Read Is Your Boyfriend On It? Page 7

  “And I’m really sorry about calling you....”

  “Tess,” Kira whispered from our table. I looked over, and she held up the cell and waved it at me.

  Gingersnaps! Another assignment. I hadn’t even gotten the rundown on the last one. It seemed like they were coming nonstop lately. SOS was a full-time job.

  I looked up at Christian. Poor thing, he was still trying to apologize for getting my phone number. I should let him down easy.

  “Excuse me, Christian?” I said in my sweetest voice. I’d hate for him to think I was rude. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I really have to sit down and sort out my things for class.”

  His eyes widened. “Sure. Sorry.” He motioned forward with his hands.

  “No worries,” I said. “Maybe I’ll see you at lunch or something.” There was a pang in my belly. Suddenly his sister’s scowl popped in my head. I wondered if it was just because she was sour at her parents’ divorce and switching schools. Or—I bit the inside of my cheek—maybe it was because she was interested in Aiden. She wouldn’t be the first girl. Luckily my guy didn’t notice silly things like that. I swallowed hard.

  “Lunch would be great,” Christian said, beaming and brushing a lock of his hair behind his ear.

  Uh-oh. I wasn’t really inviting him. I’d better not do any more damage. I twirled and walked to my table, sitting down in my seat. Pulling my bag into my lap, I grabbed out my history book as I looked over Kira’s shoulder at the cell phone screen. Wait.

  I turned. Christian was at the end of our table, smiling. I raised my eyebrow. He stared back for a minute.

  “Right,” he said, holding up his finger like he’d forgotten to tell me something. “I ...” He laughed to himself and shook his head. “Never mind. See you girls later.”

  I watched him walk away, feeling a little uncomfortable, and then looked sideways at Kira.

  She stared down, tapping her fingernails on the table. “My word,” she whispered, shaking her head. “Looks like I have a lot of work to do with that one.”

  I laughed as she turned around in her seat to smile and wave at Christian. Kira was excellent at keeping a positive attitude. Even though Darren had just cheated on her a few days ago, she was already picking herself back up and moving on. It was brave, really. I was impressed with her tenacity.

  “So how did the last assignment meeting go?” I asked when she’d settled down.

  “Shit! I forgot.” She slapped her hand on the table.

  “Kira, language!”

  “Sorry, Tess. It just slipped out.”

  It wasn’t like I was the purest soul on Earth, but there was something to be said for old-fashioned manners. And cussing like a sailor was unbecoming of a Smitten Kitten. We were supposed to lead by example.

  “So no meeting?” I asked. I should’ve just come to school on Friday. The girls of Washington needed me. SOS needed a strong leader, and lately, I’d been failing.

  “I got sort of sidetracked,” she said apologetically.

  I exhaled. “By what?”

  “Um ...” Her eyes wandered around the room. Mr. Powell got up, walking to the podium, and opened his oversized teacher’s book. I plucked the phone out of Kira’s hands.

  “Never mind,” I whispered. “We’ll talk about it later.” The bell rang, and I quickly scrolled through the SOS message.

  911! I think my BF, Marcus Billings, is cheating! I can’t catch him, and I’ve been told SOS is the best. If that bastard hooked up wl someone else, I will be so pissed blc we had sex for the first time this wknd. Thx, Cassandra

  I cringed. Sometimes TMI was a given. I handed the phone to Kira and let her read.

  “Ew,” she said, looking at me with her lip curled. “Too much information.”

  “I know.”

  Mr. Powell cleared his throat and told us to open our books to page ninety-six. Kira leaned over to whisper to me, “So when do you want to start this assignment?”

  “I can’t tonight,” I said. “I’m going to Aiden’s for dinner. His mother is demanding it.” My stomach turned. She did this every few months, mostly to scare me away. But it never worked. I had some very sharp claws for a Kitten, and they were firmly planted in her son’s backside.

  “Sorry for you,” Kira said, pretending to gag. She was so sweet.

  “But this weekend,” I said. “We need to catch up on these assignments. We’re falling behind.”

  “I know, Tess,” she groaned. “But there are just so many. I mean, Darren told me that part of the reason he cheated with Charlie was because I was never around.”

  “Wait,” I whispered forcefully as I touched her arm. “When did you talk to Darren?” Oh, Kira.

  She bit her lip. “Late Friday night.”

  “Gross, K. Breakup sex? You’re so above that.”

  “I know.” Her shoulders slumped. It hurt my heart to see her sad, so I gave her a quick hug. When I pulled back, I furrowed my brow.

  “But why Darren when you’re trying for Christian?” I’d hate to think of Kira going back to her old ways. We’d worked so hard to restore her rep!

  She shrugged. “It just happened. Darren sent me a text message, so I called him and . . . Gosh, Tess. I feel awful.”

  “It’s okay,” I said, squeezing her hand. “If anything ever happened with Aiden, I would totally still go after him too.” My stomach turned. I’d never thought of anything happening to me and Aiden before. I straightened my posture and turned on the captain voice. “Just be careful, K. You’re more than a piece of tail. Smitten Kitten slogan.”

  She nodded. I’d really hoped she’d get together with Christian, but now I wasn’t sure it was such a good idea. Not when she was obviously still lusting after Darren. Hm. Maybe I should talk to Aiden. Have him see what Darren’s intentions were.

  The SOS phone vibrated again. My mouth fell open, and Kira met my stare.

  “Another one,” she whispered, her dimples deepening with worry.

  “Don’t respond. We’re getting seriously dunked on over here.”

  Kira leaned back and touched her chest, staring at me. “But ... you’ve never purposely not responded to a message.”

  She was right. What was I thinking? “Okay,” I whispered. “Check it, then schedule an emergency SOS meeting for tonight. We’ll meet up after my dinner.” That was if I made it out of Aiden’s house alive. “Can you message the other girls and let them know?”

  “On it, Tess.” She held the phone under the table out of Mr. Powell’s view and began texting. Kira loved when I trusted her with top-secret communications. And even though she messed up the last briefing, I still believed in her. One day, I might even let her lead a practice or two. She’d been trying so hard.

  After she put the phone back in her purse, she twirled the gum from her mouth around her finger, staring vacantly ahead. It was easy to see why she always got the attention of the boys at Washington High. She was very orally fixated.

  I felt a tingle on the back of my ponytailed neck. Blinking quickly, I turned around. Christian sat up straight as my eyes met his. He beamed. I tried to smile politely, then swung to face front. He was making me self-conscious, but I wasn’t sure why. I just had the sneaking suspicion that I needed to keep my distance from him.

  Oh, applesauce! I’d have to start after our lunch date.

  Veggie burgers. Sigh. Although I appreciated our school’s attempt to promote the vegetarian society, I would have been more appreciative if it tasted even remotely like a burger. Besides, it was served with Tater Tots. I wasn’t sure what food group they fell under.

  “So Tessa,” Chloe asked from across the table, tucking her bra strap under the fabric of her tank top. “How long have you been a cheerleader?”

  I had hoped when Christian joined us, he’d ask his sister to go to another table, and he did. Only she refused. And took the seat directly across from Aiden. I had my eye on her. And I didn’t want to answer her question. I didn’t start cheering until sevent
h grade, the month my dad moved out. In fact, I was a late bloomer. Most of the former squad captains had cheered since Pop Warner.

  Kira spoke for me. “Tessa was born in the skirt. She’s a natural-born leader. Pure Sex Kitten.” Chloe choked on her milk.

  I straightened up. “It’s Smitten—”

  “Holy shit.” Chloe laughed in her low, gravelly tone. “Did you just say Sex Kitten?” I clenched my jaw.

  “Yeah,” Aiden said, leaning toward her. “It’s a pretty funny story. Everyone calls them that because a few years ago, the Ducks came to town to play us and the point guard found the squad irresistible—especially Tessa.” He turned to me and winked. “So, since they cheer for the Wildcats, he started calling them the Sex Kittens. The name sort of stuck.”

  “Ew, it came from my old school?” She laughed and then looked at me. “You know that name is completely offensive, right?”

  My jaw was beginning to hurt.

  “Yeah,” Leona said from the end of the table. “If I was here then, I would have kneed that Duck in the balls.”

  “Inappropriate,” I whispered.

  “That’s the thing.” Aiden laughed and turned back to Chloe. “Tessa said if she didn’t let it bother her, it took away the Ducks’ power. That was from Oprah. Right, baby?”

  I nodded.

  “So she took their power. And I don’t know if you’ve ever seen one of our games, but when the Ducks are here, it’s pure entertainment. As soon as the girls stand up on the sidelines, their starting five have all sprung hard-ons.”

  “Aiden,” I said, slapping his leg. There was no need to talk like that. Especially in public. Dressed.

  “I’m sorry, Tess. I just think it’s hilarious when any guy thinks he has a chance with you.” He grinned mischievously.

  Christian coughed and shifted in the seat next to me.

  My face tingled. Was Aiden acting possessive? I’d never heard him say anything like that before.

  “Don’t be mad,” he whispered, looking over at me. “I’ll be a good boy.” He licked his lips, taunting me. Daring me to be mad at him. Not possible.

  “And how long have you lovebirds been together?” Chloe asked, sounding annoyed. My eyes darted to her. I didn’t like her tone.

  “Two years,” Aiden said, leaning over to kiss my arm and look up at me devilishly. I could see his hands slowly inching down his thighs toward me. He was so naughty.

  “Stop,” I mouthed to him.

  He made a face, scrunching his nose. Then he pulled up, kissed my cheek, and went back to his veggie burger.

  “That’s a long time to date,” Chloe said, looking down and picking through her lunch tray. “You must be so sick of each other.” She glanced up at my boyfriend. And smiled.

  I gasped. Kira dropped her spork. “Chloe?” she asked. “That is not a nice thing to say. Are you effing with Tessa?” Finally. The voice of reason. And it belonged to Kira. Go figure.

  Chloe looked around innocently, touching dramatically at her throat. “God, no. I’d never fuck with a Sex Kitten. You guys are obviously badass.”

  Okay. My heart was racing. I didn’t fight and I didn’t swear, but I would raise my voice if I had to.

  “Goodbye, Chloe,” Christian said forcefully.

  I didn’t look at him; I had his sister’s brown-eyed glare locked in my own. She was right about one thing. Nobody effed with a Smitten Kitten.

  “Whatever,” she said, standing up and pushing her tray to the center of the table.

  Her attitude needed to be seriously adjusted. In fact, her overall personality needed a makeover.

  She narrowed her eyes at me. “See you around, prez.”

  My lip curled for a split second, but I caught it. I wouldn’t have wanted anyone to know she’d gotten to me. I batted my eyelashes at her and smiled. “Have a nice day.”

  Chloe flinched like she’d been slapped. Take that. She thought she’d break me. Fat chance. I was a tougher cookie than I appeared. It would take a lot more than a crude word to get me to stoop to her level.

  “Goodbye, Aiden,” she said sweetly to him, reaching out to touch his arm when she walked by him.

  My. Blood. Boiled.

  I dropped my head, taking a deep breath before looking back up at the table. No one saw my temporary loss of perkiness. But when I shot a sideways glance at my boyfriend, he was rubbing his arm. The spot where he’d been touched. There was a dull ache I couldn’t identify. Cap’n Crunch! Was it doubt?

  I felt a hand on my back. I swung around.

  “I’m really sorry,” Christian said quietly, squatting down behind me. “My sister can be a real bitch—”

  I rolled my eyes. Come on with these cussers!

  “Brat,” he said quickly. “She’s a real brat sometimes. I’ll talk to her. Make her apologize.”

  “Thank you, Christian,” I said cordially, not unaware that his fingers were massaging my vertebrae. I looked nervously at Aiden, but he was staring down at the table, still rubbing his bicep. I swallowed hard and stiffened my back, waiting for Christian to unhand me. He didn’t move.

  “Let’s go,” Aiden said to the entire table just as the bell rang. He was up and staring down at Christian and me before the ringing had even stopped. He didn’t look jealous. He looked fine. I blinked quickly. Maybe he should be a little jealous.

  “Nice seeing you again, Chris,” Aiden said, grabbing my backpack off the cafeteria floor. I stood, letting Christian’s hand fall from my body. My fingers were trembling from the altercation with Chloe. Coupled with Christian’s need to touch me, this had been a very odd lunch.

  “Yeah, you too,” Christian said, eyeing my boyfriend.

  I slid my hand into Aiden’s as we began to weave through the tables on our way to the hall.

  “By the way, it’s Christian,” Christian called from behind us.

  “Right. Sorry,” Aiden replied, but didn’t turn around.

  I smiled. Maybe he was jealous. I held his hand a little tighter.


  CASE: 045

  CLIENT: Mandy Morgan

  SUBJECT: Travis Murray

  This is the SOS official notice of intent to investigate Travis Murray. The client has accused Mr. Murray of “stepping out with his ex.” It is unclear whether the subject had terminated his previous relationship or “gone back for seconds.” The investigation will begin in 48 hours.

  If you wish to cancel this investigation, please text a stop work order to 555-0101. Stop orders must be placed within 24 hours of this written notification.

  We trust that this notice will remain confidential as some of the information contained within could compromise our top-secret status.

  Thank you for thinking of SOS, and we truly hope that our investigation ends with positive results. Have a great day.

  Keep smiling,


  Text: 555-0101

  Exposing Cheaters for Over Two Years


  I SHOULD HAVE ENJOYED GOING TO AIDEN’S HOUSE. It was really nice. An old Craftsman with intricate woodwork and oriental rugs, filled to the beams with beautiful furniture from around the world. It was also, however, filled with his mother’s scorn for me.

  “How’s cheerleading going?” she asked. Her green eyes, creased at the corners, were boring into my face.

  “Very well. Thank you for asking.” I smiled at her and then looked across the table at Aiden. He was avoiding her, rolling pasta onto his fork. I wished I could avoid the conversation too.

  “That’s nice,” she said. It sounded forced. She hated me. “And your grades?” she asked.

  “Tessa’s on the honor roll again,” Aiden said. Aw. I loved it when he was proud of me. I gazed lovingly at him.

  His mother didn’t seem as appreciative. “Well,” she said, sucking on her teeth. “Maybe if you two spent less time together, you’d be on the honor roll too, Aiden.”

  There was a hiss in my throat, but I f
orced it down with a sip of water. Aiden didn’t need to be on the honor roll. He was a great athlete and a total sweetheart. Studying just wasn’t his thing. She didn’t adore his adorableness as much as I did.

  “Tessa,” his mother said sternly from the head of the table. “Are your parents at all concerned with the amount of time you two spend together? And the late nights?” It was the last part she really didn’t like. Her eyes narrowed on mine.

  “Uh, not really,” I said honestly. “My parents love Aiden, and they trust him.”

  Mrs. Wilder set down her fork with a clank and took a deep breath. Here it comes.

  “Look, Tessa,” she said in fake sweetness. “I think you’re a really nice girl, I do. But I just don’t think it’s healthy for two teenagers to be together as much as you and my son are. You guys really need a break from each other.”

  Even though I knew she’d say it—again—my face stung. I was a nice girl (I was glad she’d noticed), but Aiden and I were far from unhealthy. We loved each other. Healthily!

  “Mom,” Aiden pleaded, tossing his napkin on the table. She glared at him. He got quiet, and I closed my eyes. Sometimes I just wanted him to speak up.

  “You really want to go away to college in such a serious relationship? Without ever having dated anyone else?” she asked, looking at him angrily.

  I clenched my fists under the table. That was not okay. Aiden didn’t need to date anyone else. He didn’t even need to consider dating anyone else.

  “Please, just stop.” Aiden dropped his head in his hands as his elbows rested on the table. He hated fighting with his mother.

  She exhaled. “I’m sorry,” she said, although I knew she wasn’t. “It’s just ... I married my high school sweetheart and look how that turned out.” Aiden shifted uncomfortably. “I just want something better for you, Aiden. You have a real chance to make a great life for yourself. You’re a tremendous athlete. You should be focused on school and basketball. I think Tessa has been a huge distraction for you.”