Read Island Girls (And Boys) Page 14

  I trudged up the stairs to the shower. I welcomed the pain of the water hitting my sunburned skin. Because at least it distracted me from the pain stabbing my heart.

  I�d not only lost a guy, but I was losing my best friends as well.

  I was pitiful that first week after Dylan left. Absolutely pitiful.

  No energy, no desire to interact with people. I was like a robot set on automatic.

  I went to work, I registered guests, I listened as Chelsea moaned because she never ever saw Noah anymore.

  I wanted to shout that I never saw Dylan either but you didn�t hear me whining about it. I wanted to tell her�and Amy�that I�d made the mistake of falling in love. I wanted them to know how badly I was hurting. I needed to share that with someone.

  But somehow our summer of being together had shifted into our summer of being apart�and I couldn�t share anything with them. I thought about talking to Mrs. P, but she was close to my mom�s age, which made her seem motherlike. And you didn�t tell your mom about your broken heart. You told your best friends. Only I couldn�t.

  I was alone. An island on an island.

  I hated it.

  Then the second week after Dylan left, everything really went to hell.


  �We are so over!�

  It was early evening. I looked up from the romance novel I was reading. That was how I was spending my nights. Reading about romance, since the reality of it had escaped me.

  Amy turned her attention away from the DVD she was watching.

  Chelsea was standing in the doorway to the living room with tears streaming down her face.

  Alarm swept through me, and I got up out of the chair. �Chels, what�s wrong?�

  �We�re over. Me and Noah.�

  �What happened?� Amy asked, coming up off the couch.

  �I went to the Sandpiper, to surprise him�� She released a wail, ran across the room, and dropped onto the couch, drawing her long legs up beneath her.

  The dogs howled. Amy told them to be quiet. Remarkably, they obeyed. She sat on one side of Chelsea. I crossed over to kneel in front of her.

  �What happened?� I prodded.

  She sniffed, blinked, and more tears rolled over onto her cheeks. �He was with another girl.�

  �What do you mean with?�

  �Kissing! Okay? Kissing! His tongue stuck down her throat.�

  �Oh, wow,� Amy said.

  �That�s not what I said when I saw them,� Chelsea said. �What I said was R-rated.�

  �This doesn�t make sense, Chels. He was kissing a girl at work?� I asked, needing clarification.

  �They told me he was on his break, out back. So I went to find him. And he was with this sleazy girl. And it�s all your fault,� she told me, her eyes shooting daggers into me.

  I sat back on my heels. �How do you figure that?�

  �You made him get a job.�

  �I didn�t tell him where to put his mouth.�

  �Oh, God, I hurt.� She wrapped her arms around her middle and bent forward, her short hair nearly poking me in the eye. �I�ve never hurt this bad.�

  �You�ll be okay, Chels,� I said. The words seemed lame, but I knew the truth of them. Or at least it seemed like I was getting over Dylan. I only thought about him every minute of every day now, instead of every second.

  �We need some serious depression intervention,� Amy said. �Let�s go out.�

  �I don�t want to go out.�

  �Amy�s right,� I said. �Let�s go have some fun, like we�d planned to do this summer.�

  �How can I have fun without Noah?�

  �We had fun together before he came into your life,� I reminded her.

  �I could meet someone else, make him jealous.�

  �That�ll backfire,� I told her. �Let�s just go out and forget about boys completely.�

  �Let�s do it,� she said with defiance ringing in her voice. �And be sure we lock all the doors.�

  An evil grin played over her face. �I never gave him a key.�

  Well, a girl can�t forget about boys completely�even when she�s trying. The first thing we did was deck ourselves out to kill. Short skirts, sexy tops, jewelry, makeup, the whole nine yards. We were going out on the town, and we were going out big time.

  We hit a club called Surf�s Up. Surfboards lined the walls. Susan and Tom were there, and a few other people we recognized from their party or ours. Everyone was happy to see us, and it made me feel like we were actually island people.

  Known by name. Welcomed into the fold.

  We ended up sitting on one side of the building where several tables had been shoved up against each other.

  People asked where Noah was; Chelsea said he�d moved to China. They asked me about Dylan, and I said he�d moved to Antarctica. No one seemed to question anything more than that. The island life. Nothing was permanent. Things washed up onshore, washed away with the tide. Houses were built to last only until a storm tore them down.

  And so we were three girls on our own for the night, looking to have a bit of fun. And the island guys were more than happy to provide it.

  We danced and drank and ate. To look at Chelsea flirting with some surfer guys, no one would have realized that she�d had a boyfriend that morning. She was all over them, and they were all over her.

  Me�I was still pathetic. Comparing every guy to Dylan and finding them all lacking. Their eyes were the wrong color. Their smiles too perfect.

  I wanted them to make me forget about Dylan. And all they seemed to do was remind me that he was gone.

  �You�re hooked up with someone, aren�t you?�

  Sitting at the table, I looked at the guy who had dropped into the chair beside mine. He grabbed a peanut from a metal bucket and went about cracking it open, dropping the shell on the floor. A lot of peanuts had been opened around here.

  He was cute�gerbil cute�with puffy cheeks and twinkling eyes. He looked like he could be fun. So why was I irritated that he�d interrupted me�when I wasn�t doing anything?

  �No,� I said. That�s all. Nothing to lead him on, nothing to extend the conversation.

  �You�re the one living in the last house on the island.�


  He furrowed his brow, which lifted his cheeks and made it look like he was squinting. �I saw you with a guy�tall, dark hair��

  �We�re over.�

  �So where is he?�

  �I don�t know. I don�t care.� The lies were flying out of my mouth like bats out of cave at twilight.

  He shelled another peanut, popped the nut into his mouth, and chewed. Like a cow in the pasture. His gaze never straying from me. He swallowed. �It�s just that I thought the two of you looked serious.�

  �You thought wrong.�

  �Okay. So you want to dance?�

  I smiled brightly. �Yes.� Anything. Anywhere. Anytime. Just take me away from here.

  His name was Randy. He owned a surfboard stand on the sand. A shack, really. But the rent was cheap. And he could take in the rays all day while renting people surfboards. And in the evenings, when he closed up shop, he surfed. He�d surfed during the last hurricane.

  �It was totally awesome,� he said. �Huge waves.�

  He was so proud of what he�d done, and all I could think was: Could you get any more stupid?

  �You could have been killed.�

  He nodded. �Yep. But it would have been worth it. It was a rush.�

  I was beginning to feel like the dullest girl on the planet. Maybe that�s why Dylan had taken off instead of spending my day off with me. Because when it came right down to it, he was going to go play Rambo, and I was the type of person who would head to the mainland as soon as a hurricane started coming my way.

  When the song ended, I went back to the table and sat down. Randy went off to get us something to drink.

  Chelsea sat down beside me. �Are we having fun yet?�

  �Not really.�

  �What are we doing here, Jen?�

  �I don�t know.�

  �I miss Noah.�

  �You have to forget him, Chels. He�s not good enough for you. Not if he was making out with another girl.�

  �Maybe he wasn�t. Maybe he was�I don�t know, maybe she washed up onshore, and he was giving her mouth to mouth��

  �I thought they were behind the restaurant.�

  �A really high tide could have carried her to the restaurant.�

  I gave her a hard stare. She sighed. �I know. I�m pathetic.�

  �Been there, done that.�

  �Let�s find Amy and blow this place.�

  So we did just that.

  The three of us. Alone on the beach, walking where the water met the sand. A little tipsy from sneaking drinks when the waitress wasn�t looking.

  But it was wonderful, the way I�d expected the summer to be. Me and my girlfriends. Just us. No guys. No worries. No troubles.

  �Who was the chipmunk?� Amy asked.

  I laughed. I�d thought of him as a gerbil. �Randy. He owns a surfboard shop.�

  �You�re a guy magnet.�

  �Yeah, right. Both of you had plenty of guys hanging off you.�

  �Thought that�s the reason we came out,� Chelsea said. �To get lost in lust.�

  �It wasn�t working.�


  �So what are we going to do for the rest of the summer?� Amy asked.

  �Work, play, have fun. Party, here and there.�

  �Do you know what I�m craving?� Chelsea asked. �Chocolate ice cream. Let�s stop and get a tub and rent a movie.�

  �Let�s do.�

  �We�ll sit on the couch, eating right out of the tub. Until it�s gone.�

  That�s what I wanted. A summer of just the three of us. So why did it suddenly seem so unappealing? Why did I want more?

  Why did I want Dylan?


  We sat on the couch in the dark with a movie playing and strawberry candles burning on the coffee table. Not romantic. Just peaceful. I was sitting in the middle, holding the tub of ice cream while we all dipped into it, scooped out some, and ate it.

  �This is so good,� Chelsea said. �It almost makes me forget about Noah. Almost.�

  We�d actually gone three minutes without her mentioning him.

  �He�ll be getting off work soon. I guess he�ll spend the night with that slut he was kissing.�

  �Does it really matter, Chelsea?�

  �Yeah, it matters. It hurts to think about it. Don�t you ever think about Dylan?�

  I felt tears sting my eyes. �He�s been gone two weeks, and this is the first time that you�ve asked how I feel.�

  �I just figured if you were feeling bad, you�d let us know.�

  �When? When you�re with Noah?�

  She shifted around on the couch until she was facing me. �Did he hurt you?�

  �He just left without saying good-bye. We were supposed to spend the day together. And he was gone. What do you think the answer to that question is?�

  We heard a door downstairs open.

  Chelsea inhaled a deep breath. �Didn�t you lock the door?�


  �Then how did Noah get in?�

  �It�s probably Alex,� Amy said calmly, dipping ice cream out of the carton. �I gave him a key.�

  I stared at her. �You gave him a key?�

  �Yeah. In case we weren�t here, and he needed to get in.�

  �What about Mike?�

  �No, I didn�t give him a key. Besides, in case you haven�t noticed, he�s not around anymore.�

  I hadn�t noticed.

  Alex walked into the living room and grinned. Here was something else that I hadn�t noticed. He was cute. I�d never thought of red hair and freckles as cute, but on him they were.

  �Hey, babe,� he said.


  �Hi,� Amy said.

  He sauntered over, put his hand on the back of the couch, leaned down, and kissed her.

  Kissed her.

  When he pulled away, she held up her ice cream�laden spoon and he took a bite.

  �How was work?� she asked.

  �Busy.� He yawned. �I�m gonna shower and go to bed.� He winked. �Wake me when you come to bed.�


  I watched him walk out of the room. Then I looked at Chelsea. Her jaw was hanging down. So was mine.

  I looked back at Amy. �What was that about?�

  Shrugging, she took a bite of ice cream.

  �You have a boyfriend,� Chelsea said with a sort of awe.

  Amy grinned and nodded.

  �When did this happen?� I asked.

  �I don�t know. One night we were in the crow�s nest, just talking, and we talked all night. Chelsea was busy with Noah�and you wanted to be alone after Dylan left�and I was lonely and there was Alex. Always willing to talk, to be there. And I like him.�

  �You have a boyfriend,� Chelsea said again.

  �Yeah, it�s kinda neat.�

  �You never said anything,� I said. �Whenever we drove to work�you could have said something then.�

  �I didn�t want you to feel bad. I knew you were upset about Dylan. And Chelsea only wants to talk about Noah.�

  �That�s not true,� Chelsea said.

  �Yes, it is. It was supposed to be our summer, but I was alone.�

  �You should have said something,� I said. �You should have made us realize��

  �That�s the thing, Jen. I shouldn�t have had to say anything. Why do you think I invited stray guys to stay here? Why do you think I gather stray animals around me? Because we�re friends, but I�m always on the outside of the circle.�

  �That�s not true.�

  �Yes, it is, but it doesn�t bother me. I love you. I love Chelsea. You two are the best. But I�ve never been as important to you as you are to me. And now I have Alex.� She stood up. ��Night, guys.�

  I stared after her, then turned to Chelsea.

  �I feel like a total jerk. Do we ignore her?�

  �I didn�t think so,� Chelsea said slowly. �But she has a boyfriend. And I had no idea.�

  I set the tub of ice cream on the coffee table, scooted to the end of the couch, brought my feet up, and wrapped my arms around my legs.

  �I can�t believe that all these years Amy hasn�t felt like she was inside our circle.�

  �I know. Maybe it�s PMS.�

  �Yeah, right,� I said.

  But it wasn�t. And I knew it wasn�t. I ran my fingers through my hair.

  �I always thought I was such a good friend to you and to Amy. But I�ve made your life miserable, and now Amy�she has a boyfriend and I had absolutely no idea.�

  �Amy has a boyfriend and we don�t. That sucks big time,� Chelsea said.

  I laughed. It was so typical of her. Here I was soul searching, and she was looking at it from the personal perspective of not having a boyfriend.

  �What�s so funny?� Chelsea asked.

  �This summer. The way it�s going. Nothing like I�d planned.�

  �Maybe that�s the problem. You plan too much. You should just let things happen.�

  �I don�t plan too much. I just like to know�� I stopped. I was so tired of arguing with her about every little thing.

  �I�m glad Amy has a boyfriend,� I said instead. �Good for her. She deserves one.�

  �What do you know about this guy?�

  I shook my head, embarrassed to have to admit, �Nothing.�

  A banging on the door downstairs had us both shooting off the couch.

  �Chelsea! Open up!�

  �No way, jerk,� she said with a hiss. She
ran out of the living room to the stairs and shouted. �Go away, you jerk!�

  �Come on, Chels! I can explain!�

  I stood in the living room doorway. I could see her wavering. �Don�t do it, Chels. Don�t give in. Think about him in that lip-lock.�

  �You were kissing another girl!� she yelled.

  �But I love you!�

  I could see tears forming in her eyes.

  �He wouldn�t have been kissing her if he really loved you,� I said.

  �Oh, shut up,� she said, like it was all my fault�again. �Don�t you think I know that?�

  She stomped past me and into her bedroom. I followed right behind her.

  �What are you going to do?� I asked.

  �Throw his things off the balcony.�

  She started gathering up his clothes, tossing them onto the bed into a pile.

  �I�ll show him, I�ll�� She released a blood-curdling scream.

  I snapped my head around to look where she was looking�at the balcony door. Noah was pressed up against it.

  �Come on, babe, let me explain.�

  Chelsea glared at me accusingly. �I thought you said only Spider-Man could climb onto the balcony.�

  �I guess if he backed his truck up, climbed in the bed of it, it would give him enough height��

  �It doesn�t matter. He�s here. What do I do now?�

  He was still yelling her name. Over and over. Begging her to understand.

  �Stay strong,� I urged her.

  She nodded and gritted her teeth. �I will. But how do I throw his things out?�

  �I�ll grab a pile, run downstairs, and toss them out the door.�

  �You�d do that?�

  �What are best friends for?�

  I took an armload of his clothes and dashed out of her room, down the stairs. I opened the door, tossed his clothes onto the ground. And there was his truck. The bed right beneath the balcony giving him a way to reach the balcony and climb on.

  I quickly closed the door, locked it, and headed back upstairs. I staggered to a stop just inside the door to Chelsea�s room. She and Noah were on the bed, wrapped around each other. In between kisses, she was crying and blubbering, he was apologizing and explaining.

  I shouldn�t have left her alone. I shouldn�t have gone downstairs to toss out his clothes. I should have gone onto the balcony and tossed him off, onto his butt. I should have known her well enough to know that she had no willpower. He�d break through her resolve.