Read Jack and Jill: Army Page 1

  Jack and Jill: Army

  Ansley Gilmore

  Copyright © 2014 Ansley Gilmore

  Published by Ansley Gilmore

  All rights reserved. This book or any portions thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the author.

  This is a work of fiction. Characters, institutions, organizations, and events mentioned in this novel are either the product of the author’s imagination or, if real, used fictitiously without any intent to describe actual conduct.

  Chapter 1


  Lt. Jill Jacobson sat in Major Phelps’s office, staring at the floor, trying to avoid eye contact with the major. She noticed her foot feverishly bobbing up and down and willed the nervous limb into calm submission, then glanced at the major. He was looking straight at her. She opened her mouth to speak, but words failed her. She tried to imagine how to interpret his stolid facial expression. Was he thinking she was incompetent, a weak woman, unable to stand the rigors of combat? Did he have second thoughts about assigning her to a sniper team? What if she didn’t succeed, would she ever be able to face him, her father and three older brothers?

  She glanced at the clock. Sgt. Jack Savage should arrive any minute. He was going to be a far greater problem than the major, especially when he found out that his new sniping partner is a woman.

  Her nervous foot resumed its uncontrollable bobbing . . .


  The warm summer air from the open window blew through Jack’s short military haircut as he drove the Army Hummer to his meeting at headquarters in Fort Carson, Colorado. He pondered his situation. Jack was an expert at killing people, and he didn’t need someone telling him how to do his job. If he were going to serve under someone, he might as well be someone who is worthy of respect. Some of the academy graduates were in the Army just for an education. Some wanted to push a pencil, or train soldiers. Those officers couldn’t care less about killing enemy soldiers.

  The only thing Jack knew about his new partner was that he was a recent West Point graduate, and that his last name was Jacobson. Jack wanted to be in charge of the new sniper team, but he was a sergeant so Lieutenant Jacobson’s higher rank would be a bit of a problem. Jack knew he had to be careful not to cause too much trouble about the difference in rank. But, why didn’t the Army put Jack in charge? For that matter, why was a commissioned officer on a sniper team? Officers never served as snipers. Jack tried to relax. He knew he had been picked for this mission because he was the best sniper in the Army. That gave him bargaining power, and he knew it.

  Jack parked in front of headquarters next to another Hummer and jumped out. He strode to the steps of HQ and bounded up the squeaky stairs two at a time. Arriving at the front door he felt energized and ready to meet with his new boss. Inside HQ he walked, as if on autopilot, down the long hallway to the office of Major Phelps. He knocked, entered, and carefully closed the door without turning his back to Major Phelps who sat at his desk. He noticed the major had a cute new secretary. She sat in one of the chairs in front of the major’s desk. She wore her long black hair in a ponytail, and her petite nose was flanked on either side by cute reddish-brown freckles. Her loose military uniform was not able to hide the curves of a slender, sexy woman.

  Jack stood at attention. “Sergeant Savage reporting as ordered, sir.”

  “At ease, Savage. Have a seat.” Major Phelps had a sober look on his face as he motioned for Jack to sit in the chair next to the secretary. “Savage, we need to talk. The new mission you’ve been assigned is dangerous, and I mean dangerous with a capital D. Do you understand what I am saying?”

  “Sir, I want to go on this mission because it is dangerous. I don’t want any easy jobs. I can’t prove my true value to the Army if the mission is easy.”

  “Good. The Army needs more men—I mean, soldiers like you.” The major glanced at his secretary when he corrected himself. “Now, before we continue any further, I want you to meet your new partner, Lt. Jill Jacobson.”

  Jack saw Major Phelps look at the woman who sat next to him. At first he thought he misheard what the major said; or maybe the major had made a mistake. He paused and waited for Major Phelps to correct himself. Silence. No, this can’t be true. Phelps couldn’t really mean what he said. Jack waited another moment. His heart began racing. Then the major looked at Jack. Reality began to settle in. In shock, he took a deep breath and slowly turned his head toward the female who sat next to him. The skinny girl was not the major’s secretary; she was Jack’s new sniping partner. He should say hello, but he couldn’t speak. He should salute, or shake hands, or do something, but he couldn’t move.