Read Jaime's Magical World Page 1

  Jaime’s Magical World

  By Phantiq

  Copyright 2014 Phantiq


  To Tobi my inspiration


  Magical Animals.

  There once was a boy named Jaime.

  He was a bright child.

  “I wish I could fly” Said Jaime to himself one day.

  “Fly high above the sky.”

  As he slept that night a wonderful thing happened.

  Jaime became a bird.

  He saw himself soar high above the clouds.

  Up, up and up He went, higher and higher up into the clouds.

  Oh how wonderful He felt.

  The next morning He was so excited.

  “ I flew, “ He told his Mother in excitement.

  “Yes Dear” she said distracted as She prepared his breakfast.

  “I would fly again tonight,” He thought to himself, and that night He quickly went to bed excited at the prospect of another wonderful adventure.

  But alas, nothing happened.

  The next morning He woke up so disappointed and wondering what went wrong reluctantly went to school.

  “ Oh why didn’t I fly?” He thought in despair.

  That night as He prepared for bed He was convinced that He would fly again but, the next morning He woke up and nothing had happened.

  A few weeks later He was playing in the yard with his dog Roger and a furry squirrel ran past.

  “ I wish I could run as fast as a squirrel,” He said to himself admiring the speed of the animal and then continued playing with Roger.

  That night a wonderful thing happened when he fell asleep, he woke up in a squirrel’s burrow. It was an interesting place with new smells, delicious nuts all gathered up for winter and lots of space to run around.

  He ran about in excitement nuzzling everything around him, hopping around and sniffing the nuts. He must have fallen asleep in exhaustion because the next morning he woke up in his own bed.

  “ I was a squirrel Mom,” He told his Mother in excitement.

  “ Yes Dear” She said as she buttered his scone.

  “He has such an active imagination,” She thought to herself as she put his lunch in his lunch box.

  Jaime thought of both times he had become beautiful animals in his dreams and tried to find out what was common in both cases.

  He thought of what he had said or done differently and remembered the words he had uttered out loud.

  “I wish, …” he had said and his wish had come true.

  “ Those are the magic words,” He thought.

  And magic words they were indeed.

  You see Jaime was in a special boy, one of those lucky boys whose belief in possibilities made his dreams come true.

  Excited at this newfound knowledge Jaime wondered at the animals he could be, places he could go or things he could do if he just believed.

  I would like to be a snake he thought to himself but he didn’t want to waste his wishes just yet.

  “Maybe a Lion” he thought to himself again but shivered at the thought of the scary big cat.

  Then he thought of his lovely Dog Roger,

  “ I know “ he yelled suddenly “ I wish I could be a Dog”

  And as he prepared for bed he shivered slightly at the thought of the great adventure.

  Jaime woke up that night and didn’t know quite where he was.

  He looked around curiously but couldn’t see quite clearly because it was quite dark, as his eyes adjusted to the dim light he realized that he was in a big cage. Shocked he tried to get out of the cage but it seemed to be locked.

  He tried rolling the cage over and after he had exhausted himself from his numerous attempts he noticed that there were other cages in the big dark room.

  There were four other cages in total and he could hear whimpers coming from them.

  “Is anyone there” he said and was surprised at the sound of the loud bark that came out instead.

  The whimpers stopped and he heard footsteps outside the cage.

  “ Stop that rattling Mutt” a grumpy male voice yelled.

  Suddenly Jaime saw a door open at the end of the room and light flooded the room as the man switched on a bare light bulb, Jaime watched fearfully as a tall strongly built scruffy looking man stomped into the room.

  The man walked over to the cage that Jaime was locked in and the kicked the cage, Jaime shrank back in fear.

  The man laughed out loud as the frightened Dog

  Jaime was frightened but he only barked louder.

  The Man leant down and using a whip struck the cage

  “ I wont tell you again,” The scruffy Man threatened as he walked away.

  Jaime cowered deeper into the cage and sat on his hind legs.

  He recognized the whimpers as those of other Dogs and realized that they were all trapped too.

  “ I have to help them, “ he thought to himself.

  The mean man left the room and Jaime tried to think of a way to escape.

  He noticed that the cage was only shut tightly and not locked, so he rocked it till it fell to the side and popped open.

  Quickly running over to the other dogs he nudged the cages till they fell to the side and popped open, when he was on the fourth cage he heard the door open. 

  He looked up at the shadow of the huge man, which filled the doorway and whimpered in fear

  “ I would get you Mutt,” The man bellowed loudly and he ran forward.

  Jaime darted to the left quickly and avoided him the man, the man stumbled on an open cage and fell.

  Quick as lightning all the Dogs ran over him and out the door.

  They raced over the grass and across a yard, past a small pond and out into the empty country road.

  After a little while they slowed down and stopped running.

  “I am glad we made it” Jaime barked in relief.

  He was surprised when another Dog, a beautiful Big Golden retriever stepped forward and said

  “Many thanks good friend”.

  Jaime was surprised that he could understand the Dog’s loud bark and watched in wonder as all the Dogs turned and raced off into the night.

  Jaime laid down in exhaustion to rest and must have dozed off because He woke up the next morning amazed at the great adventure.

  He quickly got dressed and ran down the stairs, he saw his dog Roger and hugged him as he went in to the Kitchen for breakfast.

  “ I had the best adventure last night” He told her in excitement as he sat down to eat his pancakes.

  “ Lovely dear” She responded as she watched the morning news.

  The reporter on the television was telling the story of a man who was guilty of stealing show dogs and who had been caught that morning.

  “ The suspect Mr. Quinn Kimble, was caught when the kidnapped Dogs led their owner and the Police to this location” The reporter said and the house where Jaime was the night before came on the screen.

  “ Wow” Jaime thought to himself, “ it really did happen”

  He watched the excited Dogs being embraced by their relieved owners and smiled at the joy on their faces.



  Jaime was excited at this new world, every night he could go to different exotic locations, become exotic animals and do such wonderful things.

  One day in the summer he went sailing with his Dad, it was a lovely summer day and he was admiring the sea animals when he saw a Dolphin swimming past.

  The friendly Mammal squawked as he swam past the small boat and Jaime thought whimsically " I wish I were a Dolphin,”

  He admired the grace and beauty of the exotic creature and wondered how it would feel
like to have such beauty around him.

  That night as he went over his day he thought of the Dolphin with its beauty and grace. It was his favorite sea animal and so he whispered the magical words

  “I wish I were a Dolphin” then off he was to bed dreaming of the ocean.

  He drifted off to sleep and suddenly he woke up and he was gliding effortlessly through the cool waters of the lovely blue ocean.

  With joy he swam against the strong currents and through some seaweeds. He dove deep into the ocean and saw a school of fish gliding past him.

  The water felt so cool and silky against his skin, then suddenly out of nowhere he swam into a huge net and became entangled in its webbing the more he tried to get free the more entangled he became. Though he tried to swim away quickly he was unable to escape the fisherman's huge net.

  "Bring it up” He heard a Man yell and the huge net was hauled out of the ocean with a school of fish.

  A Small man with a weathered face peered deep into the net and Jaime fearfully saw that he was on a fishing vessel. The Man peered into the net and yelled

  “ Look, I caught a Dolphin”

  “ Can we keep him?” He asked hopefully.

  “ Well he is a Dolphin,” A taller Man standing behind him replied “ And we don’t eat Dolphins”

  At these words Jaime breathed a sign of relief.

  “ Yea but we can sell him to the aquarium ” The first man implored

  “ They would pay good money for him”

  “ Okay I guess we could do that,” The second Man agreed.

  The First man grinned and dumped the net into a big tub of water.

  The fishing boat was turned and soon they reached land, Jaime was transported via a truck to a new location and handed over to some people.

  They transferred him to their huge aquarium and left him there.

  Jaime didn’t like the aquarium it was dark, cold and too quiet.

  He swam around for a bit not happy at the turn of events and then noticed that there was another dolphin in the aquarium too.

  “Hi my name is Jaime” He squawked with his dolphin voice.

  The sad looking mammal glanced at him and squawked in return

  “Hi, am Lacy” She said then turned her head.

  “Are you alright Lacy?” He asked as he swam over to her.

  “My fin hurts” She replied and looked at her dorsal fin. Jaime glanced at the fin in question and saw that it looked red and inflamed.

  He wondered how he could help the sad Dolphin so he swam closer to her and tried to comfort her. He stayed close to her but after the exciting day he had he was tired so he dozed off.

  The next morning he woke up in his own bed and thought of the sick Dolphin and how he could help her feel better. That day he asked his Mother to take him to the aquarium and she agreed.

  When they got to the aquarium he rushed over to the huge tank with the Dolphin swimming inside. The Dolphin who he had occupied its body the night before was swimming around close to Lacy while Lacy was still lying down at the bottom of the tank

  “Mom, I think she is hurt” Jaime said pointing at the Dolphin.

  “Why do you think so?” His mother asked curiously.

  “Because she is not swimming,” He replied rationally.

  “Well, she might be tired “ She countered.

  “She is hurt mom” He insisted.

  Jaime’s Mom was concerned at his insistence so she stepped forward to take a closer look at the sick dolphin and called an attendant over and told her what Jaime had said.

  The attendant said they’d have their veterinarian check the dolphin and Jaime left the aquarium with his mom.

  The next day Jaime asked to go to the aquarium again after school to check up on the Dolphin and they did.

  Lacy was swimming around happily with the second Dolphin and Jaime watched them as they nudged each other playfully. When Jaime went right up to the tank for a closer look at them she swam up to him and nudged the glass in gratitude.



  It was a cool autumn day and Jaime was out with his mom, she had gone shopping and taken Jaime had gone with her.

  Jaime love shopping, he loved the smell of freshly baked bread from the Bakery, the pretty clothes in the boutiques and the chatter of other shoppers.

  While in the big Departmental store his mom saw a friend of hers and got talking so Jaime wandered away to stare at the Huge Television screens located in the electronics area and watched as the cartoon “Cinderella” played on TV.

  “ I wonder how it feels to be a Prince” He thought aloud and then heard his mother call out for him.

  That night as he lay down in his bed he remembered his thoughts and whispered the magical words.

  “ I wish I were a Prince”

  In a flash he felt a tingle and woke up in a huge bed.

  Excited at the awaiting adventure he rushed out of the huge room and into a great hall. A pair of guards was standing at the doorway; and they in turned startled at the sound of his running footsteps and quickly took up a defensive stance.

  “ Are you alright my lord?” They asked when they saw no immediate threat.

  Jaime quickly stood up straight in what he imagined was a princely stance and responded

  “ Of course”

  They relaxed their stance in relief and Jaime looked around in confusion. Everything seemed so big and strange and he didn’t know where to go. Turning around in circles he asked the guards sheepishly

  “ The kitchen?”

  The guard on the right responded

  “ Down the stairs and through that great hall, it’s the door on the left”

  “ Right, thanks” Jaime responded and tried to walk slowly down the stairs. He felt them staring at him curiously but he did not look back.

  When he got down the stairs he walked down a huge hall and followed the delicious smells into the room where he was directed.

  It was like every boy’s dream fantasy on a huge table there was a huge assortment of goodies from iced Cakes to Frozen Yoghurts. It seemed every single delicacy in the world was spread out on the table in the center of the room

  “ Oh your Majesty” A Maid said startled at the sight of him.

  She curtsied and quickly wiped her hands on an apron.

  He smiled at her and stretched out his hand in greeting

  “ Hi, I am …” He paused not quite knowing he was just then.

  “ Your …”, she continued and when he stared at her in expectation she completed her sentence

  ” Prince James”.

  “That I am,” He said in relief, he walked around the table spoilt for choice and so he grabbed a couple of scones.

  He nodded in dismissal and turning quickly left the room as the maid stared at his royal highness barefoot and still in his pajamas.

  He turned left into a gallery filled with lovely paintings and then he went to another room painted blue filled with antique furniture.

  He was so caught up with the sights and sounds that he didn’t notice that he wasn’t alone till he heard a voice clearing to his right

  “James Cadbury Hector the III, whatever are you wearing” A stately voice bellowed.

  He turned around in surprise and saw a lovely couple dressed elegantly and staring at him in disbelief.

  The man who had spoken continued

  “Get dressed immediately, we have company” standing a few feet behind the handsome couple were a group of people gawking at the Prince.

  Jaime felt his cheeks heat up in embarrassment and he quickly left the room with a badly executed bow.

  When he got to the stately room a young man was waiting for him who introduced himself as his butler was waiting for him.

  Jaime was washed, dressed and perfumed in quick succession.

  “Apparently modesty was something a prince can ill afford” Jaime thought to himself as his Butler dressed him and ushered down the stairs and back into the blu
e room.

  He met with the waiting guests feeling a bit more dignified and the woman nodded approvingly and said

  “Come and give your mother a kiss now”

  He reluctantly strode forward and kissed the powdered cheek.

  They were ushered into the dining room and served an 11-course meal of delicious dishes. After the meal he was sent to the nursery and he saw a vast array of toys arranged neatly in the room.

  Sitting in the corner of the room knitting a sweater was an elderly woman

  “Why look at you” she exclaimed with spectacles perched on the tip of her nose.

  “Aren’t you a handsome boy”?

  He walked over to her and stretched out his hand in greeting,


  She stared at the hand puzzled at the change in the prince. The prince was usually always so reserved to the point of timidity, but he was acting so differently now.

  She shook his offered hand and watched as he touched the brightly painted rocking horse with wonder; he was especially fascinated with the replica of a castle and a life size puppy.

  “Something strange is going on here, “ she thought to herself but shrugged off the feeling and kept knitting the sweater.

  After playing for about an hour Jaime was a bit bored and decided to go out and explore the castle gardens.

  But as he tried to open the castle huge front doors the guards stopped him

  “I just want to go outside” he said, as he looked up at the imposing men in the red and gold uniform.

  “Your Highness cannot go outside” One man responded.

  “Why not?” Jaime asked.

  “Because it is not safe for the heir to the throne,” He explained.