Read Jack Archer: A Tale of the Crimea Page 20



  Upon one side of the lane which the fugitives had entered ran a highwall. Upon the other was a very large mansion. Its lower windows werefive feet from the ground. As the lads ran they saw an open window.Without a moment's hesitation they placed their hands on the sill,threw themselves into it, and flung down the window. There was ascream as they entered, followed by an exclamation in English. Theboys looked round, and saw a young lady who had started back in terrorto a corner of the room.

  "Are you English?" Jack exclaimed in astonishment. "We are Englishofficers escaping from a Russian prison. In heaven's name do notbetray us!"

  As he spoke the Russian cavalry came along the lane at full gallop.

  "I am English," the young lady said, as she recovered from herastonishment, "I am governess to the younger daughters of thegovernor. You are now in his palace. But what has taken place? I heardthe firing and went to the window to listen."

  "We have been aiding in the rescue of a Polish leader who was to havebeen executed this morning," Dick said. "We succeeded in that, butwere attacked and cut up afterwards, and had to scatter. I fear thatthey will suspect we must have entered this place, for they were closebehind us, and there was no other escape possible. Can you conceal us?It seems almost like a miracle finding an English lady here."

  "A great many of the Russian nobility have English tutors orgovernesses, and although some went back to England at the beginningof the war, the greater number have remained quietly at their work. Ifear that the whole palace will be searched if it is suspected thatyou have taken refuge here. How imprudent of you to have mixedyourselves up in this rebellion!"

  "We could hardly help ourselves," Jack said, "but it is too late todiscuss that now. Will you look out of the window and see if the laneis empty? If so, we had best make off without delay."

  The young lady went to the window.

  "No," she replied at once, "there is a soldier on horseback a fewyards to the right."

  "Don't open the window, then," Jack said. "They have evidently put aline of patrols along the lane. We must not get you into trouble," hecontinued, turning towards her. "If you will show us the way, we willgo at once and give ourselves up."

  "Oh, no," the lady exclaimed. "That must not be. But where can I hideyou?" and she stood for a minute or two thinking. "I think the safestplace of all," she said at last, "the only place where you would havea chance of escaping, if a search is made, is in the general's ownwriting-room. It is very bare of furniture, but there are heavycurtains to the windows. No one would think of searching that room,and the chances are that no one will go near the windows."

  The lads agreed that the plan was a good one, and the young ladyhurried away to see if the room, which was not far from her own, wasstill empty. She returned in a minute, and beckoned to them to followher. They soon arrived at a room which was simply furnished with a fewchairs and an armchair placed at a table. Across the two windows hungheavy curtains, and behind these the midshipmen took their places, thecurtains extending far enough beyond the windows for them to standbetween them and the walls; so that any one going to the windows wouldnot necessarily see them. Then leaving them with many injunctions toremain quiet, and with a promise to return at the end of the day andrelease them, she left, being, she said, due with her pupils at nineo'clock.

  For half an hour the boys conversed in low tones with each other as totheir chances of escape. Then footsteps were heard, and the governorentered, followed by several officers. He took his seat at the table.

  "If," he said to one of them, "your report, that you were so short adistance behind these men that it was impossible they could havereached the end of the lane before you entered it, be correct, it isclear they must have taken refuge here. You did quite right to place acordon all round the palace. Write an order at once for the chief ofpolice to send down twenty men to search the house thoroughly from topto bottom. Let them visit every room, not excepting even theapartments of my wife and daughters. You say that they were mostconspicuous in the attack upon your cavalry, and I myself observed twovery young men leading the attack upon the infantry. Well, sir,"turning to another officer, "what is your report of the losses?"

  "Two hundred and three of the cavalry have been killed, sir. There areonly ten wounded. One hundred and sixty-three infantry killed, and 204wounded. We have found the bodies of 133 armed men, who were killedeither in the square or in the pursuit, and 97 bodies, apparentlythose of town's-people in the square."

  "Put them all down as insurgents," the general said. "They aretraitors and rebels, the whole brood. Let strong bodies of infantrypatrol the streets. Order all shops to be shut and the inhabitants tokeep within doors, and let a body of troops be placed at the disposalof the chief of police for a search from house to house. Some of thesescoundrels may be hidden in the town."

  All day, officers, the bearers of reports, or who came to receiveorders, entered and left the room, among them the chief of police, whoreported that he had searched the palace from top to bottom, withoutthe omission of a single room, and had failed altogether to find anytraces of the fugitives.

  "If they entered, they must be somewhere," said the general. "Let aclose cordon be kept around the house all night, with orders to shootdown any one they may see leaving it. To-morrow you will repeat yoursearch of the house. If they are here, they must be found."

  The hours seemed intolerably long to the lads, standing upright andmotionless against the wall. No one approached their hiding-place. Atfour o'clock the general gave orders that his horse and escort shouldbe at the door, and a few minutes afterwards he went out, and the roomwas left deserted. The midshipmen were now able to stand in easierpositions, but they did not venture to leave their hiding-places, incase any one should suddenly return. The hours passed slowly on, andit was nine o'clock before the door opened. It closed again, and avoice asked in low tones whether they were still there.

  The lads joyfully replied that they were.

  "Follow me, then," she said, "as quietly as you can. There is no oneabout."

  They were soon in the room where they had first entered. The curtainswere drawn, and candles burning on the table.

  "You are safe here," the lady said. "I have just dined with mycharges, and my duties are over for the day. No one is likely todisturb us here. This is my private sitting-room. My bedroom is nextdoor. If any one is heard coming, you must hide there. I will go in atonce and change my dress for a dressing-gown, and I can then lock thedoor; so that if any one comes, there will be time for you to go inthere, and when I open it, and say I am preparing for bed, it willaccount for the door being locked."

  She did as she had said, and then produced from a cupboard a box ofbiscuits and a decanter of wine, which she placed before them.

  "You must be starving," she said. "I am sorry that I have nothing moreto offer you, but it was impossible for me to get any food. I havebeen thinking all day," she went on, as the boys fell to at thebiscuits, "how you are to be smuggled out; I can only think of oneplan, and that is a fearfully dangerous one. But I do not know that itis more so than your continued stay here. The palace is to be searchedto-morrow afternoon again, even more strictly than to-day, and thatwas strict enough. They turned every room topsy-turvy, opened everycloset, and not only looked under the beds, but pulled the beds topieces, to assure themselves that nobody was hidden within them. Ihear that the general says that he is so convinced that you are heresomewhere, that he will keep the soldiers round the house, and searchit every day till you are found, if it is a month hence. Consequently,great as is the risk of the plan I have thought of, it is scarcely asgreat as that of remaining here."

  The midshipmen expressed their willingness to try any plan, howeverdesperate, rather than remain day after day standing in the governor'sroom, with the risk of betrayal by a cough or other involuntarymovement.

  "This is my plan, then. The governor's eldest daughters are women asold as myself. They are tall
and stout, and as far as figure goes Ithink you might pass in their places. They go out for a drive everymorning. I have this afternoon slipped into their rooms and haveborrowed two of their dresses, mantles and bonnets. Fortunately theyusually wear veils. They do not generally go to dress until thecarriage is at the door, and I propose that you shall boldly walk downand take their places. Of course, the risk is dreadful, but I reallysee no other chance for your escape. What do you say?"

  The midshipmen at once agreed to make the attempt, and were soondressed in the clothes which their friend had brought them. Walkingabout the room, she gave them lessons in carriage and manner, imitatedherself the air with which the general's daughters bowed to theofficers as they saluted them as they passed, and even gave theminstructions in the tone of voice in which they should order thedriver to take the way to the public promenade. At length shepronounced that they ought to pass muster at a casual inspection, andthen, bidding them good-night, she retired to her own room, while thelads were soon asleep, the one on the couch, the other on thehearthrug.

  At seven o'clock their friend, who had told them that her name wasAgnes Sinclair, came into the room dressed, unlocked the door, andthen led them into her bedroom, as she said that at half-past seventhe servants would come to do up the sitting-room, light the fire, andprepare breakfast.

  "I am my own mistress," she said, "till nine o'clock, and as theservants do not go into my bedroom till I have gone to my pupils, youwill be quite safe. You must have some more biscuits for breakfast,for I am a very small eater, and it would not do were it noticed thata greater quantity of food than usual had disappeared."

  The boys were now again dressed in the clothes prepared for them, andthis time put on gloves which Miss Sinclair had also brought, and intowhich it needed all the boys' efforts to pass their hands. Fortunatelythe bonnets of the time completely enveloped the head, concealing theback half, and coming well forward over the face, and when the veilswere dropped Miss Sinclair said that unless she had known the truth,she should not have suspected the deception.

  When the servant knocked at the door, and said that breakfast wasready, the governess left them, and presently returned, bringing themthe biscuits.

  "Now," she said, "in a quarter of an hour the carriage will be at thedoor. It always comes punctually at nine. From the window of theopposite room I can see when it arrives. Now, you quite understand?You walk straight along this passage. At the end is a wider one to theright, which will take you into the great hall. Here there will beseveral servants, and perhaps some officers standing about. All willbow as you pass through them. You are to bow slightly as I have shownyou. If any of the officers come up to speak, as is possible, thoughnot likely, for none of high enough rank to do so are likely to bethere so early, answer only in a word or two in the voice youpractised last night. Two servants will show you into the carriage. Asyou take your seats, you will say to the coachman, 'To the promenade.'After that you must do as you judge best. There is one drawback, Iforgot to tell you, an escort of two soldiers always rides fifty orsixty yards behind the carriage."

  "So that we once get through the town," Jack said, "we shan't caremuch for the two soldiers, for we still have our revolvers. Now youpromise, Miss Sinclair, that when you come to England you will let ourpeople know. We have given you the addresses. They will want to thankyou for our escape if we get away, and for your kindness even if theworst comes to the worst. I do hope that there is no possibility of asuspicion falling upon you about the missing dresses."

  "Oh, no," Miss Sinclair said, "I'm sure no one saw me go to theirrooms, and it will be supposed that you were hidden somewhere there,and have taken them yourselves. I shall make the things you have takenoff into a bundle, slip into a room close to theirs, and throw themunder a bed. If it were known that you are English, it is possiblethat some suspicion might fall upon me. As it is, there is no reasonwhy I more than any one else should have been concerned in the matter.Now, it is just nine o'clock. I will go across into the other room,and look out. Fortunately it is unoccupied."

  Three minutes later she returned.

  "It is at the door," she said. "Wait two or three minutes. I will gostraight now, hide your clothes, and take my place with my pupils asusual. I am always punctual to the minute."

  With another word or two of thanks the boys said good-bye to her, andMiss Sinclair at once went on her way with a final warning, "Be sureand be leisurely in your movements. Do not show the least haste. Peepout before you start, so as to be sure there's no one in this passage,as otherwise you might be seen coming from this room."

  The boys waited another minute or two, and then, seeing that thepassage was clear, moved along it, walking slowly and stiffly as theyhad been directed, with short steps and gliding movement. Both hadtheir pistols in their pockets ready to hand, as they were resolved tobe killed rather than taken. Fortunately there was no one in the nextpassage into which they turned, and they reached the grand hallunnoticed. Here were a number of servants and officers, who boweddeeply on perceiving, as they supposed, the daughters of the governor.Two servants threw open the grand door, and an official preceded themto the carriage. The boys bowed slightly and passed on. No oneaccosted them, and they took their seats in the carriage with thedeliberation and dignity which had been impressed upon them. Theofficial spread a bear-skin rug over their knees, and demanded whichway they would go.

  Jack replied, "To the promenade." The carriage--which was an openone--proceeded on its way at a rapid pace, and the boys' hopes rosehigher and higher. They had not gone far when they heard a horse'shoofs behind them, and, turning round, saw an officer gallopingrapidly.

  "Keep steady, Jack," Dick whispered.

  When the officer reached the side of the carriage he reined in hishorse, and took off his cap. "Ladies," he said, "his excellency thegovernor saw you drive away, and ordered me to ride after you, andtell you that he did not know you were going out, and that heconsidered it more prudent for you to remain at home for a day or twountil the excitement of the late events has cooled down."

  "Thank you," Dick said in his best Russian, and speaking in a feignedvoice. "Will you tell my father that we will return in a few minutes?Drive on," he said to the coachman.

  The officer sat for a minute looking after them, for something in theaccent with which Dick spoke seemed strange to him, but beingfortunately unacquainted with the ladies of the general's family, hesuspected nothing wrong. It was evident to the boys, however, that thecoachman was struck with the sound of the voice, as he rapidly spoketo the man sitting next him, and the latter once or twice endeavoredprivately to glance back.

  They had now reached the promenade, which, owing to the governor'sorder that all inhabitants should keep their houses, was entirelydeserted, except by a few Russian officers walking or riding. Theseall saluted as the general's carriage passed them. On reaching the endof the drive the coachman was about to turn, when the lads jumped totheir feet, and commanded him to stop. The coachman looked roundastonished, but at the sight of two pistols pointed at their heads, heand his fellow-servant, with a cry of alarm and astonishment, leapedfrom the box. Jack in an instant scrambled over and seized the reins.The soldiers had halted upon seeing the carriage stop, and remainedstupefied with astonishment as they saw the two servants leap off, andone of the ladies climb into their seat. Nor did they move until theservants, running up hastily, explained what had happened. Then,putting the spurs into their horses, they galloped forward. Dick, whowas looking back, saw at the same moment several horsemen at fullgallop appear at the other end of the promenade.

  "The general has found out the trick, Jack," he said. "Keep them goingsteadily and steer straight. I can answer for those fellows behind.They can't be sure yet what's up."

  As the soldiers approached, Dick leaned his pistol on the back of thecarriage and took a steady aim, and when they were within twentyyards, fired, aiming at the head of one of the horses. In an instantthere was a crash, and the horse and rider were on the ground
. Theother soldier at once reined up his horse, bewildered at what hadhappened, and not knowing even now that the carriage was not occupiedby the general's daughters.

  "That's right, Jack," Dick said. "We have got nearly half a mile startof the others, and the forest is, Miss Sinclair said, scarce threemiles away. Let them go it, but be sure you steer straight."

  The horses were now tearing along at a furious gallop. Presentlyanother long, straight bit of road enabled them to see their pursuersagain. The horsemen had been increased in number by the officers whohad been riding in the promenade, and were now some twenty in number.Of these, at least half whose helmets glistening in the sun showedDick that they were soldiers, had already fallen in the rear, theothers had gained upon them considerably. They were now, however,fully half way to the forest.

  "That's right, Jack, keep them going," Dick said, as Jack flogged theanimals to their highest speed. "We shall have plenty of time to getaway into the wood before they come up, only for goodness' sake keepus straight."

  When they reached the forest their pursuers were still some hundredsof yards in the rear. Checking the horses where the underwood wasthickest, the midshipmen leaped out, gave a parting lash to thehorses, which started them again at full speed, and then dashed intothe thicket.

  Any one who had seen them would have been astounded and amused at thespectacle of two fashionably-dressed ladies dashing recklessly throughthe thick brushwood. After a quarter of an hour's run they pausedbreathless. Jack dashed his bonnet to the ground.

  "For goodness' sake, Dick!" he said, shaking off his mantle, "unhookthe back of my dress, and let me get rid of the thing. I used to laughat my sisters for not running as fast as I could. Now I wonder how onearth they manage to run at all."

  Their borrowed finery was soon got rid of, and in their shirts andtrousers the boys proceeded. Presently they came suddenly upon fourpeasants seated on the ground, who upon seeing them leaped to theirfeet and greeted them with signs of vehement joy, making signs to themto follow them, and presently led them to a spot where the remains ofthe insurgent band were gathered. A shout greeted them as soon as theywere recognized, and Count Stanislas, running forward, threw his armsround their necks and embraced them, while the other leaders crowdedround.

  "It is indeed happiness to see you again," the count said. "We fearedyou had fallen into the hands of the Russians. I sent spies last nightinto the town, but they brought back word that the streets wereabsolutely deserted, and they dared not enter. I resolved to wait fora day or two until we could hear with certainty what had befallen you.Now tell us all that has happened."

  The midshipmen recounted their adventures, saying that they hadremained concealed in the very writing-room of the governor, andgiving full details of their escape dressed as his daughters; savingonly the part which Miss Sinclair had played, for they thought that incase any of the band fell into the hands of the enemy, they mightunder the influence of the torture, which the Russians freelyadministered to their captives, reveal all that they had heard. Theythen inquired what were the count's intentions.

  "I shall move farther west," he said, "and after gathering my old bandtogether, move to join some others, who I hear have been doing goodwork in that direction. We shall not be far from the frontier; and,much as I shall regret to lose you, I will, if you wish it, lead aparty to the frontier, and cut a way through the cordon of troopsthere for you."

  The boys gladly accepted the offer. They had had more than enough ofinsurrectionary warfare, and longed to be back again with theircomrades at Sebastopol.

  Three days' marching took the band back to the forest, where some 1500men were assembled, awaiting anxiously the return of the party.

  A day was given for rest, and then horses were harnessed to the twobatteries of artillery, and moving by little-frequented roads throughthe forest, the small army marched west.

  For ten days the march continued, for the roads were heavy and thehorses unable to accomplish such marches as those of which thepeasants were capable. At last they effected a junction with the bandwhich they had come to join, whose numbers amounted to nearly 4000men. Their arrival, and especially the advent of the artillery, wasgreeted with enthusiasm, and it was at once proposed to take theoffensive. Count Stanislas said, however, that his horses werecompletely knocked up with the fatigue they had undergone, and that arest of two or three days was necessary in order to recruit.

  "Now," he said to the midshipmen, "I will redeem my promise. Thefrontier is only fifty miles distant. I will send on a man at once toascertain some point at which there are boats on this side of theriver. I will march at daylight with 150 picked men, and no fear butwith a sudden attack we shall break through the patrols."

  The plan was carried out. The boys, inured to marching, made the fiftymiles journey before nightfall. They were met by the spy, who statedthat the boats had almost all been removed, but that a number weregathered at a village which was occupied by 200 Russian infantry.

  The midshipmen proposed that they should steal through and endeavor toget one of the boats, but their friend would not hear of their runningsuch a risk, and after taking some hours of rest the party proceededon their march. It was an hour before daybreak when they entered thevillage. Just as they reached it a sentry fired his musket, and with arush the Poles charged forward. It had been arranged that the countand the midshipmen with five men should run straight through thevillage down to the water-side, and that the rest of the force were tocommence a furious attack upon the houses inhabited by the troops,who, believing that they were assailed by superior forces, would besome time before they took the offensive.