Read JackG@killerschool Page 19

new and strange, but in some way it is also the same feeling as Kloof Nek; just better, maybe more exhilarating. It does not feel like going down at all; more like floating, like being uncertain of the ride, but inexplicably, knowing it will end well; certainty without seeing.

  The sound of the waterfall is now very near. It seems one with the voice of that man. What happens next seems to happen in a new, unknown reality. Jack is aware of everything that happens. It is real, but it is also as if he is looking at himself from some other place; as if something is happening, but it has not yet happened, all at the same time. Is he at two places at the same time? Or does that precipice act as some kind of time machine? Jack then hears the man’s voice clearly:

  “He is coming! Are you ready for a party?”

  Excited shouts and exclamations ring out from all around him, as a host of wondrous, strange creatures become visible to him. They all have wings, and the shapes and colours seem to be in an endless variety. The ones who forcibly capture Jack’s attention are the winged skateboarders. Those skateboards! He has never imagined that anything like this were possible!

  “He is here! It’s time! Let the party begin!”

  Jack wonders who “he” is, but then a strange, anticipating silence takes hold of everybody. Jack becomes aware of a powerful, shimmering Being. He seems to radiate joy and abundant life. Again, Jack recognises the voice, and he is utterly surprised by the words.

  “He is indeed here – to complete my joy!” The voice from the waterfall starts laughing joyfully. “Jack! Come over here! It’s time for your party! Welcome to the Kingdom of Agapantia!”

  A Being like a man becomes perceivable, his arms opened in a welcoming way. He seems to be surrounded by shining waters, like crystal. It is not possible to really see him; he seems to be sheer, shimmering brightness. Somehow Jack seems to be part of this brightness. This Person’s feet are surrounded by emerald-like rainbows. His face is simply too bright to look at, but most of all, Jack is aware of a welcoming warmth, to an extent that he could never imagine possible.

  He sees a host of other creatures bowing and kneeling in front of this King of Light and he spontaneously does the same. Without having to ask, Jack knows that He is the same person from his history clips. What a joy to be here, with Him, in person!

  “Don’t be afraid,” says the King. “I am the Word – the one who crushed the skull of Pestis. I notice he is running out of ideas for hats to hide in. I see he is using a concrete mixer these days. Let the music play on!”

  Jack seems to be moving effortlessly with this music. It seems to resound from just everywhere. There even seems to be music coming right though him, Jack Gullible, in a beat that keeps you going, sweeping you up in an overwhelming song of joy. He has never enjoyed music as much as now.

  “I am overjoyed, Jack, that you decided to jump! You are so very important in my Kingdom!” The King turns his head. “Aha, I’m sure you know this boy! Come, Amoran, join our party!”

  “Amoran!” cries Jack.

  Amoran enters the place of light, wide-eyed and full of wonder.

  “Jack, you told me to jump, but how did you know about all this?”

  “I did not. But I heard the King’s voice, like the one on the history clips.”

  Jack looks around in awe of what he is seeing. He cannot help staring at those creatures on the sophisticated skateboards. They seem to have wheels made of precious stones. These intersect at right angles and can move at the speed of lightning, in any direction in which these strange creatures direct their glances. Jack has never in his life even imagined such control. He remembers his encounter with Kloof Nek Road. It all seems very silly now, looking at these creatures and what they can do. They fly on those wheels! The wheels also seem to be fireproof, because their movements leave a trial of lightning which does not seem to harm them in any way. He wants to talk to them, but then Amoran speaks next to him.

  “Hey Jack, I never thought you would get me to do a bungee jump like that! And without any rope or safety equipment! It was awesome! What happened to the monster?” asks Amoran.

  “What monster?”

  When Amoran starts telling about his encounter with 05, the King puts up his hand:

  “No need to worry about him anymore, Amoran. He has been banished to a place from where he can never escape. He will not bother you again. Enjoy your party!”

  When the music seems to fade a little, the King beckons Jack and Amoran.

  “Jack, I am glad that you have your Sword with you, and that you are practising how to use it,” He says. “Keep up the good work! And you Amoran, you were so willing to trust what Jack has told you. I have a gift for you also.”

  Two of the skateboarding beings approach, and each boy is presented with his very own suit of armour. They immediately try these on. There are two funky belts, two bullet proof vests, but they are not heavy at all. The shields are virtually unbreakable, but also light and easy to handle. Jack notices the shoes before anything else. These are the best skating shoes imaginable! And the matching helmets! Damien won’t believe this when he sees it!

  “You must remember; these are not just ordinary ware. Keep it in good condition and practise using it every day. When it is necessary to fight, you will find my power through your equipment. The people in your world won’t see your armour, but that does not mean it is not there.”

  Only now, the boys remember about the others again.

  “Gugu and Lefty are still in the brambles with those two crocs that are after them,” says Jack. “And Delinquency…”

  “Gugu and Lefty will soon be here,” says the King. “Amoran, turn around and start looking out for Shamare. She should be the first to arrive; brave little girl.”

  Then the King turns his full attention to Jack.

  “So tell me Jack,” and everybody can hear the mischief in the King’s voice, “this Delinquency – are you quite willing to honour her and to serve her?”

  Jack gulps and blushes. He becomes angry with himself for not being able to answer. Peals of laughter ring out from all the party goers, but strangely, Jack feels welcome and understood all the same. It just seems impossible to feel threatened at all in the presence of this King of Light. Somehow he feels that the King understands his every thought, and that he is accepted unconditionally.

  “Please my Lord, is there any way we can help her? She is caught …I don’t even know how to say this…I mean…in a way that you will believe me… what’s happened to her…”

  The King looks at Jack in earnest.

  “Jack, do you know, who I am?”

  “You are Someone…extremely powerful…awesome…”

  “Jack, I am…your Water Father. You will inherit my Kingdom. You will rule with me, because you have accepted my sacrifice – the only complete and perfect sacrifice of blood that will redirect your heart’s GPS to its true North – to ME. I am the only One who can turn Pestis’ demand for blood into the gift of cleansing water for all humans. And Jack, I know, I know everything about you, and about Delinquency, in fact. I don’t have to believe you, but YOU must believe ME; that I can nullify and reverse this curse. Do you believe me?”

  Jack can hardly speak. Somehow everything seems very overwhelming, but he just knows that all this is how things should be, and that Delinquency will be out of harm’s reach in the presence of this King, the One who sets the captives free – his very own Father!

  “I do believe that. You are the King of Light! I saw how those people killed you, but no grave could keep you; you are alive.”

  “You are right, Jack. I am the only Person who has power over death and life… Oh, by the way, I breathe stars; they were all breathed by me. You can call it my hobby, if you like. If you want me to help you free Delinquency, you must understand that she – not you – must call upon MY Name, and on none other. I am the only Word of Truth who was sent to deliver the captives. I am the o
nly One who can break down that wall.”

  The King’s voice is calm and soft, but self-assured. He leans over and speaks to Jack in a secretive way.

  “I see you’ve noticed. I like skateboards very much”

  “Oh yes, those wheels!” Jack exclaims. “They’re awesome!”

  “Awesome, hey?” The King is laughing. “Well, a certain skateboard came this way some time earlier and I decided to have it modified somewhat. I hope you like it.”

  One of the skateboarding creatures comes forward and presents Jack with his own skateboard that has come over the cliff. It looks brand new, but most of all, it has the same fiery, interlocking wheels that seem to turn in any direction, inexplicably, at the same time!

  “Wow! Amoran, check this!”

  “Go on, try it!” The King seems to be more excited than Jack himself. “And remember this type can take passengers as well – very important for the work that I have for you.”

  Soon, Jack is literally flying without wings. The skateboard seems to be part of his body. It reacts simply perfectly to every move that Jack makes. Incredulously Jack, the one who has always been interested in speeding only, becomes the speeding stunt skater. Somersaults and pirouetted turns follow short on each other, while everybody is cheering him on. When he stops at last, he is beaming from ear to ear.

  “Jack,” says the King. “I have given you this skateboard, and the