Read Jack of the Pony Express; Or, The Young Rider of the Mountain Trails Page 5



  Mr. Argent paused in the act of handing the sealed documents to the youngpony express rider, and turned to look at the man who had called to him.Jack recognized him as a mining expert who did assaying. He had not livedin Rainbow Ridge long, but he had done considerable work elsewhere for Mr.Argent.

  "What's that you said?" inquired the miner.

  "I said, don't send those letters by Jack!"

  The young pony rider felt the hot blood come into his cheeks. To him thereseemed to be but one meaning in the warning. He was being distrusted. Theservice which he performed in riding at top speed from Rainbow Ridge toGolden Crossing was under suspicion.

  Was this because of the letter that had put his father under suspicion--theHarrington epistle--or was it because of false reports being spread bythose who wanted Jack's place?

  Something of what was passing through Jack's mind seemed to communicateitself to the mining assayist, whose name was Payson Wayde. He smiled atour hero, and said:

  "Don't worry, my lad. It isn't that I think you wouldn't carry the mailsafely. It's that I have just heard something," he went on, turning to Mr.Argent, "that makes it advisable to postpone the sending of those lettersnow. Hold them until we can investigate a bit."

  "Oh, that's different," the miner said. "I thought from the way you spokethat you didn't want Jack to take them."

  "Well, I don't; that is, I don't want him to take them just yet. Perhapsyou won't want to send them for a week or more after you hear what I haveto say," he went on to his employer. "But when we do send them you shalltake them, Jack," he said, with a smile of confidence.

  The young pony express lad felt better on hearing this.

  "Is there anything I can do for you?" he asked the two men.

  "Not this trip, Jack, I guess," was the answer from Mr. Argent. "I may havesomething for you day after to-morrow, though. Not these letters, but somemore samples I want checked up. I'll see you on your return trip."

  "All right, Mr. Argent. Then I'll be getting along." And, having securedhis pouches of mail and express stuff to the saddle, Jack leaped to theback of Sunger and was off at a gallop.

  "A fine lad," murmured Mr. Wayde to the miner, as they turned back to thehotel.

  "Yes, indeed. I was afraid you were going to hurt his feelings by saying itwouldn't be safe to send mail by him."

  "Oh, no, indeed. I guess you can trust him, can't you?"

  "I should say so! Jack is really doing his father's work, you see, Mr.Bailey being laid up with a severe illness. Jack is working hard to makegood on this express route, and I'd hate to see him lose it, though thereare several around here who would be glad to take his place. But what'sup--why didn't you want me to mail these letters, after our agreement oflast night?"

  "I'll tell you. I think some of your enemies have gotten wind of what isgoing on."

  "You mean about the new claim I'm going to stake?"

  "Hush!" the other cautioned him. "No use in talking secrets out here. Cometo my room and I'll tell you all about it. Perhaps it may be well to takeJack Bailey into your confidence a little later. You can decide on thatafter I've told you just what came to me."

  "Well, it all seems a bit mysterious," commented Mr. Argent, "but maybe youknow what you're talking about."

  And as Jack rode off on his usual trip, the two mining men went into thehotel deeply engaged in conversation.

  Jack had several stops to make that morning before getting on the morelonesome part of the trail, where he could give Sunger free rein to make asgood time as possible. In some places this would only be a walk, for theroad was treacherous and difficult. In other places along a comparativelylevel slope, or down grade, Sunger would make up for lost time.

  As Jack made a turn in the road, he saw, riding ahead of him, two men onhorseback. They turned in their saddles at the sound of his steed'shoof-beats, and Jack recognized one of the men as Jake Tantrell. The otherman was a stranger to the pony rider.

  "I hope Jake doesn't take it into his head to give me some mean talk now,"mused Jack.

  He made up his mind not to speak to the fellow, but he reckoned withoutJake. For as Jack came up the bully held up a hand as a signal to halt.Jack was not a little apprehensive at first, but Jake, in surly tones, onlyasked:

  "You got anything for me?"

  "Not this trip," answered Jack.

  "Well, I'm expectin' a package and it ought to be here. Keep your eyes openfor it, young feller, and don't lose it," was the unnecessary caution."It's a valuable package."

  "I'm not in the habit of losing things," Jack answered, with dignity. As herode on he heard the stranger remark to Jake:

  "They ought to be there now? oughtn't they?"

  "Yes," was the reply. "They ought to be there now. But I'm not so surethey'll get what they want. She's a plucky little girl, and she may be sospunky she won't answer their questions."

  "Well, they know how to make her," responded the stranger.

  "Humph!" mused Jack, as he heard this. "I wonder who it is they are goingto try to make answer questions? A spunky little girl, so Jake said. Iwonder--"

  It suddenly flashed into his mind.

  "Could it be Jennie? She's in the post office, and she's sometimes therealone! If some one should try to find out something about the mail orexpress business they had no right to know!"

  Jack hardly knew what to think. But there came a sudden desire in his heartto be near Jennie--to be ready in case she called.

  "Come on, Sunger, hit it up!" Jack cried, as this idea came to him. "We'vegot to hustle and get to Golden Crossing as soon as we can!"

  The intelligent beast appeared to know what was said to him, and increasedhis pace. Jack thundered over the bridge where once he had so nearly had anaccident. He thought of the loosened planks, which had been fixed, andagain he wondered who had misplaced them--if it had been done by design.

  On and on he rode over the trail, until he swung into Golden Crossing. Hewas ahead of time, and the crowd that usually congregated about the postoffice to wait for the sorting of the mail was not there.

  The road about the little office was thick with dust, and the feet ofJack's pony made scarcely a sound as he rode up. As he leaped to the groundhe heard through the open windows of the place voices in loud conversation.One voice was that of a man, and said:

  "Well, now, miss, you'd better tell us what we want to know. We'll find outsomehow, and the more trouble you give us, the more trouble we'll give you.If you don't--"

  "There's no use asking me!" broke in the voice of Postmistress Jennieherself. "You're not going to get that information, and the sooner youunderstand that the better!"

  "Say!" exclaimed the third voice--that of a man--"if you don't tell us,we'll--"

  "Mail!" cried Jack, in a loud voice, as he sprang into the place throughthe window. "I thought I was too early, but I guess I'm just in time," hegrimly added, as he swung around and faced two men who stood in front ofJennie Blake.