Read James Braithwaite, the Supercargo: The Story of his Adventures Ashore and Afloat Page 2



  I may as well here give an account of the _Barbara_, and how I came tobe on board her. Deprived of my father, who was killed in battle justas I was going up to the University, and left with very limited means, Iwas offered a situation as clerk in the counting-house of a distantrelative, Mr Janrin. I had no disinclination to mercantile pursuits.I looked on them, if carried out in a proper spirit, as worthy of a manof intellect, and I therefore gladly accepted the offer. As my motherlived in the country, my kind cousin invited me to come and reside withhim, an advantage I highly appreciated. Everything was conducted in hishouse with clock-work regularity. If the weather was rainy, his coachdrew up to the door at the exact hour; if the weather was fine, theservant stood ready with his master's spencer, and hat, and gloves, andgold-headed cane, without which Mr Janrin never went abroad. Not thathe required it to support his steps, but it was the mark of a gentleman.It had superseded the sword which he had worn in his youth. I soon gotto like these regular ways, and found them far pleasanter than theirregularity of some houses where I had visited. I always accompaniedMr Janrin when he walked, and derived great benefit from hisconversation, and though he offered me a seat in the coach in badweather, I saw that he was better pleased when I went on foot. "Youngmen require exercise, and should not pamper themselves," he observed;"but, James, I say, put a dry pair of shoes in your pocket--therein iswisdom; and don't sit in your wet ones all day."

  Thus it will be seen that I was treated by my worthy principal from thefirst as a relative, and a true friend he was to me. But I wasintroduced into the mysteries of mercantile affairs by Mr GregoryThursby, the head clerk. He lived over the counting-house, and on myfirst appearance in it, before any of the other clerks had arrived, hewas there to receive me. He took me round to the different desks, andexplained the business transacted at each of them. "And there, MrJames, look there," he said, pointing to a line of ponderous folios on ashelf within easy distance of where he himself sat: "see, we haveSwift's works, a handsome edition too, eh!" and he chuckled as he spoke.

  "Why, I fancied that they were ledgers," said I. "Ha! ha! ha! so theyare, and yet Swift's works, for all that, those of my worthypredecessor, Jeremiah Swift, every line in them written by his own hand,in his best style; so I call them Swift's works. You are not the firstperson by a great many I have taken in. Ha! ha! ha!"

  This was one of the worthy man's harmless conceits. He never lost anopportunity of indulging in the joke to his own amusement; and Iremarked that he laughed as heartily the last time he uttered it as thefirst.

  I set to work diligently at once on the tasks given me, and was rewardedby the approving remarks of Mr Janrin and Mr Thursby. Mr Garrard hadlong ago left, not only the business but this world; the "Co." was hisnephew, Mr Luttridge, who was absent on account of ill-health, and thusthe whole weight of the business rested on the shoulders of Mr Janrin.But, as Thursby remarked, "He can well support it, Mr James. He's anAtlas. It's my belief that he would manage the financial affairs ofthis kingdom better than any Chancellor of the Exchequer, or otherminister of State, past or present; and that had he been at the head ofaffairs we should not have lost our North American Colonies, or have gotplunged over head and ears in debt as we are, alack! already; and now,with war raging and all the world in arms against us, getting deeper anddeeper into the mire." Without holding my worthy principal in such deepadmiration as our head clerk evidently did, I had a most sincere regardand respect for him.

  Our dinner hour was at one o'clock, in a room over the office. MrJanrin himself presided, and all the clerks, from the highest to thelowest, sat at the board. Here, however, on certain occasions, handsomedinners were given at a more fashionable hour to any friends orcorrespondents of the house who might be in London. Mr Thursby tookthe foot of the table, and I was always expected to be present. Atlength I completed two years of servitude in the house, and by that timewas thoroughly up to all the details of business. I had been verydiligent. I had never taken a holiday, and never had cause to absentmyself from business on account of ill-health. On the very day I speakof we had one of the dinners mentioned. The guests were chieflymerchants or planters from the West Indies, with a foreign consul ortwo, and generally a few masters of merchantmen. The guests as theyarrived were announced by Mr Janrin's own servant, Peter Klopps, whoalways waited on these occasions. Peter was himself a character. Hewas a Dutchman. Mr Janrin had engaged his services many years beforeduring a visit to Holland. He had picked Peter out of a canal, or Peterhad picked him out, on a dark night--I never could understand which hadrendered the service to the other; at all events, it had united themever afterwards, and Peter had afterwards nursed his master through along illness, and saved his life. The most important secrets of Statemight have been discussed freely in Peter's presence. First, he did notunderstand a word that was said, and then he was far too honest anddiscreet to have revealed it if he had.

  Several people had been announced. Ten minutes generally brought thewhole together. I caught the name of one--Captain Hassall. He was astranger, a strongly-built man with a sunburnt countenance and bushywhiskers; nothing remarkable about him, except, perhaps, the determinedexpression of his eye and mouth. His brow was good, and altogether Iliked his looks, and was glad to find myself seated next to him. He hadbeen to all parts of the world, and had spent some time in the India andChina seas. He gave me graphic accounts of the strange people of thoseregions; and fights with Chinese and Malay pirates, battles of a moreregular order with French and Spanish privateers, hurricanes ortyphoons. Shipwrecks and exciting adventures of all sorts seemedmatters of everyday occurrence. A scar on his cheek and another acrosshis hand, showed that he had been, at close quarters, too, on someoccasion, with the enemy.

  Mr Janrin and Mr Thursby both paid him much attention during dinner.Allusions were made by him to a trading voyage he had performed in theservice of the firm, and it struck me from some remarks he let drop thathe was about to undertake another of a similar character. I was notmistaken. After dinner, when the rest of the guests were gone, heremained behind to discuss particulars, and Mr Janrin desired me tojoin the conclave. I was much interested in all I heard. A large newship, the _Barbara_, had been purchased, of which Captain Hassall hadbecome part owner. She was now in dock fitting for sea. She mountedten carriage guns and four swivels, and was to be supplied with aproportionate quantity of small arms, and to be well manned. A letterof marque was to be obtained for her, though she was not to fight exceptin case of necessity; while her cargo was to be assorted and suited tovarious localities. She was to visit several places to the East of theCape of Good Hope, and to proceed on to the Indian Islands and China.

  "And how do you like the enterprise, James?" asked Mr Janrin, after thecaptain had gone.

  "I have not considered the details sufficiently to give an opinion,sir," I answered. "If all turns out as the captain expects, it must bevery profitable, but there are difficulties to be overcome, and dangersencountered, and much loss may be incurred."

  I saw Mr Janrin and the head clerk exchange glances, and nod to eachother. I fancy that they were nods of approval at what I had said.

  "Then, James, you would not wish to engage in it in any capacity?" saidMr Janrin. "You would rather not encounter the dangers anddifficulties of such a voyage?"

  "That is a very different matter, sir," I answered. "I should very muchlike to visit the countries you speak of, and the difficulties I cannothelp seeing would enhance the interest of the voyage."

  Again the principal and clerk exchanged glances and nodded.

  "What do you say, then, James, to taking charge of the venture assupercargo? My belief is that you will act with discretion and judgmentas to its disposal, and that we shall have every reason to be satisfiedwith you. Mr Thursby agrees with me, do you not, Thursby?"

  "I feel sure that Mr James will bring no discredit on the firm, sir,"answered Mr Thursby, smi
ling at me. "On the contrary, sir, no youngman I am acquainted with is so likely to conduce to the success of theenterprise."

  I was highly gratified by the kind remarks of my friends, and expressedmy thanks accordingly, at the same time that I begged I might be allowedtwo days for consideration. I desired, of course, to consult my mother,and was anxious also to know what another would have to say to thesubject. She, like a sensible girl, agreed with me that it would bewise to endure the separation for the sake of securing, as I hoped todo, ultimate comfort and independence. I knew from the way that shegave this advice that she did not love me less than I desired. I needsay no more than that her confidence was a powerful stimulus to exertionand perseverance in the career I had chosen. My mother was far moredoubtful about the matter. Not till the morning after I had mentionedit to her did she say, "Go, my son; may God protect you and bless yourenterprise!"

  I was from this time forward actively engaged in the preparations forthe voyage. My personal outfit was speedily ready, but I considered itnecessary to examine all the cases of merchandise put on board, that Imight be properly acquainted with all the articles in which I was goingto trade. "It's just what I expected of him," I heard Mr Janrin remarkto Mr Thursby, when one evening I returned late from my daily duties."Ay, sir, there is the ring of the true metal in the lad," observed thehead clerk.

  Captain Hassall was as active in his department as I was in mine, and wesoon had the _Barbara_ ready for sea with a tolerably good crew. Inthose stirring days of warfare it was no easy thing to man a merchantmanwell, but Captain Hassall had found several men who had sailed with himon previous voyages, and they without difficulty persuaded others toship on board the _Barbara_.

  Our first officer, Mr Randolph, was a gentleman in the main, and a verypleasant companion, though he had at first sight, in his everydayworking suit, that scarecrow look which tall gaunt men, who have beensomewhat battered by wind and weather, are apt to get. Our second mate,Ben, or rather "Benjie" Stubbs, as he was usually called, was nearly asbroad as he was long, with puffed-out brown cheeks wearing an invinciblesmile. He was a man of one idea: he was satisfied with being a thoroughseaman, and was nothing else. As to history, or science, or theinterior of countries, he was profoundly ignorant. As to the land, itwas all very well in its way to grow trees and form harbours, but thesea was undoubtedly the proper element for people to live on; and heseemed to look with supreme contempt on all those who had the misfortuneto be occupied on shore. The third mate, Henry Irby, had very littlethe appearance of a sailor, though he was a very good one. He wasslight in figure, and refined in his manners, and seemed, I fancied,born to a higher position than that which he held. He had served fortwo years before the mast, but his rough associates during that time hadnot been able in any way to alter him. Our surgeon, David Gwynne, was,I need scarcely say, a Welshman. He had not had much professionalexperience, but he was an intelligent young man, and had several of thepeculiarities which are considered characteristic of his people; but Ihoped, from what I saw of him when he first came on board, that he wouldprove an agreeable companion. Curious as it may seem, there were twomen among the crew who by birth were superior to any of us. I may,perhaps, have to say more about them by-and-bye. We mustered, officersand men, forty hands all told.

  I will pass over the leave-takings with all the dear ones at home. Iknew and felt that true prayers, as well as kind wishes, would follow mewherever I might go.

  "James," said my kind employer as I parted from him, "I trust youthoroughly as I would my own son if I had one. I shall not blame you ifthe enterprise does not succeed; so do not take it to heart, for I knowthat you will do your best, and no man can do more." Mr Thursbyconsidered that it was incumbent on him to take a dignified farewell ofme, and to impress on me all the duties and responsibilities of myoffice; but he broke down, and a tear stood in his eye as he wrung myhand, and said in a husky voice, "You know all about it, my dear boy;you'll do well, and we shall have you back here, hearty and strong, withinformation successfully to guide Garrard, Janrin and Company in many animportant speculation; and, moreover, I hope, to lay the foundation ofyour own fortune. Good-bye, good-bye; heaven bless you, my boy!"

  I certainly could not have commenced my undertaking under betterauspices. Having obtained the necessary permission of the HonourableEast India Company to trade in their territories, the _Barbara_proceeded to Spithead, and I ran down to pay a flying visit to myfriends, which was the cause of my joining the ship at Spithead in theway I have described, and where I left my readers to give thesenecessary explanations.

  The convoy was standing on under easy sail to allow the scatteredvessels to come up, and as long as there was a ray of daylight they wereseen taking up their places. Now and then, after dark, I could see aphantom form gliding by; some tall Indiaman, or heavy store-ship, orperhaps some lighter craft, to part with us after crossing the line,bound round Cape Horn. The heat was considerable, and as I felt noinclination to turn in, I continued pacing the deck till it had strucksix bells in the first watch. [Note 1.] Mr Randolph, the senior mate,had charge of the deck. He, I found, was not always inclined to agreewith some of the opinions held by our captain.

  "He's a fine fellow, our skipper, but full of fancies, as you'll find;but there isn't a better seaman out of the port of London," he observed,as he took a few turns alongside me. "I have a notion that he believesin the yarns of the _Flying Dutchman_, and of old Boody, the Portsmouthchandler, and in many other such bits of nonsense, but as I wassaying--"

  "What, don't you?" I asked, interrupting him; "I thought all sailorsbelieved in those tales."

  The captain had been narrating some of them to us a few evenings before.

  "No, I do not," answered the first mate, somewhat sharply. "I believethat God made this water beneath our feet, and that He sends the windwhich sometimes covers it over with sparkling ripples, and at othersstirs it up into foaming seas, but I don't think He lets spirits orghosts of any sort wander about doing no good to any one. That's myphilosophy. I don't intend to belief in the stuff till I see one of thegentlemen; and then I shall look pretty sharply into his characterbefore I take my hat off to him."

  "You are right, Mr Randolph, and I do not suppose that the captaindiffers much from you. He only wishes to guard against mortal enemies,and he has shown that he is in earnest in thinking that there is somedanger, by having come on deck every half-hour or oftener during thenight. There he is again."

  Captain Hassall stood before us: "Cast loose and load the guns, MrRandolph, and send a quartermaster to serve out the small arms to thewatch," he said quietly; "there has been a sail on our quarter for someminutes past, which may possibly be one of the convoy, but she may not.Though she carries but little canvas she is creeping up to us."

  The mate and I while talking had not observed the vessel the captainpointed out. "The skipper has sharp eyes," said the first mate, as heparted from me to obey the orders he had received. Our crew had beenfrequently exercised at the guns. Having loaded and run them out, thewatch came tumbling aft to the arm-chest. Cutlasses were buckled on andpistols quickly loaded, and boarding-pikes placed along the bulwarksready for use. The men did not exactly understand what all thispreparation was for, but that was nothing to them. It signifiedfighting, and most British seamen are ready for that at any time. Thecaptain now joined me in my walk. "It is better to be prepared, thoughnothing come of it, than to be taken unawares," he observed. "It is theprinciple I have gone on, and as it is a sound one, I intend to continueit as long as I live." I agreed with him. We walked the deck togetherfor twenty minutes or more, engaged in conversation. His eye wasconstantly during the time looking over our starboard quarter. Even Icould at length distinguish the dim outline of a vessel in thatdirection. Gradually the sails of a ship with taut raking masts becamevisible.

  "That craft is not one of our convoy, and I doubt that she comes amongus for any good purpose," exclaimed the captain. "I should like
tobring the frigate down upon the fellow, but we should lose our share ofthe work, and I think that we can manage him ourselves. Call thestarboard watch, Mr Stubbs."

  The men soon came tumbling up from below, rather astonished at being sosoon called. The other officers were also soon on deck Mr Randolphagreed that the stranger, which hung on our quarter like some ill-omenedbird of prey, had an exceedingly suspicious appearance, and that we wereonly acting with ordinary prudence in being prepared for him.

  "The fellow won't fire, as he would bring the frigate down upon him ifhe did," observed the first mate; "he will therefore either runalongside in the hopes of surprising us, and taking us by boardingbefore we have time to fire a pistol, which would attract notice, or,should the wind fall light, he may hope to cut us out with his boats."

  Eight bells struck. We could hear the sound borne faintly over thewaters from two of the Indiamen to windward of us, but no echo came fromthe deck of the stranger. The men were ordered to lie down under thebulwarks till wanted. Had Captain Hassall thought fit, he might, bymaking sail, have got out of danger, but he had hopes that instead ofbeing taken by the stranger he might take him. It struck me that wemight be running an unwarrantable risk of getting the vessel or cargoinjured by allowing ourselves to be attacked.

  "Not in the least," answered the captain; "we serve as a bait to thefellow, and shall benefit directly by catching him. If we were to givethe alarm he would be off like a shot, and depend on it he has a fastpair of heels, or he would not venture in among us, so that the frigatewould have little chance of catching him."

  The truth is, Captain Hassall had made up his mind to do something toboast of. Orders were now given to the men to remain perfectly silent;the stranger was drawing closer and closer; grapnels had been got readyto heave on board him, and to hold him fast should it be foundadvisable. It was, however, possible that his crew might so greatlyoutnumber ours that this would prove a dangerous proceeding. As to ourmen, they knew when they shipped that they might have to fight, and theyall now seemed in good heart, so that we had no fear on the score oftheir failing us. Our officers were one and all full of fight, thougheach exhibited his feelings in a different way. The surgeon's only fearseemed to be that the stranger would prove a friend instead of a foe,and that there would be no skirmish after all.

  "She's some craft one of the other vessels has fallen in with, and shehas just joined company for protection," he observed. "For my part Ishall turn in, as I am not likely to be wanted, either to fight or todress wounds."

  The wind, which had much fallen, had just freshened up again. "Whateverhe is, friend or foe, here he comes," exclaimed Mr Randolph. "Steady,lads!" cried the captain, "don't move till I give the word."

  As he spoke the stranger glided up, her dark sails appearing to towerhigh above ours. We kept on our course as if she was not perceived.With one sheer she was alongside, there was a crash as her yards lockedwith ours, and at the same moment numerous dark forms appeared in herrigging and nettings about to leap on to our deck. "Now give it them!"cried our captain. Our men sprang to their feet and fired a broadsidethrough the bulwarks of the enemy. The cries and shrieks which wereechoed back showed the havoc which had been caused. Shouts and blows,the clash of cutlasses, the flash of pistols, immediately followed. Ifelt a stinging sensation in my shoulder, but was too excited to thinkanything of it as I stood, cutlass in hand, ready to repel ourassailants. Many of those who were about to board us must have sprungback, or fallen into the water; a few only reached our deck, who were atonce cut down by our people. One man sprang close to where I stood. Iwas about to fire my pistol at him, when I saw that he was unarmed, so Idragged him across the deck out of harm's way. The next instant thevessels parted.

  "Give it them, my lads! Load and fire as fast as you can, or they willescape us," cried the captain in an excited tone.

  "Wing them! wing them! knock away their spars, lads!" He next orderedthe helm to be put down, the tacks hauled aboard, and chase to be madeafter our flying foe, while a blue light was burned to show ourlocality, and to prevent the frigate from firing into us when shefollowed, as we hoped she would.

  We had no doubt that the enemy, when he met with the warm reception wehad given him, took us for a man-of-war corvette, and on this came tothe conclusion that prudence was the best part of valour. There couldbe little doubt, however, that he would soon discover that our guns wereof no great size; and then possibly he might turn on us, and give usmore of his quality than would be desirable. Still we kept on pepperingaway at him as fast as we could, in the hopes of bringing down one ofhis masts, and enabling the frigate to come up. The lights of theconvoy were, however, by this time almost lost sight of. In vain welooked out for a signal of the approach of the frigate. No gun washeard, no light was seen. We were afraid of losing the convoyaltogether, and certainly it would have been against the spirit of ourinstructions to have attempted to deal single-handed with our opponent.Giving the enemy a parting shot most reluctantly, Captain Hassalltherefore ordered the helm to be put up, and we ran back in thedirection in which we expected to find the convoy.


  Note 1. This ordinary watch consists of four hours, and the bell isstruck every half-hour. As the first watch commences at eight, it wasthen eleven. There are two dog-watches from four to six and from six toeight p.m., in order that the same men may not be on duty at the samehours each day.