Read Jak Phoenix Page 41

Chapter Twenty-Six - A New Season

  Larian was a mess of a planet, at least from what Jak saw. The people were kind, welcoming, and of course sincerely thankful for the return of their ancient planetary device, but the atmosphere of the world just seemed dead and sterile.

  It was for the most part true, in that Larian had been labelled by their very own scientists as an unbalanced world headed toward its ultimate doom. When they stepped off the ship onto Cyan’s home world, Jak nearly choked to death from the arid atmosphere. The first thing he thought was, ‘not another sand planet.’

  Jak had been to many desert worlds, but this one was on a whole different level of barrenness. Some planets seemed to be covered in sand and be proud of it; flaunting their dust storms and sand dunes and scorching suns as if to say, ‘So it’s hot here; what’s it to you?’ Something in the air made it feel like the life was being sucked out of Larian and it was crying out in torment.

  The strangest thing was that for all the heat and dryness, it wasn’t even sunny. The sky was a pale semi-translucent grey coloured haze which barely provided any contrast from the ground. It was a depressing sight and Jak would have found himself bored rather quickly, if not for his company.

  “Come with me,” said Cyan. “I want to show you something.”

  Cyan grabbed on to Jak’s hand for the third time that day and led him down a dusty street populated with a multitude of citizens attending the local market. For all the hardships the people had faced, they remained remarkably positive in their social behaviour. It seemed like Cyan had lightened up as well. When Jak had first met her, she was incredibly high strung and was ready to tear your head off at any moment. Now, she was so happy that each time she touched Jak’s hand, she seemed to spread her good energy to him, making his heart beat fast and his spirit high.

  Aside from a couple of hand-holds, Jak had not seen any affection like the kiss he had received in the flight deck of Murdock’s ship. He had been too timid himself, to be the aggressor and was patiently waiting to see if the kiss would be a singular event, born in the wake of disaster.

  After they left the scene of destruction and the remains of Captain Cartrite’s once feared ship, their first stop had been Rusty’s space station. It didn’t surprise Jak that Rusty had not been totally in the dark regarding Cyan and her plight. In turn, Rusty was not surprised that he wasn’t going to be getting a share of any proceeds. The good thing was that Murdock had been utterly shut down, and would be out of their hair for quite a while, if he even survived after he foolishly jumped into an escape pod and threw away a free ride home.

  The one thing they had gained was Murdock’s previously owned spacecraft. It really wasn’t a gain at all, since they had lost one ship in the effort of inheriting one. It was a good little ship and there was no question or discussion of it going to anyone but Dodge. He had used his own ship as a bomb in the effort to save his friends and in the very least he deserved a replacement.

  They had, of course, all received as much food and drink as they could possibly consume while in the company of the old jolly soul. Although Rusty insisted they were square, Jak knew deep down that he’d have to find a way to pay him back one day in the future, for all he had done for them.

  When they had completed enough repairs on the Tempest to make it somewhat safer and more comfortable to fly, it came time to shove off toward Larian to deliver the last tablet to its rightful owners. Baxter had chosen to stay back on Rusty’s station for a while to help Dodge on his refurbishment of Murdock’s old ship. While it had been damaged heavily by Jak’s assault and needed serious work to get it up to Dodge’s demanding standards, the real reason Baxter had explained to Jak was that he didn’t want to be a third wheel.

  Baxter knew how Jak felt about Cyan, and was an eyewitness to the kiss she gave him after she’d found Jak alive. He didn’t want to get in the way with whatever might occur between a man and a woman on a long space journey. Despite this, Baxter had left explicit instructions on the equal distribution of any prizes, riches or thank you gifts Jak might encounter on his trip out to Larian.

  Since Jak and Cyan were forced to sleep and pilot the Tempest in alternating shifts, they actually hadn’t seen much of each other. There hadn’t been an opportunity for much more than some light conversation and Jak had started to worry that things were becoming awkward between them instead of progressing forward.

  “This used to be a fountain that people would come from everywhere to see,” said Cyan. “My family would come here on holidays because there was always great music and dancing. Those really were wonderful days ...” She trailed off as she touched the ledge of the old fountain. She had led Jak to a massive multi tiered rock structure in the center of an intersection of several of the main streets in the town. “What do you think?”

  “It’s beautiful,” said Jak. He didn’t know if it was or it wasn’t. It was full of dust and dried vegetation and didn’t look like water had touched this ‘fountain’ in years, so he just assumed that it was supposed to be beautiful.

  Cyan caught Jak avoiding eye contact as he lied and smiled.

  “No it isn’t,” she said, laughing.

  “No really, it is.” Jak mimed the appearance of liquid spilling over the stone levels. “It just needs some water. And, maybe, someone to clean up some of those tumbleweeds.”

  Cyan delivered a playful slap on his arm to tell him she thought he was being funny, but to refrain from going any further. “You know, you’re very charming,” she said. Jak knew he was, but realized she was being sarcastic.

  When they had first arrived on the planet, Cyan rushed them to an old temple, which was decorated with the same carved patterns the tablets bore. The ancient building had been maintained and used by what seemed like their government officials. Jak had expected more fanfare, but the whole procedure had been rather uneventful. After he was hugged and thanked by every person in the building and offered an official passport to the planet, they were led to a small earthen room with an artful monument of carved stone in the center. Sun shone into the stale room from a point high up in the peak and illuminated an area which was just big enough for the tablet to rest.

  Cyan handed the Balarian tablet over to an elder, who, while handling it like an egg, placed the fragile object into the socket for which it was designed. Jak wasn’t surprised when nothing happened.

  The little device continued to glow internally but did not do much else. The old authorities didn’t appear to expect anything either, as they quickly turned, led them out of the room and resumed their regular business soon after. Even if it was nothing more than a symbol, Jak hoped it would be of some assistance to her people and perhaps push them into finding a way to rebuild their fading world.

  “I have to ask you something,” said Jak.


  As Jak walked with a slight limp through the old town trying to keep his full weight off his recovering leg, he couldn’t help but notice something surprising about the citizens of Larian. They had normal hair. He had expected to see a race of blue haired folk, but instead had only observed numerous heads of blond, grey and brown hair. The people were attractive — he had to give them that — but they portrayed a fairly basic style.

  “Do you dye your hair?”

  Since he’d known her, Cyan had never displayed any type of vanity. Up until now, he had never imagined her doing anything for herself. She seemed too focused and task oriented.

  “What do you think?”

  “Dye job.”

  She laughed. “You’ll find I’m a very complicated person.” Jak already was well aware of that. “And, unfortunately, that’s a secret I’ll never tell you.”

  He immediately felt more comfortable around her when he realized she had the ability to kick back and do something for herself. This also meant she knew she was sexy, which in a way made her even more so.

  “Alright. I can see how hair can be a touchy subject.”

  “Do you ever sto


  Her grip on his hand had tightened and Jak knew what was coming as she positioned herself in front of him and brought herself in close. Jak’s heart was pounding as her eyes met his and she reached in for a kiss. She kept her lips locked on to his for longer than their first kiss and Jak struggled to keep himself under control. She still smelled like fruit and her perfect figure pushed up against the front of his body in all the right places. Apparently, Balarians didn’t have any problems with public displays of affection.

  Jak embraced her and continued the kiss until he felt her back off and take a half step back so she could focus on his face.

  “I just want you to know that you did a really great thing,” said Cyan. “For me and for everyone here.”

  Before Jak had a chance to answer she was kissing him again, which was great for Jak, since he had totally run out of things to say at this point. His heart was pounding and his body was experiencing such a rush from having this amazing girl in his arms.

  Off to the side, Jak was sure he could hear some light commotion from the townspeople, but he didn’t dare break contact with her to investigate. She did it for him, looking to the surprised people and then to the distance behind Jak.

  Cyan gently touched the side of Jak’s unshaven face and smiled uncontrollably before reaching behind his neck and pulling herself close to him again. As she kissed him passionately Jak could feel tiny cool drops of liquid combining with the sweat on his forehead.

  Cyan backed her face away ever so slightly and said, “It’s raining.”

  Jak looked around. It might have been. It was difficult to tell in the hazy atmosphere. “I’d say it’s more of a drizzle.”

  “It hasn’t rained here in over twenty years.”

  Jak watched as the other townsfolk went about their celebratory embraces and considered for the first time that he may have actually helped someone out. Was it possible these tablets actually did have powers which couldn’t be explained?

  Any other time, he wouldn’t allow people to hold him responsible for odd changes in weather patterns. But as he stood there kissing the most beautiful girl he’d ever met while their hair started to drip in the growing mist, he wasn’t going to argue.

  The adventure continues in Jak Phoenix 2: The Markazian Deception. Available at all major ebook retailers...

  Jak Phoenix Online




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