you know?” It was a long shot, but worth asking.

  He shook his head. “No. I can’t.”

  So it was blackmail. “And how do you propose you help me, Christian?” I felt prickles of anxiety crawl over my skin as I looked over the interior of his car. It was a Honda. Old, but clean. Such a sensible car. And yet I felt trapped. In this situation, I was trapped.

  “I just want to spend time with you. And I think I can help with SOS.”

  That couldn’t happen. My eyes glazed over with a sense of dread. “How did you find out about us anyway?” I asked, my voice monotone. I felt completely overtaken.

  “I saw some of your notes to Cassandra Heart.”

  I faced him. “What? She let you see those?” We’d helped Cassie! She knew all communication was top secret. How could she betray us?

  “She didn’t really mean to tell me,” he said, as if he thought it would make me feel better. “It was sort of in the heat of the moment—”

  “You hooked up with Cassie?” There was a tug in my chest. It wasn’t jealousy or anything, just surprise. Okay, maybe a small bit of jealousy. I thought I was the only one he stalked.

  “I was with her once.” He shook his head. “Right after she found out about her boyfriend. She went on and on about these pictures, and then I remembered seeing you at Applebee’s. So I started following you. Then I spotted you at mini-golf and then later on some guy’s porch. I put two and two together, but I haven’t said a word to anyone. I swear.”

  I met his dark eyes, trying to decide whether or not he was telling the truth. He looked honest, but didn’t I look honest? And I was a liar. Aiden.

  “Aiden doesn’t know,” I blurted. Suddenly, I felt a tear run down my cheek. Jolly Green Giant! Now I was crying in front of Christian. I was so completely vulnerable.

  Christian’s mouth opened, but he didn’t say anything. I wiped my cheeks quickly, embarrassed by my temporary lack of control. I pulled it together.

  I sniffled. “Sorry.”

  “It’s okay. I won’t tell him.”

  That made me feel better. Relieved. “So that’s it?” I asked. “You’re not going to tell anybody?”

  He smiled softly at me. “I won’t.”

  “And you’re not asking for anything in return other than quality time.”

  He paused. My heart stopped. “That’s all. Just time with you. Helping you.”

  “I can take care of myself.”

  “You fell off a roof.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You’re exaggerating.”

  Christian shook his head and reached out to touch my knee. My body flinched. Oh, no. I would not stand for this.

  “Don’t do that,” I warned. “I have a very good high kick.”

  He chuckled, picking a leaf off my pants and holding it up to me. “Relax,” he said. “I’m trying to look out for you.”

  I stared at him, confused. “Why?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. Because I like you. I like how you make me feel. You’re just good, Tessa. I don’t know how else to explain it. And I think somebody should be looking out for you. Your boyfriend isn’t doing a bang-up job.”

  “Don’t talk about Aiden like that,” I said quickly. But did I disagree? Aiden had been different lately. Distant. I ... I was lonely.

  “Besides,” Christian said with a smile. “I’d be good for stuff. Like for when you fall off buildings.”

  I laughed. Yes. He did try and catch me, and that was chivalrous of him. I exhaled, still watching him carefully. I had no idea how to handle this. My gut was telling me that this was a terrible idea, and my gut was rarely wrong. But then again, I was in a very awkward formation. Not only was my reputation on the line, it was for the other Smitten Kittens too. I had to look out for my girls. I always looked out for them.

  “One assignment,” I said, holding up my finger. “That’s it.” He grinned. “Three.”

  I stared at him. I didn’t have the energy to apply my keen negotiation skills. “Two.”

  “I can live with two.”

  Could I? This was not a great thing. I had to tell Aiden. Somehow, I had to tell him before things got even further out of my control.

  Christian seemed satisfied and restarted his car, reminding me that I had to go. I still needed to meet the girls at Leona’s.

  “I’ll...” What should I say? Thanks for being my trampoline? See you on Tuesday at the movies to spy on Isaac Park? I opted to keep it simple. “Good night.” I reached for the handle.

  “Tessa,” he said. I turned to him. “It was nice hanging out with you.”

  Fudgsicle! How could he be polite at a time like this? “Uh ... bye.” I got out. There was no need to respond when I wasn’t “hanging out” with him by choice. He just showed up to basket-catch me. I didn’t fall on purpose.

  I paused in my driveway and waited until Christian’s car pulled away before I took out the cell phone. Kira needed to know what was going on with our newest addition. But I paused. I put the SOS phone back in my purse and pulled out my cell to dial Aiden.

  He answered on the first ring. “Hello.” He’d been sleeping. I closed my eyes.

  “Hi,” I said.

  “Tess? What’s up, baby?” There was a rustling of sheets.

  “Can I come over?” I asked. Tears were stinging my eyes. He would be so angry with me when he found out. I was so scared to tell him. But I had to. Then I wouldn’t have to do anything with Christian, and there’d be no more sneaking around. Ever.

  “Of course,” Aiden said, sounding more alert. “You need me to come get you?”

  “No.” I opened my eyes and looked at my car, parked off to the side. “I’ll come in the window.”

  “I like when you sneak in my window,” he whispered.

  My body ached. All I wanted was for SOS to uncomplicate itself. I should’ve told Aiden from the beginning. I could barely remember now why I hadn’t.

  “Tess, you okay?”

  No. I wasn’t. I was very not okay. “Yeah. I’ll see you in ten minutes.”

  I closed the phone and paused, thinking back to the night Mary told us her idea for SOS. Everyone had thought it was crazy. But I hadn’t. I’d liked it. I wanted couples to stay together, but to stay together honestly. The idea was a slam dunk as far as I was concerned. Because I’d always wondered why my dad had left for so long. I always wondered if it was another woman.

  A breeze blew through my hair and I shivered. Our first assignment. I wrapped my arms around myself, thinking of Caleb Perkins. Two years ago, he was Aiden’s best friend. He’d also been cheating on his girlfriend.

  That was it. That was why I hadn’t
told Aiden. Wow. I hadn’t thought about it in years. When Caleb’s girlfriend saw those pictures of him hooking up with another girl, she freaked. She was the senior class homecoming queen, and she proceeded to destroy his rep. In fact, it’d gotten so bad he’d had to transfer schools. Aiden had been distraught.

  And yet I’d let him stress over it, never telling him that it was me—that it was me who’d taken the pictures. Now it seemed so stupid for that to be the reason I’d kept the secret for so long, but what could I do now?

  I put my palms over my face, trying to gather myself. In this moment, I wished I’d never heard of SOS. Or cheaters. Looking down at my clothing, I realized I was still dressed like a ninja. Aiden couldn’t see me like this. I readjusted my pack and turned to go inside my house to change.

  I called Kira and set up a meeting before school. I didn’t mention Christian. I’d tell them tomorrow. He was my problem, and I’d deal with him. But the squad needed to know that he’d be around.

  Over the last two years, not one client that we helped had outed us. It was total girl-code: a survivor’s bond. But Christian wasn’t obligated by any set of female ethics, or possibly by any ethics at all. I just hoped he could keep a secret; otherwise, the Smitten Kittens would be toast.

  My adrenaline carried me up the wooden slats of Aiden’s lattice quickly. He’d left the window open, and he sat up when I swung my legs over.

  “Hi, baby,” he called from the bed, looking all Hugh Hefner in a robe. I quickly wondered what he had underneath it. I was happy his mother’s bedroom was on the first floor. I might need more than a foot rub tonight.

  I smiled. Just smelling his room, perspiration with a hint of soap, felt so natural to me. So much better than the smell of Christian’s cologne, which still lingered in my nose. Stop. I didn’t want to think about him. Not here.

  “Where were you?” Aiden asked, getting up to meet me at the window, closing it quietly behind me.


  “Uh ...” He nodded. “Yeah. I called you like five times.”

  Shoot. Where had I told Aiden I was going to go? I blanked. Great Scott! This was already going badly.

  “Tessa?” he asked.

  I met his gorgeous green eyes, and I could see they were so concerned. But he was too adorable to have his brows pulled together like that. I used my thumb to smooth out the wrinkle between them.

  “Let’s not talk about me,” I said, trying to channel my inner perk. “What have you been up to? I missed you.”

  “Really?” He grinned, leading me toward his bed. He smoothed out the plaid comforter and then patted it. “Sit down,” he said. “I made you hot chocolate.”

  Aw. That was just about the sweetest thing he could have ever done. I saw the World’s Best Athlete mug on the side table and grabbed it, taking a sip. My eyes weakened as I looked at him.

  “You...” I almost cried. “You put marshmallows in it?”

  He chuckled. “You sounded down. I wanted to pick you up.”

  I stared at him as he stood in front of me, his robe tied shut. I closed my eyes.

  “Do you remember Mary Rudick?” I asked suddenly. This was it. My heart was beating so fast, I thought I might pass out. I was vaguely aware of the pulsating in my ankle.

  “Kyle Turkowitz’s ex-girlfriend?”

  I nodded. “She was a great captain,” I said. My eyes had begun to water. Orion’s belt! Please let me be brave enough to tell him.

  “She was good,” Aiden agreed as he sat down next to me. “Why are you thinking about her? Doesn’t she live in California?”

  “Yeah.” She was lucky. After starting all of this, she was able to have a life now. And she probably had a boyfriend she didn’t have to lie to.

  We were quiet for a minute, and then Aiden reached out to take my cup, setting it back on the side table. “Come hug me,” he whispered. “I want to hold you.”

  And I couldn’t say another thing. I practically collapsed into Aiden’s arms, crying softly as he stroked my hair.

  “Oh, baby,” he murmured. “Is it your parents? Are they splitting up again?”

  I sniffled, but I didn’t answer. Instead I pulled back, looking into his beautiful green eyes. All this time, I could have told him. But now it was too late. He couldn’t find out. I’d do what Christian wanted and soon, I’d be like Mary Rudick. Aiden would be away at college in a few months and after that, just one more year of SOS. One more year of lying.

  “I love you,” I said. “I couldn’t even cheer without you in my life.”

  He smiled. “Tess.” He put his palms on my cheeks and drew me close to him. “I’ll never not be in your life. You are my life, baby.”

  Aiden kissed me softly, tenderly. Then he laid me down and tucked me between his flannel sheets as he curled up next to me. He stroked my hair, murmuring in my ear. Then, to the sound of his heartbeat, I drifted off.


  CASE: 054

  CLIENT: Emily Hodges

  SUBJECT: Wiley Penchant

  FINDINGS: At approximately 2 a.m. on March 3, Mr. Penchant was observed leaving the Windmill hotel with a female other than the client. Upon further investigation, it was revealed that the accomplice was Mia Hodges, the client’s sister. Mr. Penchant and Ms. Hodges left the hotel in different vehicles, but before leaving, Ms. Hodges was overheard saying, “You can’t tell her, Wil. She’ll be devastated. I love you too, but Emily can’t find out.”

  Enclosed are the photos documenting the time the two spent in the hotel room. Surveillance captured footage of them kissing, along with other sexual situations. Mr. Penchant also gave Ms. Hodges a box and wished her a happy “one-year anniversary.” It was not clear what they were celebrating.

  SOS is confirming this cheat, and considering the severity of the findings, we would also like to extend our list of reputable therapists. You will find it enclosed with the photos.

  We trust that this report will remain confidential as some of the information contained within could compromise our top-secret status.

  SOS is sorry for your loss, and we offer our deepest sympathy. We hope that we will not have to assist you again in the future, but please keep us in mind for referrals. Keep smiling,


  Text: 555-0101

  Exposing Cheaters for Over Two Years


  “QUEEN OF SHEBA!” KIRA GASPED, DROPPING HER maroon and gray pom-poms on the wood floor. “He knows?” She sat down, stunned.

  I nodded. The squad was not taking the news well. Neither was I. I hadn’t even ironed my cheer skirt this morning. In fact, my braid had strands of hair dangling from it.

  “Is he going to tell?” Leona asked, looking around the empty gymnasium. Poor thing. She was so nervous. She’d actually chewed off three of her fingernails. Her French manicure was ruined.

  “Well,” I began, pacing in front of the bleachers as they sat watching me. It was hard to look composed when I felt so broken. “He said he wouldn’t. But he’s asked to help.”

  “Help?” Kira squeaked with relief. “That’s so sweet!” She was beaming.

  I tried to smile, but my belly turned. Christian had said he was worried about me, but I knew the score. All I had to do was indulge him in two assignments. It wasn’t like I had to hook up with him. Thank heavens he knew better than to ask for that. That would have earned him a swift kick to the groin.

  “How did he find out?” Leona asked. I stared at her for a minute, unsure if I should tell. Cassie had messed up, it was true, but it was no reason to subject her to Leona’s wrath.

  “I don’t know,” I said. “And it doesn’t matter now.” But there was something else I wanted to talk to them about. Something I’d realized as I snuck out of Aiden’s window in the middle of the night.

  “After the Christian situation is resolved...” I paused. “I think SOS should take a break.”

  They all gasped.

  “What about the cheaters??
?? Izzie squealed. “We’re just going to let them get away with it? Look at what happened to Emily Hodges—her boyfriend was sleeping with her sister!” Izzie looked sick. We’d caught her boyfriend with her cousin just last month.

  “Tessa,” Leona spoke up. “Can you imagine the cheater stats if we stopped tracking them? They’d be out of control.”

  “They’re already out of control,” Izzie whined.

  “Even more reason to keep on it,” Leona shot back.

  Kira stood up, waving her hands wildly. “Be quiet and let Tessa have the court.”

  I took a deep breath, glancing from face to face. Their expressions told me one thing. I’d be a quitter. If I didn’t stick it out, I’d be a quitter.

  “Never mind,” I said quietly. “I’m just tired.”

  “You look it,” Leona muttered. I was glad I’d never let her lead a practice. Her attitude was less than sparkly sometimes.

  “Tessa,” Kira said, turning to me, looking serious. Her usual wide-eyed expression was gone. This was the real Kira, the one that kicked tush. She marched over and hugged me tightly.

  “You’re choking me,” I said.

  “Sorry.” She backed up and tilted her head. “If you want to stop SOS, I’ll follow your lead. After all, we’ll still be Smitten Kittens. Even without the spying.”

  She was a peach. An absolute Georgia peach. “Thanks, K.” Starry night! I was going to cry.

  But the bell rang, signaling that we were all late for first period. I sucked up my sorrow and straightened my posture.

  “Shoot,” Izzie said, bounding toward the gymnasium door. “I’m going to get the tardy chair!”

  Kira groaned and jogged over to get her pom-poms from the floor before leaving, and Leona mumbled something to me about writing a letter to the school board as she walked out. I exhaled, knowing one positive thing. No matter what, the Smitten Kittens would always stick together.

  I was late for history. The class I shared with Chri—Fiddlesticks!

  Scooting in three minutes late, Kira and I were assigned lunch detention in front of the entire class. No surprise there. What was alarming was the fact that Christian was absent, leaving his seat in the back row empty. It made me pause in my distrust for him. I’d thought he’d show up to gloat, stalk, or at least gaze, knowing that I was pretty much at his mercy. But he didn’t. I was relieved.