Read Its All Wormholes Now Page 2

gate I described previously, a wormhole that ends and begins in the same place but with the exit flipped around. The sphere is like a perfect mirror it reflects everything because the thing that it reflects is just reflecting itself.

  But what happens when two of these spheres hit each other, well there is nothing to reflect so they just pass through each other, they are after all made of nothing.

  The photon also isolates a small piece of space-time, completely, if you rotate this interior it has potential energy relative to the rest of the universe.

  The double slit experiment

  Photons are sent through a double slit, an interference pattern appears on the other side. Wave/particle duality.

  But wait... what if the photons are actually just being reflected by the jumble of repulsive and attractive forces I described earlier. There is, surprisingly, a name for this type of theory, pilot waves.

  Well just an interesting idea no way to test it right? Except you would think that a different arrangement of particles should produce a different arrangement of pilot waves.

  If this is true you will have a slightly different interference pattern depending on the type of material you use to construct the double slit (Aluminum, iron, carbon etc.).

  Amazingly as far as I can tell this has never been tried.

  The Strong force

  Imagine a circle with four pyramids on its circumference (like a ninja throwing star) the circle represents a particle, the pyramids a repulsive force, strongest near the particle weaker the further away you get.

  Now take your beer coaster wormholes, put an entrance over each pyramid, the exits now have four pyramids sticking out of them, arrange the exits so that the pyramids are pointing inwards like a pie cut in four sections.

  This has inverted the repulsive force, it now has an event horizon and is strongest at the edge of the particle and weakest at the center.

  This configuration provides inertial mass as well as providing a force to bind other protons and neutrons. Once another proton passes over the event horizon it gets thrown into the center, it also means that a nucleus is really like an onion, a bunch of rotating spherical shells.

  The Electron

  I have invented some notation to explain things a bit easier, getting sick of long descriptions.

  ->|1 |1|2|1 2| The electron

  This is basically my hamster wheel description at the start


  Think of a spinning ping pong ball, it's on the tip of a long nail emerging from a platform, draw a line around the equator with a black marker to signify it's maximum spin. Now grab the base the ball is on and slowly turn it towards you, so the nail becomes like the hand of a clock.

  This gives the ball two spins on two different axis's.

  Now image all the wormholes of the electron (wormholes are sphere's remember) having these dual spin's, the sums of all these varying forces give the electron the changing force's needed for attraction and repulsion.

  The math needed to describe this is way beyond my capabilities (I top out at 12X12).


  Particles interact in two ways, by entanglement, two different wormholes entrances or exits occupying the same spot (or the same wormhole as in the photon), or by the attractive/repulsive forces. (If any of this shit is even remotely right that is)

  Now think of the electron as four beer coasters stacked together, now wormholes have no thickness so the coasters occupy the exact same spot, but the order of the things in the same spot matter, you can stack the coasters in different ways. (They call this non-commutative in math)

  So with the electron we have four spinning wormhole exits/entrances in the exact same spot. The spins are all different but in the same spot.

  This makes the particle's spin indeterminate, indeterminate that is until another wormhole entangles with one of the four entrances/exits (which is wave collapse/measurement in quantum mechanics). This is quantum superposition.

  I coined a name for all this stuff by the way "Particle Mechanics"

  Maybe it is all wormholes

  I actually tried to figure out the rest of my particle hypothesis by doing some research on quantum mechanics.

  Word of advice, don't ever do that.

  The end result is that this shit is way too complicated for my laypersons brain. However I have come to some intuitive conclusions.

  Neutrino's (there are three types) are probably a three wormhole (six qubit) configuration.

  Quarks (there are six types) are probably a four wormhole (eight qubit) configuration.

  Anti-matter is just the quantum algorithm reversed, the positron is just an electron with the qubits in the opposite order. This is why the photon doesn't have an antimatter partner (it is its own antimatter particle).

  Now a little dabbling in cosmology

  Since (hypothetically) we are in a universe basically made of nothing. (God: everybody's doing something Jerry... we'll do a universe about nothing.) What does this mean?

  When you lift a ball off the floor, the higher you lift it the more energy it has, energy is relative. This means the expansion of the universe creates energy, it does this because it moves things farther apart. The expansion of the universe wasn't caused by matter and energy, it's what created matter and energy.

  Why are all the wormholes the same size? Well that's because there was only one wormhole at first and all the others are just copies of it, think of an algorithm similar to putting one mirror in front of another.

  The big bang would be similar to opening a bottle of cola and the seeing all the bubbles appear.

  Finally life

  Hey... what the hell, this is probably all bullshit anyway.

  Somewhere in all that DNA made up of quantum algorithm's there is a non-deterministic algorithm.

  Firstly what is determinism?

  Well, it's math, logic, statistical analysis, etc. Basically a belief that things can be explained logically. Everyone generally believes this.

  Now suppose we have another system we'll call it BOB, now the only thing we can say about the BOB system is that it is non-deterministic.

  So how can you describe BOB.... well that's difficult, all you can say is that it can't be described with logic, statistical analysis, math etc.

  So if life subscribes to the non-deterministic BOB system there must be all kinds of things about it that we cannot define deterministically.

  Wanna hear a dirty joke... man falls into a mud puddle.

  Is this funny? Maybe not, if it is, and its deterministic we should be able to write a logical equation or description to prove it.

  How long have we been studying humor, ten thousand years? More maybe, we know what's funny, just not why, very curious.

  If life is non-deterministic, then that's the difference between us and a rock, a rock has a deterministic quantum algorithm describing it. This is why we have free will.


  Just a thought, if space has been expanding since the big bang, why isn't time? Maybe it has been... maybe that's what time is, an expanding dimension. It would explain why it only goes in one direction.

  The future with particle mechanic's

  It would be a shorter list to describe what isn't going to happen. Artificial intelligence, nanobots... it goes on and on. Humanity would be able to write algorithms with atom's, just like Mother Nature.

  Brave new world?

  A Better description of a photon

  In my previous description of a photon I hypothesized a wormhole that didn't go anywhere with the interior spinning.

  A better description would be that the wormhole is spinning.

  Now because the entrance is spinning one way the exit would be spinning the other way. This is because the exit is inverted. Remember the two beer coasters, in order to have a mirror reflection you have to slice up the exit coaster and rearrange it from A->Z to Z->A.

  This is an approximation for some incredibly complicated calculus.
  So what do you have:

  A quantum spin of one (360 degrees to return to its original state).

  The forces generated are confined, the wormhole mirror reflection is impenetrable.

  It's energy would be equal to its spin frequency and a constant (depending on its radius).

  It would bounce off of everything except other versions of itself which it would pass through.

  It would have no inertial mass, the two opposing spins would cancel each other out, and all the forces generated by its spin are confined.

  It's a particle and a wave... really!

  It's a force carrier.

  This is all a pretty spectacular coincidence in my opinion.

  P.S. If anyone's interested, I am chugging away on another Kemamonit book, about half way done (The Hound of Kemamonit)

  The Quantum Leap (Electron changing Energy Levels)

  Electron Orbital's are calculated by physicists using spherical harmonics, now this is a very dense mathematical structure that is very hard to visualize.

  My previous description of the electron was two wormholes (four qubits) entangled with each other. Now think of all the qubits as separate rotating spheres, they rotate at different rates and on different axis's.

  Now remember the configuration of the electron

  ->|1 2|

  The straight lines are the beer coaster s representing wormholes

  The numbers